Pokémon: Trainers start as Bounty Hunters

Chapter 174 Waiting and Entering

Chapter 174 Waiting and Entering

Zhe also quickly realized that whether it was in the animation of the previous life or in the legend of this life, the time when the Unbelievable Garden appeared was always at night.

Xiaozhi's Miao Frog Seed ran out in the middle of the night. According to legend, the time when the Unbelievable Garden appeared is also related to the astrology and the moon.

It's just that, because the blooming of the halo flower is more convenient for reference, even he subconsciously thinks that the inconceivable garden has been appearing during this period of time.

Moreover, don't normal grass-type elves need sunlight to evolve and become stronger, so in his concept, the Unbelievable Garden should start when the sun is the hottest.

It now appears that it should not be.

No wonder the previous records were all at noon on the third day, and the trainers and elves who had entered the Unbelievable Garden came out of the forest.

Presumably, only the next night will the Unbelievable Garden be open for a period of time.

They concealed the matter tacitly, and Zhe also judged so.

Then he sat down on his ass.

Since it was only opened at night, he didn't think he could break through the vine wall in front of him with the strength of himself and the elves, so he might as well rest for a while.

Anyway, it won't run long.

Seeing Tetsuya's actions, the elves quickly understood what he meant.

"Cha Ke Yi!"

With Bobbi's cheers, he and the rattan snake started to play around again.

This time, Bi Diao and Flame Chicken, who had already rested, also joined in.

Only the Pang Yan monster with a calmer personality was left, standing silently aside, both vigilant and resting.

"Tsk, you guy, you were cuter when you were young."

Zhe also bent his feet, patted Pang Yanguai's leg with his hand, and said with a smile.

Pang Yanguai silently turned his head and glanced at him, then turned back again.

It seemed to say nothing, and it seemed to say everything.

Zhe also rolled his eyes: "Beautiful, why are you so shy?"


"Okay, okay, I'm not shy, then how come your crystallization is bright, and you are thinking of spring?"


"Okay, okay, no, then you"

Relying on his own understanding of the Pangyan monster, Zhe easily teased it.

Pang Yanguai has a gentle and stable temperament, very reassuring in major matters, and is extremely good at taking care of other partners, but he is a bit introverted.

Or, rather than being introverted, it is better to be sullen.

At least Zhe thinks so.

After two hours of "playing" with his chatter, Pang Yanguai finally couldn't bear it anymore.

It retracted its feet and head directly, and became a solid navy blue rock.

But in this case, Pangyan Monster can still have a clear perception of the outside world, so it's just deception.

Zhe also watched its movements, and laughed again, and at the same time, he stopped teasing decisively. If this continues, Pang Yanguai probably won't talk to him until he has dinner.

Enough is enough, enough is enough.

He simply leaned against its body, closed his eyes and meditated.

After more than ten minutes, Pangyan Monster, who finally felt that he had become much cleaner, slowly unfolded his body again, recovering his thick and huge body.

I sighed silently in my heart, hey, it was too difficult.

Tetsuya, who had his eyes closed, suddenly spoke again: "The change in gravity skills, you have almost reached the current limit.

The main content of the next stage is the connection between the continuous use of the three skills of stomping, stomping, and earthquake, especially earthquake. At present, for the first two skills, you will be frozen for about 1.5 seconds after using them, but the data for the latter is almost double.

This is relatively inconsistent with its energy output.

It may be caused by the difference in energy conduction in your previous mantle rock period. The first point is when you usually use sunlight to collect energy. The second point. The third point.
Then there are the two characteristics of your own, sand blowing and sand power. I emphasized this when you were Shiwanzi. Blindly developing sandstorm weather does not mean that it is beneficial to you.

Especially when facing the water-type elves that restrain you, the sandstorm weather will seriously affect the energy gathering speed and power of your solar beam.

Although relying on energy crystallization, your ability to collect sunlight is extremely powerful, and you can still maintain power to a certain extent, but the consumption of yourself is too large, and the gain outweighs the loss.

From the current point of view, your grasp of the power of sand has reached the threshold, but there are still some omissions in the control of blowing sand.

Judging from the speed at which you start blowing the sand and the power of the controlled sandstorm, your current problem lies in."

Anyway, he was bored, so Zhe also discussed with Pangyan Monster about its training and combat issues again.

This lecture is just over an hour.

"In short, take your time and improve a little bit." He made the following conclusions.

Pang Yanguai nodded silently.

From the perspective of pure energy level, the gap between the current Pangyan monster and Bi Diao and the flame chicken is actually not too big. Even because of the special body, Pangyan monster's logistics reserves are better than the two of them.

But if you really start from the perspective of combat, Bi Diao and Flame Chicken can easily defeat Pangyan Monster without command.

The latter is purely talent suppression, and champion-level aptitude has always been more prominent than other elves in many ways.

Whether it's the speed of energy growth, the speed of physical development, the efficiency of income after training, or the ability to master new skills, the flame chicken is obviously the strongest one in the current team.

Therefore, even if Bibi Diao started breeding more than a year later, the flame chicken is still approaching its strength.

Bi Diao benefited from the previous solid foundation-more because of poverty, so the degree of mastery and control of energy, including the use of skills, has its own characteristics and characteristics.

Coupled with the dexterity and speed of being a flying elf, there is no need to say much.

Of course, this is also related to different positioning and development directions.

Pang Yan blames that many contents have not been fully trained.

It doesn't mean that there is a difference in the cost of Zhe Ye's cultivation, but the talent of each elf determines that even if they work hard to digest resources, it will take time.

Zheye has only truly understood the benefits of being a champion until now.

Just like the difference between a god of learning and a master of learning in the previous life, the difference in the full score of 150 in the test is that one person's ability is like this, while the other is because of the limitation of the score itself.

If a champion-qualified elf is placed in a Pokémon game, it is equivalent to maxing out the individual value in the race, and the effort value will always be the maximum value, and the experience value will be obtained more.

Each level is a little bit worse. Accumulated, it is not a small amount. What's more, every time a level of strength is raised, the gap in strength will only become larger.

After communicating with Pangyan Monster, Zhe also looked up at the sun in the sky. It was already approaching evening, and the strength of the setting sun had already become weak.

As for the other four elves, they were already tired from playing, and Vine Vine Snake and Pokby fell directly into Bi Diao's arms to sleep, while Flame Chicken rested unceremoniously on Bi Diao's back.

"Dinner is ready~"

As Zhe also knocked on the rice bowl, five pairs of eyes opened and looked at him at the same time.

After eating, standing in front of the vine wall, time passed by, when the moon completely replaced the position of the sun, a magical scene happened.

On the vine wall in front of me, the vines slid one by one, and the entanglement and connection disappeared, and they were retracted one by one into the earth's crust.

Zhe also looked at the scene in front of him like ten thousand snakes twisting, his face remained unchanged, but his hair stood on end.


With a simple command, one person and five elves walked inside.

The moment the last Pangyan Monster stepped in, the vine walls were reassembled.


Regardless of being shocked and thinking about how to get out, the only grass-type little princess in the team, Fuji Vine Snake, already radiated green light all over her body.

It was so startled that it hurriedly called its trainer.

"It's okay, don't panic, it's a good thing, it won't hurt." Tetsuya comforted Fujito Snake.

Indeed, as soon as the green light appeared, Number Zero had already begun to analyze it based on existing knowledge.

Now, the state of the rattan snake on the panel is like this - the rattan snake (full of vitality, and the status is continuously improving).

"Sugar candy."

After hearing what his trainer said, the rattan snake quickly calmed down, feeling the changes in his body, it seemed that he was indeed more comfortable.

Zhe also looked around, this kind of change can't be groundless, there must be a reason.

But unfortunately, he didn't find it.

"Cha Ke Yi!"

At the same time, Tokopi in Tetsuya's arms has also changed, but unlike the green light on the rattan snake, Tokopi emits white light.

Zhe also frowned. Didn't it mean that only grass-type elves can gain something here in the Unbelievable Garden? Why is Burkepi with ordinary attributes also able to do it? Or is it because of Porkby's potential fairy attributes?
His thoughts kept turning.

Soon, the light on their bodies gradually dimmed, but they still flickered.

I don't know if it's back to normal, or because No. [-] cannot be observed. At this time, the information on the two of them on the panel is the same as usual.

Zhe Ye's face remained unchanged. If he wanted to know what happened, he could go out and talk about it. The problem now is that he seems to be trapped here with his own elf.

Looking back at the road when I came, it was already all the yellow vine walls in the afternoon.

"Flame Chicken."

Zhe also simply called out.

Although no specific instructions were given, the flame chicken reacted immediately, spitting out a pillar of fire from its mouth and shooting it directly at the wall.


The flames scattered, but the walls remained unchanged.

"Da na~", "Da na~ hoo"

Outside the wall, there was an unusually familiar cry.

Zhe Ye and the elves stood together very skillfully. Pang Yanguai's huge body was at the front, behind him were the flame chicken and himself standing in parallel, and Bi Diao was flying in the air.

The two little guys were caught in the middle, observing the surroundings from the gap.

The small hole opened, and groups of frog seeds came in neatly lined up while shouting.

 What the next chapter looks like at five in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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