The heavens start from Maoshan

Chapter 425 Heaven's Wrath

Chapter 425 Heaven's Wrath


Still down.

Zhang Heng walked in the town.

into the eye.

Many houses were crushed by the heavy snow.

Some families, young and old, were buried in the rubble.

Some were lucky, seeing the creaking sound of the house, they escaped wrapped in quilts, and several people snuggled up to each other, sitting in a group in the snow to keep warm.

"Why are you lying here?"

Zhang Heng walked forward.

Passing an intersection, I saw a middle-aged man lying in the snow with a burden beside him.

Zhang Heng knew him.

Everyone calls him Ma Laowu. Whenever there is a big market, he will take his wife to the market to sell fried rice.

"It's comfortable here."

Ma Laowu lay on the snow, looking at ease.

Zhang Heng saw something was wrong.

Looking to both sides, he asked doubtfully, "Where's your wife?"


Old Ma didn't even open his eyes.


Thinking of the heavy snowfall, Zhang Heng asked, "The house was crushed?"


"I said I was going to run away, but everyone was stupid and insisted on moving things outside."

"And then it fell. My wife, my father, my mother, and my four-year-old daughter all fell into it."

Ma Laowu looked indifferent, as if he was not talking about himself: "I just said to bring some rice noodles, don't be reluctant to part with the furniture in the house, so greedy, God won't allow it."

Zhang Heng was silent for a while.

Don't know what to say.

See him not talking.

Ma Laowu sat up, and suddenly said, "Are you hungry? I brought rice noodles. Let me fry a bowl of rice for you."

Shaking his head slightly.

Zhang Heng is very clear.

This is great grief without tears, great pain without sound.

Ma Laowu seemed to be unaware and nothing happened, but he was so sad, so sad, as if the dead was a stranger, and he couldn't feel the sadness.

After a while, the brain reacted.

Only then will he understand that his parents, wife, and children are all dead, and he is the only one left.

of course.

There are also those who have not responded.

We call this kind of person a lunatic.

just now.

Ma Laowu is a little crazy.

The whole family died, and I was the only one left in this icy world.

Which normal person would ask others if they want to eat fried rice under such circumstances.

Saying these words shows that Ma Laowu is no longer normal.

"How can this be done?"

Go forward again.

A group of people gathered in front.

Zhang Heng listened beside him.

There was a widow surnamed Song. Last summer, her husband was in corvée and was crushed to death while moving a stone, leaving only a pair of orphans and widows.

Because the child is still young.

Widow Song never remarried, and took care of her children alone, relying on odd jobs and her natal family's support to get by.

this morning.

The neighbor wanted to ask Widow Song to dig grass roots together.

After knocking on the door for a long time, no one opened.

Kick the door and have a look.

Widow Song had froze to death.

It's cold, because I have to work, and there is no man in the family to go out to cut firewood. Widow Song's family does not have much firewood.

She always saves on burning, and if she can save a little bit, it is a little bit.

But the [-] days of heavy snow still burned all the firewood at home.

When kicking open the door.

Widow Song lay naked on the bed.

The quilts and blankets at home are all covered on the child.

The child is fine.

But everyone couldn't laugh.

It's freezing cold, how can a newly weaned child live.

"Yesterday afternoon, Widow Song came over with her child in her arms. I didn't understand what was going on."

"Thinking about it now, Widow Song's house probably didn't have any firewood yesterday afternoon."

An old lady said with regret.

"The same goes for Xiao Song. If there is no firewood at home, he doesn't open his mouth. If he doesn't have firewood, he just talks. The family will give some, and the accumulation will add up. How can we stay a few more days." Zhuge Liang complained after the incident.

Hear this.

Everyone didn't talk to each other.

It snowed heavily during the day and at night for half a month.

Who knows when the snow will stop.

One family borrowed some firewood, it sounds nice, how many other families will borrow it.

If it was so easy to borrow, how could Widow Song freeze to death?

"Widow Song is gone, what about her child?"

The little daughter-in-law at the side said: "Lai San, haven't you been making noise all the time, saying that this child is like you, do you want to recognize him as your son? What do you say?"

"Daughter-in-law of the Liu family, please stop making trouble. Don't you know what I'm thinking? I didn't want to marry Widow Song and coaxed her to say it."

The person known as Lai San even retreated: "Besides, I'm an old bachelor. I don't have a wife in my 30s. If you give me a three-year-old child, I won't take care of it."

Your words, my words.

No one wants to raise this child.

In the end, he was an old poor butcher with six daughters and no son. When he heard about this, he was so happy that he wanted to take the child away.

"Xiaomiaozhu, this child doesn't have a name yet."

The pig butcher hugged the child, and asked Zhang Heng with a happy face: "Thanks to you, what do you think the child's name is?"

Zhang Heng carried the child over to have a look.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said: "The child is too young to raise. Before the age of 12, he can't afford a name. He only has a baby name. His baby name should be Tian'er, which means the son of God. I hope he can get the baby from God. Borrow a fortune."


Zhang Heng paused again: "If he can live past the age of 12, he will be renamed Tianliu, which means God wants to save his life and let him grow up well."

"My God."

"God stay."

"Wang Tianliu"

The pig butcher bowed again and again: "Thanks to you, this child will live a long life in the future."

Zhang Heng didn't speak.

Heaven and earth are repeated, and all living beings suffer.


Not necessarily a good thing.

"Zhang Heng, you are back"

Going around.

Zhang Heng returned to Tiger God Mountain.

Hu Mengmeng sat on the top of the mountain, staring into the distance in a daze: "Zhang Heng, when will the snow stop? I want to catch the old rabbits. The snow is too thick to catch them."

Zhang Heng is also not sure: "Heavy snow crushes the city. It is God's will. God is showing the world that the Li Dynasty is unorthodox. He wants to make the Dali territory full of flames and blood flow into rivers. In my opinion, this snow is just the beginning. It's hard to say when it will end."

Li Huangxing is domineering.

I want my will to be God's will, and replace it with the sky.

And this nationwide snowstorm is the counterattack of God's will.

Because of successive years of disasters and no food to eat, the people will be chaotic and rebellious.

For a long time.

Not to mention ordinary people, even monks would be dissatisfied with the Dali Dynasty.

At this point.

It's easy after that.

In many novels, there is a dynasty of resentment and anger.

There are also those protagonists who stand with the common people, shouting to overthrow the tyranny, and everyone is like a dragon.

To put it bluntly, the current version is used.

"I still have to go down."

Hu Mengmeng looked very disappointed.

It was another three days in a flash.

The snow still didn't stop.

It has been snowing for almost twenty days.

As far as Zhang Heng knows.

Just going down to the mountain village, 112 people died before and after.

To know.

This is just freezing to death, and people who were crushed to death when houses collapsed.

Compared with these direct disasters.

The food shortage that is about to come later, that is ten rooms and nine empty spaces, and it makes people shudder to think about it.

"One year of drought, one year of flood."

"A year of worms, a year of snow."

this day.

Zhang Heng stood on the top of the mountain.

Looking at the white and clean land, he whispered: "It is God's will to clean the world with heavy snow."

"I uphold the righteous law and cultivate myself. I shouldn't go against the sky."

"However, the seven emotions and three karmas lose their spiritual sources, and they are half mortal and half immortal. If they practice it, they will be extremely yang and have no respect. Naturally, troubles have nothing to do with it."

"Heaven plotted against Emperor Li with catastrophe in the world, but I can't agree with such an act. If people's hearts are not right, it should be justified. If heaven's heart is not right, so what?"

Shaking his head slightly.

Zhang Heng turned into a white light.

Soaring into the sky.

"Floating world and common people, this is a catastrophe."

"Rising and falling, there is a definite number in the dark."

"God, I don't care what happens between you and Lihuang, but this heavy snowfall is indeed your fault."

Zhang Heng sat cross-legged on the cloud, with three mountain seals in his hands: "Huang Tian has magic, infinite changes, I am reciting the mantra now, and I will travel everywhere."

A white light rose from Zhang Heng's body.

Rush to the world in all directions.

Being rushed by this white light, the dark clouds in the sky instantly disintegrated, and the continuous [-]-day heavy snow also stopped, and finally there was a sun in the sky.

"People's hearts are hard to change, and the heart of heaven is unpredictable."

"When I recite today, it will illuminate mountains and rivers for thousands of miles"

Zhang Heng's face was pale, and he looked at all this blankly: "I hope I did nothing wrong."

Rebirth is short.

Zhang Heng's strength has not recovered.

This display of magic almost exhausted the power of the immortal soul he carried when he descended to the world, and the price was not insignificant.

of course.

The effect is also obvious.

When the wind and snow stopped, there was the sun.

The life of the common people can be better, as for the use of the great supernatural power to change the climate of a world, what kind of serious consequences will there be.

Zhang Heng actually couldn't say well.

Because since his debut, he has always been wise and safe.

If you don't go against it, don't go against it, just ask yourself to be happy.

This shot is really unsightly, but he is not sure whether his behavior is good or bad for all living beings.

after all.

He is not heaven.

If God is furious, he thinks that he and Li Huang are in the same group.

When more serious natural disasters come down, more people will die at that time.

boom! !

was thinking.

A thunderstorm fell for nine days and came straight to Zhang Heng.

Zhang Heng disappeared instantly.

Thunder only hit his afterimage.

Look up at the sky.

This day is really domineering.

(End of this chapter)

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