Blood Candle Keep Disciple

Chapter 67 The Shadow of Death

Chapter 67 The Shadow of Death

Cheok Suk was obviously motivated to kill.

Whether it was the anger of being abandoned like a nobody, or considering the actual need to survive right now, he didn't intend to leave any survivors on the scene.

The anomalous things that silently surrounded them outside the police circle were all real ghosts, or - ghosts.

Normally, these things will dissipate naturally within a few hours to a few days after a person dies, and usually do not have any ability to disturb the three-dimensional world.

But the way of sublimation that Zhen's control is enough to jump dimension, but it is a skill to use ghosts.Summoning wealth, killing curses, channeling spirits, protecting... Under the background of thousands of years, this skill that at first glance can only be used to scare people has become almost omnipotent.

Like all housekeepers who are carefully selected from childhood, Zhishi is qualified to learn this way of sublimation.And he even chose the path of the dead, which is a left path that is extremely evil.

Due to the characteristics of the undead, generally speaking, the way of sublimation that Zhen's lineage bestowed upon his followers to practice can only selectively contract one or two undead, and use his own extraordinary power to support them to avoid their natural dissipation.This is undoubtedly a significant limitation on the diversity of combat power and capabilities.

In fact, there are very few sublimators in the Zhen family, and most of the children would rather spend their youth in business and politics to gild themselves to obtain a higher family status.In the 21st century where the current situation is relatively stable, very few people would rather bet on their lives to fight in person.

Even an alien like Zhen Cheng, who only focuses on his own interests, doesn't want to deal with those ugly and dangerous undead at all.

But this is not a problem. Like the way of sublimation, the members of the Scary family who are enchanted by alchemy do not have much fighting power themselves, and their rule is not as stable as Mount Tai.

In fact, apart from the savage fighting mad Seventers, the family members generally believed that ruling the world had little to do with their own combat power.

However, each generation of the Zhen family is destined to have someone who will inherit and practice ghost arts.Different from the path given to the minions, the way of sublimation of the main family can communicate with a special world of the dead and summon ghosts at any time.

In this way, although the problem of combat power and diversity is solved, it is in turn limited by the realm of his own extraordinary power.The greater the number of summoned objects, the stronger the individual, and the shorter the time the caster can support their existence.

Only the side door explored by Cheok Suk can solve all problems to a certain extent, that is, control ghosts from the world around him, and then banish them to the special world of the dead before they naturally disappear.

The only way to do this is to use the cruelest means to deprive them of their lives in the present world, and then sacrifice and exile the ghosts they stripped off on the spot.

In other words, every one of the hundreds of ghosts surrounding the North American police at this time was someone who was killed by Cheok Suk himself.

For the purpose of developing family knowledge and enhancing strength, the head of the family did not prohibit Zhishi's exploration.But after all, an organization whose family motto is moderation and benevolence, it is inevitable to reject Zhishi's approach.Maybe that's why he was sent to the side of Miss Thirteen, who was the least welcome.

The special policeman slowly approached Zhishi with a gun, and the handcuffs around his waist had been removed; the ghost was hidden in the void, and silently and invisiblely floated behind the police officers in the back row of the encirclement.

A close call.

However, before everything happened, the sound of the propellers getting closer and closer in the sky attracted everyone's attention at the same time.

The officer in charge frowned. He had not received any call for air support.The appearance of the helicopter at this time made him unable to help but be vigilant, because the suspicious Asian man in front of him was probably the suspect who had previously been described by witnesses as "smuggling in by skydiving".

Zhishi was also frowning, and he became more convinced of the other party's determination to kill him.As a partner, the other party generally knows the situation of the ghosts he controls.At present, he really does not have the ability to let his ghosts fly to that height to attack and kill air targets.

That is to say, even if he immediately killed all the police officers present, it was just an excuse for the other party to shoot on the spot.During the escape, he was always followed by a helicopter to expose the position.

Both sides were about to move until the helicopter hovered over their heads without further action.The officer in charge frowned a little deeper, and he recognized that it was military equipment.

Then two soldiers in camouflage uniforms jumped off the plane.You read that right, it was not the Panfu rope ladder or the rope downhill, but jumped directly from the sky more than ten meters high and landed in the police encirclement.

In the rattling of swords, the two handed a document to the leading police officer.

"Area 51? Have you watched too many sci-fi movies? This is the first crime scene! Don't think about taking the suspect away from the police! To be honest, not only our suspects, I'm afraid even you have to go with me It's been a trip,"

The police officer looked suspiciously at the military document in his hand, but there was no fear on his face: "Now please park the plane in the open space over there..."

Before he finished speaking, his phone suddenly rang.The two soldiers dressed in combat uniforms set up Cheok Shik on the left and the right, and fiddled with the small things that looked like chain watches around their waists.

The watch chain looked like a heavy metal material, but it was thrown around uncontrollably as if alive.Later, when the police officer's face was gloomy and uncertain to prevent his subordinates from firing, they directly lifted Zhishi into the air.

Zhishi was held in the middle by the two of them, and the ghosts that had long been hidden around him had no intention of making a move.He realized that he had misunderstood Smith, and that the SWAT officers below really seemed to be people from the local security agency.The man Smith sent to pick him up only arrived late.

The two soldiers are indeed extraordinary, but the degree of physical evolution is far less than that of the real master of Zhishi.The reason why they can jump from high altitude without injury and even jump back to the cabin is entirely because of the "linked list" in their hands.

That thing is a product of alchemy, just like the crystal ball that once appeared in the detective game of Olympus, and it is the signature product of the Scary family's way of sublimation.

[Linked List] can usually only be used by the creator himself, because even if someone else takes it, it cannot provide the extraordinary power of a specific mode for these linked products to function properly.

There is no doubt about the identities of the two, and the doubt that he was abandoned disappeared.After all, his ostensible identity is still the dignified deputy housekeeper of the Zhen family. If he really wants to kill himself, and let the elite Area 51, which is directly under the Scarry family, be involved in it openly, I'm afraid it will cause trouble for that old guy Smith.

On the other hand, Zhen Cheng spent two days and two nights covering the entire North American continent.Along the way, with his jaw-dropping acting skills, he has played a series of identities such as runaway girls, gangsters in the neighborhood, overseas students on vacation, and wandering singers, and thus saved [-]% of the travel expenses.

If it wasn't for the hurry and barely able to sleep for a few hours, Zhen Cheng would still enjoy the performance tour.What's even more surprising to her is that, unlike the previous two days, she must have been assassinated against herself at least once a day. She didn't encounter any real trouble during the two-day and two-night journey!

(End of this chapter)

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