Blood Candle Keep Disciple

Chapter 62 The Shadow of Death

Chapter 62 The Shadow of Death (To Be Continued)

Look, this is the advantage brought by "traversal".With the experience of "reincarnation" last time, Zhen Cheng guessed Zhishi's attitude early in the morning.

She waved her hand casually and said, "I don't need those nonsense on the Internet, I just want to know the exact information from your insider."

The inspector Saint Bian, who was dozing while he heard the words, immediately opened a gap in one eye.It's a pity that this guy's acting skills are extremely poor, and only Cheok Shik, who is squeezed beside him in the cabin, will not notice.

Zhi Shi seemed to have made up his mind, and smiled calmly: "Miss has always had subtle ideas that we ordinary people can't understand, but this time your premise is probably really wrong. I can't help you. Blame yourself, but what the lady said is really..."

After an extremely bad night's sleep and seeing his destination approaching, Zhen Cheng was not in the mood to play tai chi with Zhi Shi again, and interrupted his resignation directly: "Gold comes to the world, glory ends, and the oracle will come true."

She directly recited the sentence that forced Zhishi to reveal the name of the [Oracle Church] in the last "Reincarnation", and blew the security guard's shout before he died, squinting slightly and waiting for Zhishi's reaction.

As a result, the person on the other side seemed to be stubborn and pretending to be stunned to the end, trying to squeeze out a confused expression.

"You're lying," the inspector of the Holy Edge beside him suddenly said: "The curvature of the corners of your mouth in your smile bends faintly at the end of the rise, this is the facial muscle tension that no one can hide when lying or being discovered. .

Dude, if you are concerned about what outsiders like us hear and shouldn't know, you can go to the opposite side and whisper to your lady, there is no need to act like that, right? "

Compared to Zhen Cheng, who didn't know exactly what role the [Oracle Order] played in his series of assassinations, this fat man, who was good at observing the details of people's expressions, showed more interest in this name.

"I know a little bit about the [Oracle Church]."

After a sigh, someone finally spoke up about this question.But it was not Cheok Suk who spoke, but the one of the two Sevent warriors who had not undergone body modification.

Looking up at his employer's surprised expression, the man in the trench coat explained, "This is not family information, it's just a little bit of knowledge I personally encountered while doing the task.

The specific content of the mission at that time is naturally inconvenient to disclose, generally it is to go to this stronghold of the oracle order to get something that the family values ​​very much.

The few people who participated in the mission at that time were the most elite warriors in the family, and we always thought that there was an evenly matched battle waiting for us. "

"It doesn't seem surprising that the intelligence is unknown, so overwhelming force was sent to avoid damage." Inspector Saint Edge immediately judged with the police's behavior.The man in the trench coat shook his head:
"The family doesn't cherish the lives of the soldiers under his command so much, presumably Miss Zhen should know more about this. The purpose of sending us here may just be because the things that need to be captured are very important.

But this is not the point. What really impressed me is that not only did everyone in the stronghold not have a sublime, but none of them even looked like they had been trained in combat.

However, things developed far beyond our expectations.One by one, they wore uniform metal masks, waving their mops and folding chairs one after another, and rushed up like crazy.

Our mission requirement was to simply snatch the target item and avoid pointless battles as much as possible.But when the mission ended, there was not a single survivor left in the entire stronghold, and even one person in our action team was killed. "

"How could the elite team of the Severant family be killed by an unarmed ordinary lunatic?" Zhen Cheng showed an uncontrollable expression of surprise.

The man in the trench coat nodded affirmatively: "Well, there are some quite dangerous things in the things they kept, and it was negligence that led to his death. We have reason to believe that these cult members themselves do not understand their usage, otherwise there is no reason to be there. Abandoning those fairly effective means in a desperate suicide charge.

In addition, we also found a large number of antique artifacts in this stronghold, the specific value is difficult to estimate.According to the family's work distribution system, all the participants received a huge benefit that was unimaginable for ordinary people afterwards. "

While tapping his temple, Zhen Cheng secretly observed Zhishi's expression: "So this is a non-governmental organization composed of fanatics, with a lot of wealth and even taboo relics, but without the slightest self-protection force?

It's understandable why they choose to hire mercenaries like caps when they want to get rid of me, because at most they only have ordinary people at the level of security guards mixed in the school as minions.But how can such an organization exist in the world? "

Zhen Cheng's question is practical.Although it has been a long time since the ancient times for the three major families to separate the world, it is only a hundred years since everyone has tacitly put all the conflicting interests on the table.

In those eras of separatism, how did such a person who can push the Lamb with Bi Bi survived?If they are an emerging group, what explains the source of that enormous wealth?

The more straightforward question is, how can such an unarmed organization protect itself after it has attracted the attention of the Seventer family, so that it can still pursue and kill itself in a different way?
At this time, it seemed that he finally figured out that his eldest lady knew something about it for some unknown reason and finally spoke up:

"Miss, don't look at me like this, I didn't mean to betray the family and deliberately conceal it. About the [Oracle Church], the head of the family told me not to disclose it to the younger generation. 'The water inside is too deep, not suitable for children to participate in.' His Exactly so,"

Zhen Cheng raised her eyebrows, she believed that even if Zhishi really betrayed the Zhen family, she would not deceive herself on such an easily verifiable matter.

As for the father who never took the lives of his children as a matter of concern, he would protect them so tenderly, Zhen Cheng didn't believe a word of it.The only reasonable explanation is that if the son of the Zhen family is involved in the matter of the [Oracle Church], there will be troubles that will make him, the master of the family, feel a headache.

"Actually, I don't know the specific situation, but I only know that the history of the [Oracle] is actually far older than the three major families.

In very ancient times, the [Oracle Order] used to be the master behind the world.It was not until the new forces headed by the Zhen family fought an indescribable battle in an indescribable field that established the accumulation of the three major families today.

As for that ancient war, I really don't know at all.Miss, if you have the ability, you can try to talk from the master. "Zhi Shi spread out his hands, and without waiting for Zhen Cheng to continue attacking, he revealed what he knew.

"More... ancient?" Inspector Saint Bian heard the words, and suddenly exclaimed: "Does this organization have any symbolic signs? For example, holy emblems, idols, or symbols?"

"A regular octahedron with many symbolic figures kneeling around it." The man in the trench coat answered this question the quickest, and the action was indelible in his memory.

Immediately afterwards, Zhen Cheng slapped his knee: "Antique fragment?!"

 It will be on the shelves tomorrow, you have to come to order first

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(End of this chapter)

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