Rebirth of the big era of online games

Chapter 403 Super Game Community "Boiling Academy"

Chapter 403 Super Game Community "Boiling Academy"

Boiling’s literary website officially launched the VIP charging model—it seems to be just a simple sentence, but it is actually a huge plan and systematic project.

First of all, the literature website was renamed. From January 2005, 1, it was officially renamed: Boiling Network Literature Academy, or "Boiling Academy" for short.

The reason for changing the name is naturally to cooperate with the upgrading of the entire online literature industry.

After the revision, the website has become a game community, not an online literature website.

In other words, "Boiling Academy" positions itself as an online game, not a novel website.

Since it is an online game, it naturally has game-related elements.

For example, monthly game cards.

Yes, Boiling Academy has a monthly card system. Of course, the name has been changed to a vest, and the euphemistic name is: student ID card.

Only those readers who have applied for a "student card" and become a student of the Boiling Academy can enter the Boiling Academy to study, otherwise they will not even be able to enter the gate of the academy, because you are not a student of the academy and are not eligible to enter to study.

The student ID card is not expensive, and the cost of production is charged at 30 yuan/month.

Well, it’s essentially a monthly card.

After applying for a student ID card, readers can enter Boiling Academy to study and read many books in the academy without restriction.

Of course, the quality of these books varies, there are fairy herbs and poisonous herbs, but they are all free to students. The college will have reading lists, praise lists, potential lists and many other recommended lists for students to refer to.

For the construction and long-term development of the college, when students are reading group books, a 30-second advertisement will be inserted every half an hour. Students can click on the advertisements they are interested in to support the college, or they can leave the computer and relax properly , Relieve visual fatigue.

Of course, whether it is online time, reading behavior, or encountering advertisements, it will bring experience points and professional course skill proficiency to the students. If you click on the advertisement, the skill experience will increase even more.

The professional skills of the students mainly include: Chinese, mathematics, foreign languages, chemistry, biology, history, politics, sports, art, music, etc., and many professional courses are subdivided in these categories. Subjects from elementary school to university are set.

In addition, there are many attributes, such as: physique, wisdom, charm, perseverance, endurance, memory, logic, space, calculation, etiquette...

There are also countless game props, such as various textbooks, calculators, sports equipment, game consoles, CDs, MP3s, mobile phones, paintbrushes, musical instruments, toys, clothing... and so on.

These skills, attributes, and props can all be obtained through various activities in the Boiling Academy, such as posting chapter reviews and paragraph reviews, even during the page turning period, there is a certain probability that they can be obtained randomly.

Of course, Boiling Academy also has a corresponding online game of the same name "Boiling Academy". After reading the novel, students can enter the game of the same name to obtain various props and attributes, and upgrade themselves. The data of the two is interoperable.

Boiling College currently has 10 departments in urban, history, magic, fantasy, science fiction, online games, military, suspense, books, and comics. Students can choose the departments they are interested in, or choose multiple departments at the same time. It’s just a quick look at the flowers, but this may affect the development direction of the students.

For the better and healthy growth of students, Boiling College has prepared a dormitory apartment with enough space for each student. Of course, if you meet other students in the college, you can also rent a larger apartment to live and study together, such as A three-story luxury villa?

The apartment only provides basic living facilities such as chairs, benches, simple bookshelves, single camp beds, stoves, toilets, and electric lights for the time being. If necessary, add such as refrigerators, TVs, computers, large bookshelves, double beds, induction cookers, toilets, etc. Wait, then you need to buy it yourself.

By the way, students, don't be hungry or thirsty in your study and life. The food value will affect the rate at which you gain experience points and skill proficiency. When the food value is lower than 60%, the learning efficiency will drop year-on-year.

But don't worry, Boiling Academy will distribute scholarships once a day based on students' performance and skills. Students can also do some work-study activities to make money, such as reading the course "I am God of Cooking" currently promoted by the academy. Get some kitchenware, food, and recipes.

Of course, students can also study the course "The Legend of Mortal Cultivation" taught by the head teacher "Wang Yu". 》Collect some weapons and ammunition, improve the proficiency of survival skills, and then hunt for food by yourself.

If you have performed very well in "acting" skills by studying the course "I am a big star", then you should also go to "Boiling College Plaza" to show off your talents, which will allow you to get more college scholarships .

But please note that all your behaviors and activities in the academy, including studying, will consume your stamina.

The way to increase the upper limit of physical strength is to improve the physical attributes and obtain the channel to catch the lower limit of physical strength. You can go back to the dormitory to sleep for a while. During your sleep, you may have a dream, an advertisement dream, not long, 30 seconds, and then your physical strength just recovered...


Along with the launch of the half-game, half-fiction website "Boiling Academy", a game description of "Boiling Academy Entrance Manual" planned and written by Fang Jie himself was also released to the public.

The full text basically adopts anthropomorphic and simulated methods to give a comprehensive description and introduction of this game, or this literature website.

Boiling Academy = literature site.

Student card = monthly card membership.

Classmates = readers.

Top ten faculties = ten categories.

Class teacher = author.

XXX course = a novel.

There is also the concept of class, that is, the circle of book friends of a certain book, and class representatives, such as the operation officer, the administrator of the discussion area, and so on.

But then again, since this is also an online game, it is not appropriate to just call these elements "vests", which are part of the game.

Through the introduction of "Boiling Academy Admission Manual", it can be clearly seen that this is a game of cultivation + management + survival + sandbox + copy + simulated hang up + text + advertising fee + monthly card fee + role-playing + multiplayer online A large-scale interactive online game with multiple concepts, or a super game community is more appropriate to describe it.

In other words, Fang Jie completely abandoned the charging mechanism of the online literature website in his previous life, and adopted the game charging mechanism, and even directly changed it into a large-scale role-playing interactive online game.

Regardless of whether this model will be successful, at least it is unprecedented.

The fundamental contradiction in the charging model of online literature in previous lives is not the contradiction between genuine and pirated editions, but the contradiction between the low median income of authors and the high per capita consumption of readers.

Authors below the head can't earn a few dollars in manuscript fees, and even can't guarantee food and clothing. If readers subscribe to a book, they often have to spend tens, hundreds, or even hundreds, dozens of copies. The cost of writing a novel is not small.

This is not because the price of online literature is high. In the previous life, the online literature industry has been losing money for more than ten years.

Even if I made a little money later, compared with other profiteering Internet industries, the little money I earned was not even a fraction of others, so online literature websites also have a difficult lesson to read.

As for the so-called advertising-free model, it is absolutely killing chickens and picking eggs. The subject types and routines of those online articles are all the same.

This kind of free model may attract attention in the short term, but in the long run, it will be like the history of online game development, where bad money drives out good money, and in the end there are only all kinds of garbage free web games with no limit to making money. I will seriously engage in innovation, and make a conscientious and popular online game.

So we still have to stick to the charging model, otherwise it would be tantamount to digging our own grave.

But how to get this charging model has to be discussed in the long run.

After careful consideration in this life, Fang Jie decided to throw away all the fee-paying routines in his previous life and create a routine of his own, a game-fee routine.

The logic of this idea is: It can be determined that the price of previous online subscriptions cannot be lowered, so to solve this contradiction, we should make a fuss about cost performance, so that readers feel that it is worth the money.

Just like games, no matter how expensive some are, some players are willing to bite the bullet and pay for them, and no matter how cheap or even free they are, no one cares about them.

If you treat reading novels as a game, readers will definitely be able to afford the monthly subscription fee of at least 30 yuan/month for all novels on the site. This consumption is much lower than the previous life cost.

If you don’t want to, then I’m sorry, this 30 yuan monthly subscription is mandatory, and you have to accept it if you don’t accept it. Boiling Group will mobilize all its resources, contacts and means to severely block pirated websites. Anyway, Baidu will definitely not be able to find it. Pirated websites, anyway, anyone who builds a pirated website server in China will be arrested and imprisoned, and direct hackers from abroad will attack remotely!

This is not a problem for Fang Jie.

The problem now is that the monthly subscription of 30 yuan is not enough to maintain the operation of the website, nor is it enough to pay the author's remuneration, nor can it reflect the quality of the author's work.

Therefore, on the basis of the monthly subscription, a semi-mandatory advertisement insertion mechanism is added, just like the video website, there is an advertisement before watching the video, which is equivalent to letting advertisers fill in the remaining holes.

The difference is that the video site does not need to watch advertisements after applying for a membership, but the Boiling Academy still has to watch advertisements after applying for a student ID.

Of course, this may arouse readers' resentment, so Fang Jie's solution is to let the game mechanism balance the interstitial advertisements, so that the advertisements are meaningful and valuable, so that readers can accept them calmly.

The specific method is that after these advertisements pop up, they can be closed immediately, and it is not mandatory.

But if the advertisement is closed immediately, unless the readers still have physical strength, they can no longer turn the page to read the novel. All they can do is either go back to their virtual dormitory to sleep, but actually watch the advertisement, or close the browser directly.

Only after watching the advertisement, readers can restore their physical strength according to the duration of watching the advertisement, and then they can further study (read), make further money (earn game coins), purchase value-added services such as skin props, and then act aggressively in front of other students, get A sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

So after the website is upgraded and revised, it can be understood that Boiling Academy is a role-playing and developing online game loaded with countless online novels. To play this online game, the monthly card of 30 yuan/month is for players to get the game Qualification, and the advertisement in the game is a game method to quickly restore physical strength and speed up the upgrade efficiency.

As for the novels in the game, they are just text copies of game props that can be obtained one by one in the online game "Boiling Academy", but the interesting thing about these text copies is that the storyline itself may make people want to stop.

Do you find it easy to accept it when you understand it in reverse?

For an online game, the monthly card is 30 yuan, of course it is necessary, there is no objection.

In other games, you need to sleep, meditate, and heal your wounds to restore your strength, but now it’s nothing more than a 30-second advertisement. Since it’s all about waiting, there’s actually no difference, right?

And what's interesting is that other game dungeons are the same, and you can figure out the routine after brushing it a few times, but the dungeons in this online game are different. There are countless types, themes, and styles of dungeons, and they are still growing , full of unknowns.

And there are hundreds of new dungeons coming online in the game every day, maybe there are as interesting dungeons as "Legend of Mercenaries", "Legend of Mortal Cultivation of Immortals", and "The First Chaos in History"?
At least such a mechanism is completely acceptable to players or readers, because it is cheap, reasonable, worthwhile, and even enjoyable.

After all, "Boiling Academy" is a complete text online game that contains various gameplay elements, game systems and rich content. Even if you don't use it to read novels, just play it as a game, it is still a Very novel, very interesting, very playable game!
As for the author, it is not a problem.

In the past two years, they were burning money to subsidize, and 3 million yuan was burned every year. The authors themselves have been well-raised. Now it is nothing more than a further increase in the treatment of the authors. While ensuring the subsistence allowance, they also added advertisements Commission of income.

A well-written novel will naturally attract more readers, and readers will spend more reading time on this work, that is, the more "stamina points", and the Boiling Academy will base on the "classroom effect" of a certain "class teacher" , the total amount of "stamina points" earned from "students" will be converted into "performance bonuses" and distributed.

Well, in layman's terms, it is essentially the realization of traffic.

The higher the flow of the work, the better the advertising effect, and the more the author will naturally earn. This part of the money is paid by the advertiser.

For example, on the first day of the Boiling Academy’s launch, the entire network was filled with advertisements for Huawei mobile phones, and the advertising fees were naturally paid by Boiling Technology.

In the future, it is not ruled out that other subsidiaries of the Boiling Group, or other Internet companies will come here to advertise, and celebrities play songs and charts, etc., it is fine. Compete for the advertising space of Boiling Academy through fair bidding on the advertising alliance platform.

Under this mechanism, Boiling Academy has also begun to make profits.

The advertising fee is given to the author in full, and whoever gets more advertising traffic will get the corresponding advertising fee in proportion.

But all the monthly card money went into the pocket of Boiling Academy.

To make a simple calculation, as long as there are 1000 million monthly subscription readers, Boiling Academy can collect 3 million yuan just for "tuition fees" every month!

After one year, it is 36 billion!
This does not include future IP development income, but monthly card income.

At first glance, under this model, readers, authors, platforms, and even advertisers have all benefited and achieved a win-win situation.

But this made people have to ask a question: Compared with the previous life, how could this money be so much more out of thin air?
Since everyone is not at a disadvantage, who is at a disadvantage?With so much extra money, who paid for it?
Ha ha……

The extra money is naturally paid by those readers who originally watched pirated copies. The number of readers in this part accounts for at least 90% of the total readers!

That is to say, originally a product could be sold to 10 people for 10 yuan each, but due to various reasons, only 1 person actually bought it and only made 10 yuan in the end, which made the product manufacturer unable to survive , The channel dealers are also crying poorly there, and even the buyers who have spent money are psychologically unbalanced and feel that they have lost money.

Now the product is sold to 10 people, and each person only needs to pay 2 yuan. In this way, the product is sold for 200 yuan, which is 20 times more than before. Of course, a win-win situation has been formed.

Among them, even the 9 people who did not buy the product before now feel that they can afford to spend 2 yuan, and they also bought additional game services worth much more than 2 yuan, or what they bought for 2 yuan is Game services and products are just freebies.

Is there any way to buy a basket and return the pearls?
But regardless of whether it’s buying a cat and returning the pearl or not, at least everyone is psychologically balanced. If the white cat and the black cat can catch mice, it is a good cat. Since this model can make everyone win-win, it is a good model.

Although the "game" of "Boiling Academy" is only a word game, it has an incomparable advantage-the number of "players" online at the same time is over ten million!
In the past, in an online game, even if you pretended to be aggressive, how aggressive can you pretend to be?
If in those ghost costumes, it would be nice to be able to pretend in front of 10 people.

But "Boiling Academy", as long as you continue to play patiently, collect resources through various game activities, and build a homeland, you can pretend to be awesome in front of tens of thousands of people!
At least first of all, the nicknames of the players have an identity prefix, which can be seen by anyone.

When you are still a "kindergarten" degree, when you find a "graduate student", or a reader with the prefix "university teacher", "professor", or even "dean of the department" popping up in a chat room or forum, what will it be like? Feeling?
When you plucked up the courage to refute their remarks, they pretended to say: cut, a kid in kindergarten... I have read more books than you have drunk milk, so stop talking in front of me, right?

Just ask if you are angry?

What's even more annoying is that even if your point of view is correct, a large group of melon-eating people still follow behind to flatter others. After all, you are only at the kindergarten level, which means that no one reads your novels much. I want to challenge Authoritative, don't you weigh your own reading first?
Even if the head teacher comes forward, it’s useless, because the head teacher also looks at money. Since he can reach that level, he must be a senior reader who has contributed countless advertisements and is the head teacher’s food and clothing. How much time do I spend on my body, and why should I speak for you?

But if you have the title of "Urban Academician" now, it will be a fortress. Even if the head teacher sees you, he has to treat you as a guest, because at this level, you have the ban on the discussion areas of all classes under the urban department. The right to delete posts is almost equivalent to half of the official management staff!
Yes, these titles can not only have the pretentious effect of the live broadcast room in the previous life, but also have actual game privileges. These privileges are not only for managing the discussion board, but also for participating in the selection of the head teacher. Whose "course" violates the rules, or does not It looks good, and you can also perform operations such as red flags, warnings, lowering ratings, and reducing the weight of the promotion list.

Of course, Boiling College is an organized and disciplined college with a systematic and strict management system. As much power as everyone has, they naturally have to bear as much responsibility and supervision. It is complicated to talk about it specifically. Worth mentioning.

In short, "Boiling Game" is an online game that is closely related to online literature. It has all the elements of other online games, and even surpasses them. It is a community-oriented super-large game world. Tens of millions or even hundreds of millions or billions of community players will settle in.

Moreover, this game world is still expanding rapidly with the continuous enrichment of novel courses. From the initial academic system, it has gradually evolved into a real career system and ecology of all walks of life, and even expanded into various science fiction, magic, The world of fantasy planes - this is also the prototype of the VR game "Boiling Academy: Metaverse" produced by Boiling Games.

Well, everyone was talking about the metaverse at that time, of course Fang Jie could talk about it too, and it was more genuine and imaginative.

But at this moment, even he himself didn't think so far, he just thought that the revision to "Boiling Academy" was the most suitable charging model for online texts he could think of so far, so he created a word game community.

The launch of "Boiling Academy" was of course not all smooth sailing.

Before the launch, countless readers clamored to abandon the pit on the website. They didn't care about win-win or not. Of course, such things that harm their own interests must stand up and oppose them as soon as possible.

Why?It has always been free to watch, so why charge?

game?I don't care about others, anyway, we usually don't play games, we don't have time!No money either!Just read free novels online!
The leader is becoming more and more unconscionable now, and he has gone to the hole of money, and he charges 30 yuan, and he pays it back every month!

Why not die!
Well, less than half a year later, Fang Jie was scolded again, this time by the masses, not the experts.

There is no way to scold, and a few hundred million are posted every year... Money is a trivial matter, but the key is that it doesn't make much sense to throw money into it.

It’s already 2005, he must earn more money, and then invest in various high-tech industries, such as chips, artificial intelligence, big data, quantum computing, biotechnology, material science, neuroscience...etc. Wait, these are the prerequisite technical conditions for the realization of virtual reality online games, and we cannot afford to delay.

As for the insults from some readers who are unwilling to pay a monthly subscription, he can only use the lyrics in Yu Chengqing's "Report to the Squad Leader" to complain: I give you welfare as a blessing, give you convenience as casual, give you ease as relaxation, and give you face as shameless!
It's only natural that you have to pay for things, but this group of people is fine, and if they beat them up with confidence, of course they will go as far as they can!

Of course, there are also many readers who have an overall view expressed understanding and support, knowing that if you want to see more and better works in the future, paying is the only way out, so readers with different views come and argue in the discussion area endlessly.

Anyway, "Boiling Academy" went online despite a lot of insults, boycotts and various arguments.

Then the data shows that those readers who didn't understand before scolded them, but they were very honest. After the vast majority of readers couldn't find other channels to read free novels, they still pinched their noses to recharge their monthly cards and chose the monthly subscription mode. Finally, they found that The game mode is quite interesting, even obsessed with it.

Well, it is completely in line with the law of true fragrance.

Fang Jie didn't have the time and energy to pay attention to these nonsense. After all, "Boiling Academy" was revised and launched, and made such a big move in the online literature industry. Of course, the whole plan must be more than that, and he has to further promote the follow-up plan.

Relying on monthly cards and advertising revenue alone is obviously a huge waste of the value of "Boiling Academy". Subsequent IP creation has to be put on the agenda, such as related IP games, IP film and television, and IP animation projects.

Of course, "Boiling Academy" itself is an IP game project, but its IP subject is the entire online literature website, and because it is a text community online game, it is relatively simple to make.

What we need to consider now is to further cultivate and build up those series of IPs under its banner, and then gradually establish our own "Boiling Academy Big Universe".

But the food needs to be eaten one bite at a time, and it is unrealistic to cook them all at once. After much deliberation, Fang Jie finally decided to focus on the IP theme in 2005 that suits the taste of Chinese people: Xianxia.

(End of this chapter)

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