The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 99 Meeting Ceremony

Chapter 99 Meeting Ceremony

There is a big difference between Wenwan walnuts and ordinary walnuts. Except for the selection, oiling, playing, collection and trading, Wenwan walnuts have thick skin, large pleats and fewer kernels. The walnuts with thin skin and large kernels are more suitable for consumption.

Before Su Yun came, she was mentally prepared to face all kinds of situations. She also set two requirements for herself. She must be generous and polite.

But now, people clearly like Wenwan walnuts, but she sent ten kilograms of walnuts to eat. She didn't feel so embarrassed that she forgot her words at the concert at the scene of such a rollover.

"Well, pecans are fine."

After a while, Xu Jie's father broke the embarrassment and said with a smile, "Pecans are nutritious, and eating them can make people smarter. I like them. Xiao Su really has a heart." Come out with a walnut clip, ready to clip a few walnuts to prove that you really like to eat.

However, when he opened the box, the whole person was stunned.

I saw an extra-large walnut on the walnut pile, with a full shape and clear lines. The most important thing is that this walnut has three edges.

He immediately took out the walnut and looked at it carefully, then hurriedly walked into a room next to it, and quickly came out of it.

At this time, there was another walnut in his hand. The two walnuts were placed together, the size was the same, and the lines were similar, just like twins.

"Dad, just kidding, this is the gift Su Yun gave you!" Xu Jie said with a smile.

Xu Baozhong was stunned when he heard it, looked at the pair of walnuts in his hand and smirked, as happy as a 170-jin child, and finally did not forget to thank Su Yun.

"Xiao Su, thank you for the gift, I've been looking for it for a long time."

Su Yun smiled stiffly and said "nothing", but her heart was full of confusion.

How come there is a Wenwan walnut in the box with walnuts?When she packed the box yesterday, she obviously didn't see it.

Is it...

She suddenly turned her head to look at Xu Jie, and found that the other person's face was full of smiles. She was not surprised at the appearance of Wenwan Walnut. That's right, it was him, he must have done it.

"Xiao Su, there are tens of thousands of walnuts out of these three-edged walnuts, not even one, let alone the same size and texture as mine, where did you find them?" Xu Baozhong asked while admiring the walnuts.

"Ah? I..." Su Yun panicked, this walnut was not prepared by her, how could she know where it came from?

"Dad, I'm a celebrity, so I know a lot of people, so naturally I have a lot of connections." Xu Jie explained: "As soon as I said you like Wenwan walnuts, and I said that you had a three-edged one that didn't match, she immediately found a friend. I got a few pairs of three-edged ones for me to pick, and then I found one similar to yours."

Xu Baozhong sighed and said moved: "Xiao Su has a heart." Then he looked at his wife and said, "Didn't you also prepare a gift for Xiao Su? Take it out."

"As you say, I remember." Wang Guizhi glanced at her husband who was stealing the show, and then took out a red box from the bag on the table.

Xu Jie's expression changed when he saw it, and he immediately said, "Mom, you should keep this thing for yourself, we don't want it."

Su Yun is very curious, what is in the box?
Gold jewelry?

Or an heirloom?
"Mom told you a long time ago that this is for my daughter-in-law. Although you haven't had a wedding yet, but if you get a marriage certificate, you are a husband and wife in the legal sense, and Xiao Su is my daughter-in-law." Wang Guizhi said Open the box.

What caught his eye was a piece of red cloth. Wang Guizhi lifted a corner, revealing a touch of green. As the red cloth was opened layer by layer, the meeting ceremony finally revealed its full face.

It was a pair of green shiny jade bracelets, the whole body was emerald green, the texture was delicate, crystal clear, very beautiful.

Su Yun didn't understand jadeite, but she could see that this pair of jadeite bracelets was definitely worth a lot of money, and it was worth tens of thousands, or even higher.

At this moment, Wang Guizhi took Su Yun's hand, put the box in the other's hand, and said with a smile, "The first time we met, Xu Jie didn't say what you liked, so this pair of bracelets should be regarded as a gift."

"I can't have such an expensive bracelet." Su Yun quickly shook her head and pushed the box back.

For her, a bracelet of tens of thousands is not expensive, and the limited edition Guchi mahjong she gave was also tens of thousands, but when she thought about Xu Jie when she went to her house, she didn't get anything, and she was targeted for a while. Can't take it anymore.

"No, you must accept this bracelet, unless you don't want to be the daughter-in-law of our Xu family." Wang Guizhi said seriously.

Su Yun was stumped.

Her marriage to Xu Jie was a collaboration. She really didn't deserve the pair of jade bracelets given to the daughter-in-law of the Xu family. She began to look at Xu Jie for help, as if to say: Please persuade your mother.

Xu Jie opened his mouth, and before he could speak, he saw his mother turn around, glared at him fiercely, and spit out three words: "Shut up!"

Xu Jie knew his mother's character, so what he decided to give away would definitely not be taken back, let alone for his daughter-in-law.

"You keep it." Xu Jie said, thinking in his heart that he would want to go back and keep it with him.

Su Yun wondered why Xu Jie suddenly changed her attitude, but since the other party agreed, she couldn't refuse any more, wouldn't she just pay tens of thousands of dollars, and when the big deal came, she could buy some more gifts.

"Thank you mom." Su Yun said sweetly.

"Okay, okay!" Wang Guizhi showed a satisfied smile on his face, then stood up and said, "You watch TV, or go outside for a while, and I'll go to the kitchen to cook lunch for you."

"Mom, I'll come." Su Yun put away the box and stood up, her face full of confidence.

"Cough cough!"

Xu Jie coughed twice after hearing it. Although Su Yun practiced for a few days and her cooking skills had improved slightly, she still did not have a good grasp of the amount of salt. The most important thing was that the dishes made by the other party would have a strange taste. The taste, every time he eats it, there will be a picture of a revolving lantern in front of him, that is, he has eaten too much in the past few days, and he is used to it.

"My mother's craftsmanship is excellent, and I haven't eaten my mother's cooking for a long time. I'll let my mother cook it today. Next time, next time, you can show it again." Xu Jie looked at Su Yun and said.

Su Yun tilted her head and looked at Xu Jie dissatisfied. If she didn't do it today, didn't she practice in vain before?

At this time, Wang Guizhi also said: "I have already prepared the dishes, just put them in the pot and smash them twice. This is the first time Xiao Su is here. Xu Jie, please show her around."

"Okay." Xu Jie was worried about Su Yun's success, so he pulled the other party away.

Su Yun was very disappointed that she couldn't show her talents, but she felt balanced when she thought of the opportunity in the future.

It happened that she wanted to ask something, so she pulled Xu Jie and asked in a low voice, "What happened to the walnut just now? Did you do it?"

"What do you think?" Xu Jie took out his phone and started Weibo.

"Why didn't you tell me clearly when you talked about your father's hobbies?" Su Yun took Xu Jie's arm, her other hand calmly pinched the inside of the other's arm, as long as the man's answer didn't make him She is satisfied, and the magic of love must be turned in circles.

"I wanted to tell you, but you went upstairs immediately when you heard the word walnut. Before leaving this morning, I wanted to remind you, but you didn't listen, and said you were doing business, so I can rest assured. What can I do?" Xu Jie looked helpless and innocent.

"Ah? Yes, is that right?" Su Yun thought back, it seemed that was the case, and she felt a little embarrassed, but a woman can argue three points without reason, so she said stubbornly: "Then, then you won't Hard to say?"

"Break it?" Xu Jie looked at the woman and asked, "Tell me, how do you say it?"

"That's right, you don't need to care about my thoughts, you can say whatever you want." Su Yun explained.

"Okay, I remember, next time I'll be tougher." Xu Jie said.

Su Yun knew that she was in the wrong, so she no longer struggled with this issue. She stood in front of the window, looked left and right, and then asked Xu Jie who was beside her, "Don't you raise pigs? What about pigs? Why didn't you see it?"

"Of course the pig is in the pigpen, is it still on the tree?" Xu Jie found that his Weibo was trending again.

"Where is the pigsty, take me to see it." Su Yun said.

"What's so beautiful about pigs, besides, don't go in such a cold day." Xu Jie went back to the living room and sat down. He wanted to see what happened online during this time.

"I just wanted to take a look." Su Yun came to Xu Jie's side and grabbed the phone.

"What do you want to see?" Wang Guizhi, who came out of the kitchen to get something, asked curiously.

"Mom, I want to see where the pigs are raised." Su Yun said with a smile.

"Are you talking about a pig farm? Xu Jie, if Xiao Su wants to go, you can take her there." Wang Guizhi said, "Do you dislike your mother and your father for raising pigs, and shame on you?"

"No, this is not a trip back, do you want to spend more time with you at home?" Xu Jie said with a wry smile
Wang Guizhi rolled his eyes at his son, and while unbuttoning his apron, he shouted to another room: "Lao Xu, don't dish your walnuts, come out and cook quickly, and I'll take Xiao Su to the pig farm."

"Okay." Xu Baozhong walked out of the room, took the apron and entered the kitchen.

"I'm going too!" Xu Jie stood up, he was worried that when he wasn't there, Su Yun would miss out when answering her mother's question.

"It's cold outside, get your clothes on, and I'll drive." Wang Guizhi put on a down jacket and walked out.

Su Yun glanced at Xu Jie proudly, then put on her coat and walked out the door. When she came to the courtyard, she found that the row of houses next to the villa turned out to be garages. The extended Range Rover drove out of it and stopped in front of her.

At this time, the co-pilot's door opened, and Xu Jie's mother who was sitting in the driver's seat beckoned to her, "Xiao Su, get in the car, I'll show you around."

Su Yun recovered from her surprise, looked at the car in front of her, and fell into deep suspicion.

Do you have a golden pig at home?


(End of this chapter)

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