fog city detective

Chapter 480 Perfection

Chapter 480 Perfection
After the recording ended, Liang Xi looked at Cyclops and said, "You know Dai Sile." He used a declarative tone, not a questioning tone.

One-eyed spread his hands, and admitted helplessly: "My old idea is good! If you look for his information on the surface, you will find that he is just an ordinary employee of the intelligence agency handling clerical affairs. In fact, he is now one of the main members of the French intelligence agency. To put it bluntly, he is a traditional conservative, but to put it bluntly, he is the head of the secret service, a person who specializes in dirty work in the French intelligence system." His personality is similar to that of one-eyed, and he will do anything for the national interest.

One-eyed introduced himself: "France has huge interests in Africa, and it coincided with a certain country being in turmoil. Our people were going to send a certain country's politician hiding in the wild out of a certain country, and the French were doing everything possible to send him to prison or kill him. This matter is very important to the French, but to us it is just a favor from a friend. Our superiors have told us to reveal our identities if we can’t do it, hand over the person to the French, and don’t fight the French.”

But the person who took over the task was Cyclopedia, and Cyclopedia's arrogant temperament made him not know what compromise was at all.Without the knowledge of the French, a normal person should choose to connect with the target as soon as possible and send him away.But Cyclops didn't do that. He bought a local warlord with money and asked them to attack and intercept a convoy heading to the capital.The convoy was Daisile and his team who rushed from a neighboring country to the capital of a certain country to assist the official search for the target.

Taking advantage of Dai Sile's life and death being unknown, and his subordinates suffered heavy losses, Cyclops took action here.Only then did the French know that someone was doing something.Ask the UK, and the UK says it doesn't know about it.This kind of secret war is dumb war.The injured Daisile refused to have an operation, and personally led the team to pursue it.Due to the strong military strength of the French in Africa, Cyclops was blocked by them on the border.

In a critical moment, One Eye killed the target with a single shot. After tidying up with his men, he crossed the border through the main gate with a British passport.They were naturally detained, but the French could not find evidence of their crimes. The British embassy asked the locals to release the British. After being detained for a few days, the group was released and left the country.

As a result, both parties were mad. Cyclops did not complete the task, but neither did Daisler.Because of the different importance of tasks and the use of resources, Cyclops was rewarded internally, and Dai Sile was reprimanded.Worst of all, Dessler had no choice but to amputate his left arm because of the missed operation time and his left arm injury worsened.

It is said that not long after this happened, Daisler declared that he would kill Cyclops.Who would have thought that two years later, the two would cooperate in the Middle East to achieve a major event.Kindness and resentment, family and country love and hatred are really unclear, and I can't explain clearly.

Liang Xi said: "I don't seem to have anything to do next." The rest is a game between the ankle and politicians. This game is mainly about lies and supplemented by bragging.It can surprise the audience, full of chess and conspiracy theories.In fact, that's what happened.In the end, everyone discussed secretly, and the matter passed like this. After all, it is impossible to really turn your face over this kind of thing, but it is impossible not to show some attitude.From the current point of view, the French will definitely suffer, and it is estimated that some compensation should be given to the British.At the same time, it must cooperate with the comprehensive investigation of the Silent Man program by the Germans and the British.

From the last words, it was basically determined that the disappearance of the Silent Group was a conspiracy led by the French. In addition to the Battle of Hylia Castle, the command system used by the Mar gang, France was determined to be behind a series of incidents.


But to everyone's surprise, France firmly refused to admit it.Lena's father and Mediterranean went to Paris to negotiate with French intelligence personnel, and learned that Dessler had taken a three-month long vacation a month ago to recuperate in New Zealand because of an old arm injury.The three countries contacted the embassy in New Zealand. A day later, the embassy reported back that Daisler's body was found in the yacht rented by Daisler, and it was initially judged to be poisoned.The time of death was very close to the time of Besta's suicide.Therefore, everyone has reason to suspect that Desile committed suicide in fear of crime.The death of Dessler means the death of the responsible person. If the French intelligence system is not found to be involved in the Silent Man intervention plan, it means that only Dessler himself intervened in the Silent Man's operation.

A day later, the three executives directly under Desile all denied the existence of the so-called intervention, and they were completely ignorant of the intervention.In the following week, the intelligence personnel of the three countries questioned and interrogated the personnel directly under Desile. No one admitted that they knew about the intervention, and many said they had never heard of the so-called intervention.

Once the investigation report is available, the conclusions are discussed by politicians.

How to explain this to the outside world?
Or do you French recognize it?
We didn't do it.

Gotta deal with it?
What's the benefit of admitting it?
Final conclusion: This case has nothing to do with the Silent One.Besta, Danny and several French nationals involved in the case were suspected of being hired by the French extremist organization Holy Brigade to carry out sabotage operations in London.When the Blade investigators discovered their plot, they were attacked just as a patrol car from the local police station was passing by.That's the truth about a small Southwest road shootout.It can't be said that there is no connection at all, as long as the mouths of Juliet, Liang Xi and others are sealed, this matter will be covered temporarily.At the press conference, the Assistant Superintendent specifically stated that these are preliminary information, and the details of the case are still under investigation.

When the public needs an explanation, give the public an explanation, the public will quickly lose interest in this topic and turn to other hot spots.At the same time, the intelligence agencies of Germany, Britain and France re-established a joint investigation team. They wanted to find out the truth about the Marr gang, the truth about the disappearance of the Silent Group, and the truth about the auction items of the Marr gang.First of all, Colonel Marr, who has been arrested, must be interrogated. The British agreed to the joint investigation team to interrogate Marr, on the condition that the method of torture beyond the limit should not be used to extract a confession.

So defined?For example, you can use fatigue interrogation, but you can't destroy physical health.You can use noise distraction, but you must ensure that he has a minimum of sleep.You can use a lie detector, but not weird drugs.

Since Britain and France were deeply involved in the case, the leader of the joint investigation team was a German.The team leader is none other than Lei Na's father, Lei Fu, the current husband of Liang Xi's biological mother.Since most of the related cases occurred in the UK, and Marr was detained in the UK, the headquarters of the joint investigation team was set up in London, UK.


Immortals work, and mortals take vacations.Since cycling is an acceptable exercise for Liang Xi, Karin made a program on the grounds that she likes cycling on her rest days.Liang Xi objected to this. He believed that walking was more conducive to environmental protection. Unfortunately, the beauty was by his side, and his will was not firm, so he could only embark on a cycling trip.

Karin prepared helmets, knee pads, trauma medicine, water, etc. before departure.Seeing Liang Xi busy swiping his phone, he stretched out his head and saw that this guy was looking for something delicious near his destination.

Starting from the park, heading south along the river, it took two hours to reach Liang Xi's lunch destination: the Mexican Roasted Lamb Restaurant.Liang Xi has already reserved half a roast sheep, put tables, chairs and sun umbrellas on the grass, enjoy the river breeze, watch the beautiful scenery, face the beauties, eat delicious food, spend an afternoon leisurely, this is Liang Xi's dream Wanted vacation life.

Karin thinks that her vacation life should be: alpine skiing, beach surfing, climbing high and looking far, participating in marathons, triathlons, etc.

At present, it is basically impossible for them to reach an agreement.But Liang Xi has a way, such as alpine skiing, right?Let's go to Switzerland to rent a villa, and I will watch you ski to the bottom of the mountain, and wait for you to come back with a barbecue on the top of the mountain.I will not participate in all your vacation projects, but I will actively participate.Facing Liang Xi who could think of such a way, Karin didn't know what to say.After all, adults only have the right to choose, not the right to change.You can not choose him, but you have no right to ask him to become the person you want.

Apart from the differences in this aspect, Liang Xi can be said to be perfect in Karin's heart. Even if she puts aside love and thinks rationally, Karin is still willing to give Liang Xi full marks.Liang Xi has no bad habits, self-discipline, simple communication, tacit harmony and satisfaction in life, occasionally surprises himself, and can suddenly do romantic things with a whirl of his mind.

Karin rarely sees slow-paced young people, and she can understand Liang Xi's living environment.Life was slow for both John and Mary.Generally speaking, people like Liang Xi don't have a wonderful life, but Liang Xi's life is full of stories because of his work, and some stories are even more exciting.

For example, today's topic has not been updated to the shootout in the southwest town five days ago, and it still stays in the story of the blood moon surprise invitation seven days ago.Three days ago, Liang Xi accompanied Baker to solve a murder case in a secret room, which was also very interesting.Many girls are not very interested in these topics. On the contrary, Karin was born as an agent. She has lived, trained and worked in mi6 for many years, and what she has experienced is far less exciting than what Liang Xi experienced in half a year.Karin thought it was a kind of enjoyment to listen to Liang Xi tell stories and discuss the incident and case with herself.

The topic at noon started with Bobby being grounded, and Bomu came to beg Bobby not to play with Liang Xi anymore.Bo Fu, who was present, explained that before the delivery of the new car, he should stay at home as much as possible.From this topic to the countess where Bobby stayed, Liang Xi analyzed the countess and explained his profile information about her.Slowly lead to the whole incident.

When Liang Xi explained the incident, Karin was very cooperative and asked questions. After explaining the whole incident, Karin raised more important questions.First question: "Did Besta commit suicide?"

Liang Xi also needs a smart listener like Karin. After all, with Liang Xi's current influence, there are some things that cannot be said. A responsible adult will be responsible for every word he says.Of course, I can talk to Bobby, and Bobby is also highly motivated, but Bobby is a man.Speaking of the highlights, Karin made no secret of her admiration for her eyes, while Bobby was wondering what excuses to kick such an embarrassing person?

Therefore, in a sense, Karin is Liang Xi's confidant.And because the case was discussed after the fact, Liang Xi had a lot more time to sort out the case, and he could think more fully.

Faced with Karin's question, Liang Xi still hesitated: "Theoretically, it is a perfect suicide scene. Let's take stock, the car is a secret room, outsiders can't open the door, only opening the window will destroy the scene. With the gun, the hood There are clothes, clothes, last words, and corpses. This is a suicide scene that cannot be questioned, cannot be questioned, and can't even pick out any faults."

Karin heard some meaning: "Too perfect."

"Yes." Liang Xi said: "A person who is about to die has a serious bias in his thinking. For example, he cares more about his children, for example, he cares more about the distribution of inheritance, for example, he cares more about world peace. The reason why the scene is perfect is because it is organized."

Karin smiled and said, "You seem to be looking for faults."

Ha ha!Liang Xi smiled and said, "Your second question can answer your first question."

Karin pouted and thought: "Your words make me very worried, and I will worry that I don't cooperate with your thinking."

"As long as you don't find fault, you can't escape from my palm."

"Okay." Karin asked: "The second question, are the last words true?"

"In theory it's a perfect last word."

Karin suddenly realized, and immediately understood what Liang Xi meant.The last words left by Besta, like the scene he left behind, are perfect.The will first explained the reason for his suicide, distributed the estate, and explained the reason for treason.Besta uses audio recording to record his last words, which can technically identify whether they have been tampered with.

Before she figured it out, Karin thought that there was a [-]% probability that Besta's death was in doubt.After thinking about it, Karin thinks that there is a one percent probability of Besta's death without doubt.

Liang Xi said: "The third one is perfect. The only person who left DNA at the scene of the shootout died. This person happened to be the most suspected lover of Besta. Besta happened to commit suicide. This formed a perfect closed loop of evidence. Besta The greatest significance of Ta's suicide is that the case that needs to be investigated for weeks, months, or even years is clearly explained in a will. Through the perfect scene and perfect will to prove that everything in his will is true letter."

Karin asked a third question: "What do you think is the truth?"

This question made Liang Xi think for a long time, and finally shook his head: "The matter has come to this point, it is not a problem that I can solve. If my guess is wrong and Besta's last words are completely correct, then I am tossing around. If my guess is That's right, if I pursue it again, I might be regarded as a thorn in the side. Assuming that I am correct and the other party has arranged everything, it is impossible for me to find useful information and clues from it."

Liang Xi said: "As long as you solve the mystery of the death of French General Dessler, you will know whether I am right or wrong."

Karin suggested: "We can remind the joint investigation team anonymously and remind the French to focus on the investigation of Dessler's death."

Liang Xi smiled and asked: "Baby, you are a doctor, you should know a lot of ways to cover up murder methods, right?"

Karin didn't deny it: "Maybe." Agent plus doctor, killing people invisible.

Liang Xidao: "We can simply discuss this issue from the perspective of film and television works. For example, CSI, such as Conan. You will find that the murderer was not premeditated, and CSI finally found a murderer through various methods and channels. A breakthrough. This breakthrough was left by the director. Logically, this breakthrough can be erased. Similarly, in the Conan murder case, the murderer will always leave a little flaw. Reality is different from film and television works.”

Liang Xidao: "With a comprehensive investigation into Daisile's death, it is very likely that there will be a situation where it is impossible to determine whether Daisile committed suicide or homicide."

Karin said: "The fourth question, if your suspicion is right, who is behind the scenes?" Liang Xi didn't really suspect anything, he just thought the scene and last words were too perfect.

 Recently, I plan to take my children out to play in the province for a few days, and it may be interrupted for one or two days. I beg the readers to forgive me.

  Recently, I dream of playing a game every day, and I feel pretty good.The translated name of the game is Monster Hunter 2 Wings of Destruction, and you need to search in English to find it on steam.This game is very playable, rich in content, easy to get started and so on.There are two shortcomings. One is the plot. The game has a very good world view and plot foundation, but the actual plot is very bad, and the protagonist has no sense of substitution at all.

  The second disadvantage is that it is expensive, which is a common problem with Japanese games.

  In addition, I dreamed of a good game a month ago. It was an American-style parent who purchased domestic copyrights from Poland.

(End of this chapter)

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