Chapter 219
No one would think too much money, except the later generations of Papa Ma.

Of course, that's because he has money to say that.

In this life, Fang Jie will definitely not regret creating Boiling Game, nor will he feel that he has earned too much. He has great ambitions, and the little money now is not enough to fill his teeth.

Therefore, on the second day after "Wulin" was officially charged, on January 1, he negotiated with the representative of "Stone Age" agent Jingcheng Huayi who came to him on his own initiative, and signed a series of agency cooperation agreements.

After "Stone Age" skipped tickets, Jingcheng Huayi has been studying the various routines of the boiling game, paying close attention to the dynamics of the game "Wulin".

After some research and internal discussions, Jingcheng Huayi finally confirmed one thing - fighting "Wulin" is courting death, and "Stone Age" can't fight at all.

It's not that the gameplay of "Stone Age" is not as good as "Wulin", but I realize that in other aspects, especially in terms of publicity, I can't beat the opponent at all.

Sina News only conducted a superficial analysis of the routines of the boiling game, which belonged to laymen watching the excitement, and did not grasp the real fatality.

Only companies in the industry, such as Jingcheng Huayi, who are ready to get started, can deeply feel the huge threat and changes brought about by the boiling game.

The real strength of Boiling Games is that it has opened up all online channels, bypassed Lianbang and Ubisoft physical chain stores offline, and established its own offline sales system with Internet cafes across the country as its outlets.

This routine can’t be learned, it’s not like making a FLASH animation or a funny video, you can be invincible like a boiling game.

It should be said that this is not a routine at all, but a strategic layout.

Boiling Game Company is indeed a company that has only been established for 4 months, but Fang Jie, the boss of Boiling Game Company, had already started planning a few months before the company was established.

Judging from the current situation, many layouts can be described as far-sighted, with advanced strategic vision, forcibly blazed a path, and got stuck everywhere in the key points of other online game companies that want to keep up.

In the past, the game industry’s publicity and sales models were all offline, burning CDs, printing, signing agency sales with software chain stores, and distributing them to sales outlets across the country. Players bought game CDs, went to Internet cafes to install programs, and then entered game.

The boiling game has completely subverted this model, and has achieved considerable success. It has made a sample for the majority of game companies and opened up a sunny road.

It can be said that this new model has not only brought huge changes to the entire game industry, but also brought a sudden blow to the software retail industry.

According to the analysis of many people in the industry, if there is no accident, the software physical retail industry is afraid that it will never recover from the slump. In a few years, it is hard to say whether there will be such an industry.

This conclusion is not only realized by Jingcheng Huayi, but other game companies in the industry, including many Internet companies, such as the three major portal websites.

Therefore, Jingcheng Huayi, who had no choice but to shoot, finally had to bow his head and directly find the boiling game player to admit defeat.

The so-called harmony makes money, since you can't fight, even if you want to fight, it depends on whether others give you a chance, then don't fight, let's cooperate for mutual benefit.

Fang Jie didn't mind cooperating either.

It's okay to eat alone, and monopoly is out of the question.

After all, the surname of the country is society, not capital.

Although capital has great power, once it is too independent, it means that the country tells you to lie down, and you have to lie down. Accept the arrangement unconditionally, otherwise... um.

On the other hand, his time and energy are limited after all, and the game industry is full of flowers, which is what he hopes to see.

This can not only accelerate the cultivation of domestic talents, but also promote the development of the domestic network environment and network technology, and increase the base of domestic netizens and game players.

Especially online games like "Stone Age" have indeed played a very positive role in the development of many female player users.

According to Fang Jie's thinking, when "Wulin" was launched, millions of people flooded into the game, but not so many stayed in the end, but it also shows that everyone is still very interested in online games, and "Stone Age" can definitely dig out of it. Come out with a piece of cake, cultivate and expand the player user base.

Anyway, "Wulin" and "Stone Age" are two online games with very different styles and different gameplays. The player user groups do not overlap, and there is no zero-sum competitive relationship of life and death.

On the day the cooperation agreement was signed, Tencent canceled the "Placing Bronze" project that was under preparation.

Yes, Tencent dare not make the game "Wulin" into "Idle Martial Arts", but it has long been eyeing "Stone Age".

Since you are "stone tools", then I will be "bronze". As long as you dare to go public, then our "Place Bronze" will follow.

As a result, "Stone Age" is very smart, and has also learned the lessons of "King of Kings". It did not give Tencent this opportunity. There are several pages in the cooperation agreement that specifically stipulate this issue, because what Jingcheng Huayi is most worried about is not "Wulin ", but "Idle Stone Age" that may pop up out of nowhere.

Although Tencent gave up the "Placing Bronze" project, it has become one of the channel vendors of "Stone Age", and can get a 20% channel commission for point card sales, which is not a disadvantage.

And 51ka under Fang Jie has become the general distributor in the country, and each point card enjoys a high commission of 30%.

However, this is also an industry practice. Generally speaking, game developers only get 20%. For example, the island country company that developed "Stone Age", game agents like Jingcheng Huayi are responsible for domestic operations, get 50%, and the remaining 30% profit is For channel dealers.

At present, the largest and strongest channel provider in the country is 51ka, and even Tencent makes a living with 51ka, let alone the other three portals.

If it was in the previous life, with Tencent's pissing nature, they would definitely have to create a "91ka" by themselves, but in this life their big boss is Fang Jie, and he can only let it go if he says "not allowed".

Tencent's management was very unwilling, and realized that having a family leader who talked about integrity was not conducive to the company's future development.

So the day after Fang Jie signed the agreement with Jingcheng Huayi, the management of Tencent came to the door collectively and proposed to start a new round of financing.

The financing party has already been found, which is the South African MIH company, and it was this company that saved Tencent in the previous life.

Under normal circumstances in this world, with Fang Jie, a financial backer who has always been very talkative, it is impossible for Tencent to accept financing from other companies. Anyway, they know that Fang Jie is not short of money, especially Chen Yidan knows that the big boss is still lying overseas. With millions of dollars.

But the conditions put forward by MIH were so tempting that all the senior executives of the company couldn't help but have other ideas.

MIH came to the company on its own initiative and only emphasized two things.

First: MIH valued Tencent at US$6000 million!
Second: MIH hopes to become the largest shareholder!
If you analyze the above two sentences together, you will know that MIH people have a lot of money. Once the financing is successful, at least 2000 million US dollars must be invested in real money...

(End of this chapter)

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