fog city detective

Chapter 453 Destruction

Chapter 453 Destruction

Bragging with the boss, Liang Xi, who drank a stomachful of water, returned to the apartment, and the day passed like this.As for Fanny's examination tomorrow and the operation arrangement the day after tomorrow, I'm sorry, I will not accompany you.

There is Yan Ruyu in the book, so continue reading.To read books, buy books first. Liang Xi went to the bookstore and bought a set of books related to the Meiji Restoration based on the recommendation of the store owner.The Meiji Restoration is the key to the rise of Japan.Simply put, it is Westernization.There were many stories during this period, including the last samurai who was made into a movie.

One advantage of reading these books is that you must be objective and not read with emotion, otherwise you will not be able to read them.It is a way to develop independent thinking.Why can it be successful?What is the best place to do it?Why was the Westernization Movement vulnerable at the same time?Books with record and record types usually don't give direct answers and require to think for yourself.

During the period, Karin called and was very happy to learn that Liang Xi was reading books in the detective agency obediently.After talking about her situation, she will participate in an academic seminar and try to return to London before the weekend.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Liang Xi received a call from Liu Zhen: "Consultant, although I don't want to say it, we need you."

Liang Xi smiled and asked, "Sister, what's the matter?"

"You can't tell on the phone. Where are you, I'll pick you up."

Liang Xi said, "I don't want to go anywhere today."

Liu Zhen asked: "I called you despite everyone's blank eyes, but you didn't come?"

"No, no." A group of voices said: "She was talking nonsense."

Roger reassured his subordinates: "It's different for him to look for us than for us to look for him."

Liang Xi couldn't understand: "What do you mean?" Thinking of Marr, the anti-terrorism office needs to be involved in the case. Could it be that Marr has a problem?The Office of Counter-Terrorism needs to be involved. First of all, it is not a complicated case. They are not equipped with investigative detectives, and all of them are action detectives.The former, such as the criminal investigation department, encounters a case, collects evidence, holds a case analysis meeting, assigns work, and continues the investigation based on clues.The latter kicked the door with a gun in his hand: Is anyone there?After getting the information, just greet everyone and do it.

Secondly, it is explained that the case is a high-risk case, either involving the safety of important people, or threats by gangsters, such as the holy flag warning that London will be attacked again, or receiving an early warning report.

"It's okay, where are you?" Liu Zhen asked.

Liang Xi said, "I'm at the detective agency and haven't had lunch yet."

"Don't touch the sesame oil chicken." Liu Zhen pointed to a boxed lunch on the table, and said, "I'll bring lunch to meet you, you can eat it in the car, we're in a hurry."

After hanging up the phone, the owner of the Sesame Oil Chicken Box Rice asked pitifully, "Boss, what should I eat?"

"You take a basin and grab some from their lunch box." Liu Zhen mentioned the box lunch and said, "Hurry up and finish eating, make a plan for emergency prevention, and prepare emergency fire support. God knows what will happen today."


Liang Xi got into the car on the side of the detective agency road, Liu Zhen threw the computer to Liang Xi, and Liang Xi asked, "Where?"

"do not know."

Liang Xi asked, "What case?"

"do not know."

Liang Xi asked, "Then where are we going?"

"do not know."

Liang Xi looked at Liu Zhen sadly: "Sister, are you in love or are you in menopause?"

Liu Zhen reached out and gave Liang Xi his left arm, and continued to drive: "Someone picked us up at a special place. The case was sent by the director's office."

Liang Xi questioned: "It sounds very important."

Liu Zhen nodded.

Liang Xi asked, "Then why are you looking for me?"

Liu Zhen thought for a while: "I don't know."

Liang Xi asked, "Didn't you read the materials?"

Liu Zhen: "Either we spend an hour looking at the materials, and then hold a meeting to summarize the content of the materials and tell you a summary. Or call you. We think the latter is more feasible."

Who are these people?After receiving the case, he didn't even look at it and threw it to himself.But it seems to be right, because I have to throw it to myself after reading it.But you have to take a look, right?Well, Liang Xi didn't want to read it at first glance. It's a confidentiality agreement, which needs to be signed manually, and the reading time is guaranteed to be no less than 2 minutes.

This explains the first question, why the case was referred to the Office of Counter Terrorism, as it is a classified case.After signing, he entered an interface, which contained more than a dozen classified folders, marked with videos, physical evidence reports, autopsy reports... What attracted Liang Xi at first glance was that the technical department suspected that T2 was used on site, and further inspection was needed for accurate results. T2 is also a special thermite used by the gangsters to set fire after killing John.

A total of four people died at the scene, and their identities could not be identified.The profile provided the identities of two individuals.

"Oh my God."

Liu Zhen was a little flustered: "You never said that word." Liang Xi said more shit, with a sense of admiration.Mai Kar said it from Liang Xi's mouth, with a very strong tone of disbelief.

"It is speculated that one of the deceased is Kimir, and the other is Saran." Kimir was a fat police officer who used to be in charge of Blade.Liang Xi read: "Other possibilities are not ruled out. The identities of the other two are unknown. Fingerprints, DNA, and even dental information cannot be obtained from the four corpses. Saran? Kimir?"

Liu Zhen was also very surprised, she knew that these two were in the same group.Saran and Juliet are secret agents who studied criminal investigation. They went to Blade with Kimir. Later, after Kimir resigned, the two stayed in Blade.The problem is in the details. There were four deceased in total, and the identities of the two deceased were speculated, indicating that the higher authorities knew or suspected what the two were doing, but they did not know the details of what they did, so they could not speculate on the identities of the other two deceased.At the same time, he didn't say anything dead, and it doesn't rule out that Saran and Kimir are both dead.

A report explained the confusion between the two. Kimir was an invisible director of mi5 and the person in charge of contacting mi6.It reported a plan called Pioneer the day before yesterday. There were only two sentences in the plan, which were related to the Dark Society and the participant Saran.Kimir has the right to act on his own, which is a gray channel opened by the judiciary for mi5 without law enforcement power.

mi6 Mediterranean is Kimir's immediate boss, and his feedback is similar to Kimir's. The most important part is that Kimir can mobilize a legal armed group named Rose.The leader of the Rose team explained in the recording that they were ordered to attack a farm in the suburbs at [-] o'clock last night and arrested two people, a man and a woman. They escorted them to a Thames River water pattern named Murphy thirty kilometers away. Observatory.

At around two o'clock in the morning, Kimir ordered the rose team to go to a camp in the southern suburbs to search for a caravan with the license plate 777.The Rose team arrived at the camp at 32:777, but found no RV with the license plate [-], and contacted Kimir to no avail.They returned to the observation station at [-]:[-] and found that the observation station was already in flames.

The Murphy Observatory is Kimir's temporary safe house. There are no records and records in the safe house. Only Kimir and his direct subordinates know about it, and even the direct boss of Mediterranean Sea does not know.Now the question is, who were the man and woman arrested by Qiangwei Group yesterday?Who attacked the Murphy safe house again?What is Kimir's plan?
Liu Zhen asked, "Are there any women in the corpse?"

Liang Xi said: "It's almost burnt to ashes, and only four corpses can be identified. Even if T2 is used, the human body cannot be burned completely, unless a large amount of T2 is used to specifically target the human body for destructive repeated combustion. That is to say, setting fire The purpose is not to destroy the evidence, but to destroy the human body, so as not to let others know the identities of the four deceased. From this, it can be speculated that the possibility that Kimir and Saran are still alive cannot be ruled out."

Liang Xi believes that the doubt lies in the destruction of the corpse.For example, one T1 can be used to destroy all physical evidence, and two T2 can be used to destroy a corpse in a targeted manner. One T2 can be used to destroy physical evidence, but the other party uses 2 T8 just to destroy the corpse.No one will be so boring, especially those who dare to attack the mi2 safe house are professionals and will not waste time and resources.Of course, there is another possibility: the criminals misled the direction of the investigation.

Time and event lines are simple.Liang Xi speculated: Kimir and Saran formed a temporary team to carry out the Pioneer Project.They got some information from a certain channel and learned that there was a suspect in a certain farm.Kimir ordered the rose team to attack the farm, arrest a man and a woman, and take them to the Murphy Observatory.Through torture to extract a confession, it was learned that a caravan with license plate 777 in the southern suburbs caravan camp contained important items.In order to avoid the trap, the Rose team was sent to the southern suburbs, during which the Murphy Observatory was attacked.

The dead were not four, but eight.The four people mentioned died inside the observation station, and the other four were security guards who were identified as mi5, but they were actually personnel directly under Kimir, and they died outside the observation station.There were no reports of the deaths of the four, however.From this, the question arises, why not destroy their bodies?


The person waiting for the anti-terrorism office at the intersection is Kunta from mi5. Kunta is a director-level figure in mi5, and he doesn't have any pensioners under him.Arranging this position is internal compensation for his 20 years in prison.

Liu Zhen asked an agent to drive, and he and Liang Xi got into Kunta's car.Kunta and Liang Xi greeted indifferently, and Liang Xi explained to Liu Zhen that Kunta and John were friends.Judging from the way the two greet each other, Liu Zhen thinks that they haven't met a few times and are basically unfamiliar.

Kunta gave the two of them the computer with the on-site map, and explained the situation while driving to the observation station.Four guards were killed in a surprise attack, two of which were poisoned by Amazonian poison dart frogs.According to the wounds, the murderer used a blow dart or other tools to shoot the poisonous object into the necks of the two people. The murderer took away the injection tool, and it is temporarily impossible to determine the murder weapon.

The other two guards were shot and killed by crossbow arrows, but the crossbow arrows were not taken away.According to analysis, the two guards were killed by a crossbow made in the United States called the Invisible.This crossbow weighs 3 kilograms, is small in size, can be disassembled and folded, and can be easily pulled by ordinary housewives.The lethality is astonishing. According to the test, it can crush the skull of an adult elephant within an effective range of 180 meters.The black market price of the Invisible is 12, and it needs to be booked two weeks in advance. The buyer cannot get the real product, but can only get the counterfeit product with inferior performance in all aspects.

The crossbow bolts that killed the two guards were standard crossbow bolts, and there is reason to suspect that the murderer used genuine invisible products.This detail is very critical. It shows that the murderer or gangster has a strong logistical force, and it also shows the professionalism of the gangster.As far as Kunta knew, the Invisible was only sold to the NATO countries.However, many countries in South Africa have reported incidents such as loss of invisibles, or damage caused by fire.The crossbow pistol is different, it has no ballistics, and it is impossible to trace the source of this invisible man.

The direction of thinking is inconsistent, Liu Zhen and Kunta's ideas are very compatible, and they are more interested in weapons.Otherwise, Liang Xi was thinking about the different ways of handling the two batches of corpses.The murderer made no secret of attacking the guards, and even the crossbow arrows were left at the scene.Could there be such a possibility that Kimir and Saran killed the guards?

Liang Xi asked: "Is there an invisible person in the temporary safe house? Or can Kimir get the invisible person?"

Kunta replied: "I don't know if there is. It's not a problem for Kimir to get the Invisible."

Liang Xi said: "Sara is an agent, has he practiced blowing arrows?"

Kunta: "You mean they killed the guard?"

Liang Xi said, "Anything is possible."

Kunta: "If it was the guard they killed, who is the body inside?"

Liang Xi said, "Perhaps there were two corpses left in the temporary safe house?"

Kunta glanced at Liang Xi: "You detectives have really big brains."

Liang Xi said, "Are there any portraits? Have you found out the identities of the man and woman arrested by Qiangwei Squad?"

Kunta reached out, swipe on the computer while driving, and clicked on a folder.

Liang Xi looked at the information of a man and a woman. The man is French, the woman is Dutch, and they are husband and wife.A 36-year-old man named Peter is an oil painter.The female name is Carney.They bought the small farm a few years ago and stayed to live and work here.They are self-employed, and Carney's main source of income is selling Peter's paintings over the Internet.Judging from the sales data, many customers ordered counterfeit famous paintings, some customers were regular customers, and some bought more than a dozen oil paintings within a year.Their annual income is around £300,000.

According to people familiar with them, the wife would go to the city every few days to purchase supplies and mail oil paintings.The husband likes to cycle along country roads.The closest building to the farm is the farm three kilometers away.The farmer was once invited to eat at their home, and he also invited them to eat at home. He didn't have much contact with them on a daily basis, so we can only say that they are good people.The only unusual thing is that the farmer said that he accidentally saw a car going to the husband and wife's farm late at night.The farmer's wife explained that, not by chance, there should be at least one evening visitor every week.Visitors usually leave before dawn.Visiting hours are usually after 10pm.


The observatory is located on the banks of the Thames River, and it looks like a simple cement house from the outside.There is a security booth at the intersection to prevent possible thieves.All four guards work here, and they wear security uniforms to take charge of the safe house every day, and they coordinate how to change shifts by themselves.

After entering the cement room, what you see is the water mark detection equipment, and the real safe house is on the basement floor.

Kunta looked at the computer and introduced while walking: "The first explosion-proof door, put down the explosion-proof door after discovering danger, and enter the password to lock the door. Obviously it is not locked, and someone broke into it."

Kunta continued to walk forward: "This should be the locker room, lounge and warehouse, where the firearms are stored." The damage to this room is not serious, and all supplies have been transferred.

Kunta said: "There is a fingerprint retina verification door here." The door is gone, and the tempered glass can't resist the high temperature.

Going inside is the scene of the fire. Kunta said: "Interrogation room, special interrogation room, observation room. The four corpses are all located in the special interrogation room, which is the place where violent means are used to force others to speak."

T2 has a characteristic. Its fire is not easy to spread outward quickly. From the scene, it can be judged with the naked eye which position is attacked by T2.The most serious is the special interrogation room, and then the equipment in the observation room. The main function of T2 and other thermite in modern warfare is not to kill the enemy, but to destroy equipment and materials that are too late to be destroyed due to retreat.The equipment in the entire observation room was burned.The interrogation room is relatively well preserved.

This is consistent with the fire situation in which John was killed. The secret room of John's house suffered most of the T2 attacks, and other places were more for arson than destruction.

After watching the scene, Liang Xi firmly believed that he had asked the right question: why should the corpse be destroyed?
(End of this chapter)

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