Chapter 362

Liang Xi put the sizzling Tomahawk beef from the street food truck in front of him, no problem.No matter how many times he and Karin go out, no matter how much Liang Xi eats, as long as he eats street food, he must order Tomahawk steak.There is a Japanese fried salmon and a Korean grilled squid left.It can be distinguished from the appearance that the grilled squid is very rough, and a large squid is rolled on a stick. Compared with health, the squid has a relatively strong positive effect, so the squid belongs to Karin.

Liang Xi also answered this question correctly.

The third question is the staple food defined by Liang Xi. In fact, except for Yangzhou fried rice, the other two belong to the appetizers of Western food.Although he is of Chinese descent, Liang Xi does not eat Yangzhou fried rice. Karin once bought Yangzhou fried rice for supper, but Liang Xi ate very little, so he excused himself to eat it later.Liang Xi eats more rice every day, but he is not used to risotto after eating too much white rice. Liang Xi chose Italian dumplings for himself.This choice is correct.

But he made a mistake in the choice of risotto and fried rice. Only then did Liang Xi know that Karin didn't like white rice, nor did he like fried rice made of white rice.Although risotto is also rice, it is more delicious when it is half-cooked by adding various flavors to the rice, so Karin chose risotto.

Liang Xi expressed his apologies, and it was okay for Karin to hug and comfort her.

The last dish made Liang Xi stuck, because Liang Xi didn't like these three Chinese dishes.These three dishes are very oily and watery, and the red oil soaks the food as if it doesn't cost money. After the food is picked up, the oil keeps dripping down the chopsticks.The last question can only be reasoned. First of all, it is brain teasing. Ordinary people will not click this thing easily, unless they don't know what it is.Karin would not think that Liang Xi would definitely be able to eat.Therefore, people who order brain tea must be those who have eaten and can accept brain tea.

Liang Xi gave Karin his brain. Karin is a doctor, and she is more tolerant.Unexpectedly, the two girls showed expressions of "Oh, it's obviously a mistake."Liang Xi chose tofu and put the lung slices in front of Fanny.

Karin waved her hand and explained: "I chose lung slices. The main ingredients of lung slices are beef and beef offal. Fanny can't accept it."

Liang Xi asked, "Where's the brain?"

Karin said: "That time when we chatted, the topic was the most bizarre food. You said that the brain flower is a very common food, and it tastes great when you put some cooking wine and shredded ginger. What I understand is that the competition in the ancient oriental country in the TV show Fast Forward requires the contestants to eat a local delicacy: snow clam fallopian tubes."

Liang Xi corrected: "Many people like it, but it's hard for me to accept it." Many foods such as hairy eggs are unacceptable to Liang Xi.

Fanny smoothed things over: "The score is good. It can be seen that Karin is living in happiness, enjoying and savoring love. Liang Xi lacks some detailed memory. I am more curious why Liang Xi did not consider my factor at all in your analysis? You see The last question, many Europeans will not accept beef offal and brains, if you think about me, then you know that I ordered the tofu."

Liang Xi apologized: "I'm sorry. I didn't think about you during the whole process, so I just leave the rest to you."

"Haha." Fanny relieved the embarrassment with a smile, really asking for fun.Liang Xi made up for his previous mistakes with this sentence, and received a kiss from Karin.

Although it was a childish game, Liang Xi learned something from it, especially Fanny's last sentence.Sometimes the secondary role is the key to success or failure, remind yourself not to ignore the secondary role in anything.Remind yourself to explain that Liang Xi finds himself in the habit of ignoring secondary characters.This is the sequelae of too much emphasis on grasping the core and focusing on the key points.


During the slow lunch, Liang Xi sorted out and explained the case.The focus is on Xiao An's assassination case. Liang Xi analyzed: "As I said before, the bad guys knew that the Orphan Association was going to attack someone, so they killed three other people within a limited time, and put the blame on the Orphan Association. The Orphan Association did kill people. There is no problem with the A woman killed by the orphan, and the dead Otome and A man are also fine. The problem lies in Xiao An. Xiao An is different from them. Xiao An has security forces around him, so it is difficult to assassinate in close quarters, so the killer uses a sniper rifle .”

Liang Xi said: "How could Xiao An be exposed to the gun within 10 minutes? The lonely old man will attack first, and then the three killers will follow. Xiao An is the main target of the bad guys. Xiao An must be killed. The snipers have already The ambush is good. But why did Xiao An cooperate with the location of the sniper and the assassination time? The only explanation is that someone made arrangements for Xiao An."

Liang Xidao: "After receiving the news, this person arranged Xiaoan to be within the shooting range of the sniper. There were many reasons, such as asking Xiaoan to say a few words, or telling Xiaoan where he was waiting for him, or placing Xiaoan in an open-air restaurant The location. Fanny, you provided very little information about Xiao An. You only know that the place where Xiao An was killed was the roof of the building. The building is [-] floors high, and the roof is [-] floors. Xiao An works on the [-]th floor. Why did he go to the [-]th floor? Who An appointment to meet Xiao An on the rooftop? Who will be the person who can let Xiao An meet on the rooftop? What about Xiao An’s communication records? What about the transcripts of Xiao An’s assistant and housekeeper? None, how can I check this?”

Liang Xidao: "I speculate that Xiao An's assassination was not an accident. Someone should have planned to kill him, or he could be killed or not, or he couldn't do it because there was no chance. Killing Xiao An was just an idea. If there is no such opportunity, this Ideas may never be realized. Conversely, if there is no idea, even if there is this opportunity, it will not be grasped.”

Fanny understood, and said: "You mean, someone is not good for Xiao An, but unfortunately he didn't do it due to some objective reasons. Until this opportunity was obtained. The villains behind the scenes couldn't kill Xiao An within time control, but because of someone's help, They completed the assassination. Someone was a person who influenced Xiaoan's behavior to a certain extent."

Liang Xi said: "That's right! But if you look at the information, there are only some police materials such as the case, investigation report, physical evidence, and autopsy report. There is no key information about Xiao An. I speculate that something happened around Xiao An. You can ask Hannah for information. , why there is no transcript of Xiao An's personal assistant and housekeeper. Judging from their positions, they know more about Xiao An than her parents.

Seeing that Fanny was about to get up, Karin said, "Eat first, and call later."

Fanny still stood up with her mobile phone: "Don't steal my share." Smiling with Karin, Fanny went to the living area to make a call.

Liang Xi asked curiously, "Is your relationship good?"

Karin replied: "If we communicate frequently, I think we will become good friends." There was no unpleasant incident between the two of them, and they hit it off quite well, but they cannot be said to have a good relationship.Karin is smart and calm. She doesn't have a good time making friends because many of her ideas are inconsistent with those in her circle.For example, when a scumbag in junior high school is still considering rankings, grades and ranks, a top student has completed the high school mathematics self-study course. Although they are in the same school and class, their ideas are very different, and it is basically impossible to become friends.

Fiona is not only smart, but also a professional, with an emotional mind that Karin lacks.In human terms, it is high-grade enough, and has a personality that Karin does not have.If it weren't for the estrangement between the two of them because of Liang Xi, they would have become good friends.Fanny has a free and unrestrained personality, has experience and knowledge, she can tolerate everything, and can get along with many people happily.Karin is not against getting along with this kind of people and making friends. At the same time, Karin also explained that they can only be good friends at best.

Fanny had been on the phone for a long time, Liang Xi and Karin kept two meals for themselves and prepared to accompany Fanny for dinner.In his spare time, Liang Ka took their mobile phones and sat together to watch short videos.Karin's short videos mainly focus on medical and international news.Liang Xi's short videos are mainly jokes and movies.Karin was curious why there was no such video with long legs, Liang Xi searched and played the video to tell Karin that it was all fake.My girlfriend casually kills them eighteen streets.

Smart people sometimes lack the happiness of fools, and Liang Xi knows the truth of many videos after watching them for a while.Liang Xi explained: "The opening statement of this economic expert: no one can explain the certain incident clearly, and the only one who can see the problem clearly is me. The meaning of this sentence is: smart people get out of here. He first kicks out those who may doubt him Get out of the game and absorb the audience traffic left behind. The more knowledgeable and experienced people are, the more humble they are, because they know what is beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. On the contrary, a frog at the bottom of a well can only see a small piece of sky, of course, a frog at the bottom of a well also has comfort joy."

Liang Xi turned to the video introducing Napoleon's history and said, "Is the history different? Why are there arguments in the comment section? Because the focus of history books in France and Britain is different. Although history cannot be rewritten, it can be recorded and described selectively. An Englishman interprets Napoleon as a war maniac and an executioner. A Frenchman interprets Napoleon as a founder. The difference in thinking comes from the fact that they received different information. I also commented before, and soon I found that they did not Need to think. France supports Napoleon, and Britain scolds Napoleon. Looking at the historical video of the video owner, I found that the video owner deliberately used the conflict between Britain and France to harvest traffic. People like me are not welcome by him. He likes to abuse each other Two groups of people."

Karin disagreed: "The video I watched was also controversial. Could it be that British and French medical books are different."

Liang Xi rolled his eyes, that's an academic debate.Karin was waiting for this supercilious look, and it was logical that she caught Liang Xi for a meal.What kind of cat do you have?Isn't it fun to have a boyfriend?

The two played for a long time, and Karin and Liang Xi sent the food to the microwave to wait for it to be heated.Fanny's phone is intermittent, and it sounds like communication is not easy.It took so long that Karin became suspicious: "Is there something invisible in your living area?" Did it come to steal something?
Liang Xi replied: "Absolutely not. If my guess is correct, Xiao An has a big secret, and the Kefu family is unwilling to tell it. Fanny noticed that the Kefu family was lying, so she kept looking for someone to communicate with. Hannah might tell Fanny the truth , but she will not agree to tell me the matter. Fanny must insist on telling the truth, as the middleman in the communication between the Orphan Association and the Kefu Family, if the Kefu Family is unwilling to be honest, the Orphan Association will gain bargaining chips in the cooperation between the two parties."

Fanny finished the fight with difficulty, and Karin went to heat the food.After sitting down, Fanny managed to squeeze out a smile, collected her thoughts, and said, "Xiao An had an affair with a French senator and his wife. A fifteen-second video was captured by a female reporter who had been following Xiao An for a long time. Two months ago One day, the female reporter announced on her website that she must die tonight's live broadcast. She never thought that she was killed in a traffic accident at noon that day, and the video was missing. The female reporter's brother is a police detective, and the female reporter's father is a member of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A director of the General Security Bureau, the female reporter's husband is a strategic sniper who has just retired for half a year."

Fanny asked who killed the female reporter. Hannah said she was learning about it. She wasn't sure if Xiao An hired someone to do it. She was sure that the family didn't know about Xiao An and the senator couple before.After Xiaoan was assassinated, the family found out about the incident and suspected revenge of the female reporter's relatives.But the three relatives of the female reporter are all professionals, and even the Kefu family dare not be unscrupulous.There are different opinions on the incident within the family. Some people don't want the incident to become a big deal, while others want to kidnap the female reporter's family and press to find out the real culprit.Some people think that the female reporter's husband is the real murderer, and Xiaoan's death has nothing to do with the Orphan Society.Some even said that the senator and his wife should be silenced first, as the family cannot afford such a scandal.

Liang Xi expressed his attitude: "Even if the law cannot defend justice, I still do not support the revenge of the victims' families. But I can understand their feelings. I think human feelings are the most precious part of human beings, which are different from many animals. A performance."

Fanny couldn't understand, Karin put the food on the table, and translated: "He said he didn't want to care about this matter." Translated in his mind: Liang Xi already had ideas and directions, but he didn't want to care about this matter.

Liang Xi added: "Killing people is wrong, I hope the murderer will be brought to justice in the end."

Fanny looked at Karin: "Please translate."

Karin smiled and said, "He said it's best to call the police and let the police intervene in the investigation."

Liang Xi said: "There is another meaning that you didn't translate."

Karin asked curiously, "What do you mean?"

Liang Xi said: "Unless the money given is really too much, so much that I can't help trampling on the most precious feelings of human beings."

Karin was even more curious: "How much can you trample on?"

Liang Xi pondered for a while: "At least a few hundred million euros, right? One hundred million is missing, and I don't even think it's money."

Fanny smiled speechlessly and raised her thumb, you are ruthless.Fanny asked, "Do you have any specific ideas?"

Liang Xi replied: "I'm just joking. This case is too difficult and has exceeded my ability. More importantly, I think the case is meaningless. Fanny, you are a very good intermediary, you can borrow this The data and intelligence made the Kefu family give up revenge on the Orphan Society."

Fanny shook her head: "No, the family is basically sure that the orphans will do it. They just don't want to mention Xiaoan's matter. You analyzed earlier that even if the female reporter's family has the idea of ​​revenge, they still lack a chance for revenge."

Liang Xi said: "The investigation needs to be done carefully. Xiao An was invited to the rooftop. Can the family members of the female reporter walk freely in Xiao An's building? Can you invite Xiao An to the rooftop? It's okay, you have friends from the old people's meeting, and we are your friends too. , you have so many friends, it doesn’t matter if a few die.”

Fanny was speechless, and Karin explained: "He sometimes talks nonsense. But I think what he said makes sense. The case happened in France. He only read part of the information. It is unlikely that he can find the real culprit."

Fanny nodded slowly, stopped mentioning the matter, and started discussing food. The three of them ended their lunch in a friendly manner. After drinking tea and chatting for half an hour, Fanny said goodbye and left.

Karin went downstairs to send Fanny to the car and returned to the office area: "She secretly puts small things."


Karin nodded: "It was quickly retracted. It can be seen that she really wants to know the truth."

(End of this chapter)

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