I signed in at Mystery Recovery

Chapter 87 Su Yuan's Conditions

Chapter 87 Su Yuan's Conditions ([-]) (Subscribe)
After leaving the club, looking at the series of figures on the balance in the account, Su Yuan was still in a very happy mood.

He walked in with his sleeves empty, and returned with a full load.

As for the Li Wei in Huang Shaofeng's body, he stayed in the club, and how to deal with it is their own business.

The ancients said that, with a waist of [-], he rode down to Yangzhou on a crane. Now, with money, it is impossible to go to Yangzhou, but it is still possible to build a safe house.

Yes, Su Yuan intends to use the money to build a safe house.

It was not built for himself, but for the people around him. He didn't need the protection of a safe house, but the people around him couldn't, and it was impossible for Su Yuan to stay by their side all the time.

So building a safe house has become a necessary choice.

Of course, it seems like a lot of money, but it is not enough to make a safe house made of pure gold, but it should be no problem to coat a small room with a thin layer of gold.

The safe house made of pure gold is too extravagant to be supported by Su Yuan's financial resources. The main purpose is that gold can isolate the supernatural power.

Judging from the current situation, the price of gold will definitely rise higher and higher, and even after it arrives, the headquarters will also prohibit the sale of gold, so if you want to build a safe house with gold, you must do it as soon as possible.

Just like this, Su Yuan suffers. It is not enough to exchange the funds in hand for gold, and rely on the ones circulating in the world. Inventory is not enough, there are still a few more to run.

Then there are the issues of site selection, construction, and gold smelting. Safe houses must not be placed in urban areas. Others don't know it, but Su Yuan is very clear.

The denser the place, the greater the chance of paranormal events.

This is a very peculiar law, and as for why this happens, it is not his turn to explore.

Su Yuan couldn't help but feel a pain in his head when he thought of what he was going to do next. It would be great if there were professionals who could help.

He couldn't help but recall the plot, Yang Jian seemed to be entangled by the other party because he rescued a female accountant named Jiang He?These things seem to be left to her to solve?

Shouldn't he also find a female accountant to save him?
At this moment, Su Yuan's cell phone rang, and when he saw the caller ID, it was an unfamiliar call.

"Don't you know that I have money to promote the purchase of financial products?"

After muttering such a sentence, Su Yuan answered the phone, but the person on the other end of the phone was a little surprising.

"Hello, who is it?"

"It's me, Zhao Jianguo."

Hey, how could it be him!
Su Yuan was startled in his heart. As the saying goes, he will go to the Three Treasures Hall without incident. What is this guy calling him for?
It's definitely not good!
Zhao Jianguo's tone on the other end of the phone was still calm, but a little more dignified.

"Oh, hello Captain Zhao, the weather is really nice today, what's the matter?"

Su Yuan was in a good mood, so his tone was lighter, but Zhao Jianguo was different, he was not in a good mood at the moment.

Because Zhou Bing had an accident, he lost contact.

The level of the supernatural incident that happened in the hospital was probably higher than expected. Zhou Bing completely lost contact with him not long after he entered.

At present, the heads of the major cities are either busy with other supernatural events, or they are unable to leave because of something, and the shortage of manpower has completely exposed the shortage of headquarters.

Out of desperation, he could only make this call.

"It's like this. A supernatural incident happened in the hospital in Xinhai City. The person in charge, Zhou Bing, lost contact when he went to deal with it. It is very likely that he was trapped in it." Speaking of this, his voice seemed a little bitter.

"There is a tendency for supernatural events to spread. The headquarters is already mobilizing manpower to support it, but the distant water cannot save the near fire, so I hope you can do me a favor and support it."

Good guy, is this a white female vote to yourself?

Su Yuan looked strange, Zhao Jianguo didn't think that he was still a young man, full of loneliness and passion, right?
In fact, what he thought was really right. Zhao Jianguo thought so, because according to the investigation report, Su Yuan has always been a kind-hearted and enthusiastic person. But so far no criminal record has been found.

Having obtained the ability to be stubborn and still maintaining his true heart, there are too few such swindlers. If possible, Zhao Jianguo does not want to give up such talents.

If it were another supernatural event, Su Yuan might still be interested, but he has always been interested in Li Wei who has already signed in, not to mention the annoying woman Zhou Bing.

wrong!It seems that it is not impossible. Since the woman lost contact, it is very likely that she died there. In this way, it seems that it is not impossible to run, at least she will not return empty-handed.

It's just like this, you can't just agree to Zhao Jianguo so casually, or the people at the headquarters will use you to death if you see that you are good to talk.

You can help, but the necessary conditions still have to be put forward. Su Yuan squinted his eyes slightly, and suddenly had a plan.

"Ah, I'm so sorry, I'm afraid I can't help with this kind of thing. To be honest, I don't want to participate in supernatural events at all. That will only make me die faster. Then again, why don't you find a local ghost handler? Club, there are so many tricksters there!"

Su Yuan came up with an idea full of bad water, intending to bring disaster to the east.

Once an ordinary stalker enters the fog of the old woman, it is very likely that he will die in it, because not only have to face the old man, but also face the sly slaves who appear around him all the time.

The most important thing is that the weird fog is suspected to be a different kind of strange realm, and the ordinary ghost controler can't get out of the strange realm at all, and will be consumed to death in it all the time.

"I tried it," Zhao Jianguo's slightly angry voice came from the other end of the phone, "but that group of rubbish didn't care about this at all, greedy for life and fear of death, and only cared about their own safety."

This is normal. It is human nature to be afraid of death.

Su Yuan didn't say a word, and continued to listen to the voice on the other end of the phone: "This paranormal incident is really involved, and it is possible to lose a criminal policeman, block a city center, and involve hundreds of people. I must go up to it myself, my personal life and death are nothing, but you are also a native of Xinhai City, and you don’t want to see this supernatural event brewing into a disaster.”

Do you want to use Huairou's means to impress me?

Su Yuan pouted, he has always liked other people, but he didn't even think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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