Rebirth of the big era of online games

Chapter 378 Boiling Engine Open Source Platform

Chapter 378 Boiling Engine Open Source Platform

A game that cannot be plagiarized, must have its own innovation, has a short production time, but is 3D, has considerable playability and influence, and can make boiling games a hit——"My World ".

No matter how classic other games are, "Minecraft" is always at the top of the list of classic games, and its influence is not even NO.1.

However, the waves caused by this game in the previous life in China were not too big.

The domestic situation is that "Minecraft" has already become famous internationally, and domestic players just joined in the fun to experience it, and then most Chinese players couldn't continue playing and abandoned the pit one after another.

The characteristics of the game itself determine that it can only be regarded as a niche game in China.

First of all, it's a casual game.

As for casual games, they are either children's favorites, or those who are already financially free will play and have the time to play.

In Huaguo, which is poor and still developing, casual games obviously don't have a big market.

The citizens have just escaped poverty, and they are all rolling up their sleeves for a well-off life. How can they have time for leisure?
This is only in those developed countries, especially those countries with high welfare such as Sweden and Finland, even if they don't work, the people can't starve to death, the people will experience such games when they are idle and bored.

Don't you see the casual games on Lianzhong, who are they playing?

Either children, or middle-aged and elderly people, okay?

But the problem is, "Minecraft" is still a 3D game.

Isn't it nonsense to let children play 3D games with middle-aged and elderly people?
Children don't even know how to operate 3D games, how can they play?
Although middle-aged and elderly people have the ability to operate, they feel dizzy when watching 3D games and cannot play at all.

Therefore, "Minecraft" has almost no audience in China, and only a few young players are obsessed with it.

The third feature of the game makes a small number of young players even fewer - the mosaic cube game.

It is estimated that many Chinese people will scoff when they come into contact with "Minecraft" for the first time.

That's it?

Are you foreigners sick?

Such a "rough" picture, such a "mentally handicapped" game, do you like it so much?
Is it that the good game we understand, that is, the exquisite and extreme graphics, the sense of accomplishment obtained through game technology or game time, is very different from the good game you foreigners understand?

Is there some misunderstanding here?
The fourth feature - a highly free game world.

Although "Minecraft" has survival and adventure modes, the reason why it really goes out of the circle is the highly liberalized and open game world, allowing players to carry out creative activities in the game.

But there is a problem with this: there is no clear goal.

It's like writing a novel, there is no main thread running through it, the protagonist doesn't know what to do, and the readers don't know what the protagonist wants to do, which makes people confused and at a loss.

When Fang Jie gave a speech on the Wall Street route of Citigroup last year, he pointed out the characteristics of the current Chinese people: Compared with foreigners, we Chinese people care more about whether things will happen, are more realistic, more utilitarian, and have a strong purpose in doing things. Set a goal first, and then work towards that goal.

This situation is determined by socio-economic, social ideology, social background and cultural differences.

After Huaguo players enter "Minecraft", they will find that the game seems to have no goal, so they lose the motivation of the game, wander around aimlessly for a while, and then ask questions: What are we playing? lonely?
The only thing that can attract Chinese players may be the fifth feature of this game-sandbox game.

Sandbox games are evolved from sandbox games and are a type of game of their own. They consist of one or more map areas and often contain a variety of game elements, including role-playing, action, shooting, driving, and so on.

Creation is the core gameplay of this type of game. Using the objects provided in the game to create something unique to the player, being able to change or influence or even create the world is a characteristic of sandbox games.

And "My World" is a classic among the sandbox game classics. Later classic survival sandbox games include "Famine", "RUST", "Ark", "Lumber Survival" and so on.

But these are not the granddaddy of sandbox games.

The earliest was "Genesis: Dark Age" in 89, and the earliest version must have been played by the post-80s and 90s.

The most recent well-known sandbox games are Sega's "Shenmue" in 99 and the sci-fi masterpiece "EVE" just launched in May this year!
Not many people know about the game "Shenmue", but as long as you know that the game giant Sega was almost dragged down by this game, you will know how abnormal the production of the game is.

The graphics of "Shenmue", at that time or even a few years later, were exquisite enough to kill all games on the market in seconds, including the well-known games such as "Tomb Raider" and "Final Fantasy" that boasted about the graphics, in front of "Shenmue" Still not enough to see.

As for "EVE"...

Need to explain?
However, the current "EVE" is still relatively crude, with many bugs, and the players are still in the wasteland development stage, the game experience is not good, Fang Jie has not played this game in the live broadcast room for the time being.

In fact, he really wants to copy a copy of "EVE" and play it by himself, but the problem of the game engine has not been solved before, such as graphics, textures, special effects, systems, etc., with the current strength of the boiling game, it is not possible to work out for the time being, and even if it is done. Yes, the computer configuration requirements are too high, so domestic players are temporarily unable to experience it.

The Boiling Engine does not mean that it can be used in all games after the development is completed. It can only be said to make basic 3D games, especially the No.1 gunfight game. To make other types of 3D games, further research and development is required. , the game engine is a process of continuous upgrading and expansion, not a one-day achievement.

So at the moment, even a seemingly simple game like "Minecraft" can still be played.

There is a famous saying in the field of art: simplicity is the most beautiful.

"Minecraft" is a "simple" game.

Simple, but not simple.

It's a fairly complex game, but it wouldn't be considered a classic otherwise, belied by its mosaic-block exterior.

Just like the Apple mobile phone, the appearance and function keys look extremely simple, but in fact there are real products in the belly, which is not simple at all. Otherwise, it is impossible for countless young people to flock to it just because of its glamorous appearance.

However, the simplicity of "Minecraft" is mainly due to the simplicity in appearance, which means that the requirements for art are not high. As long as the game system and game planning are in place, the game can be made quickly.

In addition, the game itself is actually a semi-open game engine, in which players can load modules to customize the game world, so the initial stage of the game does not necessarily have to be large and complete, but only needs to be determined The basic framework and the rules of the game world can be invented and created by the players themselves.

For example, texture maps and materials, players can load modules by themselves to make the screen into a non-mosaic game, it is not impossible, it mainly depends on personal preference and whether the computer configuration supports it.

When Fang Jie proposed this feature of the game, the participants expressed their opposition at first.

In particular, a group of high-level executives from Boiling Software reacted the most violently. They felt that the boss was an idiot for being an otaku for a year.

"If my understanding is correct, opening the game module and allowing players to load resource packs by themselves, wouldn't it be equivalent to publishing most of the system code of our boiling engine for free?"

"That's right, in this way, the game engine that we spent nearly three years and a lot of money to develop is just given away like this?"

"Players are actually okay to say, the key is that companies in the industry have obtained these engine system codes, and they can rely on our engine system to develop their own games!"

"If you learn from foreigners and charge licensing fees, I am in favor of it, but Mr. Fang seems to be planning to open source for free? I don't understand this."

Of course, there are also people who understand, the company veteran, Wang Yu, the head of Boiling Software, after thinking for a while, asked: "Do you want to establish the game ecosystem of Boiling Engine through this open source method?"

Fang Jie smiled and nodded: "That's right. Although the gameplay of "Minecraft" itself includes role-playing, combat adventure, survival, collection, manufacturing and construction, main missions, etc., the real core gameplay is actually It is a MOD gameplay outside the game, that is, custom game modules and resources."

"The basis of this core gameplay is that the subsystems of the relevant game engine must be open source."

"The purpose of open source is to establish a game ecosystem with the boiling engine as the core."

"But I think the risk is a bit high..." Wang Yu frowned and said, "The game engine is open source. I have no objection. What I worry about is that if the game "Minecraft" is not widely recognized by the market, we may lose money instead." Madam broke up again."

At this time, someone immediately seconded: "Isn't it? If not many people play the game, and the MOD gameplay is not done, once the engine code is released, it will not be taken back!"

"This is the first time we have set foot in the international game industry. We are not familiar with the place, and the risk is really great. We will get nothing by then, and we will make wedding dresses for others..."

"I also think the chairman should think twice about this..."

Looking around at this group of unambitious people, Fang Jie became angry and his face became a little gloomy.

"You guys have already retreated before you even started to do things. This is not the attitude and spirit of a leader in the domestic game industry!"

"If you don't have confidence and confidence in the games you make, then what qualifications do you have to sit in this position?"

"If the game doesn't become popular, of course I'm responsible for this main strategy, but you are not responsible? So, if the situation you mentioned happens, you all resign and get out!"

For a moment, needles could be heard in the meeting room, and everyone was silent, not daring to let out a breath.

Perhaps it was because Fang Jie hadn't appeared in the company for more than half a year. Everyone almost forgot his identity as a god and who was in charge of this company.

But at this moment, everyone was surprised - Lord Tianshen holds 100% of the shares of Boiling Games and has the absolute right to speak. Even if his words are not imperial decrees, they have similar effects to imperial decrees. How can others refute them?
At this moment, Fang Jie's expression softened a little, and he said in a deep voice: "I'm not trying to be arbitrary. It's okay if the game ecosystem of the boiling engine is not established, the big deal is to take your time. Anyway, we boil the game, up to The entire Boiling Group has money, people, and time! Don’t forget, I just passed my 22nd birthday, and I’m still very young!”

"What does it mean to lose your wife and lose your army? Could it be that I can't afford it?"

"What I care about is your attitude and mentality!"

After a pause, he glanced at the audience, and after emphasizing this sentence, Fang Jie said solemnly: "It is true that we can only be regarded as little brothers in front of foreign game manufacturers, and we are not worthy of carrying shoes for them. However, we, as Once the leader of the domestic game industry goes abroad, it will represent the face of the country!"

"On the international battlefield, before the two armies go to war, I will never allow anyone to shake the morale of the army and build up the ambition of others!"

"Otherwise, kill without mercy!"

"Moreover, this battle is only allowed to win, not to lose! If you lose, you all get out of here and let the capable ones live!"

"Don't be complacent just because we have achieved some achievements in China. Our journey is the sea of ​​stars, not our own one-acre three-point land!"

"Don't talk about difficulties with me, if you have difficulties, find a way to overcome them! If there is a problem, find a way to solve it! If there are few people playing, find a way to promote it! People can't be suffocated to death by urine!"

"Don't talk about risks with me! There are risks in everything you do, the key is to see if it's worth it!"

"The boiling engine is our pride, but it doesn't mean we have to cherish it! Overseas, there are "Thor", "Unreal", and "Blizzard" engines that are no less than or even better than this engine, and those big foreign manufacturers will look at us Game engine? Surely not?"

"Those who will use our open source game engine are nothing more than a large number of small game companies and independent game studios, and when they develop games, they will also contribute to our game engine."

"In China, we share our engine with the industry for free, so that everyone can make progress together and let a hundred flowers bloom. What's wrong with that?"

"Some people may think that we have suffered a loss, but I want to repeat the old saying here: a loss is a blessing!"

"What's wrong with suffering a loss? On the surface, you suffer a loss, but the intangible benefits you actually get are incalculable!"

"Why does Microsoft know that the whole country is using their pirated operating system, but only trouble those big companies? Don't they know that they are at a disadvantage? Isn't it to maintain their dominance and maintain the entire Microsoft operating system? ecosystem?"

"Once these small game companies, studios, and even individuals at home and abroad develop their own game systems on the open source platform of our game engine, won't this ecology be established?"

"Once the game production ecosystem with the boiling engine as the core is established, the boiling engine itself will become better, more advanced, and more powerful, and become the first choice for game manufacturers to make games. At that time, we Boiling Games is naturally one of the best game companies in the world! It has both face and face!"

"There are so many games developed by game companies on the platform. After that, can we build an international game platform like STEAM to promote and sell games?"

"Introducing excellent foreign games for Chinese players to experience for the first time, and at the same time launching domestic games to engage in cultural output, isn't it easier to subtly accept it?"

"The Boiling Engine sells licenses? Do you really think you can sell it? Even if you can sell it, how much can you sell it for?"

"Foreign game makers won't buy it. Domestic game makers can't afford it for the poor, and the rich always feel that foreign engines must be better than ours. They would rather buy foreign engines than domestic ones. Instead of selling licenses, or cheap If you want to sell it, it’s better to simply open it up for free!”

"However, there is no free lunch in the world! You have been with me for so long, and you should have understood a truth: free is the most expensive! Now free and open source does not make money, it does not mean that it will not make money in the future, and it does not mean that other aspects will not make money. To the money."

"You guys are playing games, and you get a little bit of dead salary, the highest annual salary is only one million, which is too little! But just the allotment of shares given to you by 51mai, as long as it goes public, your net worth can break through tens of millions in an instant, this is Practical benefits in other ways!"

"So, don't just focus on the little money from the engine license. I, the boss, don't care. You guys don't care!"

When it came to money, everyone laughed.

After today's meeting, it is estimated that the boss's next short-term work will focus on the 51mai listing plan. If there is no accident, 51mai will be listed on Nasdaq at the end of the month, and is currently going through the final process.

Once 51mai goes public, almost everyone here will be a multi-millionaire, which is exciting just thinking about it.

So the god of heaven has to hug his thighs tightly. He can do whatever he says, and he just needs to be firm in carrying it out anyway.

What's more, listening to Jun's words is better than reading ten years of books. What the Lord God said is indeed reasonable, and he has even considered the second and third steps in the future. This is the pattern, and I have to accept it.

In short, the project of the sandbox game "Minecraft" was decided by Fang Jie against the crowd. At the same time, the "Boiling Engine Open Source Project" was also decided. Integrate "" and "", and establish "Boiling Open Source Platform" and other major issues.

"" and "" were established as early as the beginning of the development of the game engine. They are respectively the gathering bases for the most professional art talents and computer talents in China. They are also the outsourcing websites of Boiling Engine. There are two websites, and it is impossible for the boiling engine to be developed so quickly.

This is another great advantage of Huaguo: if the technology is not good, then use the crowd tactics, and a game engine can be piled up.

Of course, the website will also undertake outsourcing work from other subsidiaries and Internet companies other than Boiling, such as some simple print advertisements, 3D modeling, rendering, materials, textures, CI design, plug-in development, etc. An excellent place for talents to use their spare time to earn extra money.

These two websites are only relatively well-known in the industry, and they are not well-known on the Internet. Ordinary people have never heard of them. Now they are integrated into the boiling engine open source platform and will exist as a highly professional section. An important addition to the platform.

I believe it won't be long before the SOLO family will feel like a fish in water. After all, even a company like Boiling Games will outsource some simple tasks. When other game companies use Boiling Engine to make games in the future, they will inevitably adopt outsourcing. In this way, it not only saves costs, but also maintains a high quality of finished products.

After the project meeting was over, Fang Jie held the Boiling Business Shareholders' Meeting non-stop.

Tencent, Huawei, Netease, Telecom, Netcom, China Mobile, the four major banks, securities firms, overseas investment banks, and market makers all sent shareholder representatives to participate, and unanimously approved all the proposals for the listing of Boiling Business on NASDAQ. resolution motion.

This is actually just a formality. The specific procedures and procedures are arranged by specialized market makers and service agencies, and they have been continuously promoted. Now it is nothing more than a formal resolution, which has legal effects.

After the meeting, Mr. Ren of Huawei had a private conversation with Fang Jie, which was a major issue.

Huawei's mobile operating system "Hongmeng System" has almost been developed, and it will be completed by the middle of next year at the latest. However, the current mobile ecosystem is still dominated by the Symbian system, and it is difficult for "Hongmeng System" to establish its own ecosystem. I hope that Boiling can provide support within its capabilities on mobile applications, especially game software applications.

This is of course a must!
In the previous life, Nokia and Motorola almost monopolized the global mobile phone market by relying on the Symbian system ecosystem before 08. Every time a mobile phone was sold, the Symbian system would charge dozens of dollars in patent fees, which was a lot of money. Bowl full.

But it's still the same sentence: eating alone is a no-brainer.

Many mobile phone software and hardware manufacturers complained, and then Google couldn't stand it anymore. It took the lead in forming the Open Mobile Alliance with 84 hardware manufacturers, software developers and telecom operators to jointly develop and improve the Android system. Subsequently, Google authorized the Apache Open Source License way, released the Android source code.

From the announcement of the development of the Android system to the launch of the system, it took only one year before and after, and then Symbian was gone...

It took more than two years for Huawei to go it alone in this generation, and finally came up with the "Hongmeng System", which is not too slow.

Moreover, the Android system in the previous life was officially released in October 08, but now it is October 10!

A full 5 years ahead of schedule!
This is also the embarrassment of the "Hongmeng System", because it is the time when the Symbian system is in full swing. Although software and hardware manufacturers have complained a lot, they are still swallowing their anger, and they have not reached the level of uniting to resist.

It is difficult to establish a system ecosystem when the Hongmeng system is launched at this time, and Huawei is still a Chinese company with little international appeal. It is impossible for many hardware manufacturers to cooperate with the Hongmeng system to replace the Symbian system.

However, it cannot be stopped internationally, and there is still hope at home.

In terms of hardware, even chips, it’s okay to find a foundry for custom processing. As long as politics and core technology are not involved, foreign capital will not look at the money and not make money.

The software ecology is relatively difficult. This requires everyone to build it together, and Huawei alone cannot handle it.

For example, mobile games, of course, are made to be boiled and boiled. This is called professional people doing professional things. Huawei itself can produce excellent operating systems, but it may not be able to produce excellent mobile games.

The reason why Mr. Ren came here was to plan ahead, let Fang Jie prepare in advance, don't keep staring at online games, and quickly take the time to play mobile games.

Mobile games?
Fang Jie wanted to laugh.

Is this thing still ready?

In addition to being a FLASH game, "My World" is also a JAVA game that can run on mobile phones!

Not to mention classic games like "Snake", "Angry Birds", and "Plants vs. Zombies".

Boiling Games can even develop large-scale 3D online games. These small mobile games are not easy to grasp. If possible, it is not a problem to release a hundred small games every year. I am afraid that players will not be able to play them!

(End of this chapter)

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