Blood Candle Keep Disciple

Chapter 26 Confessions of the Dead

Chapter 26 Confessions of the Dead
"Are each of them... persistent?"

Anbis whispered softly, and then asked the old man suspiciously: "The Zhen family has its own inheritance. Although that power is rather troublesome and most people in the Zhen family do not choose to contact, but if there is any need to become an extraordinary person in the There is no taboo in their home.

Even though she was involved in the [Hidden Space], I still don't understand why Miss Zhen's family turned to us for help.I heard that she is on the fringes of the family, and even if she gains power by participating in our activities, wouldn't she be more excluded by the family? "

"This is where you are young. Accepting one of the most important things in the family, but not even investigating the background truth of the people involved,"

The old man criticized with a smile, and then explained: "Miss Thirteen is the undisputed number one genius of Zhen's generation. She is much smarter, stronger, and more understanding than you think.

Miss Thirteen's status was on the edge because she refused to take over family affairs and participated in the competition for the heir.The old guy from the Zhen family is not a fool, and he knows very well who should hand the family to.He was deliberately putting pressure on the kid to bow his head.

After all this fell into the eyes of the second son of the Zhen family who had been helped by us to kill the eldest brother, why did Miss Thirteen urgently need her own strength and why didn't she ask the family for help? Isn't it obvious at a glance?

Children, if you don't grow up quickly, I have reason to worry that the three-pronged world situation will be destroyed before the end.The key to breaking the game is likely to be related to this girl. "

The old man's words seemed to hit the middle-aged man's sore spot, causing the corners of his mouth to purse and his forehead to twitch slightly.But he used the gesture of bowing his head to hide his resentment well, and changed the topic:
"The game has progressed to this level, I believe that the underground side should be able to get the mask smoothly. It's time to send someone to receive it and send it to the game venue. After all, the promised prizes, the Scary family can't default, otherwise our The purpose itself will become the breaking point of the investigation by people with a heart."

The old man nodded and suddenly asked, "Who did you send?"

Abisskary clenched his fists slightly, but his eyes still bowed his head respectfully at the ground and said, "I have entrusted the assassins of [Songhai Heart]. They can find people with appropriate strength, and they have enough secrecy. Credibility. In this respect, they are much more credible than those mercenary groups,"

As he said that, he quietly raised his eyes and glanced at the old man, and lowered his voice with a little guilty conscience: "I'm sorry, I don't feel sorry for my own hands, I just privately think that the dangerous level of the seal on the underground side will inevitably leave traces of battle. It's better to keep track of it, and not let anyone contact Scary."

"Yes, Scarlet can't have anything to do with the [Apostle], no matter if you stand on the opposite side or the supporter. Song Haizhi's heart can't leak any rumors on this matter, you can trust it. This time, you can do it. good.

Prepare yourself.The end of this game should always be hosted by someone from the Scary family. The old man nodded in appreciation, while Abis raised his hand to signal the man in black standing behind the sofa to act.

The man in black quietly left the room and walked through a futuristic metal corridor.It was pouring rain outside the corridor window, but the dark clouds did not block the bright full moon.On the hills two or three kilometers away, you can see that the mansion where the game is being played is very conspicuously isolated.

When the man in black pushed the door out from the end of the corridor, there was a hot desert outside.Looking around 360 degrees, not only can't find the mansion where the game is played, but even the small town where the rainstorm and the lights in the window intersect are gone.

Except for a door embedded in a rock behind the man, there were only a large area of ​​Gobi that looked a little distorted and red due to the overheating of the air, and a few boulders dotted here and there.

The man in black cast his gaze in one direction, frowned, and then stared at the gold watch on his left wrist.When he raised his head again, he saw a flying sand flashing out from behind a boulder not far away, rushing towards him.

Three minutes later, a motorcycle hovering in front of the man seemed to have clearly surpassed this era.Until the rider turned over and jumped off, the car that was thrown in the air had no intention of landing.

The rider did not wear a helmet, and only hung a simple metal mask diagonally above his head like a hat.From a long distance, you can see that short fiery red hair and blood-red eyes that are obviously different from ordinary people.She was wearing a Zhu Yan tights, which actually played a part of the camouflage effect in this red desert.

It's just that about [-]% of the tights have been damaged in various ways, revealing the bronze-colored muscles that are difficult for ordinary women to develop.Without those scary-looking wounds, it would be enough to make most men burst into blood.

The blood dyed the otherwise bright red garment a mottled brown.Many of them came from the girl's own new wounds that had not yet healed, while others were clearly someone else's.

"Your stuff," said the red-haired girl, then took out a pure gold mask from the floating motorcycle and threw it to the man in black with her bare hands.

This made the latter pale in shock and hurriedly took it in his arms.The red-haired girl, on the other hand, showed a hearty smile that didn't quite fit her ferocious image: "The commission is completed, bye."

"Wait," the man in black was carefully putting away the mask, and when he saw the girl turned around and was about to leave, he hurriedly stopped and asked, "Where are the others? It is stated in the plan that 12 people will complete this task."

This question is not an impromptu one.Ambisskary once confessed that he personally identified every assassin who participated in the task of retrieving the golden mask from the underground ruins.As insurance, check with his own eyes whether these people are trustworthy.

"Dead." The red-haired girl's smile brightened.

Died in a ruined mechanism?The man in black didn't ask the question.Because as the actual liaison officer, he knew that Song Haizhi would not send people who were likely to be wiped out to carry out the task.Even if he encounters that level of difficulty, it is impossible to only charge him at the current price.

So he changed his mind and asked: "They want to break the contract and swallow the entrustment privately?"

The red-haired girl stepped on the motorcycle and waved her hand casually.For some reason, her hearty smile suddenly became a little hideous in the eyes of the man in black who was good at knowing people, as if some ancient beast opened its eyes:
"You also underestimate Song Haizhi's professionalism. They all completed their tasks very seriously, but they were a little fussy about the organs in the underground palace, and they liked to point fingers. So... they killed them all."

After saying that, she twisted the handle and walked away, leaving only the man in black who wanted to call out the detailed questioning, but finally did not dare to speak.

At the same time, in the mansion of the game scene.Zhen Cheng was taking out the tape from the machine in the living room and replacing it with the one from the nursery drawer.And Ms. Nevis leaned against the door, watching Zhen Cheng's operations while staring at those big round eyes and carefully looking at the movement in the corridor.

(End of this chapter)

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