Daming primary school students

Chapter 549 The advantage is in me

Chapter 549 The advantage is in me
Also tonight, Zeng Mian, the Prime Minister of Dali Temple, returned home and sent a message to the next door to summon his independent son Qin Dewei.

But Qin Xueshi was a bit busy, two big shots came to the family one after another, both of them were real big shots who were three ranks higher than his stepfather.

So Scholar Qin can only take care of the distinguished guests first, and stepfather Zeng sits in the back row.

After all the distinguished guests had left, Qin Dewei was free, and went to visit his stepfather regardless of the night, and asked, "I don't know what orders the master has?"

"It's all right now." Stepfather Zeng said succinctly.

He is very sober, his son who the two ministers can't persuade him, what's the use of his stepfather's words?

Qin Dewei saluted and was about to say goodbye and leave.

Stepfather Zeng was a little bit tangled, and said a little embarrassedly: "If you need my help, you can tell me as much as you can. After all, father and son are of the same heart, and their benefits can cut through gold."

As a father, I should also do my best. I haven't done much help for such a long time.

Qin Dewei thought for a long time before he reluctantly said: "Well, master, please take a sick leave, just stay at home for a few days."

Great stepfather: "."

It's useless, just don't hold back?

The heartbroken stepfather returned to the house, and began to mutter to Mrs. Zhou again: "Let's let it out, the capital really can't stay."

Zhou asked suspiciously: "Why is this?"

Stepfather Zeng said a little autistically: "In this capital, people may not be able to remember my name, but they will definitely remember that I am Qin Xueshi's father!"

Zhou reminded: "But my son said, you have to endure it for another year."

The sun is rising in the east, and it is another day of peace and no major events.

In this boring time, Bachelor Qin can always bring fun to everyone.

After Xia Yan, a scholar of the Hall of Martial Arts, came to Wenyuan Pavilion, he wanted to hear the return from Dali Sicheng and Qin Dewei's father, but he heard two or one news first.

Shangshu Wang Tingxiang of the Ministry of Punishment and Wang Yiqi, Shangshu of the Ministry of Household Affairs, went to the Qin Mansion last night. It is said that they helped the Yan family put pressure and intercede, but they broke up unhappy.

Xia Dashi was stunned, and suddenly remembered Qin Dewei's last sentence before he kicked the door and left when talking in the Dongchao Room yesterday:

"Is the Minister of Rites really great? Is the dignity of the Minister of Rites so valuable?"

At that time, Grand Master Xia was baffled by this sentence. Even if he "speaks harshly" in anger, this sentence has no lethal effect.

Thinking about it now, this sentence is a preview!

Earlier, Yan Song, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, visited Qin Dewei, and the reason why it ignited public opinion was because it did not conform to the common sense of superiority and inferiority.

For a top civil servant like Minister of the Ministry of Rites, Qin Dewei, who is a fifth rank, is a very eye-catching thing in itself.

That's why Yan Shangshu was sympathized by the public, and Qin Dewei was accused of domineering.

But last night, two more ministers suddenly came to Qin Dewei's house, and the nature of the matter seemed to have changed a bit.

No matter what kind of strange things, once there are too many, there will be a sense that things will go against each other.

So Yan Shangshu doesn't seem to be so eye-catching anymore, from unique to one of three.

At this time, in the eyes of others, it seems that Xueshi Qin did not specifically target Yan Shangshu, and Yan Shangshu was not so wronged.

After thinking about this, Grand Master Xia started to have a headache again. How should Qin Dewei draw up a ticket for that memorial?

I wanted to delay it for a few days and let Qin Dewei calm down on his own, but now it seems that Qin Dewei will never stop, and there is no point in procrastinating.

Approval is impossible, and veto is not an option. It would be even more ridiculous if Qin Dewei was forced to sue the emperor.

After much deliberation, Xia University posted a ticket on the memorial, and only planned to write three words: "The next court discusses".

"Xiatingyi" and "Xiabuyi", "approved", "know" and so on are all common words in the criticism.

It is to let the ministers of the foreign court gather for a meeting to discuss the right and wrong, and then report the result to the inner court.

The form is similar to Tingtui, but the nature is different. One is to discuss political affairs, and the other is to discuss personnel affairs.

According to the old rules, academicians and Hanlin generally do not participate in the court meetings outside the court, but Qin Dewei, as a party involved, can participate this time.

Yan Shifan was overjoyed when he heard the news of the "next court meeting", and said to his father, "It's finally time to turn the situation around!

What Xia Yan meant was to use the power of all the courtiers to prevent Qin Dewei from continuing to be domineering. "

Then he analyzed: "Qin Dewei's two biggest supporters in the foreign court are Wang Yiqi of the Ministry of Hukou and Wang Tingxiang of the Ministry of Punishment.

According to the rumors they released earlier, the two kings and ministers went to Qin Dewei under the banner of interceding for us and putting pressure on them.Their purpose is to deliberately disgust our father and son!
Therefore, in court discussions, these two Wang Shangshu, out of political reputation, could not go back on their word, capricious and blatantly helped Qin Dewei.

Without the support of these two people, Qin Dewei will not have much help in the court meeting!So this time I really have the advantage! "

Although Yan Song also agreed with his son's opinion, he still said cautiously: "If you can think of it, Qin Dewei can also think of it. This person will never sit still and wait for death."

Yan Shifan pondered for a few days, and came to a new conclusion: "I judged earlier that Qin Dewei might resign, or take the initiative to ask Ying to go to Guangdong, etc., to blackmail the court into agreeing to him.

But thinking about it now, it's impossible, Qin Dewei can't afford to bet on his own future for a prison student like me.

Judging from the current situation, Qin Dewei is probably going to take the straight route.

He rejected the intercession or pressure of three ministers in a row, which can be boasted that he is awe-inspiring and puts himself on a moral high ground.

In this way, regardless of the final victory or defeat, Qin Dewei can gain a wave of fame, which is really not a loss for him. "

While pondering carefully, Yan Song said, "As long as you can guess Qin Dewei's train of thought, then it will be easy."

Two days later, it was time for the current court meeting, and the ministers who were eligible to participate began to gather in the Eastern Chamber early in the morning.

In fact, there are seven or eight matters in the process of this court meeting, and "whether Yan Shifan will be allowed to work as a clerk in Guangdong" is just one of the trivial matters.

But for fun people, this little thing is the most fun thing.

Therefore, under the voice of the majority of Lezi people, it was listed as the first matter in today's court discussion.

As the head of the foreign court, Xu Zan, the official of the Ministry of Officials, is the natural abbot of the court council.After he coughed, he announced the start,
Regarding the first matter, Xu Zan felt that he didn't need to repeat the original text of the memorandum, as everyone understood it.

But no one opened their mouths to speak, they all looked at the Lord by the window in unison.At this time, Xueshi Qin was leaning his head against the corner of the window sill, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Although very quiet and leisurely, as if asleep, everyone in Lezi understands that this is just an illusion of brewing emotions.

As long as Xueshi Qin opens his eyes, it will be the beginning of turmoil.

"Qin Dewei? Qin Dewei?" Xu Zan, the official of the official department who presided over the court discussion, called out several times.

The righteous lord seemed to turn a deaf ear to him, and he was also dismissive of the call of the head of the civil servants of the foreign dynasty, born with pride.

A soft snore sounded, letting everyone know that the youngest champion in history really fell asleep while waiting.

A well-meaning person woke up Xueshi Qin and reminded him, "It's time for you to say a few words!"

Scholar Qin glanced around in a daze, made a bow, and said in a very low profile:

"The situation is as it is. There is no need to say more. I hope that you will support me and send Yan Shifan, the supervisor, to Guangdong to handle errands."

No one answered, I don't know why, but no one stood up to support.

The scene seemed a bit awkward, maybe everyone wanted to see Bachelor Qin having fun, and there was no one to talk, so the fans were quiet.

Qin Xueshi was also stunned, as if he hadn't expected this kind of scene at all, he saluted again and said: "I hope you will support me!"

Still no one came forward to support, and others are not stupid, so there is really no need to offend Minister of Rites to death.

 Several people said, vote for another chapter!In fact, more than half of it was written later, and I wanted to send it together as a big chapter, but now I am too sleepy, and I can’t write too detailed content, so let’s continue to finish writing tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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