Rebirth of the big era of online games

Chapter 414 The Most Influential People in the World

Chapter 414 The Most Influential People in the World
The "Ark Project" game really won't come out for a while, let alone other things, since the submarine server is going to be built, it can't be done all at once.

At the end of the year, the Citigroup Charitable Foundation drew out the first project fund of approximately US$14 billion in the securities market in proportion.

All the money Fangjie spent on setting up servers and establishing IDC international data exchange centers dedicated to Project Ark in the coastal areas of Asia, Europe, America, and Oceania.

$14 billion may seem like a lot, but it is actually a drop in the bucket for the entire huge plan.

The current IDC International Data Exchange Center is only the first phase of the project, and it is just a prototype. The follow-up server center will continue to increase investment, expand the scale, and continue to upgrade as the Ark World evolves.

In order to speed up the construction efficiency, he directly invited China Construction Group, the headquarters of the infrastructure madman, to participate in the project construction. After all, foreigners are used to laziness, work is inefficient, and labor costs are high. This is more reliable for Chinese people.

Fang Jie didn't feel bad at all. The money would always be earned by others. It would be better to let his own people earn it. It can be regarded as improving the living standards of the people in the country and contributing to the development of the domestic economy. Moreover, all kinds of hardware equipment are also from domestic purchase.

The money was originally collected in the overseas stock market. It was a windfall. Others got the wool from the sheep, but he cut the wool and used it on his own people. And it was justifiable—it was for the future technological development of mankind. necessary expenses.

It will be the same in the future, as long as Fangzhou International has any large-scale procurement business, it will definitely give priority to domestic products, which is called fat water not flowing to outsiders.

The money and accounts of the Ark Project are indeed open and transparent, and they will never make false accounts, or deliberately purchase at high prices to export profits. All partners have the right to supervise, but how and who the money is spent on, As long as it's reasonable, Fang Jie is right.

This is why he not only invests money in, but also "doesn't take any money" when he makes money. Anyway, this is not much different from his own money.

For example, in the first phase of the construction of the IDC International Data Exchange Center, more than 1000 million US dollars was raised by believers and partners from all over the world.

The partners have no objection to this, on the contrary, they are very supportive of this arrangement, because Huaguo may be relatively backward in technology, but its hard-working work efficiency and low labor costs are recognized all over the world. You know, this is a very wise decision to spend a small amount of money to do big things.

Many foreigners don't realize that, in fact, Huaguo and Huaguo people began to gradually erode their job opportunities, earn their wealth, start an era of rapid development of the national economy, and realize the great rejuvenation of the nation. .

These are all things to say later, anyway, everyone now feels that the money is worth the money, and it is the right thing to do, which further proves that the richest man in Huaguo really does what he says, not only investing huge sums of money to start large-scale The construction of the server room has indeed fulfilled the promise of updating the financial statements every day.

This has led to more and more people discussing the Ark Project internationally, and more and more partners who joined the project with the mentality of testing the waters.

Not only individuals, but also many international Internet companies and venture capital companies have joined in. For example, internationally renowned large companies such as Google and Microsoft have invested 5000 million US dollars each to test the water after the year.

5000 million US dollars is nothing to companies like them, it is really just sprinkling water, maybe in their opinion, the Ark plan may be too advanced, not very reliable, even the status of the richest man in Huaguo, in their eyes may be Nor is it necessarily worth their investment.

However, the Ark Project has now become a hot topic of technology in the world. As a global Internet technology company giant, even if it is just for hype, advertising, and gaining a sense of presence, the money must be invested, otherwise such an interesting thing will be excluded. inconsistent with their status.

This is the platoon of the international Internet giants, and some things have to be done.

In addition to these well-known international companies that have tested the water, there are also those who have joined as a whole.

Like Facebook and its founder Zuckerberg.

That's interesting.

In other words, this is the necessity of the history of this world.

Facebook was established in 2004. Since its development, it has only occupied the American college market for the time being, and its users are basically college students in American colleges.

Before Facebook joined the Ark Project, it was ranked 78th in the United States. It was a little famous, but generally speaking, it was a little-known website, far less well-known in later generations.

You know, its founder, Zuckerberg, was the number one fan of the "Metaverse" concept in his previous life. He can even change the company name, which is enough to show that he is definitely true love.

The basis of the "metaverse" concept is also virtual reality technology.

From the perspective of origin, the idea behind Facebook is the "Metaverse" of the Internet age, that is, a social network in the form of a photo wall.

The "metaverse" proposed later is the "metaverse" in the virtual reality era. It is also a social network, but the specific form has been upgraded to a virtual reality world.

So if you want to say how advanced Zuckerberg's "Metaverse" concept is, it's not even possible to talk about it. In fact, it's just new vinegar in an old bottle. It's just a more advanced form of technological realization.

But now it is obvious that Zuckerberg’s Facebook and the concept of the future “Metaverse” are like a son’s vision in comparison with Fang Jie’s Ark Project, whether it is the concept of the story, or capital, technology, talent, and scale. After leaving Dad, apart from taking it for granted, the rest is admiration and ignorance.

So, why don't they come up and shout "Dad, I'm messing with you"!

What's more, Fang Jie had instructed the Citigroup Charity Foundation to pay attention to the Facebook website very early on.

Therefore, in this life, he has made an angel round investment in Facebook, and he is his father!
Similar to this kind of early stage investment with the advantage of rebirth, Fang Jie can be said to be a veteran driver. He has successively invested in hundreds of companies, both domestic and foreign.

It's just that the returns brought by these investments, compared with my current industry, are already tasteless. It's a pity to eat and discard them. It's still uncertain whether the future can develop like the previous life, so it can only be regarded as It is a kind of promotion for the development of future science and technology, whether it makes money or not is secondary.

This kind of thing is not worth mentioning, and it is done easily, such as Facebook. If he hadn't taken the initiative to come over and call Dad, he would have forgotten that he had adopted such a son.

Of course, Zuckerberg is not the kind of person who is all about money. It’s not that anyone who has money will call him dad. We just have the same ideas, like-mindedness, and even have some connections.

For example, the words he often talks about are: transparency, trust, connection, sharing, openness, creation, and minimalism. This simply coincides with what the Ark Project and Fang Jie have always done. Everyone is the same kind of person.

Another example is that his current girlfriend and future wife are of Chinese descent, and he is considered a distant son-in-law of half of Huaguo, so he does not dislike Huaguo. This is the potential basis for him to join the Ark Project.

In short, Zuckerberg's joining the Ark project is a matter of course.

After Facebook joined the Ark Project as a whole, it became one of the subsidiaries of the channel business department of Fangzhou International. Zuckerberg served as the director of the channel business department, and his main responsibility was to be responsible for the channel promotion and virtual social network construction of the Ark project.

In terms of analogy, Facebook is equivalent to Tencent in China, which has channel advantages, and Fangzhou International is equivalent to the boiling group in China, controlling the overall situation, but your channel is actually my channel. After all, Fang Jie owns nearly half of Tencent's shares , and the same is true for Facebook.

The two parties have both a win-win cooperation relationship and a certain affiliation relationship, but no matter what, they are good friends and partners when they come, and don't call my father so licking. Everyone has a unified name: partner.

The only difference is that Fang Jie is the founding partner, and Zuckerberg is stronger than the general contract partners. He is a core partner, including Microsoft and Google. One of the core partners.

As for the domestic Internet companies, no one has joined the Ark Project or Fangzhou International. It’s not that they don’t have a cold, but that everyone thinks it’s unnecessary. Since Fang Jie hasn’t expressed his opinion on this, it means that there is no need for everyone to join in the fun for the time being.

Boiling Group is already in full swing in the country. Fang Jie has his own shares in all major factories. As long as he is the founding partner of this plan, it does not make any difference whether everyone joins or not. Everyone will definitely copy guys together, it's not a big deal.

Anyway, Fangzhou International is such an unlimited partnership company. As long as you want, you can join this unlimited partnership company at any time, even whether you want to or not, but as long as you make a contribution, it will automatically recognize you as a partner.

If you don’t want to do it anymore, of course you can quit at any time, but the contribution you made to the Ark Project before, that is, your work points, will still be recorded and kept. In the future, Fangzhou International will be developed, and you will still be paid dividends according to your work points, even if you die. , Work points will also be inherited to your family offspring.

Well, Fangzhou International is so open, so open that it even looks like a hooligan.

But only with such development can we build an open and transparent real virtual world, unite all human beings in a complex social background, and move forward for a common goal, otherwise all kinds of moths will inevitably appear .

This is a subversive model, which has created a new model of corporate structure. It has been different since its debut. Many economists and entrepreneurs have even participated in the discussion of the Ark Project, thinking about the rationality and feasibility of this corporate model sex and future prospects.

Under this kind of influence, at the end of 2005, "Forbes" announced the ranking of the world's most influential people. Fang Jie jumped to the top of the list, and Bill Gates, who was gradually retiring, came in second!

Before becoming the richest man in the world, first become the most influential person, this should be the basic operating procedure.

On the rich list, Fang Jie was directly promoted from the seventh place to the top three, with a net worth of 645 billion US dollars!
Among them, more than 300 billion is Boiling Group + 51mai listed shares + Tencent listed shares + NetEase, Baidu, 51job listed shares... etc. The other nearly 300 billion assets are all contributed by Fangzhou International's valuation.

The reason given by "Forbes" is: Fangzhou International's actual net assets are less than 150 billion US dollars, but if the current influence of the Ark Project and its future development prospects are counted, then the valuation is doubled, we think reasonable and even conservative.

At the end of the article, I don’t forget to add some information: Our "Forbes" has also joined the Ark Project and is one of the core partners of Fangzhou International. The relevant senior executives have served as the director of the publicity department of Fangzhou International. Create a virtual world rich list and various character selection lists in the world, so stay tuned!

Well, anyway, now the Ark Project, just like the concepts of "artificial intelligence", "quantum communication", "unmanned driving", "new energy" and "metaverse" in the previous life, has become an Internet company and a high-tech company People who follow suit and hype hot concepts, whether they are human or not, will jump out and announce that they are also doing these things.

The only difference is that those concepts in the previous life are all independent, and they all want to seize the track, such as AI technology. Major domestic manufacturers have established their own scientific research institutes, and they have hired tenured professors, professors and Dharma Institute is a typical example of the industry's leading technology.

Although it was discovered within two years that basic scientific research not only burns money, but also makes it difficult to make money, which created a huge contradiction with the original impulse of capital to pursue profits, and ended up being a mess, but anyway, at least something has been done.

As for the current Ark Project, everyone can only join it, because Fangzhou International's unlimited partner system is too rogue, and they don't ask us if we are willing or not. As long as we do something, we will count work points. Being" became one of the partners, which made everyone embarrassed to say that they wanted to go it alone.

After all, the most rogue core concept of the Ark Project is: This is a public welfare technology project that all mankind participates in partnership!

In other words, you can go it alone and set up your own business, but it is forbidden to follow the hot spots of the Ark Project, because your behavior is not public welfare at all, and it is not a partnership at all. It violates the core concept of the Ark Project. Pure, it is a fake "Ark".

Conversely, if you want to take advantage of this hot spot, you must show your attitude and admit that you are one of the partners of the Ark Project, even if it is only a verbal admission.

In short, it is so unreasonable, if you want to gossip, you must first admit that you are one of your own.

Time to enter 2006.

Compared with the international community, the Ark Project did not cause much disturbance in China.

Around New Year's Day, the gradually mature WPGA events are still in full swing. The players participating in the competition are no longer just domestic teams. Game festival.

Boiling Games still organizes top management, as a regular entertainment team, participated in the WPGA ticketing activities, but unlike the previous two sessions, the leader did not participate in it.

At this time, the latest season of the "Super Girl" variety show has also started audition registration. In addition, Boiling Entertainment is still under the instruction of Fang Jie. The work is also in progress, obviously to continue to dig deep into the value of music variety shows.

"Legend of Sword and Fairy", which was invested and broadcast at the beginning of last year, and the time-traveling drama "Mythology" in the second half of the year, achieved good results. Continue to dig deep into the costume drama market, and participated in the investment of the domestic hilarious costume comedy "Wulin Biography" and the Korean costume drama "Gong".

A variety of client games, mobile games and second-generation online games under Boiling Games are also being developed, produced, and released one after another. These games are almost all developed by the studios under Boiling Games.

During the Chinese New Year, Fang Jie did not come up with a new plan. He planned to let the previous and upcoming games continue to fly for a while, and at the same time let Boiling Games shift the focus of work to the "Ark" game. After all, some things still need to be done by himself. Be more practical, and the related expenses are of course more realistic for your own people to earn.

By the end of the year, the global sales of Boiling Technology’s Huawei mobile phones exceeded 2000 million units. Basically, the sales volume was divided equally between domestic and foreign countries. Although the current market share can only be ranked behind Nokia, Motorola, and Samsung, it is still considered a well-known mobile phone. It is a big manufacturer, and it is the industry leader of high-end smartphones.

The traditional industry under the Boiling Group, 51mai and its management company, Boiling Business, has now become a large e-commerce group company with a scale no less than that of the Boiling Group. Many shareholders with strong backgrounds and powerful backgrounds have made it impressive and impressive. On the contrary, Fang Jie, the largest shareholder, seemed to be doing nothing, passively acting as the shopkeeper.

By the way, Boiling Logistics is also driven by Boiling Business, and its business volume continues to blow out. It has to continue to invest all the money it earns in the logistics, warehousing, and express delivery industries. Whether it is the scale of the physical industry or the scale of personnel, it continues to expand rapidly , thus providing a large number of jobs and playing an increasingly important role in the national economy.

Boiling Internet, another core industry, invested 20 billion U.S. dollars, and the effect is leveraged. It is not as petty as Boiling Technology, but it spends all the money all at once.

The most direct effect is that the cost of leasing servers by domestic Internet companies has been greatly reduced, and the performance of servers has more than doubled, which has promoted the vigorous development of the domestic Internet industry. At least on the supply side, websites and online games crashed and exploded. Already very little.

On the other hand, the profitability of China Telecom and China Netcom has also risen, and they are also willing to invest more funds to speed up the construction of domestic Internet infrastructure. Didn't improve much.

The only major industry that has not developed much or even regressed is Boiling Internet Cafe and Boiling Network Management.

The diskless workstation has been fully remodeled, and the Boiling network management is basically doing nothing except for some software updates. Many technicians have to choose internal transfers and transfer to other departments of the Boiling Group, such as the logistics department for technical maintenance, or Boiling Software and other subsidiaries conduct software technology research and development.

Boiling Internet Cafe no longer expands, and with the improvement of the national network environment, everyone gradually goes online at home, resulting in the loss of many users.

In order to further attract Internet users, the Boiling Internet Café chain had to further reduce the price. The Internet access fee has been reduced from 1.2 yuan/hour to 1 yuan/hour. At present, it can only be said that there is only a small profit, which confirms what Fang Jie predicted at the annual meeting last year. , the real value is not the computer hardware of Internet cafes, but the real estate.

Therefore, the boiling Internet cafe chain is already considering whether it should be merged into the boiling real estate as a whole.

After all, Boiling Real Estate is still developing well. Domestic housing prices continue to rise, and Boiling Real Estate has withdrawn a lot of funds. Now, in addition to paying the construction funds for the second phase of the Boiling Industrial Park, the remaining funds are used to buy land and develop real estate. It is really impossible You can also use the existing real estate as collateral to find a bank loan, and the future will be bright!

The vigorous development of the domestic real estate industry has naturally made Boiling Digital, a top graphics company that made its debut in architectural CG animation, a lot of money.

Although Boiling Digital is now focusing on the Olympic Games, it does not prevent other small businesses from contacting to provide profitability.

For example, make urban planning drawings for some new urban areas, make renderings for some real estate communities, make CG animations for game companies, make some high-end titles or special effects for TV stations, film and television dramas, and even cooperate with Boiling Entertainment to jointly launch "Monkey King" series of 3D animation films.

In addition to these major industries, there are many other industries that have not been paid much attention, such as Boiling Catering, Boiling Takeaway, etc. There are dozens of other venture capital industries, such as one of them, AutoNavi Maps. These are not nonsense up.

In short, the Boiling Group has a big family and a big business. It would take a lot of ink to talk about the main industry in general. If you talk about it in detail, it will take three days and three nights to talk about it.

Perhaps, there will inevitably be all kinds of small disputes, small conflicts, small groups, and small struggles in the internal work coordination of the boiling group, but generally speaking, it is really flourishing and flourishing now. In addition to signing the necessary documents and agreements Basically, there is no need for Fang Jie to ask personally.

Such achievements, of course, are not entirely due to Fang Jie's meritocracy and bold delegation of power, nor are they entirely due to the contributions of the senior management and employees of the Boiling Group, but a true portrayal of Huaguo's entire era.

Because after joining the WTO, Huaguo is now thriving and thriving, and is in an accelerated period of rapid development.

At present, the domestic economic situation is very good. After the change of leadership last year, the people-oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable scientific development concept was put forward, which made the domestic economic development environment relatively more relaxed.

Not to mention anything else, just talk about the Huaguo stock market. Since 2005, after being bearish for many years, it has also begun to go bullish.

This was true in the previous life, and it is even more true in this life.

In the previous world, the Shanghai Composite Index finally climbed to a historical high of 6124 points, which has never been reached since then. Although this has a lot to do with Citigroup’s opening of the floodgates, it at least shows that Huaguo has made money and become rich. I have money, because I don’t know how to spend it because I have too much money, how to make more money with this money, so I find a place to toss about and send the money out...

Fang Jie did not participate in the dividends brought by this wave of bull market, because it is too easy for him to collect money in the domestic securities market, and he really can't get rid of his old face and eat meat in his own pot. It's my own money, and I can go abroad to make money if I have the ability.

Even if he is now the richest man in Huaguo, the money that made him the richest man actually only accounts for a small part in China, and most of it is money from Nasdaq, which is money from foreigners.

Therefore, it is very unreasonable for the domestic people to hate the rich against him. This is why he has mixed reputation and reputation, but he was not completely beaten to death by domestic public opinion.

When it comes to making money, he is much more ethical than other domestic capitals. The only criticism is that he has always refused to give up the game industry, and regards it as the core of his business. He even stirs up troubles internationally, talking about inexplicable "" The Ark Game Plan".

Anyway, it’s not impossible for you to engage in the Ark Project, as long as you don’t make a fuss in the country. This is not only the current domestic public opinion trend, but also the meaning at the national level. Therefore, domestic reports about the Ark Project rarely appear in newspapers. Everyone just talks about it. So far, it has not formed a news hotspot.

Even Fang Jie himself kept silent about it when he had nothing to do with the live broadcast of the game.

Domestic affairs should be handled domestically, and foreign affairs should be handled abroad. If the Ark Project can succeed, it will naturally benefit domestically.

But just like those foreign believers who are gradually falling into the trap, Fang Jie himself gradually realized that this matter seems to be really possible to succeed, so what should be done is not only to continue, but also to speed up.

So during the Chinese New Year in 2006, he wrote the game plan as before, and worked out the content of the first version of the game plan of "Ark: Survival Evolved" that he had been pondering.

Then at the beginning of the new year, this plan was thrown to Boiling Games, and instructions were given: game-related data, materials, resources, planning and other content are all here, and you don’t need to go to war, just knead these contents together, Just make a game that can be experienced normally, and it will take 3 months to see the results!

(End of this chapter)

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