Rebirth of the big era of online games

Chapter 267 Is there a difference between stand-alone and online games?

Chapter 267 Is there a difference between stand-alone and online games? (more compensation)

(I made a lot of chicken feathers, and I will add another chapter today as compensation)
The biggest change in this reorganization of the boiling network is the major surgery on the boiling game.

It is equivalent to dismantling the boiling game into eight pieces and splitting it into many independent departments.

The previous game operations department, planning department, technology department, design department, and engine department were all independent.

Doing so may increase the process in the game development process, increase communication costs, and reduce work efficiency, but the advantage is that the division of labor is clearer.

The so-called professional people do professional things. Like before, people usually don’t need to drop by. It’s just a lot of people nesting together. The excitement is lively, but many people are either multi-tasking and dizzy, or they are doing nothing and don’t know what they should do. , human resources are not fully utilized, and the efficiency is lower.

Now that the company is flooded with a large number of talents, if it continues to be in such a state of chaos and wastes more resources, it is better to carry out a reasonable social division of labor.

In the past, it was too noisy when there were too many people together, and it was impossible to do it when there were fewer people. Now that a large number of talents are pouring into the company, this problem does not exist. Except for a few side businesses, after the split of the technical department of the core game business, there is still There are enough people to help it stand alone.

Even if the development is good, these departments will be further independent to set up subsidiaries
Anyway, everyone in the company has already seen that, although the reorganization of the big boss is only in name and structure, it is clear that it is to pave the way for the establishment of the Boiling Group.

Then in the future, these departments of theirs will inevitably set up separate subsidiaries. The original department head will become the general manager of the subsidiary in the future, and the team leaders below will be the directors of the subsidiary in the future. will also increase substantially.

If you're lucky, you might even be spun off and listed on the market. In that case... Tsk tsk, you've made a fortune!

Therefore, for this internal reorganization, the whole company is very supportive, and it has greatly improved the work enthusiasm and subjective initiative of the employees, especially the management.

In the past, Fang Jie always asked the management to do whatever they wanted, and they would do whatever they wanted, especially the veterans of the company, who worshiped him like a god. Need to have a mind of your own.

It's different now, the boss has made it clear that he is giving them a chance to be on their own, and they have to take good care of it.

So after the company's internal reorganization, the managements of various departments went to Fang Jie to talk and talk, and put forward various constructive suggestions and development plans. At the same time, each of them claimed to make their departments bigger and stronger.

But unfortunately, in terms of knowledge, Fang Jie is better than all these people combined.

In his opinion, most of the proposals are simply whimsical, and he can even curse unceremoniously: nonsense!

For example, the game research and development department proposed to develop the stand-alone game market.

Of course they know how bad the domestic piracy environment is, so they have also given many anti-piracy solutions.

But piracy, let alone in 2001, even 20 years later, in 2021, will still be banned repeatedly. Otherwise, Fang Jie in his previous life would not have been eunuched in a fit of anger when he wrote online novels.

The key problem with piracy is that although the country has promulgated relevant laws, it is difficult for relevant departments to make a difference because the cost of breaking the law is far lower than the cost of law enforcement.

Secondly, the country is still relatively backward in all aspects. Many intellectual property rights are brought from the country. At best, it is for learning from others. , and even directly use immigration policies to snatch talents from all over the world, and technology has grown stronger.

The current national income is not high, and there is no money to consume genuine copies. Now most of the copyrights of all kinds of knowledge are in the hands of foreigners, especially game copyrights. No one can afford genuine copies.

Therefore, currently playing stand-alone games in China is purely courting death. Online games are because of their special nature and cannot be pirated. Otherwise, no one is willing to spend money on games.

Fang Jie directly vetoed all the proposals and projects related to the development of stand-alone games. The reason is one sentence: the timing is not ripe, and the environment does not allow it.

As for when the time is depends on when the environment allows it, and when it is allowed...hehe.

Anyway, Fang Jie can't generate electricity for love. He is a rational person, and he is most concerned about the principle of fair and reasonable exchange of equivalent value. He spends his own money, kills countless brain cells, and invests a lot of manpower and material resources to feed some people who are not familiar with them. In turn, he will be the white-eyed wolf of the keyboard man, unless he is sick!

Besides, who the hell stipulated that stand-alone games cannot be made into online games?

For a game like "League of Legends", the computer battle mode is a stand-alone game, and the player battle mode is an online game. From the perspective of a game developer, is there any difference?

There is no difference at all!

In other words, the difference between stand-alone games and online games is only in whether they are connected to the Internet and whether they are interactive.

The stand-alone games developed by many foreign stand-alone game developers in later generations have added networking functions and designed the interactive gameplay of the games.

So stand-alone or online games is not a question worth thinking about. In Fang Jie's view, the two are originally a market. The real problem lies in the game development technology. Without strong technology, everything is just a cloud.

At present, Boiling Network is still a primary school student in terms of game development. It is still in the process of learning and growing up. It is better to wait for the game engine to develop what kind of game to develop. It is too ambitious.

Some people also suggested that since domestic technical talents are not up to the standard, and now we have money, it is better to directly acquire foreign game companies, such as Blizzard, and then make games abroad and sell them abroad.

This suggestion was also rejected by Fang Jie.

He has never believed in the integrity of foreigners, and it can even be said that he has never believed that "human beings are inherently good".

The inferior nature of human beings determines that human beings must be bound by rules and laws, but there are still many loopholes in rules and laws that can be exploited. At home, it is better for him to steer the helm himself. In foreign countries, he does not have the confidence to control a group of foreigners for his use. .

In the current social environment where even the Chinese themselves look down on themselves, foreigners look down on the Chinese even more, not to mention Laomei, the surrounding island countries and Bangzi countries, and even the people in the port area look down on the mainland.

Under such an ideology, let a group of skilled foreigners work for the Chinese people, and they are born with strong resistance and rebellious psychology.

It’s like an employee you looked down on before, now becomes a boss, buys your company, and becomes his employee, what mood and feeling do you feel in your heart?

It is estimated that even if he swallowed his anger and stayed for the sake of money, he would just dawdle and not have any centripetal force and cohesion. As long as he had the opportunity, he would quit and leave, so as not to suffer psychological torture all day long.

So what if you buy Blizzard now?

The final result after buying Blizzard is most likely just buying an empty shell, and all the game production talents are gone. Apart from losing money and raising a little international reputation, there is actually no meaning and practical benefit.

Therefore, games must be made by ourselves, talents must be cultivated by ourselves, and technologies must be developed by ourselves. It is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself!

This principle, the experience of Huaguo in the previous life, has been proved countless times by history. For example, the space station is an example. If the boiling network wants to achieve glory, it must finally rely on its own hard work to achieve it!

(End of this chapter)

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