Rebirth of the big era of online games

Chapter 447 A Dance Costing Over 2000 Million

Chapter 447 A Dance That Cost More than 2000 Million

"In terms of special effects for this dance, we have adopted a brand-new world-leading high-tech method..."

"Of course this is the leader's arrangement, and only he is willing to spend this money. It cost more than 2000 million... No, I'm talking about the special effects of this dance..."

"Haha, let me keep the other things a secret, everyone will know the effect on the official stage..."

In the behind-the-scenes video, the program director Liao Shunbin talked eloquently in front of the camera, which immediately aroused the strong curiosity and anticipation of all the audience.

The cost of "Surfing the River During the Qingming Festival" cost 400 million is scary enough, but the production cost of Li Qing's "Guanghan Palace" directly broke through the sky, as high as more than 2000 million!

According to the requirements of the program, the performance time of the participating dances is limited to 5 minutes. The performance time of "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" is 15 minutes, and that of "Guanghan Palace" is only 5 minutes.

Then, if we do a horizontal comparison and convert it, wouldn't the production cost of "Guanghan Palace" have to be multiplied by three times to correspond to "Along the River During the Qingming Festival"?
Fang Jie is a lunatic!
Even if it was to support his wife, he wouldn't be so prodigal, right?

It's no wonder people dare to call themselves the awesome leader. No matter what the final effect of the show is, it's really awesome in terms of prodigals!

While everyone was talking secretly, they were also speculating: What kind of high-tech method was used to cost so much money?
In the behind-the-scenes tidbits, some information was revealed.

Liao Shunbin was interviewed in a huge green cloth filming workshop. Behind him, there were many people busy with the work at hand. In the distant view, Li Qing could be seen "fully armed" completing various dance moves.

The so-called full armor is not a formal performance costume, but a tight-fitting motion capture equipment, with sensor patches and data cables made of various unknown materials attached to it, which looks very futuristic.

Audiences who are a little familiar with Hollywood special effects blockbusters will know what the thing does at a glance.

Is it a special effects movie?
But it is only 5 minutes of post-production special effects, but it costs more than 2000 million, which is obviously illogical. No matter how much money is spent on special effects, it will not be able to burn to this extent.

Before the audience could figure out why, their eyes suddenly lit up, and their attention was quickly attracted by another person.

Fang Jie was also at the scene, and was doing some movements in a motion capture suit.

Is the leader also going to perform on stage?

But it doesn't look like it, Fang Jie's actions are very simple, I can see that sometimes he stands with his hands behind his back and shakes a folding fan, sometimes he sits cross-legged and holds a teacup, or he writes something in the air with a pen.

In short, these are not dance moves, but more like a tool for stage performances.

This is the end of the information about high-tech special effects that cost more than 2000 million yuan. After all, the behind-the-scenes footage is only 5 minutes long, and it is impossible to introduce every aspect in detail. Therefore, although the audience has some guesses, they are still at a loss.

But it is precisely because of this that everyone is looking forward to the next dance performance.

It should be said that after the whole behind-the-scenes footage was played, the expectations of countless audiences for the next dance, after continuous accumulation, have now been filled to the point where it cannot be added.

After all, as Li Qing is a bigwig in the entertainment industry, this in itself is a huge gimmick.

Secondly, there is the leader, a super nanny who is like a cheating device, by his side, and the BUFF bonus he gives is unparalleled.

Then he proposed the concept of "Chinese style dance" and the corresponding improvement of clothing, which is really refreshing. Not to mention the audience, even people in the industry are eagerly looking forward to seeing if it is really as mysterious as the couple said.

Naturally, there is no need to talk too much nonsense about the soundtrack. The leader who is called "Qu Dae" by the music circle personally made it, and he released two Chinese-style songs at once. Even if you don't watch the dance, the song alone can make countless people look forward to it .

The last is the post-production of the dance, which cost more than 2000 million high-tech special effects!

Any of the above points are enough to fill up the expected value, not to mention multiple superpositions.

But correspondingly, the pressure on Li Qing and Fang Jie has increased. If the show is delayed, it will be too embarrassing.

But will the show stretch?
Obviously not!

At least Fang Jie had such absolute confidence.

At first, Li Qing was a little worried about gains and losses, but later she became dazed, so she didn't care about these things anymore, she just wanted to achieve the effect that satisfied her, and she didn't care about the rest, anyway, there was an omnipotent husband to stand up for the sky falling anyway.

With much anticipation, the behind-the-scenes gags ended and the dance performance began.

The subtitles of the video provide information about the dance.

"Guanghan Palace", Chinese style modern dance, performer: Li Qing, choreographer: Li Qing, director: Li Qing/Fang Jie, soundtrack: Fang Jie, arranger: Li Qing/Zhang Yadong, dancer: Boiling Entertainment Modern China Wind Dance Troupe...

The giant curtain in front of the stage slowly rises, and with the melodious, low-thick and ancient-style piano music flowing, a beam of cold light hits the center of the stage.

The surrounding area was still pitch black, and the limited lighting only revealed a part of the stage set.

Although it is only a partial setting, the setting is exquisite and textured amidst the clouds and mist, so that people can tell at a glance that this is a boudoir of the Guanghan Palace in the Heavenly Court.

Seeing this scene, the audience in front of the screen hadn't reacted yet, but the audience couldn't help showing surprise.

Because the opening method of this dance is different from the previous ones, looking at this posture, it is obvious that the dance is to be performed on the stage, not through video.

This is a test of the basic skills and on-the-spot mentality of the dancers on the stage. It is not that there should be no flaws during the performance, but that once there is a little flaw, it will affect the senses of the on-site jury, and then have a certain impact on the score.

But on the other hand, this is also a bonus item. Dare to perform live, at least it shows the courage, courage and self-confidence of the choreographer and its dancers, which will naturally impress the judges. Of course, the premise is that nothing goes wrong, otherwise everything will be suspended talk.

Surprised, I saw a dancer dressed as a fairy in ancient costume, walking into the scene step by step from the darkness with a certain dance rhythm, and then slowly sat in front of the window, looking out of the window mournfully.

The close-up shots that have been followed show that this dancer is none other than the protagonist of the show, the choreographer himself, Li Qing.

What I have to say is that although there is nothing special about the form of her appearance, Li Qing's otherworldly fairy appearance is very amazing.

I saw him wearing a moonlight double-breasted palace dress, with a short waist jacket wrapped in moon white micro-powder water lilies, a jade-colored smoked radish and silver silk gauze shirt, a waist tied with tender silk, and a beautiful plum blossom purse that is exquisite and slack, wrapped in blue silk, Inserting jade hairpins, hanging necklaces, hair in a bun, eyes like water, but with a touch of coldness.

This close-up of the shot immediately made countless audiences in front of the screen shake their minds, while some single dogs and homeboys in the audience couldn't help crying and howling for a while.

It’s not that the audience has never seen beauties in ancient costumes. The actresses in previous shows such as "Long Song Xing", "Qingming Shanghe Tu" and "Beauty Walk" are all ancient costumes, with different styles and classics.

However, as introduced in the behind-the-scenes tidbits, in terms of Taoism, Li Qing did not completely design according to the records in historical documents, albums, and cultural relics, but improved it while retaining the ancient elements. And innovation, more in line with the aesthetic taste of modern people.

For example, the clothing may be in the Ming Dynasty style, but the makeup and hair style is in the Tang Dynasty style, while the accessories are in the Song Dynasty, and the fabric materials are modern.

To put it simply, it is as pleasing to the eye as it is, without sticking to the style of a certain dynasty, and not thinking too much about its historical rigor.

This is Li Qing's attempt to combine tradition and modernity.

To use the viewpoint summarized by Fang Jie in the behind-the-scenes tidbits: We must inherit the traditional culture, but we must also keep pace with the times. We must keep pace with the times and adapt to the trend of the times.

So this is not a disrespect for traditional culture, nor is it a negation of it. On the contrary, doing so is conducive to the promotion and dissemination of Huaguo traditional culture, and can attract more foreign people to have a strong interest, which in turn prompts them to further understand those cultures. The real quintessence of culture.

Even the sticks know how to improve the Ming Dynasty Hanfu into the well-known Hanbok style, and finally successfully created Hanbok, a classic Korean cultural symbol, through ancient costume Korean dramas. Why do we have to stand still?
Not only is it persuasive, but the soundtrack of "Guanghan Tears" on the scene at this time is also a combination of tradition and modernity.

The style of the music is Chinese style, but the prelude is played by the piano instead of traditional musical instruments such as guzheng. In addition, some electronic music effects are added, which sounds refreshing. It is fashionable and modern without losing the ancient charm. .

Along with the prelude to the soundtrack, and under the special effects of fairy air, a few lines of verses loomed on the big screen of the stage: bright as blue clouds shy to cover the moon, fluttering like flowing wind and returning to snow, white orchids with small fans, dancing with jade belts on the waist sky yarn...

At the same time as the poem appeared, the ecstasy Chang'e fairy sitting in front of the window danced lightly.

This is a solo dance, which mainly expresses Chang'e's sorrow and longing for her husband.

Its dance movements can be seen to be improved at a glance. It is not a classical dance in the traditional sense, but some movement elements and rhythms of classical dance are connected with the rhythm and expression of modern dance.

If you watch the program in front of a TV series or computer screen, you can also see the subtitles of the narration marking each wonderful dance movement with professional terms.

In addition to marking and literacy of classical dance movements such as sitting, sinking, lifting, punching, leaning, holding, shoving, swinging, lifting, horizontal twisting, cloud step, etc., modern dance movements are also carried out. According to popular science, some wonderful actions will be displayed in slow motion in close-up.

This treatment is not available in other dance programs.

It's not that the program group didn't make arrangements, but that the choreographers never thought of doing this, and the post-production team didn't have such a creative idea.

The reason why Li Qing's "Guanghan Palace" dance has such a blessing is of course Fang Jie's credit. He doesn't understand dance, but he is an expert in post-production creativity of variety shows.

With these movement annotations and close-ups, both ordinary audiences and professional judges can intuitively understand the professionalism of Li Qing's dance movements, and gradually understand why this dance is called a Chinese-style dance.

The combination of traditional movements and modern movements, and the integration of classical elements and fashion elements are the core characteristics of Chinese style dance.

Previously, everyone had no concept of Chinese style dance. They could not imagine anything after listening to the behind-the-scenes introduction. Now that they saw it with their own eyes and added narration, they immediately had a very three-dimensional impression.

The so-called experts watch the doorway, and laymen watch the excitement.

The domestic professional judges were naturally very surprised by this kind of Chinese-style dance. Of course, they know that this type of dance is definitely a kind of innovation, and it is not bad to say that it is the first.

Although some details may not be rigorous enough, once this style matures, it may really set off a wave of Chinese-style dance in the future and take on the heavy responsibility of cultural export, just like the status that Jay Chou's Chinese-style songs have achieved in Southeast Asia.

Korean professional judges have a strong sense of crisis.

Because there are more or less modern Korean dance styles and creative concepts in this solo dance, which is as highly ornamental as Korean dance, but at the same time it also has some traditional characteristics and art forms of Huaguo. That kind of classical beauty and unique charm is not possessed by Korean dance.

Once the Chinese style dance becomes a big trend, the modern Korean dance of their own may be squeezed out of a lot of living space.

However, ordinary audiences were not as optimistic as professional judges, and did not think deeply about the significance of this.

Their impression at the moment is: Well, the dance is very beautiful and artistic, and it looks very professional. It is not an amateur dancer. Compared with other dance programs before, it seems a bit thin.

In other words, the dance with the theme of "Guanghan Tears" in the first paragraph, because it is a long dance expressing sad emotions, and it is also a live performance, it does not seem to have a strong visual impact, that is, it is not eye-catching and exciting enough. , Not lively enough.

It's like in a singing competition variety show, the singers talk about their feelings and play with the artistic conception, and sometimes they are moved to tears, but the audience doesn't buy it.

The audience just want to hear the singers show off their skills and soar their high notes on stage. It’s better to have an octave above three octaves. Only then will they feel awesome and stimulate their adrenal glands. Otherwise, I’m sorry to give a bad review .

Now Li Qing's solo dance has professionalism, artistic conception, and great meaning, but it just makes people feel a little unmotivated.

However, the first solo dance of "Guanghan Tears" lasted only 30 seconds, which was just an introduction, and the main event was yet to come.

At the end of the solo dance, Li Qing came to the bed of the set and entered the dream in the posture of Sleeping Beauty, with a faint smile gradually appearing on her face, as if meeting her lover in a dream.

At the same time, the stage lights on the scene were slowly turned off, and the next moment, the big screen on the stage was lit up, and the second dance began to be played in a video connection.

Of course, this is just a dance transition scene on the show.

The audience in front of the TV and computer screens saw a dream transition under the blessing of special effects, and the process was very smooth.

After the scene is changed, what catches the audience's eyes is a magnificent and beautiful Qionglou Yuyu fairyland scene. The detailed special effects and texture of the scene are no less than a large-scale costume fantasy drama.

This scene shocked many audiences, their adrenaline began to soar, and they liked to watch such big scenes.

The camera lens kept sinking, from far to near, overlooking the vast heaven, and quickly came to the gate of a huge palace carved out of jade. I saw three simple characters on the plaque in front of the gate: "Guanghan Palace".

The camera continues to move forward, entering the Guanghan Palace, and coming to a garden full of various exotic flowers and plants, only to see the bright and charming Chang'e fairy lying lazily on her side in the posture of a sleeping beauty. Close your eyes and meditate on the round chair.

Around the couch, there are more than a dozen snow-white jade rabbits scattered. They are either eating the jelly grass, or playing and frolicking, sometimes jumping a few times, sometimes propping up their bodies, and looking up at the owner on the couch.

The familiar melody of "Guanghan Palace" penetrated into the ears of the audience.

This is a song with a cheerful and lively rhythm, and one can feel the strong naughty and cute charm as soon as you listen to it.

When the music played, the jade rabbits in the garden couldn't help pricking up their ears, as if they heard the melody of "Guanghan Palace".

The next moment, clusters of fairy mist exploded from the jade rabbits, and they started the beautiful girl transformation mode one after another.

In an instant, more than a dozen little fairies dressed in Gong'e fairy clothes and with their hair tied up in flying fairy buns appeared on the screen laughing and laughing.

They first gathered around the sleeping Fairy Chang'e, observed carefully, and then quickly dispersed, arranged in various formations, and danced naughty and lovely dances to the music.

This dance looks very simple, but it took Li Qing the most thought.

Because for any literary and artistic work, if you want to come up with an effect, especially to become a classic, the simpler it is, the more difficult it is to achieve.

For example, when writing songs, there are only 2 or 3 simple chords in the bad street. Countless songs use these types of chords, but the songs that can be widely praised in the end are very limited.

Another example is shooting a movie and writing a script. It is not difficult to stretch out the story timeline for more than ten years, years, or months. After all, many things will happen during the period, so I am not afraid that there will be no plot content.

What is really difficult is the whole play or the whole novel, which only writes what happened in one day, and the plot is compact and makes people want to stop, this is really awesome.

The same is true for dancing. Highly difficult dance moves can indeed attract attention and make people amazing, but if you can use the simplest moves to achieve the same effect, it is not easy, even harder than doing difficult moves.

Therefore, this dance and other supplementary items choreographed and directed by Li Qing are actually simple but not simple.

First of all, "Guanghan Palace" is not a big song. After re-arranging, it just further strengthened the naughty and cute style.

This style of music is very suitable for the temperament of a small animal like a rabbit. The main instrument played is the ocarina, which has a small fresh and pure feeling, and the rhythm of the music is also very similar to that of a rabbit bouncing around.

Secondly, in terms of clothing, the Jade Rabbits don’t wear the modified fairy clothes worn by Chang’e Fairy after they turn into fairies. Of course, they are not the cartoon costumes with rabbit ears and rabbit tails in kindergartens or playgrounds.

Because that's too naive, or the same sentence: simplicity does not mean simplicity.

The dance costume of the Jade Rabbit dancers is an improved cheongsam outfit, which is almost completely out of everyone's inherent impression, and it can even be said to be deviant.

The cheongsam is white, but it is decorated with plum blossom embroidery patterns, so it looks like pink as a whole. The slits are relatively high, but there are white hot pants as a base, so there is no problem of being exposed.

Well, the Jade Rabbit didn't wear any clothes before its transformation. After transformation, no matter how long or short it is, it's good to wear some clothes. It's impossible to have the same fairy treatment as Chang'e.

Of course, this is just a joke. Li Qing made such a Jade Rabbit fairy costume, which seems deviant, but actually has her own aesthetic philosophy and ambition.

There are four dimensions in dance scoring, and professionalism is the most basic, but not the only criterion. If you want to get a ranking, you can't just consider professionalism and artistry.

And if you consider the popularity, entertainment value and commercial value, this improved cheongsam is very advantageous.

What did the audience like?
Of course, it is the long legs and figure that make people dream!
A group of beauties dressed in cheongsams and hot pants, showing off their long legs, and dancing a classic yet cute and arrogant dance. The professional judges may not like it very much, but this is definitely the favorite of the audience, especially those nerds!

In fact, girls also like to watch it. Everyone has a love for beauty. This kind of dress is both fashionable and unique. It is very cute and sexy at the same time.

And those other Hanfu or Chang'e's improved Hanfu, ordinary girls can only look at it, how dare they wear it out, but this suit, you can buy a set or learn to match a set to go out on the street and show off own body and beautiful legs.

The media, especially the media in the fashion industry, like it even more, because this is fashion, what we want is deviant, Qing Dynasty traditional clothing + modern hot pants, a typical combination of tradition and modernity, that is, Chinese style fashion, Nothing wrong!
As for the commercial jury, let alone.

This set of unorthodox costumes is similar to those of Korean idol groups, but those are basically modern-style costumes, and they are just like that after seeing too much. In contrast, this kind of costume is eye-catching. Can the troupe also learn from it, and then show this so-called Chinese style dance?
This is the commercial value!

Of course, its real commercial value has been grasped by Boiling Entertainment.

Although Li Qing is a choreographer, she is also a capital tycoon at the same time. After being trained by Fang Jie, she is also very clear about the concept of traffic economy.

She believes that after the show is broadcast, Boiling Entertainment will definitely make a lot of money in the online celebrity store on 51mai, which is just to recover the investment of more than 2000 million dance production costs.

Although a lot of thought has been spent on auxiliary bonuses such as soundtrack and costume styling, but the dance moves themselves are the real painstaking effort.

Li Qing designed a lot of small details and classic small movements in the dance.

For example, when the little beauties who played the role of the Jade Rabbit assembled in the dance formation at the beginning, the dance moves were to prop up their palms into a penguin shape, swing from side to side and paddle behind them, and at the same time walk with small steps on their toes.

Such a simple dance move can be done by any square dance aunt, but with the blessing of the soundtrack of "Guanghan Palace" and the identity setting of the dancers as Jade Rabbits, the whole dance move looks very cute and funny, which makes people feel happy. I couldn't help but smile when I saw it, and it was especially in line with the overall temperament of the second dance.

Another example is that in the subsequent dance movements, the dancers deliberately stiffen their bodies, occasionally shake their heads, cover their mouths with their hands and smile, or flick their calves, in order to highlight the cuteness, playfulness and cuteness of the whole dance.

These movements are actually very simple and can be done without professional skills, but the impression given to the audience is that it is really like a group of jade rabbits transformed into little fairies, dancing the rabbit dance that suits their temperament, which is very immersive.

The audience doesn't care what artistry is in it, whether it is simple or simple.

Anyway, watching this dance, many people can't help showing their aunt smiles, and their mood will become inexplicably relaxed and happy. They feel that the "little rabbit" beauties in it are very loving, and they can't wait to hold them in their arms, rub them and spoil them .

Professional judges certainly feel the same way, but they see things from an insider's point of view.

They are well aware of how difficult it is to create a strong sense of atmosphere with simple dance movements, so that people can't help being brought into the dance scene. Many choreographers have to admit that they cannot do this.

However, some choreographers felt a little unconvinced.

These choreographers believe that Li Qing just chose the right song soundtrack, because in fact, even if there is no dance, just listening to the song "Guanghan Palace" can imagine a group of jade rabbits dancing happily.

So Li Qing just took the lead and arranged the dance with the lyrics and music. If they were asked to use this song to choreograph, it shouldn't be that bad.

But this matter, I can’t be envious. Li Qing has Fang Jie as a god assist. "Guanghan Palace" was written by Fang Jie, and the copyright is in his hands. "Guanghan Palace" dances on the show, first of all, it depends on whether Fang Jie agrees or not.

Furthermore, in terms of clothing design, some people in the industry are not too cold, and even sneered, thinking that this is a grandstanding, and they have learned all the dross of Korean dance in order to attract attention.

Regardless of what conservatives in the industry think, anyway, their family's words don't count in this program, and they won't affect the dance program that is being broadcast.

Halfway through the dance of "Guanghan Palace", that is, when the soundtrack came to the chorus, the Jade Rabbit fairies changed their formation and scattered to both sides, giving the C position of the picture to Yoyo. Awakened Chang'e Fairy.

Looking at her jade rabbits dancing happily, Chang'e, who danced beautifully and gracefully, smiled, got up and danced for a while, while the jade rabbits danced beside her.

However, Li Qing, who plays Chang'e, does not have the same dance moves as the Jade Rabbits. Many of the moves are unexpected, so besides being playful and cute, the dance moves are more light and soft.

After all, she is a fairy, and the slightly stiff movements of the rabbits will not happen to her.

Coupled with the difference in clothing styles, Chang'e naturally looks like flowing black silk and flying belts, but the jade rabbits in flying fairy buns and cheongsams can't create such a flying fairy effect.

Well, maybe this is the difference between the treatment of the owner and the pet, and also the difference between the choreographer and the tool man, otherwise how to highlight the halo of the protagonist?
This dance with Fairy Chang'e standing in the C position to lead the dance is really pleasing to the eye, pushing this dance performance to a small climax.

The previous solo dance of "Guanghan Tears" had a beautiful dance style and a slow rhythm. The movements emphasized professionalism and artistry, and conveyed a sad mood.

And this piece of "Guanghan Palace" dances in a cute and lively style with a moderate rhythm. The dance moves are simple and playful, and what is conveyed is a joyful mood.

At the end of the dance, when the jade rabbits returned to their original bodies and the background environment changed to the starry night, the dance style became soothing and peaceful again, leaving only the lonely back of the fairy, slowly sinking into the dark and deep Guanghan Palace again.

The adapted "Guanghan Palace" was sung in a low voice.

At midnight, on the branches of the moon, who feels distressed for whom;
A glass of turbid wine, poured on the heart, whoever makes the other cold;

In the chaos, obsequious, but also sincere and fearful;
Misunderstandings, heaven and earth are divided, who becomes the hero...

The second part of the dance ended here, and the audience couldn't help but feel a little puzzled while they were still full of emotion.

What about the promised 2000 million special effects blockbuster?

That's it, it cost 2000 million?
I really like the dance just now, but how can there be any high-tech means in it?

Don't tell us, all the money was spent on the special effects of the jade rabbit's transformation, and fools are not so foolish.

If there is no explanation for the next third dance, there will be no discussion about the direct negative review!

(End of this chapter)

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