Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1362 Master Guangcheng, You Know My Gongsun Xuanyuan

Chapter 1362 Master Guangcheng, You Know My Gongsun Xuanyuan

"Lang Jun!"

Mrs. Shangyuan sat sideways beside Kong Qing with a smile on her face, holding her cheeks with her hands, and looked at Kong Qing without blinking, with a smile on her face.

"My mother sent a message from Kunlun, asking me to take you, a sweet guest of Kunlun, back to Kunlun to formally settle my marriage. Let's see when the two of us will leave!"


After hearing these words, Kong Qing turned his head and looked at Mrs. Shang Yuan silently.

The little lady Shangyuan is really getting more and more skinny, and she dares to falsely preach the imperial decree!This is obviously the golden mother. Her old man guessed that she had returned from the fact that she beheaded the Red Emperor, so she couldn't wait to summon herself, and wanted to let herself fulfill the promise she made to her back then, okay? Keep up with Yuanhe I don't have a dime relationship in my marriage, okay?


Maybe after I solved the burden of Jinmu and her old man this time, she might really decide on Shangyuan's marriage with herself as soon as she was happy. After all, Jinmu can do such a thing as a person of.

But let's make a decision, anyway, I'm not the kind of scumbag who doesn't intend to take responsibility!

Thinking of this, Kong Qing showed a gentle smile on his face, nodded slightly to Mrs. Shang Yuan, expressing his agreement.

"I see, I just plan to go to Kunlun recently, and talk to the mother of Jin about the previous agreement, and the matter of Chidi's death in my cloud city... Mmm! Just a day or two, we Let's go to Kunlun!"

After hearing Kong Qing's affirmative words, Mrs. Shangyuan's face immediately showed a look of satisfaction.

"Lang Jun!"

The moment Kong Qing had just agreed to Mrs. Shangyuan, Mrs. Taiyin, who was sitting on the other side of Kong Qing, had already raised her head to look at him, speaking with a serious face and majesty.

"My emperor invited you to Biluo more than ten years ago, but because of your return to the fairy world, Mr. Lang, I have been helping you to decline. Now that you are back, shouldn't you also accept the appointment? "

"An invitation from the Northern Emperor Zhi Xianji?"

After hearing Mrs. Taiyin's words, Kong Qing raised his head slightly, and suddenly the stubborn face of a young man looking at him with grief and indignation appeared in his mind, and the corners of his mouth immediately raised slightly uncontrollably.

"Let's take it easy on this one, otherwise, if I just entered Biluo Xiandu on the front foot, I'm afraid Beidi will do it himself and beat me out of Xiandu on the back foot!"

"Lang Jun, are you kidding me..."

Mrs. Taiyin frowned, looked at Kong Qing majesticly, and said in bewilderment.

"My emperor is generous, treats people harmoniously, has the attitude of being kind like water, benefiting all things without fighting, how could he beat you when you just entered Biluo Xiandu, Mr. Lang?"

"I'm not kidding!"

Kong Qing waved his hands with a smile, and said to Mrs. Taiyin with a smile.

"At the beginning, more than 3000 years ago, before the child Zhi Xianji started to practice, he tried to defeat me with his own body, but because his strength was too weak at that time, he never succeeded!

And now that he is also one of the five emperors, a top figure in the cultivation world, it is naturally impossible for him to tolerate me, the outdated Xuanyuan Huangdi, so I estimate that he has at least an 80.00% chance of confirming my identity. hands on. "


After hearing Kong Qing's words, Mrs. Taiyin frowned immediately.

As a female fairy who has only been enlightened for more than 2000 years, she can't imagine that His Majesty the Black Emperor who has always been gentle and refined in her impression, who even speaks in a soft voice, and who is only a faint smile when she is robbed or contradicted by herself, can do it. It came about brazenly attacking others in public.

"Lang Jun, I think you must be worrying too much. My emperor will never do such an immoral and disrespectful thing like attacking the guests who enter Biluo Xiandu in public!"

"Hahaha... Taiyin, you don't know something!"

After hearing Mrs. Taiyin's words, Kong Qing suddenly laughed softly.

"That child Zhi Xianji may indeed not do such a thing to other people, but I, Gongsun Xuanyuan, are not others..."

Ding Ding Dong Dong!

Before Mrs. Taiyin continued to ask Kong Qing why the Black Emperor treated him differently from others, the familiar ringtone of the mobile phone around Kong Qing’s waist rang again.

'Two tigers, two tigers...'

Kong Qing casually picked up his fingers, and the mobile phone hanging on his waist flew up again, and the video was connected.

"Twenty Niang, what's the matter?"

"Report to the Lord!"

Twenty Niang in the mobile phone video bowed her head respectfully and said.

"Seven Killing Star Luo Shixin reported that Guangcheng Immortal Venerable appeared at the south gate of Yunzhong City, and asked to see you, the Lord, by name..."

"It's really strange, the master came so fast this time, so did Mr. Mu cure his procrastination?"

After hearing Erniang's words, a calm smile appeared on Kong Qing's face.

"Twenty Niang, tell Luo Shixin to open the south gate and organize the team. I will rush back immediately to welcome Master and the old man to Yunzhong City!"


Shi Niang nodded vigorously, and then saw the screen of the mobile phone in front of Kong Qing flashing and then turned off again, and before the call ended, Kong Qing clearly heard Shi Niang's voice coming from inside.

"31, tell Luo Shixin to open the south gate, organize the team..."



After a slight rubbing sound, the vendors who were still setting up their stalls outside the south gate of Yunzhong City were surprised to see that the gate of Yunzhong City, which had always been closed and locked, leaving only a small door for people to enter and exit, turned towards the door. The two sides were opened, and the pure spiritual energy poured out from the city gate in an instant, turning into curling white smoke.

Immediately afterwards, there was another burst of heavy footsteps from the city gate, and then a large group of steel heavenly soldiers came out from both sides of the city gate with neat steps, and lined up to the left and right.

"Raise the sword!"

With a shout from the top of the city, these steel heavenly soldiers pulled out a huge two-handed sword from behind in an instant, and raised it obliquely towards the front, showing a gesture of respect.

After seeing the scene in front of them, the vendors in the open space suddenly showed surprise expressions on their faces.

"With such a high courtesy, is there any distinguished guest in Yunzhong City?"

"In the battle not long ago, Master Qingxia and Master Qingwei even beheaded Chidi, one of the five emperors. Who else in this cultivation world can be called a distinguished guest in front of them?"

"Could it be Mugong or Jinmu? I heard that Jinmu appeared when Yunzhongcheng was discussing Taoism with the Shangqing sect!"


Amidst the whispers of these merchants, a handsome young Taoist priest in a white Taoist robe floated out from among the steel heavenly soldiers, waving a snow-white jade whisk.


After seeing the figure of this young Taoist priest, the expressions of surprise on the faces of the vendors grew stronger.

"It turns out that Daoist Qingwei came out to greet him in person. Could it be that the distinguished guest who came is really Mugong or Jinmu?"

Before the voices of these merchants fell completely, the young Taoist priest in white looked around the crowd for a while, then clasped his fists, and fell down on a long-haired man in a long robe standing on the side of the city gate. bow down.

"Disciple sees Master!"


Facing the white-clothed Taoist's salute, the long-haired man only slightly raised his hand, and then turned his eyes, passing across the faces of the surrounding vendors who were looking at him with curiosity, awe, and doubts, and then wrinkled slightly frown.

"There are too many people here, let's go to your cloud city to talk!"

As he said that, the long-haired man stepped forward and walked in calmly from under the giant swords held high by those steel heavenly soldiers, while the Taoist priest in white hurriedly got up and chased after him, and disappeared into the doorway together.

After the figures of the two of them disappeared, I saw those burly steel heavenly soldiers leaving four heavenly soldiers on duty in front of the gate, and the rest of them retreated into the city gate again with heavy steps. The south gate of the city was also tightly closed again.

After all this was over, the vendors present whispered again.

"The distinguished guest who came was the long-haired man from before..."

"Which distinguished guest asked me about the price before, but I insisted on not giving in... Alas! What a pity, if I had relaxed a little at that time, wouldn't I have made friends with the distinguished guest now?"

"Do any of you know who this distinguished guest is? I always think he looks very familiar!"

"Depending on the situation, the distinguished guest should be Master Qingwei's teacher, but isn't Master Qingwei's teacher Qingxia?"



In Yunzhong City, the long-haired Guang Chengzi with his hands behind his back casually looked at the mana rails around him that were shining with light and chatting with each other from time to time, and said lightly.

"Didn't I hear that the body of your Gongsun Xuanyuan has returned? Why are you still so innocuous?"

"Report to Master!"

After hearing Guang Chengzi's words, Kong Qing immediately replied respectfully.

"The power my body now possesses has surpassed the upper limit of this world, and it is impossible to return. My return to the fairy world this time is just to regain all the memories of my being Gongsun Xuanyuan from the body."


Regarding Kong Qing's explanation, Guang Chengzi nodded his head irresponsibly.

"Qingdi said that your body came back more than 100 years ago. The current Qingwei is just your body splitting up. What happened? Xuanyuan, tell me, did your body come from taking away?"


After hearing Guang Chengzi's words, Kong Qing was a little taken aback!

How did Emperor Qing know that his insignificant body was acquired by seizing... Okay!Perhaps this should not be called Duoshe. After all, Duoshe is the soul occupying the body of a living person, and when I came here, it occupied the body of a dead Qingwei. There is an essential difference, okay?

"Emperor Qing said that my body was obtained by seizing the body? What kind of joke is this? If I had seized the body, how could it be possible that I would not have remembered anything about being Xuanyuan Huangdi in my previous life? Master, you know me well , how could my Gongsun Xuanyuan do such a thing as seizing a house to extend his life by hurting others?"

"I really don't understand this!"

Guang Chengzi nodded lightly at first, then glanced at Kong Qing casually.

"After all, Xuanyuan, didn't you replace the foundation I taught you with the double cultivation technique of Jiuyou Sunu? If it weren't for the generosity of my master, you would have died several times. Believe it or not!"


Kong Qing blinked silently.

In fact, even when I was studying with Master Guangcheng, the foundation of my practice was not Guangchengzi's fairy art, but the Taiqing fairy art given to my favorite cub by Laojun, but this matter became more and more unacceptable. Master explain!
"Master, didn't you forgive me for this matter 3000 years ago?"

"Nonsense! I'm just an apprentice like you..."

Guang Chengzi gave Kong Qing a hard look.

"If I don't forgive you, what else can I do? Is it true that I will slap you to death just because you are obsessed with sex?"

(End of this chapter)

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