Tokyo host

Chapter 344 The universe at your fingertips

Chapter 344 The universe at your fingertips
"Thank you."

After taking the coffee handed over by the other party, Makoto Futaba gently placed it in front of him. He organized his words, and then asked, "That, Miss Xiaolin."

"Excuse me." The other party said with a smile.

"I don't know much about voice actors, can you introduce them for me?"

"Of course, where to start?"

Futaba Makoto thought for a while, and said, "Can you invite a popular voice actor?"

"A popular voice actor..." Ms. Kobayashi explained, "Of course you can hire one, but if you want to hire a high-profile voice actor, it depends on whether the other party has a suitable schedule, and whether the salary you pay can make the other party Satisfied, I think you, Mr. Futaba, also know that popular voice actors don’t have to worry about dubbing arrangements.”

"What's more, according to your needs, generally speaking, different games charge different fees."

"Of course, there will be a starting price. After all, if you really only have one sentence to match, the voice actors will not go to the recording studio to do it, and it is even less likely that they will accept this job."

Futaba Makoto nodded.

By the way, how much is the nail palace?
But she probably wouldn't be willing to serve it with butter, would she?

"What about the price?" Makoto Futaba asked what he was most concerned about.

"In terms of price, as I just said, the fees for different games are different." Kobayashi asked, "Mr. Futaba, is the game you want to make a card-drawing mobile game?"

"No, it's a galgame." Makoto Futaba said.

"Galgame generally doesn't charge for one sentence, and because of the different types, the price fluctuations will be a little bigger."

Kobayashi said, and then asked, "By the way, Mr. Futaba, in the galgame you made, what is the proportion of H performances? Or is there no such type?"

"H show." Futaba Makoto coughed, "Probably, there are some?"

He showed his fingertip universe.

"Some, how much? One-thirtieth?"

"29 out of [-]...".

Xiao Lin was stunned for a moment, and then reacted: "It turns's like this."

Perhaps because of her high professionalism, she quickly recovered after a second of sluggishness: "There are so 'some', Mr. Futaba."

After being ridiculed by the other party, Makoto Futaba smiled helplessly.

"If it's this type, some voice actors won't accept it." Kobayashi said, "Of course, there are also some voice actors who can accept a small number of H performances. If [-]% of them are H performances like yours, maybe find some Newcomer voice actors will be more suitable and more efficient."

"After all, first-line voice actors still have to arrange schedules."

"The new voice actor..." Futaba Makoto thought for a while.

"Please don't worry, the performance of many new voice actors is completely fine after professional training." Maybe Makoto Futaba is worried about whether the new voice actors are competent, Kobayashi said.

"If a popular seiyuu has to wait in line, it's not unacceptable for a newcomer." Makoto Futaba hesitated, "Miss Kobayashi."


"How much is the price for a new voice actor?"

"It depends on the amount of text in your game. According to the amount of text in traditional galgames, the price for a new voice actor and a character is about 40 yen. Of course, the price varies according to different voice actors. I just gave it to you A reference price is provided."

"40?" Makoto Futaba thought for a while, and it was much cheaper than he imagined, probably because of the rookie voice actor, and the big names dare not think about it.

"Then how can I find the voice actor I want?" Makoto Futaba asked.

"There is no problem with this at all. You can come to the recording studio to find a voice actor to audition, or you can send a trial draft and the required tone to the voice actor separately, and then the other party can record it and send it to you."

Makoto Futaba suddenly asked curiously: "Miss Kobayashi, by the way, how much does a voice actor cost for animation dubbing?"

"Animation?" Kobayashi answered patiently after hearing it, "A voice actor is about 15000-45000."

Futaba Makoto nodded.

From this point of view, galgame's text dubbing fee is not expensive anymore.

"Excuse me, do you have any questions about the price?" Kobayashi asked with a smile when he saw Makoto Futaba thinking.

In fact, at Makoto Futaba's age, she has seen many gamers, and many producers want to dub games, but it is impossible to have only one voice actor in a game, so the total is not a small number.

So it is not a student who can afford the cost.

"Actually, if it's not full-text dubbing, it can be much cheaper." Xiaolin said, "Like galgame, you can only add a few sentences, maybe a few modal particles."

Futaba Makoto came to his senses at this time. Seeing Xiao Lin being so enthusiastic about helping him with his ideas, he smiled slightly: "Ah, I'm not thinking about this. In terms of price, I think it's quite suitable."

"Is it?"

Kobayashi froze for a moment, then nodded slightly.

"How many voice actors do you need?" Kobayashi asked, "Mr. Futaba."

"Generally speaking, how many do you need?"

"It depends on how many roles you have to dub. Of course, there are also voice actors who can dub multiple roles. Of course, the remuneration paid must also be increased."

"Well, I understand."

After chatting with Miss Xiaolin all morning, both of them felt hungry.

"If you don't mind, let me treat you to a meal." Makoto Futaba said, "There are many restaurants nearby."

"You're too polite, I'll just go home and settle it myself."

"I still have something to ask, if you can, please don't refuse."

"In that case...then I would be more respectful than obedient."

After the two left the coffee shop, they came to a nearby restaurant.

Perhaps after talking about work, the two began to chat about lighter topics.

"May I ask, Mr. Futaba, what is your age?"

"Second year in high school." Makoto Futaba said.

"Why do you suddenly want to make games? Is it because you don't want to go to university?" Xiaolin asked with a smile. After all, not every high school student will go to school, and most high school students will choose to find a job after graduating from high school.

"If you are in university, you can still pass the exam." Makoto Futaba said, "My grades are generally not in the top three. It should not be very difficult to get into a university."

"That's amazing, so are you making games in your spare time?"

Kobayashi seemed to understand something. Students like Makoto Futaba probably had good grades and a rich family, so they had the money and energy to do this kind of thing.

You must know that when she was in high school, she had to help clean the bathroom at home every day when she came home.

But Kobayashi was also curious, why did he make that kind of game?
Could it be that this handsome and dignified boy is unexpectedly very horny?
(End of this chapter)

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