I'm Chasing Rough Guys at 80

Chapter 391 Open Your Eyes to See Who I Am, Your Father

Chapter 391 Open Your Eyes to See Who I Am, Your Father
According to Suizi's instructions, Yu Shuigou and his wife found Lao Yu's new home all the way.

Just looking at his big yard, Yu Shuigou couldn't help but spit out sour water.

This is two rooms put together, it is very big, and it is very conspicuous after being renovated, and you can feel the unusualness of this house from a long distance.

"Tie Gen's daughter-in-law wouldn't play tricks on us, she would ignore us before, why did she suddenly and generously tell us where her new home is?"

"We already know her secret, is she not afraid of us?" Yu Shuigou was satisfied.

He firmly believes that he has heard the most core and most valuable secret of Lao Yu's family, that is, there are people outside Suizi!

"But you haven't had time to threaten her with the fact that there are people outside her. How does she know that you know?"

The aunt said something like a tongue twister, and Yu Shuigou thought for a while before he understood what she meant.

He heard Suizi's "adultery" with others, and before he could tell Suizi, Suizi left in a hurry and told them the address before leaving.

"She is called a guilty conscience. Let's see her mother-in-law later and play by ear."

Yu Shuigou held back his bad ideas, determined that this time it would never be the same as before, and he would not return home if he could not get any benefits.

As soon as they arrived at the door, they saw Dongdong's grandfather and grandson walking out of the house.

Dongdong and his grandmother temporarily stayed at Lao Yu's house, and Dongdong's grandmother knew that Lao Yu's house had a happy event today, so she found an excuse to take her grandson out for a walk.

"His grandma! Don't go too far, remember to bring the child back for dinner later!"

Wang Cuihua chased out from the house and shouted.

Yu Shuigou and his wife hurriedly hid behind a big tree on the side of the road, and the aunt yelled at the uncle.

"His father, did you hear that? What does she have to do with that old lady?"

Just now they heard clearly, what Wang Cuihua said was "come back for dinner",

That means that the grandparent and grandson lived with Wang Cuihua. Seeing that the little boy was about the same age as Jiaojiao, but the old lady seemed to be old, Yu Shuigou and his wife gave wings to their imagination.

"This is her wild child out there! Absolute wild child!"

The two looked at each other excitedly, feeling that today is really an exciting day, knowing so many "secret histories" of Yu Jingting's family.

Wang Cuihua entered the room. At this time, her face was full of spring breeze and her mood was soaring.

After Yu Shuigou and his wife drank a lot of bad water outside, they entered the yard, saw the door was open, and entered without saying hello.

Only a man's powerful voice was heard in the room:

"Hua'er, come in and rub my back?"

"Damn ghost, what are you thinking in broad daylight~~~"

Wang Cuihua's age-inappropriate shyness almost made Yu Shuigou's head hit the door, and the aunt's jaw almost fell off.

I just saw that "wild child", and now a man ran out of the house to take a shower. Could this be - a large-scale "catch rape" scene?
Yu Shuigou felt that his chance had come, and his blood rushed to his head.

He raised his leg and kicked the door open with a bang, and his dantian sank:

"Wang, Cui, Hua!!! You unruly slut!"

Wang Cuihua, who was fooled into the bathroom by Yu Shuisheng, didn't even have time to admire her man, when she was startled by the voice of the unexpected visitor.

Yu Shuisheng frowned thickly, picked up a bath towel to surround himself, and put his arms around Wang Cuihua to pat him.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

".I'm afraid it won't happen, but where are you grabbing?!" Wang Cuihua lowered her head.

Yu Shuisheng had a righteous look on his face, but his hands were dishonest, and he took the time to benefit himself.

Unlike the flirting in the bathroom, Yu Shuigou and his wife stood outside the bathroom and kicked the door hard.

"Wang Cuihua! I know you're inside! Don't pretend to be dead! You have the ability to steal a man, but you can't come out?"

Wang Cuihua already knew who the visitor was, but she was puzzled by the three words "stealing a man" they said, and subconsciously looked at the "man" who was still taking advantage of it—this guy was full of anxiety, and used her to steal ? !

"Yushuigou, you two are not staying in your hometown, what are you doing here?" Wang Cuihua was halfway through the scolding, when she suddenly thought that her man was still by her side, and suddenly she was burdened with being an idol.

Forcibly swallowing the indecent words, he did not forget to glance at Yu Shuisheng.

Yu Shuisheng's thick eyebrows were furrowed, he already knew who was outside, and on the way back, Yu Jingting did not hesitate to talk about these old relatives of Yu's family.

He Yu Shuisheng is not a person who pays attention to "brothers and friends". When he heard that these guys bullied his women while he was not at home, he was already angry. .

These people are good, and they are delivered to the door by themselves?
Yu Shuigou and his wife thought that Wang Cuihua had been caught by them and dared not open the door, so they got even more vigorous and kicked at the door again.

"Although my younger brother is dead, you are raising our two children from Lao Yu's family. If you bring a wild man into 'our Lao Yu's family', it is a treason. My younger brother knows that, even a ghost will not let you go!"

With just a few words, Yu Shuigou transformed Yu Jingting's house into the public property of "Old Yu's family" wishfully.

"You let his mother--what nonsense?"

Wang Cuihua was very angry, and was about to scold Yu Shuisheng out of the corner of her eye, and held back.

In my heart, I can't stop complaining, I can't scold if I can't scold, it feels like a chicken laying an egg and holding back halfway, it's so uncomfortable.

"Open the door and let us see what your adulterer looks like. Let me tell you, Wang Cuihua, this is a serious matter. If you don't give us an explanation, tie you back and let the villagers scold you to death!"

Before Yu Shuigou finished speaking, the bathroom door opened, and he and the aunt stared round, waiting to see the real face of the adulterer.

But he saw a huge iron laundry tub buckled towards him, covering their stupid heads together impartially.

Yu Shuisheng slammed into the big laundry tub a few times, and the thing also brought back echoes, so loud that the eardrums of Yu Shuigou and his wife almost exploded.

Yu Shuisheng clasped his mouth, kicked Yu Shuigou hard on his knee, and Yu Shuigou knelt down. The aunt was holding the basin by herself, and she couldn't see what was going on, swearing mercilessly.

"Where did the wild man come from, dare to beat my man?"

"I not only beat him, but also you!"

Accompanied by the aunt's scream, Yu Shuisheng's leg precisely swept the aunt's stomach, kicking her away.

Wang Cuihua made a sound of surprise, and hurriedly grabbed the scarf around his waist with her hands. She had seen her son play too much in the fight scene, and she had long been used to it.

What she is worried about now is that her man cannot be seen by others.

"Wang Cuihua, you are too arrogant." Yu Shuigou knelt on the ground, his momentum had been lost by half, he groaned in pain, subconsciously raised his head, wanting to see where the adulterer was so arrogant.

"Open your dog eyes and see, who are your father and I!" Yu Shuisheng put his hips on his hips, looking coldly at these bastards who bullied his wife and children.

(End of this chapter)

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