I signed in at Mystery Recovery

Chapter 25 Another role of ghost eyes

Chapter 25 Another role of ghost eyes (seeking collection, recommendation, monthly pass)
On the commercial street, shops selling things can be seen everywhere.

But most of them are mostly clothes and food, and then some other daily necessities.

Soon, Su Yuan found a glasses store.

"Hello, please bring me a pair of sunglasses. After wearing them, they are the most beautiful ones on the street."

Su Yuan closed his eyes and said to the saleswoman with a blank expression.

The strange eyes are very strange. Even if he closes his eyes tightly, his thin eyelids still can't block Su Yuan's sight. Su Yuan can clearly see the lady saleswoman covering her mouth and snickering as she was teased by her words just now.

Perhaps... this is the difference from Yang Jian's strange eyes?
One focuses on the realm of mystery, and the other focuses on something else?

Can I see anything else?
Su Yuan was a little curious, and immediately increased the use of the power of the strange eye.

Soon, a terrible scene happened.

A gloomy and cold aura spread out immediately, as if there was a scorpion entrenched here, and the people who were active in the store felt stunned for no reason, as if something terrifying had happened.

Especially the saleswoman who was stared at by Su Yuan's strange eyes, the moment he strengthened the use of the power of the strange eyes, she only felt creepy, cold sweat, and goosebumps all over her body, as if catastrophe was imminent.

However, such a picture appeared in front of Su Yuan's eyes.

In a dimly lit environment, flashing neon lights, crowds of people writhing their bodies crazily, deafening music, young people venting their hormones recklessly, the young body exudes a seductive luster.

But soon, darkness struck.

A thick black-like darkness gradually eroded over, engulfing everything in it, the surrounding ground began to rot, the newly painted walls began to be covered with moss, the walls were black, mottled fell, a gloomy, The smell of corruption gradually spread, the cement became mottled and moldy, and the lamps on the walls were covered with rust and crumbling.

An old man wearing a black long gown and covered with corpse spots, his face full of ashes, his eyes numb, stood at the gate, raised his hands unhurriedly, and knocked on the gate again and again.

On the old man's head, a colorful signboard clearly reads in large characters: Rose Bar,
Soon, the woman in front of her widened her eyes and mouth, with uncontrollable panic on her face. She seemed to want to shout, and she seemed to want to ask for help, but unfortunately, it was too late.

After a while, her face turned dead gray, she lost her vitality, fell directly to the ground, and stopped moving.

The scene ended the moment the woman fell to the ground, but Su Yuan was shocked into a cold sweat.

It's a knock on the door!

Why did it appear again!

And it appeared again in Dachang City.

Logically speaking, shouldn't this thing be led to the island country!
But after thinking about it later, Su Yuan seems to remember that it seems to be the case. It seems that Yang Jian had a conflict with the folk stalker's club in Dachang City, and then used the murder rule of knocking on the door to trick the other party. .

So Knock on the door should have come to Dachang again at this time.

So... This woman was unlucky and was killed by a knock on the door that day when she went to the disco?

It really is the King of Hell who wants you to die in the third watch, how dare you keep you in the fifth watch!
Is this the other ability of the strange eye?In addition to being able to use the Strange Domain, can you also know the death date of others?
Looking at the back of the salesperson who was suspiciously picking out sunglasses from the counter, Su Yuan turned his head and looked at the woman at the other counter.

let me try again...

It's still the same scene, dim environment, flashing neon lights, crowds twisting their bodies crazily, deafening music, young people who are unscrupulously venting their hormones...

When the last knock on the door appeared, until the woman was killed, the picture disappeared, and Su Yuan opened his mouth in surprise.

Wouldn't it be so coincidental?The dance is together, and the murder is also the same?

What is this called?Have a partner on Huangquan Road?
Su Yuan scratched his head, couldn't think of a reason, and was about to find someone to try it again, just at this moment, the saleswoman brought the sunglasses over.

"Sir, try this one and see how it goes".

Although there was a professional and sweet smile on her face, she was actually muttering in her heart, why did this person buy sunglasses with her eyes closed?
Until the moment she saw Su Yuan open her eyes, she immediately understood the reason.

It was a blind man.

It's a pity, it's a pity that he's still so young and handsome, but he's blind.
The sales clerk couldn't help feeling sorry for Su Yuan's beautiful skin, especially when she saw Su Yuan wearing sunglasses and looking at the mirror from side to side, she looked very satisfied, and she felt even more regretful!
"I am very satisfied with this pair of glasses, how much is it".

When she heard that Su Yuan was about to buy it, the saleswoman smiled even more. Although the commission for sunglasses was higher than that of selling glasses, mosquitoes are no longer meat!
"The original price of this pair of sunglasses is 390 yuan. After the discount, it only costs 320 yuan. However, due to the special circumstances of my husband, there are special discounts in the store. It only costs [-] yuan."

Su Yuan was stunned.

Does this make me blind?
He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He didn't expect that the first time he enjoyed the discount would be under such circumstances, but Su Yuan didn't mean to explain.

I'm more afraid that it will be considered stubborn and unwilling to admit the truth.

After Ma Liu gave the money, Su Yuan was sent out of the store under the caring eyes of the salesperson. No, it was someone who wanted to lead him out to prevent falling, but was rejected by Su Yuan.

"Since you gave me a discount, then I'll give you a piece of advice." When he was about to leave, Su Yuan suddenly said to the salesman, "I see your eyes are floating, your air is cold, your eyes are dark, and your eyebrows are dark. The blood was splattered in between, it might be a bad omen, so it’s better to stay out of the house during this time, maybe you can escape this disaster.”

After speaking, Su Yuan turned around and left under the eyes of the saleswoman who looked like a fool.

She has said everything she needs to say, but it is her business to listen or not to persuade the damned person with good words.

However, as he walked, an astonishing thought suddenly appeared in Su Yuan's mind.

Li Wei's power is never good for ordinary people, including the supernatural puzzle that he controls himself.

Boldly give an example: If the strange eye can see the death of others, can it be regarded as the curse of the strange eye if it is replaced by another way of thinking?
Is there such a possibility that people who have been peeped at the death stage by strange eyes will die at the hands of Li Wei due to various accidents?
 After the holiday, return to normal update 0.0
(End of this chapter)

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