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Chapter 822: The Cover of the Strange Domain

Chapter 822 Subscriptions, Collections, Monthly Tickets, and Recommendation Tickets
That's right, the message Su Yuan sent to Yang Jian was very brief, as short as two words.

It was precisely this that made Yang Jian feel speechless.

He finally took a break and was trying to drive.

The car he was driving was the supernatural taxi brought by Liao Fan and the others, trying to figure out the usage rules and effects of that supernatural item.

As a result, I just got a clue, and after driving for ten minutes, I received a distress message from Su Yuan.

At first, Yang Jian was taken aback, thinking that the other party had encountered some kind of unspeakable supernatural danger, so he had to send out a signal for help.

Even a person of Su Yuan's level had to ask for help, so how dangerous was the supernatural event he encountered?

I'm afraid it must be at least an S-level supernatural event, right?

But what surprised Yang Jian was that he hadn't received any alarm information about the occurrence of s-level supernatural events, and there was no movement even from the headquarters.

If there were really s-level supernatural events happening, it would be impossible for the headquarters to say they didn't know about them.

So with doubts, he hurriedly started Huangquan, from Dachang City to Xinhai City.

Although the supernatural taxi also has a ghost domain, but in terms of speed, it is far inferior to ghost eyes.

After arriving in Xinhai, Yang Jian also did not find any s-level supernatural events. The whole city was calm and calm, and he could not detect the slightest abnormality.

Then, he found Su Yuan with his ghost eyes.

Su Yuan didn't care about his prank at all.

"It doesn't matter, the effect is the same anyway. I need you to do me a favor. There was a supernatural event in Xinhai City. This is the nearest place where it happened. The ghost's supernatural power is very special. I can't find him. You can use Guiyan help me find out, you are better at this.”

Su Yuan bluntly told the whole story, but did not reveal any news about Pennywise.

No way, this is related to his origin and the fifth ghost that he can control. Naturally, he can't reveal it at will until he successfully controls it.

After hearing the whole story, Yang Jian pondered for a moment, as if analyzing the supernatural events, trying to find out the rules.

"Since according to what you said, all the missing people are children, then the ghost's killing pattern must be related to the child, and there must be something in the child that can attract the ghost, and even trigger the ghost's killing pattern. That's right, but judging from the currently known information, the missing children are basically between the ages of five and eight. Those who are too young will not be targeted by ghosts, and those who exceed this range will also not be targeted. So, what qualities do these children have?"

"Children between the ages of five and eight have basically not yet formed a correct concept. They are like a blank sheet of paper that can be written by others. They are ignorant and curious about the world, and they happen to have a preliminary understanding of the world. Curious It's inevitable to be greedy and playful. As long as there is someone who is willing to play with you, you can easily mix together. They are not like us who can distinguish good from bad. Even when facing ghosts, driven by curiosity, there will be no The feeling of fear, and I don’t know what terror is.”

While Yang Jian was talking, he fell into deep thought, while Su Yuan looked at Yang Jian, although his face was expressionless, but he was amazed in his heart.

He really deserves to be the Son of Destiny, and his ability to analyze the situation is too terrifying. It can almost be said that he almost made Pennywise's settings out of forceful reasoning.

Yes, on the one hand, it is precisely because of children’s ignorance that they don’t know what fear is. In this way, it is convenient for clowns to seduce them. Otherwise, when the face of a clown appears in front of an adult, the first reaction of a normal person may be to turn around. Just run.

On the other hand, children's fear is also easier to absorb. When adults are really driven to a desperate situation, their fear will often evolve into anger, and then they have the courage to give up their lives. In this regard, it is Not to the Joker's liking.

Su Yuan said: "It is impossible to clearly define what is right and what is bad in a child's mind. Sometimes even if you are a bad person, as long as you give a child a piece of candy and pretend to be charitable, the child will only be a bad person. You are a good friend."

Yang Jian said: "So it's unreasonable for Li Gui to selectively target targets. This is a very special ghost, and children's subjective judgment is very important. If you can cultivate enough vigilance, maybe Being able to avoid being taken away by the ghosts, as for the children who were taken away, I personally think it is more ominous than good."

"Of course, these are just my personal analysis. I need to get in touch with him to know what the situation is. Now, I have to find out that ghost first."

After finishing speaking, Yang Jian's ghost eyes opened directly, and the ghost domain was released, covering the room in all directions.

With Yang Jian's current ability, the ghost domain is too simple for him, so the scope of this ghost domain is also a bit surprisingly large. Areas are shrouded in red light. In just a few seconds, the entire city They were all covered by Yang Jian's ghost domain.

This ghost land is scarlet and silent. Ordinary people don't feel it at all, but Su Yuan can perceive this supernatural horror. At this time, as long as Yang Jian is willing, he can easily erase a person and make a person disappear immediately. , leaving no trace.

Although his ghost domain can also do this, it is different from Yang Jian. Once his ghost domain expands to a deep level, it will only show Huangshan Village completely, breaking the boundary between reality and illusion, and making people feel like they are living in the same place. The supernatural land descends into reality.

This was the difference between him and Yang Jian, and it was also the reason why Yang Jian came here to help.

Under the effect of the fifth-level ghost domain, some hidden things were completely displayed in front of the two of them. At this time, Su Yuan could clearly see that a large mess of blood appeared in the room out of thin air, and the blood splattered everywhere. All, as if something had been torn apart in the room.

However, at the bottom of the bed, the blood is most dense.

Obviously, something happened to the missing child.

It's just that for this situation, the expressions on the faces of both of them seemed a little indifferent.

In supernatural events, ordinary people targeted by ghosts rarely survive, unless they can avoid the ghost's law of killing. But the target of ghosts' attacks is children, and you can't expect a child of a few years old to have a bright mind. Go to avoid the attack of ghosts.

Those who are not called children should be called time travelers or monsters.

So neither Su Yuan nor Yang Jian was surprised by this result.

Only by imprisoning Pennywise as soon as possible can this tragedy be stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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