Blood Candle Keep Disciple

Chapter 21 Confessions of the Dead

Chapter 21 Confessions of the Dead
Not good!Pretty bad.

In severe pain, Zhen Cheng curled up on the floor.But she didn't dare to lie down, but immediately struggled to get up.She has a much deeper understanding of this game than the two in front of her.

Undoubtedly, there is some kind of weirdness hidden in this mansion, which involves the purpose of the host, the Scary family.

The extraordinary is often unruly and difficult to control.Even if the Scaries themselves really just want to have a harmless common reasoning contest, there's a good chance that something hidden in the mansion could get things out of hand.

The abnormality of Impas in front of him is enough to explain many problems.Even if a person who is tyrannical by nature, has no bottom line in his actions, and does not accept the basic rules, even if he can become the premier detective with his unparalleled talent, he will only be promoted as a dark fighter, and will never become the now well-known evil nemesis.


The percussion of the spring-linked plastic components was Hu Fabao pulling the trigger arrogantly at Impas.

Toys are just toys after all, and Hu Fabao, who is famous for his brains, has never actually fired a gun in reality.So the ejected plastic ball didn't hit Impas, instead, it nearly rubbed the corner of Zhen Cheng's eye and passed through her long hair.

"It's too much! It's just a game. Are you sick? Apologize to Miss Zhen." Hu Fabao pointed his gun at Impas in a self-assured pose, looking quite proud.

Every time he solves the mystery of serious cases before the police, he will put on this face to enjoy the eyes of others.The corner of his eyes glanced at the girl who was regarded as an opponent by him, but at the moment trembling in humiliation, he felt an unprecedented sense of accomplishment.

"Idiot, run." Zhen Cheng, who took a breath, stumbled past the two men and stumbled down the stairs.

In the face of Impas, who was obviously wrong, she had no idea of ​​saving Hu Fabao at all.When he passed by, he reminded him, I just hope that this guy will not die too fast if he is prepared, and can buy himself a little more time.

Hu Fabao understood the real crisis hidden in this game, and I am afraid that he would have quit the game and tried to contact rescue and quit the game.But Zhen Cheng had no thought of calling the police for help at all.

When things were getting out of control, she still just wanted to win the game and get the golden mask that contained the mystery of sublimation.

If you back down here, things will get more troublesome later.

What's more, this is Europe, the home of the Scary family.If they are obsessed with continuing the game, it is impossible for any police, army, or public power to intervene.

"Hehehehe..." Pulling on the front of the magician's hat, Impas let out a penetrating laugh and turned around slowly.This time, even if he is used to the false order of the surface society, Hu Fabao should find out that things are abnormal.

He frowned slightly, dropped the useless toy gun in his hand and clenched his fists to prepare for a fight.He watched Impas slowly pull out the terrifyingly large long-handled tree shears from the floor, and slowly raised his head with a murderous smile on the corner of his mouth.

Then, he saw that the smile froze on the face of the middle-aged gentleman, and was replaced by a deep astonishment.

Impas raised his head and saw a scene of blood splashing from the side of Hu Fabao's neck.The common carotid artery that was cut by the letter opener sprayed blood ten meters away, filling the second-floor aisle of the entire hall.A fan-shaped blood mist formed at that moment, making Hu Fabao, who was dazed, look like a lone-winged angel.

Appearing silently behind Hu Fabao without anyone noticing, was the old Mr. Epirens, who was supposed to be locked in the baron's master bedroom.His face was red and his ears were red, his eyes were staring as if they were about to burst out of their sockets, his pupils were squeezed up like goats, and there was a fanaticism like faith.

Then, as Hu Fabao fell to the ground, the bloody face turned to Impas, who was standing in front of him.


A thunderous thunder sounded outside at the right time, followed by the background white noise created by the pouring rain.

Before that, Impas, who was still full of evil spirits, was stunned for only a second before turning his head and rushing down the stairs without a word.He threw the huge tree shears, which were obviously superior to the letter-opening knife and cane in the opponent's hands, on the ground, without any intention of resisting.

Zhen Cheng, who was in pain and had difficulty running, was caught up by him in an instant, and then was knocked down mercilessly and rolled down the stairs.

But thanks to this collision, Zhen Cheng was lucky enough to avoid the letter-opening knife that flew down from the second floor.

At the same time, all kinds of deadly or ridiculous things were thrown from the second floor like a barrage of cannons.Among them were the giant tree shears, Epirens' own walking stick, and Hufabao's toy gun.

The moment he was about to fall, a familiar sense of alienation filled Zhen Cheng's body again inappropriately.The rugs and wallpapers around them quickly faded, turning grey and new.And her own body flew back to the top of the stairs.

Subconsciously raising her hand slightly, she saw the familiar kimono sleeves.

"Go, my daughter, everything is the will of God." An old and kind voice sounded in her ear.

Realizing that something was wrong, Zhen Cheng was about to turn around, but a huge force acted on her faster.She was kicked down the long, steep stairs with a kick on the back.

The pain that he had just experienced once again struck again, but Zhen Cheng tried his best to ignore the body's protest, trying to see more clearly.

In the rotating field of vision, she imprinted a figure into her mind.It was a good-natured old man with a high nose and wild eyes.

There is no need to think about the identity of the old man. Behind him, in the middle of the second floor of the hall, there is an identical portrait of life.The portrait was the same person as the photo Zhen Cheng saw in the nursery at the beginning. It was the owner of the mansion a hundred years ago, His Excellency the Baron.

She saw the old man look at her indifferently, and then throw an object down reverently.The handle is huge and the top is sharp. It is the special item in the hands of Mr. Epirens, the second player, the door key.

Under the initial kinetic energy of the throw, it quickly overtook its reversing self and smashed onto the floor in front of the stairs on the first floor.The thing spun around twice, and then stood upright like a tumbler under the heavy handle.

The sharp tip of the key, by coincidence, was projected in her pupils during her last tumbling on the stairs and grew bigger and bigger, and finally, no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't resist piercing through her left eye, completely penetrating her brain.

In an instant, the gray and white faded along with the severe pain, and the floor of the first floor, which had regained its color, was photographed head-on, with a huge sharp key standing upright on it.

Through the last moment in the fantasy world, he struggled and struggled to no avail, and Zhen Cheng tried his best to tilt his head to one side.

This will stagger the sharp key teeth that should have been shot in the eye socket.

 Thank you very much for your positive feedback these days.Xiaoyun is no longer here to dominate the screen and swipe the list, but everyone will remember that www only realized after this time that the reward for the new book period is really helpful to the work. (When the last book was pure rookie, few people had seen it because of Xiaobai's obsessive operation until it was put on the shelves, so it was really the first time to experience www)

  In addition, the operation activities of this month will end tomorrow. Just guess which detectives in this chapter will survive until the end of this chapter, and you will get some coins (there are also some wrong guesses), why don't you give it a try?

(End of this chapter)

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