Rebirth of the big era of online games

Chapter 396 "My War" and the Nobel Peace Prize

Chapter 396 "My War" and the Nobel Peace Prize
War of Mine is not a very friendly game.

This unfriendliness does not mean that the game is difficult to operate and the game is not fun, but that this is a horror survival game, and players need to make difficult decisions based on personal moral principles.

The background of the game is set in a modern world full of wars. The perspective of the game starts from a civilian who is surviving in a city under siege. It allows players to experience the feeling of being in war from a new perspective.

Civilians have their own occupations. The game will gradually unlock various occupational roles according to the player's game progress and achievements, and give some occupational characteristics, such as chef, teacher, doctor, repairman, etc., and will have certain advantages in a certain survival skill , but this advantage is very limited, and it still needs to face a severe test of survival.

The game mechanism is developed according to the pace of the day and night cycle, divided into two time periods: day and night.

During the daytime, there are snipers outside the shelter to prevent players from leaving. Once they go out, they will be killed by the sniper. Therefore, the main game task of the player is to build and maintain the shelter, such as: building tool tables, forging items, Trade, take care of survivors, and more.

At night, the screen will switch from the refuge to the city map interface. Players can choose a series of unique instances of the refuge on the map to enter, and collect materials that allow them to survive in the place. However, during this process, the behavior of the player will make NPCs respond accordingly.

For example, the place where the old couple is located in the game is one of the novice resource dungeons. Whether the player chooses to steal the living supplies of the old couple is up to the player to decide. The game does not have a mandatory plot.

Players can choose to rob the civilians of their supplies to survive, and then be condemned by their moral conscience, or continue to rob them heartlessly, just as a game that does not have to bear the shackles of morality.

You can also give up this immoral behavior with compassion, but you may starve to death, at least you will live a more difficult life, and even if you stick to the moral bottom line, it will not make the NPC all grateful, or it will not What hidden plots are triggered to get game rewards.

This logic is easy to understand: Things belong to other people. Going to other people's homes and not stealing things is the basic code of conduct. Why do we need extra encouragement?

It is nothing more than the fact that in a state of war, in the face of the test of human survival, this moral bottom line is easily broken.

Therefore, in this game, whether to do everything possible to protect everyone in the shelter, or to make the necessary moral sacrifices for long-term survival, players must make life and death choices under the question of conscience.

Perhaps, there is no such thing as a good decision or a bad decision in war, survival is everything, and players must recognize reality as soon as possible.

Of course, if some players think that they can grab a lot of specials because of this, it is also outrageously wrong.

Not all of the refuge dungeons are harmless old people who can only cry and hide. If you go to a normal house, the other party is in the prime of life, and there are even brothers and sisters living together. The siege.

These people are also civilians, but the Ni Bodhisattva is still angry, just like in the real scene, you are so hungry during the war, you run to the neighbor’s house, and take their rations and other supplies in front of the neighbor. Will you say "you're welcome, take whatever you want", or will you warn first, and then when the warning is invalid, the whole family will come up to you and fight you desperately?

At this time, who cares whether you are a neighbor or an acquaintance, if you are unkind, they will be unrighteous!
Those who are sympathetic may just beat you out of the house, but it does not rule out that they will beat you to death in anger, and then throw your body directly from the balcony. At most, they will report you as a missing person after the war , no one cares how you die.

Correspondingly, of course, the scavengers in the game will occasionally enter your home when you go out to search for supplies at night, and take away your hard-earned supplies. If you are at home, the two sides will also fight, and then either succeed Drive away these civilians who have become robbers, or be injured and let the other party steal some supplies.

In addition, NPC neighbors will often come to the shelter where the player is located for help, and the player can choose to help or not.

If you help, your physical strength will be exhausted and you may be injured, but you will gain some neighbors' favor and some possible material thanks. If you don't help, there will be no punishment. It's still the same sentence: it depends on the player's own moral choice.

The reason why this game has a strong sense of substitution is because of this.

The NPC's reaction and the reward and punishment mechanism in the game are all simulating the real reality. Helping others may not be beneficial, and not helping others may not necessarily be punished. The elderly and children are powerless to resist, and the young and old will beat the player to doubt life. Even in some buildings where armed groups are stationed, if you dare to touch here and there, they will not even warn you, and they will shoot you directly.

Of course, the player will not really die in the game, but after the death, the game will really be game over. If the save file is not saved, the game can only be restarted. This kind of punishment is the most serious punishment in the game.

So when the players first started playing this game, even if they wantonly robbed in the copy of the old couple's place, many people actually didn't have a strong sense of moral condemnation, thinking that the game should be like this.

Then in other dungeons, after being seriously injured by those civilians, going home and laying on the bed, and finally bleeding to death, or being beaten to death, the players suddenly realized that there was a price to be paid for the robbery, and the reason why the old couple did not resist , that's because the old man didn't dare to resist, and couldn't resist, and other people were not as "talkative" as the old couple.

But it happened to be a copy of the old couple who talked very well, which brought the biggest psychological shadow to the players.

There is almost no harm, but the moral condemnation is extremely strong!
Not long after the game was released, player feedback and comments on the official website forum were extremely popular, including not only the feelings of encountering the dungeon of the old couple, but also the discussion of the plot of other dungeons, and various other emotions.

"This is a story about human nature. The only goal of the game is not to regret or feel guilty, but unfortunately, I can't do it..."

"If you have a kind heart, you will feel that this game is very difficult. I can't make it through, restart the game three times, and the longest I haven't survived is 10 days..."

"It's actually hard for me to describe in words the feeling of sadness that is so strong that I can't get rid of it. So I just write one sentence, which is when I first broke my defense: When I went to explore the villa , accidentally discovered that there was an old man living in it, and the first thing the old man said when he saw me was: Are you going to kill me?"

"I don't want to play anymore, I hate war. I can't bear to kill people, the old couple's hut, the two old people begged me not to kill them, the old man begged me not to take away his wife's medicine, and he kept following me, asking beside me Am I going to kill them, but in order to survive, I still took some supplies. I never went to their home after that, I was afraid that they might have died because of taking away their food and medicine... ..."

"The person upstairs looks like an extremely hypocritical person. He said that he was reluctant not to kill people, but he also said that he robbed some supplies and pretended to be the Virgin here? I'm sure you killed that old couple, and you didn't How would you know that 'they may be dead' after trying it, there is no silver 300 taels here, the last sentence is to clear yourself up, and you are right and wrong..."

"When I survived to the seventh day, I had nothing to eat at the end. In order to survive, I killed the old couple in the villa... After killing them, I felt very uncomfortable, so I read the file and went back to before killing them... ...Well, I didn't kill anyone, and I didn't grab food, but I was starved to death, but it was strange, and I felt a little better..."

"The first time I went to grab a copy of the supplies, it wasn't the old couple's house, but the auto repair shop. At that time, I wanted to go to his house to steal some supplies, but I was discovered, and then I killed his son... But I I didn't kill his father, because his son was constantly buying medicines to save his father. I couldn't bear to do it... When I went to see it the next day, there was no one there. At this moment, I myself Under the condemnation of my conscience, I began to feel uncomfortable for no reason, and I felt uncomfortable for a whole day, this game is too heavy."

"I took my ax and crowbar with me when I went out in the evening, and when I came back in the early morning, I was carrying a full load of food, medicine, and guns, but I didn't bring back the ax that was already stained red with blood. At this moment, it seems that my ears are still echoing 'Please Don't do that, sir'..."

"I donate generously during the day, and kill the Quartet at night. As long as I eat enough every day, I will be happy and have a good ending. Looking at the customs clearance archive, I feel like I saved everyone—but those letter papers hidden under the table, I do not dare see."

"This game really made me understand many things from different angles. 'Playing with things and losing one's mind' is a one-sided statement. This is an educational game, whether it is a highly educated person, a person with status, or the working people at the bottom , can comprehend the true meaning of peace. Now people have been peaceful for a long time, and they have no sense of urgency, nor do they know what war means!"

"In modern warfare, people can only die like domestic animals. May there be no war in the world, and may the world be peaceful!"

"The game truly reflects the cruelty of modern warfare. I hope the world can be peaceful, and I am glad that I am Chinese!"

"Humanity, or survival? Calmness, or bloodthirsty? Help, or indifference? Friendship, or interest? Conscience, or hypocrisy? It's up to you to decide..."

"This game is very real, at least when playing, the music and atmosphere are very engaging, thinking about war, humanity, survival and love..."

"It's a good game, but I wouldn't recommend it to others. It's too sad... You can smoke and drink without a conscience, but it's still too sad to see people die..."

"In war, not everyone wants to go to the front to kill the enemy-this is the slogan of this game, but it is very ironic, because we who don't go to the front to kill the enemy often kill each other in the rear..."

"I just played the beautiful nurse I unlocked to death, disheartened, fuck his father's war! This is war, destroying the lives of all ordinary people, and human beings are so narrow that they can easily fall into war! Playing this game, let I deeply understand the words of Archduke Maria Theresa of Austria, "Better mediocre peace than brilliant war"! "

"Those who can read this comment, almost no one can enjoy the glory of war. We are all victims. When a grain of sand of the times falls on our heads, we are powerless to resist. So, I hope those Players who use "why not fight" as a meme every day think about it: If one day, there is a real fight, do you think you will do better than the characters in the game?"

"Sorry, next time, I will definitely be a good person..."

"I'm different from you guys. I don't have a choice in reality, but in the game, I want to be a good person..."

These are just some of the players' comments. Whether it is a domestic player or a foreign player, it is the first time that a game has produced so many emotions and thoughts, and has a very strong desire to express.

Obviously, they were too depressed at the time, so they came here to comment rather than looking for an outlet to relieve their psychological emotions. Rather than writing for others to read, it is better to say it is a kind of self-monologue.

For example, there is a high-ranking player who recorded his daily life in the game in the form of "Survival Diary" while playing the game. There is a certain amount of artistic processing in the expression of the content, but it basically reflects what he encountered in the game. Everything has aroused the follow-up and resonance of the majority of players.

"I'm a rational person, and I'm quite 'cold-blooded'. I think that in extreme situations, survival is far higher than morality, so there is no moral torture in the early stage..."

"I just faced an old couple trembling and embracing each other in the hut. After hesitating for a while, I left a can of canned food and a vegetable from my backpack. But at that time, I had already sentenced them to death—— If a young man like me can't survive this war, then they, the two old people, can't..."

"I have to admit that if I can't survive, I will definitely come to 'patronize' this pair of defenseless poor old people again, and rob them of all the resources they have left to survive."

"A continuous heavy snow completely dispelled my idea."

"I regretted not being well prepared, and maliciously wanted to snatch the things of the old people as soon as possible. In the end, I was a little relieved that the heavy snow stopped a crime, at least one crime."

"I can't help but think, on the other side of the road blocked by heavy snow, are the two old people in the hut with less supplies than us okay?"

"But at the moment, I can only stop thinking about it, because the snow is also falling on this side. The disease, the cold, the lack of food and clothing, the depopulation, the shelter is slowly becoming a hell on earth."

"Dragging my sick body, amidst the crying of the little girl who lost her father, I repeatedly took out the supplies saved by my companions who risked their lives, and traded with pawns for medicine, food and firewood to survive."

"The dream of development was shattered step by step in the deal with the businessman to quench thirst. For the rest of the time, I tried my best to slowly build a snowman at the door with my hands. It was very cold and there was not enough firewood. The house was not much warmer than outside. It was very slow, and it took me three days to pile it up."

"I always fantasize that someone passing by this hut, seeing this grinning snowman in the middle of starvation everywhere, can understand for a moment that there used to be living people here-people who have not been numb from the torture of war."

However, this "Survival Diary" only recorded No.30 for seven days.

"Survival Diary: No.30 Seven days. The winter has passed, and the weather has finally turned warm, but there is nothing in the house except some cold parts."

"As I was critically ill, I forced myself to ignite the favorite book that my neighbor entrusted me to keep, cooked a full meal for myself with the only supplies left in the refrigerator, and took the last little medicine at home-although these things are very important to me. It's no help for my broken and broken soul, but even in such a hell, I still have a little fantasy in my heart..."

"However, fantasies are just fantasies."

"I am dead."

"The last thing I want to say is: good game, really good game, but I don't want to play it again..."

The author of this "Survival Diary" is actually Fang Jie himself.

He did plan the game, but he just provided an idea, and when he personally experienced this different game, he would still be deeply substituted into it.

Such a game, even if he is a game planner, he doesn't want to play it again, because rationally he thinks that he is just a layman, and there is really no need to find abuse for himself. The best place for this game work is to put it on the shelf and provide it It's good to get up, it's enough for ordinary people to play once, but if you play with such a valuable object every day, something will happen.

Writing "Survival Diary" is just a way of venting, and it is also a propaganda routine. It is not to say "I don't want to play again". Players who see this diary will really be obedient and stop playing. Curiosity and sense of substitution, you must enter the pit.

And the more people play, the greater the influence of the game will be. Even if people dare not play it in the future, its position in the hearts of players must be irreplaceable.

Just like many years later, a Chinese player left a message saying: "I heard that "War of Mine" has updated a new plot version. I haven't played this game for a long time. I really want to go in and play again, but I'm afraid to play it again. After that, I didn't dare to play again for a long time..."

Even Chinese players are deeply excited, let alone foreigners.

We must know that because everyone in China is not rich, the country is engaged in economic construction, and everything is centered on economic construction, so ideologically, Chinese people are more inclined to realism, utilitarianism, materialism, and refined egoism.

Secondly, the younger generation of Chinese people have never experienced war and have no intuitive feelings about war. In fact, their views and understanding in this regard are very shallow.

So what is reflected in the game is that most Chinese players don't have too deep feelings, but rather enjoy it. Only a few people post on the forum, but because there are many Chinese players, it seems very lively. Most of the people kept silent, which makes people not talk too much.

Abroad is the other extreme entirely.

Because foreigners have become rich and have achieved great material satisfaction, they pay great attention to spiritual pursuits, such as clamoring for freedom, human rights, equality, justice, peace, morality, compassion, environmental protection...etc. slogan.

No matter what they are like in their bones or how many bad things they have done behind their backs, at least on the surface, this is the general ideology of the people, which is their political correctness.

For example, why did the movie "Schindler's List" become the top ten movies in the world and the number one movie about historical themes? Why did it become a great movie?

In addition to the quality of the film itself, because it is an anti-war film and involves themes such as blood, tears, life, death, and love, it makes people feel heavy after watching it, and can't help but reflect on it. People have to regard it as the basis for God's work.

And "War of Mine" is obviously a game with the same theme. Not only is the quality of the game itself impeccable, it has a strong sense of substitution, and it is born with Western political correctness. For ordinary people abroad, it is simply a sharp hit. , poking at their most sensitive nerve.

If Chinese people play this game, at most they will secretly blush their eyes, then when foreigners are stimulated by this kind of stimulation, they will directly break down and cry bitterly.

Chinese people say they don’t want to play this game anymore, maybe it’s just talk, it’s somewhat hypocritical, but foreign players have played this game, and if they say they don’t want to play it, then they really don’t want to play it, because it really brought them strong feelings. discomfort and heart-wrenching realization.

But this does not prevent them from praising the game in every possible way, nor does it prevent them from recommending the game to people around them.

This is called being alone is not as good as having fun with others. Of course, you should not hesitate to recommend such a good game. By the way, you can see how other people are suffering, and you will be psychologically balanced.

When praising this game, some foreign players said that it can no longer be called a game, but a work of art, and some foreign players even said in the discussion area that this game and its creators, Fully qualified to win this year's Nobel Peace Prize!

Therefore, Huaguo Boiling Game Company finally successfully entered the field of vision of foreign players this time, and left a deep impression in their hearts: this is a company that can turn games into works of art, a tall anti-war Go to the company, and whether it is "Minecraft" or "War of Mine", it is a good game, and it is worth continuing to pay attention to it in the future!

Foreigners regard "War of Mine" as a work of art, and even think that it can win the Nobel Peace Prize. This is a gratifying thing.

But less than a month after the game was released, before the word-of-mouth burst, it was scolded by conservative experts and asked to boycott and block it. The reason was: the protagonist in this game deprived others of their lives in order to survive. Rights are encouraging players to do whatever they can to spread and promote anti-human values!

Boiling Games, the developer of this game, was also officially moved to the front of the stage. It became the target of public criticism and was scolded as a social cancer, including Fang Jie, who was also scolded as a person with bad conduct.

(End of this chapter)

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