fog city detective

Chapter 364 Missing

Chapter 364 Missing

Liang Xi took a plastic chair from the caravan, sat in the girl's sleeping bag, and flipped through the books the police found a hundred meters away from the checkpoint.The book is called Confessions, written by Augustine.Like many great scholars and great scientists, Augustine first studied philosophy, and then began to study theology.Newton wanted to prove theology through physics.Einstein, who was the ceiling of physics, believed that the world was too perfect, so he turned to theology in his later years.

Augustine wrote many books, the contents of which vary according to his variations.At first he studied ancient Greek and Roman literature, and at this stage he was a follower of Manichaeism. At that time, he believed that literature and art should not be secularized, but had a higher demand.The meaning of speaking human words is: making everyone understand and literature and art is not good literature and art.After that, he wrote a book called On Free Will, which is actually a philosophical book about exploring the soul.In this book he began to lean towards Tianjiao, and he converted to Tianjiao soon after.Since then, he has written books such as the Trinity and the City of God, which have a profound impact on Europe.

Confessions are special, similar to memoirs. Simply put, they divide one's life into several stages, and criticize and repent of one's mistakes in several stages. Among the 13 volumes, the first 10 volumes are more philosophical, and the last 3 volumes are extremely religious.This is a book that devout Christians would recommend to teenagers.

Looking at the evidence taken on the computer, there are notes from the girl's father on the evidence book, and there are also reading cards mixed in it.At the same time, the boy who participated in the ceremony asked the girl, and the girl replied that this book was given to her by her father when she went to college.The three boys were all very impious Protestant believers, and the hall laughed loudly. Someone asked the girl if she was afraid of demons, so she brought this book?The girl answered yes.The boy's transcript showed that the girl was very reluctant to talk about this issue, so everyone didn't continue to mention the book.

Moduo and Ke Lante came to the scene in a daze, and they went to the other two rooms.

After sitting in the room in a daze for a long time, Modo picked up the candle he lit and put the candle on the tablet, which he used as a book.When Modo went out, he saw Liang Xi and Ke Lante coming out with candles.Liang Xi blows out the candles, signaling for you to please.The three of them followed the candles slowly downstairs and walked towards the road one kilometer away.

The road branch leads to the monastery, and a bayonet is installed in the middle of the three-way junction.This bayonet is at a right angle, which can not only shoot vehicles passing by on the road, but also vehicles on the upper branch road.This design is because the monastery was used by a group of kidnappers as a hostage lair four years ago.At that time, the police suspected that the kidnappers were in the monastery and checked the monastery, but they were not found.A police detective kept an eye out and contacted the traffic department to install the bayonet.

There are many types of bayonets. This type of bayonet is specially designed for taking pictures of vehicle license plates. It is very short and not easy to be found. It also has the function of speed measurement.It is a sharp weapon specially aimed at drag racing people.A mobile speedometer similar to our common high-speed flow speedometer.

With the assistance of this bayonet, the police cracked down on the kidnapping gang and rescued the hostages.In order to prevent the remote monastery from being used by bad guys, a long-term bayonet is specially installed at this location. This setting can effectively curb the crowd who want to use the monastery to commit crimes.

The three walked to the place where the book was found, about 100 meters away from the bayonet.Modo expressed his opinion: "This candle can be burned indoors for an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes. The four returned to their rooms at nearly 12 o'clock and lit candles. The girl and her boyfriend were at the bayonet at about 1:30. Meet nearby. The girl should have left the room around 1 o'clock. The light is dim and the walk is slow. I assume that the candles are extinguished on the road. Given the night conditions of the night, the road can still be discerned."

Ke Lante said: "The first question, no candle residue was found near the book, and the book was not burned. It can only be understood that the girl lost the candle in advance. This leads to the second question: Why did she throw the book away?" In the grass by the side of the road?"

The two seniors were talking, while the junior Liang Xi was listening, but Frank looked at Liang Xi: "What do you think?"

Liang Xi said: "There are three possibilities. The first possibility is that the girl decided not to elope with her boyfriend after reading the confession. She came to see her boyfriend to explain the situation. In this case, she might be killed by her boyfriend and transported to a certain place. It is very difficult to find the corpse.” The nearest small town is also five kilometers away.

Modo said: "This possibility is very small. If the confession changes the girl's mind, then the girl will definitely not discard the confession."

Liang Xi said: "There is another possibility. After the boyfriend killed the girl, he walked 100 meters to the monastery and put the book in the grass for anti-reconnaissance needs."

Ke Lante shook his head: "I don't think my boyfriend has such courage and ideas. Liang Xi, what about the second possibility?"

Liang Xi said: "The third possibility is that the girl was killed in the monastery, and someone moved her book here to fake the illusion that she left."

Modo asked: "Since the body can't be found, why not deal with her book and the body together?"

Ke Lante said: "Let me perfect Liang Xi's idea. The girl left with only the book, because it was a gift specially given to her by her father. Is it possible that she had an accident here?"

Liang Xi asked: "Meet someone in the middle of the night? She screamed in fright and threw the book aside."

Liang Xi opened the photo of the scene, and the three of them looked at it together. The location of the book met the requirements.The girl was walking in the dark on the road, when a person suddenly appeared, the girl waved her hand in fright, and the book flew into the grass.

Liang Xi said: "No, my boyfriend drove and waited near the intersection. He waited for several hours, and no car passed by here for several hours. This road is reserved for the town, and most vehicles will choose Expressway. It is normal for no traffic to pass by in the middle of the night. If a car passes by, the boyfriend will definitely remember it.” He may not remember whether ten cars or eleven cars passed by, but he will definitely remember that only one car passed by. car.

Modo thought it made sense, and asked, "Could it be that the residents of the town walked to the monastery?"

Liang Xi: "The lowest temperature on the night of the incident was zero degrees. I don't think anyone would be interested in walking five kilometers to the checkpoint in the middle of the night in the low temperature, and then another one kilometer to the monastery. Even if someone did this, wouldn't he have to walk back? Exercise body?"

Ke Lante: "Let's assume that there is such a person who meets a girl. The girl screams and throws away the book. Then?"

Liang Xi said: "One may be attacked, but after surveying around the book, there are no bloodstains or signs of fighting. The weeds on the roadside have no signs of being overwhelmed. The other may be that the girl turned around and fled in the direction she came from. This is Big trouble."

Currant agrees: "There are no lights in the monastery, and there is no reference point nearby. She will lose her way if she is running for her life."

Modo said: "But the monastery has a large area, and the outline can be seen from a distance. She will flee towards the monastery."

Liang Xi said: "But it will definitely deviate from the road, she will walk in a straight line."

Liang Xi walked towards the monastery, and left the road after walking less than five meters.With relatively flat terrain, it's hard to spot yourself veering off the road without the aid of your eyes.Although there are weeds on the side of the road, there are also weeds on the road.

After walking about [-] meters, it has deviated seriously from the road. The ground here is full of potholes, and there are several large stones protruding from the soil.Modo regretted: "We came too late, it rained, and we couldn't find the footprints we needed. Young people, you have good eyes and observe more." Both Modo and Ke Lante were accompanied by an assistant.

Liang Xi and the two assistants searched slowly. Liang Xi said: "People who are being chased will make a common mistake, and that is to look back. Judging from the road conditions, the girl should have fallen at least once."

"Three." An assistant said.

Here is a stone out of the ground, even after it rains, there are still human traces beside the stone.Liang Xi fell to the ground beside him, put his hands down, and used his fingers to get himself up quickly, tearing off some weeds.The two sites are quite close.

"Strange." Ke Lante looked back and said, "Assuming that the one chasing the girl is a man, the [-]-meter running didn't catch up with the girl? After the girl fell down, she still didn't catch up with the girl?"

Modo: "Maybe the other party is a man with poor health, or a woman. Go ahead, there is no fight here."

Continue to walk forward for more than 500 meters. This is a dry land, and the weeds are all in a dry state.It is obvious that the weeds here have been destroyed by human beings.The three surveyed and judged the scene, and Modo said: "Her physical strength is almost exhausted, and she should be knocked down here. The straight-line distance from the monastery is [-] to [-] meters."

Liang Xi looked around: "There is no trace of dragging."

Modo: "We cannot rule out the possibility that multiple people committed the crime."

Liang Xi disagreed: "Judging from the scene, the girls fought back to a certain extent. If there were two men, the girls would hardly have the ability to fight back."

Modo observed for a while, nodded: "Agreed."

Ke Lante: "According to this theory, a man catches up with a girl, knocks her unconscious or kills her, and carries her away. The girl weighs 52 kilograms..." Look at Liang Xi.

Liang Xi estimated: "I can carry a certain distance."

Modo: "Go ahead."

Continue on to the monastery, finding nothing along the way.The three detectives speculated that the murderer did not go towards the monastery after knocking down the girl.Ke Lante pointed to the two buildings outside the monastery from left to right, and said: "The left side is where the medical staff, kitchen, and teaching staff live and work. The right side is the penitentiary."

Liang Xi said: "The police checked the monastery, but they didn't check the annex building on the left."

Modo: "Let's go and have a look, first go to the penance monastery."

The three chatted while walking, Liang Xi said: "We haven't solved the problem of why the murderer met the girl."

Moduo smiled and said: "If you can't solve some problems temporarily, just ignore them. When you solve other problems, you will find that the original problem is not a problem at all. We now have dozens of question marks. The key is to find answers that can answer them. The answer to a question mark. It may not be the answer, but it is the key to other question marks."

Modo is 70 years old and has a slow personality. His white beard and white hair make him look particularly old.But his eyes are very young, very mobile, and have a soul.These eyes add to the master's appearance a resolute and wise evaluation.

Moduo said: "Ask more questions, think more about questions, and ask enough questions to answer them."

Well, it is certain that John was cheated of 20 by George!

The room in the ascetic monastery is not much bigger than a pigeon cage, the largest is no more than seven square meters, and the smallest is less than four square meters.This building is built against the mountain, which is a bit like a cave dwelling.A corridor, a row of penance rooms.At the end of the corridor is the torture hall and the whipping room.There are two types of flogging: do-it-yourself and other people's flogging. What's interesting is that the person in charge of flogging cannot be a believer in the Catholic Church.

A 50-centimeter-wide zigzag staircase leads to the second floor in the Hall of Torture Instruments. There are three floors in the Penitentiary, and the patterns are almost exactly the same.Standing in front of the penance room, one can imagine a person kneeling against the wall hundreds of years ago, repenting and praying all night long.Some incongruity was found in the penance, in a room on the second floor, a satanic hexagram was painted on the wall.

Visually observing that this pattern has a history of many years, Moduo said: "Believers of the Catholic Church practice penance prayers, hoping to alleviate the inherent evil of human nature through physical pain, and bring the soul closer to God. Satanic believers also practice penance prayers, with different purposes. , He hopes that the demon master can use his body to come to this world. According to my understanding, there have been many incidents in the world where the claiming demon crossed the six-pointed array and possessed believers. One of the incidents was very strange. The believer has no strength to restrain a chicken, but after being possessed, his strength is as strong as a cow, and several policemen can't hold him down."

Moduo said: "Psychologists think it's schizophrenia and autosuggestion."

Liang Xi asked curiously, "Actually?"

Modo shook his head: "I don't know. In the 70s, he was forced to undergo lobotomy surgery, and his life was 20 years longer than the average. Here comes the point. Before the 70s, the removal of the frontal lobe was regarded as a A form of formal psychiatric treatment, the amputated person lacks self-awareness, like a walking corpse, so that this treatment was abolished later. This believer is an exception. Although he is like everyone else in his daily life, when he is alone, he He would bite his finger, draw a satanic hexagram with blood, and kneel down to pray."

Modo said: "I went to a mental sanatorium to see him. I felt that his eyes were hiding thoughts. How to describe it? I have seen many other patients who have undergone the same operation. Their eyes are dead and have no luster. , no soul. And his eyes hid life. I wasted five years on this subject, even went to the Vatican, but never got the answer I wanted to know, and I didn't stop until he died. At that time I was like you young."

Liang Xi asked: "Have you any specific thoughts and opinions so far?" The three of them chatted as they walked, not as if they were solving a case, but more like holding a seminar.

"From a scientific explanation, there was a deviation in the operation at that time. From a psychological explanation, part of the consciousness of the subconscious personality is not in the front lobe of the brain. From a theological explanation, the devil is sleeping in his body." Modo said: "30 years ago, I thought, Humans are very complex and some outliers are acceptable. 20 years ago I thought someone was giving him an experimental drug. 10 years ago I thought maybe my memory was wrong."

Ke Lante asked: "Now, Your Excellency?"

Modo laughed: "Now? Now I only take this matter as one thing, a story."

Up and then down, first three floors, then two floors, and finally one floor.Going down from the second floor to the entrance torture hall, the three of them chatted and inspected dozens of penance rooms on the first floor.Not far from the torture hall, Ke Lante stopped: "Wait."

The two waited, and waited in place without saying a word, giving Kerant time to think or react.Ke Lante stared at the empty corridor ahead, and said in a positive tone: "The air smells of blood."

The smell of blood and the almond smell of cyanide deaths have one thing in common: not everyone smells it.Blood smells like rust or metal, why is it this way?The mainstream explanation is that it is because of blood ferritin.There is another condition for humans to be able to smell blood from a few meters away: a lot of blood.

Liang Xi didn't smell the smell, but when he saw that Ke Lante was going to search forward, he stopped him immediately, and took out the emergency intercom that Bobby gave him: "Call the bodyguard team."

"The bodyguard team received it."

"People need to explore the way."

"Understood. Please wait where you are."

(End of this chapter)

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