I signed in at Mystery Recovery

Chapter 45 Are You Called Chen Ge

Chapter 45 Is Your Name Chen Ge?

The supernatural events that are positioned as C-level are actually not very harmful.

Because it is fixed in one area and has no transmissibility.

Normally, as long as you don't die, it's not life-threatening

Being able to use a small area to limit the stubbornness and reduce unnecessary sacrifices is undoubtedly a good deal for the headquarters.

Because C-level incidents are not contagious, they can be put on hold under normal circumstances, so as to free up manpower to solve more threatening supernatural incidents, which is cost-effective no matter how you look at it.

Located in the western suburbs of Xinhai City, outside a large amusement park, Su Yuan raised his head and looked at the huge sign above his head. The three characters of Happy Valley were erected, but unfortunately it was not as lively as usual.

It stands to reason that at this time, there should be a lot of people and many young people coming to play here. However, the situation at this moment is that there are three or two pedestrians passing by, and a yellow cordon blocks the entrance of the entire amusement park. .

Although the supernatural event is defined as a restricted level, in order to prevent accidents, they simply closed the entire amusement park. After all, no one can be sure of the situation inside. In case one day, they get tired of waiting and suddenly come out again. Wandering?
Closing the amusement park directly is the easiest and easiest way to do it, but in this way, it is estimated that the owner of the amusement park will cry to death.

But this has nothing to do with Su Yuan, he just stopped by, um... just sign in, if all goes well.

The gate of the amusement park was locked, and even the guards couldn't see it. However, whether the security guards are willing to stay in this situation is still one thing. Su Yuan directly crossed the cordon and went straight to the scene of the incident.

The so-called "House of Horrors" is actually a creepy house, similar to the kind of escape room. There are staff in the house pretending to be creepy and hiding in dark corners. Emerging projects sought after by young people.

It's just that now there is a really creepy house in the ghost house, so it's a veritable ghost house.

Su Yuan stood at the entrance of the ghost house and carefully looked at the entrance. The entire ghost house was built underground. The entrance was a hideous and sinister head with a big mouth, as if he was going to choose someone to devour. There were some terrifying statues on both sides. Deliberately increase the psychological pressure of players.

The depths of the entrance were pitch black, as if there was no bottom. Even in broad daylight, it gave people a faint sense of coldness.

Now that the amusement park is closed, no one will go in. Su Yuan shrugged his nose, and there seemed to be a faint smell of corpse inside.

"I don't know if the owner of this strange house is called Chen Ge..."

Darkness can affect people's sight, but it can't affect the strange eye. When Su Yuan was about to go in, he suddenly turned his head and looked to the other side.

On the other side of the road, there was a Taoist priest wearing a Taoist robe, a gossip mirror hanging on his chest, and a Taomu sword on his back, surrounded by a group of people.

Huh Σ(っ°Д°;)っ?
What's this about?

A curious look flashed in Su Yuan's eyes. After thinking about it, he directly opened the Weird Domain. A faint layer of black light covered the surface of his body, and he directly hid in the Weird Domain.

Next to the Taoist priest was a middle-aged man in a suit and with a general belly.

However, at this moment, he really frowned and whispered to the Taoist around him: "Yiqing Taoist, look at this place, this amusement park took a lot of effort from the group, and originally wanted to make it the most famous in Xinhai City. One of the attractions, the bidding and investment alone, including the first phase of the project, cost [-] billion yuan, but it has only been in business for a few months, and people have disappeared every three days. Please help me find out what happened here. The problem, other places are okay, it is this strange house, where tourists are missing...".

The middle-aged man led the Taoist priest with a pleasing smile, followed by three or five people behind him. When he walked in and took a look, Su Yuan found that the Taoist priest did seem to have some ability.

With a ruddy complexion, a goatee, piercing eyes, Taoist temples, immortal style and bones, the whole gives a sense of thinness, much like a successful master.

I don't know if he has any real skills, but he seems to be very powerful...

But Su Yuan couldn't sense any traces of slyness from him, which was enough to prove that this man was not a stalker.

The tricksters are very special, and the most conspicuous feature is the spiritual aspect. Because they have been tortured for a long time by the recovery of the trickster, their spirits will be affected unknowingly, and thus will be changed. Over time, the behavior will become worse. It is more and more inclined to be stern.

The human side will gradually disappear, and even the normal stalker will not be able to keep his mental state intact, which even Su Yuan cannot avoid.

Since he's not a stalker, he must be a fake master. The only one who can deal with swindlers is sly. This is the consensus in the circle.

This is quite a liar.

After listening to the middle-aged man's words, the expert turned around at the door of the house, holding a compass. He squatted on the side and muttered, not knowing what he was talking about. He looked left and right, and after a while, Nodding his head, he seemed to have a clear understanding, as if he had completely understood the weird things that happened in the amusement park.

I don't understand what he has figured out, or he has already thought about the script in his mind.

"It turns out that, Boss Chen, I already understand what's going on. There is indeed something wrong with your strange house. The yin qi is particularly heavy. I am afraid that Xie Chong has already grown. No wonder I feel wrong when I come in."

Huh, the surname is Chen?

Could it be that you are Chen Ge?
Su Yuan looked at this middle-aged man with strange eyes. Isn't this different?Where's the smashing hammer?
Do not!It is impossible for Boss Chen of the House of Horrors to enter into a mysterious recovery, the two are not the same system (-ω-`)!

Su Yuan quietly listened to the Taoist bragging. This liar is quite high-level, and he speaks a set of words. Hearing that Boss Chen can't stop nodding, he seems to believe it.

have to!The whole liar, I don't know how this guy became the boss, he was fooled so easily.

Su Yuan lost interest in these people, paused, turned and walked towards the House of Horrors.

Today he's going to take a peek!
The door of the strange house was locked, but it had no effect on Su Yuan, who was in the strange domain, and went in easily.

After entering the strange house, Su Yuan withdrew from the strange domain. The strange domain can isolate a lot of danger, but at the same time, it will also isolate the sense of the strange.

Not all Li Wei can invade the Wei domain, and there are some Li Wei, who will not even come out to act until they do not meet their killing rules.

For example, the first supernatural incident that Su Yuan encountered, the blood-stained scarecrow, its killing rule is that you can't move, not even blinking, it will attack you frantically if you move.

 It is impossible for the House of Horrors to enter the mysterious recovery, the system is different╮(﹀_﹀)╭
(End of this chapter)

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