fog city detective

Chapter 356 3 Kill

Chapter 356 Three Kills
When the alarm bell rang a few minutes ago, the nurses entered the ward and found that the monitor showed that Frank had no vital signs, so they immediately began to rescue him.Various methods such as epinephrine and defibrillation were used, but Frank still had no vital signs.The doctor arrived 1 minutes later. After looking at the pupil, he rescued him for a few minutes and declared Frank dead.

The doctor told Baker with certainty that even if Frank had been poisoned with ricin, he couldn't have died like this.

When investigating and monitoring, Liang Xi and Baker knew it was not an accident.A hacker broke into the monitoring system and disconnected the system's storage.The security guards in the monitoring room can still see the images, but these images will not be saved on the disk.The system was still in the state of refusing to write until they checked the monitoring, and the monitoring of the entire hospital was like this.

Fiona's technical support told Liang Bei: This method is very common, and the write permission is turned off with administrator privileges.Fiona's demonstration of operating her own computer is probably to right-click a file, then click Properties, check Read-only, and click OK.This document can only be viewed by others and cannot be modified.

Fiona said that the same effect can be achieved through the network, physical wiring, or even directly operating on the hospital keyboard, because the technical content is too low, and Fiona cannot learn any information about the hacker.If a man is clubbed to death, there are many suspects.If a person is killed by a nuclear bomb, there are only a few suspects.

The forensic doctor has a preliminary conclusion: cyanide poisoning.

This completely confused Liang Xi, first chopped off his fingers, injected ricin, and then used cyanide.Why?
It is even more incomprehensible to look at the physical evidence analysis. The finger was placed in a medical incubator and the wound was treated.According to the doctor, I have the ability and certainty to reattach the fingers within 6 hours.From this point of view, the kidnappers didn't want to kill Frank, or even mutilate him. Well, it's not that flexible to take him back, so it's considered mutilated.

This is nothing compared to ricin.People who are poisoned will die irreversibly, and die painfully.Why play with your fingers when you're going to fuck Frank like this?The medical incubator is a high-end product, a professional tool for transporting transplanted organs, is it free?Stealing also costs labor.

The most bizarre thing is that Frank was given a shot of cyanide in a fatal situation.

Liang Xi grabbed Baker and said to himself: "The first question is also a reminder: Frank lost his temper after waking up because he found that his finger was gone. Reverse: He didn't know that his finger was amputated before. The process and results. Let’s expand it further. The finger was amputated around 123:[-]. Frank dialed [-] through a voice call at [-]:[-]. The mobile phone belongs to Frank. Can we understand it this way? After waking up from anesthesia, Frank saw the mobile phone, so he called the mobile phone for help through voice."

Liang Xi didn't wait for Baker to speak, and said, "The first question: Frank hasn't felt any pain in his fingers, and his consciousness is still not very clear. A normal person should call the police. Even if the first call is to a friend, the second call You have to call the police, right? No. But it’s certain that Frank’s hands were tied behind the back, which may be painful, but it’s not too painful because of the medicine. Besides, Frank’s mouth was not gagged.”

Baker asked: "Could it be stuffed in the trunk after the phone call and then sealed?"

Liang Xidao: "This possibility is not ruled out. Let's ignore it for now. Let's first care about the owner of number 123, and the call lasted for about 40 seconds. Frank called: Handsome shrimp, call 123, the phone received a voice command, connected to 123. Explain 123 The number is stored in his mobile phone, which means that he knows the owner of the 123 number. Is there any problem with this understanding?"

Baker nodded: "No."

Liang Xi said: "The second question: Why didn't 123 call the police? Didn't rescue Frank? Maybe 123 doesn't know the location, so they should call the police. Even if 123 is inconvenient to call the police, Frank will call the police himself. Then why there is no call to the police? ?”

Baker pondered: How would I know?

Baker said: "Ordinary people don't have ricin, and normal gangsters don't use ricin either. Unless it's an intelligence agency."

Liang Xi said: "123 received a call at nine o'clock. He has more time. Maybe he planned to rescue Frank, but went back to get the poison. Two groups, two different groups."

Liang Xi opened his mind: "Three groups, three groups. One group teaches Frank a lesson, one group wants to kill Frank slowly, and one group does not want Frank to die too slowly."

Liang Xi excitedly said: "This explains all the contradictions in the evidence. The second group, 123, went to the scene and saw that this guy lost his finger...they threw his finger into the river, and they silenced Frank. Why castor What about the toxin? Is there any explanation? They want to delay Frank's death and even leave enough time for his last words."

Liang Xi opened his mouth to speak, and Baker looked at Liang Xi's raised index finger, which followed Liang Xi's head up and down: buddy, hurry up, work harder, it will be there soon.

Liang Xi grabbed Baker's arm with one hand: "Who was that just now?"

"Frank? Doctor?" Baker was not sure: "Poisoned by the witness?"

Liang Xi: "No, that fat man's name is..."


"Yes, House, go and find out if there is a dying person in the inpatient department. He has three children." Liang Xi took a deep breath, and the poison made Liang Xi immediately think of intelligence personnel, and happened to meet House again, Frank It's American, so it's easy to relate.That's right, the second group of people wanted to frame the third group, and the third group immediately killed them after receiving the news to avoid being framed. Who is that first group of TM?

Baker brought back Liang Xi's unexpected answer. There was indeed an old man who had about a month to live, and he had three children.The old man lived in the ICU, and Baker could not obtain consent to talk to him.After asking the medical staff, House talked with the old man in the ICU for a few minutes through the external phone.

Fuck!House didn't lie, he did come to the hospital because of work.But Liang Xi knew that House was an old fox, so if he thought about it calmly, if House dared to say that, he would not be afraid of being investigated.My own thinking should be correct, the most important thing now is to figure out Frank's identity and background.

In the afternoon, Baker obtained part of Frank's information, which was obtained by the head of the department through a friend of the US criminal police. The specific information will be transmitted to the National Criminal Police Department in an official document by the US judicial department in 24 hours.

Frank, who served in the military at the age of 22 and retired at the age of 27, is single and works as an electrician.He is not affiliated with any company or unit. He is a casual worker, similar to a delivery man, with a good income. He can do whatever he wants, and travel when he doesn’t want to.Frank spends half of his time traveling abroad every year. When checking his reserved hotels, they are all relatively cheap hotels, and the plane only chooses economy class.At present, his US dollar account balance in the United States is [-] US dollars, and the euro balance is [-] euros. In addition, there are hundreds to thousands of pounds worth of pounds, Indonesian rupiah, Vietnamese dong, Thailand, Colombia, Argentina , Chile and other currencies.

This buddy has been to many countries and has traveled all over the five continents.According to the passport and customs information, he only went to South Africa twice in Africa.This is the fifth time he has been to London, and he has stayed at Sanfan Hotel for the previous few times. The price of Sanfan Hotel is relatively cheap.

The strange thing is that Frank has been to so many countries, it should be because he loves to travel, but Frank did not leave any photos on his personal media.In fact, Frank only applied for a must-death account, and didn't even operate it.This is somewhat out of tune with tourists.Some people go to the entrance of the village for fear that others will not know, and the photos are posted all over the circle of friends.

These materials are of no help at all. To solve the case as soon as possible, there is a more aggressive way, which is to contact 123 in the mobile phone address book through the mobile phone left by Frank.Another way is to try your luck.

Liang Xi said to Baker, "Let's go to Sanfan Hotel."


Frank stayed in room 507 of Sanfan Hotel. The room was very small, with a single bed mixed with the living room.There are no additional rooms except for the bathroom with integrated shower.The physical evidence officers have searched the room, found no blood, extracted fingerprints that could be extracted, and took away Frank's personal items after taking pictures.

Liang Xi sat on the sofa in the guest room of 507, looking at the list of Frank's personal items in Baker's mobile phone.Frank's personal items are very simple, two sets of laundry pants and a down jacket to deal with the possible cold wave.In addition to documents and cash, the remaining personal items are an electric razor.

"Minimalist life!" This is a life attitude that has emerged in recent years, but you don't want anything that is useless.

Liang Xi looked at Frank's belongings and said, "One thing is missing."

Baker asked, "What?"

"Charger." Liang Xi said, "Even if it's minimalist, you always have to bring a charger for your phone, right?"

Baker: "It's possible that I carried it with me and lost it during the kidnapping."

Liang Xi's phone rang, and it was Hannah calling: "Hello."

Hannah: "Have you read the information?"


Hannah: "What do you think?"

Liang Xi said: "I'm sorry, but I don't have any constructive comments for now."

Hannah: "Okay, let's get back in touch."

"Goodbye." Liang Xi hung up the phone and asked the room attendant waiting at the door: "Excuse me, does this guest go out often?"

The waiter replied: "Not many people are there in the morning. The room was cleaned at ten o'clock twice, and he just got up to wash up."

Liang Xi asked, "Does he have a laptop? Or a tablet?"

The waiter nodded: "Yes."

Baker looked at Liang Xi curiously, how do you know?

Liang Xi pointed to the mark left by the carpet beside the table, which is the mark left by the chair legs being squeezed for a long time.Therefore, Liang Xi speculated that Frank was in the room most of the time and sat on the chair most of the time.To be reasonable, if it is to play games or socialize, or for other reasons, many people will choose to lie on the bed instead of sitting on a chair.The only reason to sit upright in a chair for long periods of time is work.Even traditional writers use computers for office work, so Liang Xi speculated that Frank should have a work computer.

Liang Xi asked, "Is the corridor monitored?"

The waiter replied: "No, only the hotel lobby, the stairs and the elevator have monitoring." The corridors of Sanfan Hotel are not straight, but irregular. monitoring.

"Let's check the surveillance to see if Frank brought a computer with him when he left the hotel for the last time." Liang Xi added: "If he brought a computer, he might put the charger in it.

The answer is to bring.Frank left the hotel with his computer bag around eight o'clock the night before, and got into a taxi outside the hotel.Baker found a taxi through the surveillance outside the hotel, and the taxi driver recalled that Frank went to No. 3 Street in the Windsor community.

The Windsor community is a golden-collar community, not far from the city center, and is the favorite community of many middle and high-level managers of large companies with good income.Compared with ordinary communities, the community culture of the Windsor community is relatively light. Everyone lives their own lives, is not keen on community activities, and does not want others to disturb them.

Baker took people to the Windsor community to track down Frank, leaving a police detective to accompany Liang Xi in the 507 hotel room.Liang Xi didn't want to be a police officer. When he arrived in the Windsor community, he didn't know how many people he would visit and how many cameras he would watch. Maybe there would be no results yet.Liang Xi asked the police detective to investigate one matter, from the surveillance to find out whether Frank carried a computer with him every time he left the hotel, or left the room to eat in the restaurant.

After getting an affirmative answer, Liang Xi contacted Fiona: "Is there someone named Frank in your circle?"

Fiona: "Your question is very amateur. There is only a code name in the circle, but no name. For example, my name is Shorty, which is a little well-known in the European circle." Many people think that Shorty is a fat man.

Liang Xi asked, "Can't find it?"

Fiona: "I can help you check the registered hacker information. Most of these people have been arrested for attacking official websites and so on."

Liang Xi said, "I want American ones."

Fiona said: "No problem, but only ordinary hackers can be found. There is a special system for high-risk hackers. Tell me the full name."

Liang Xi reported Frank's full name, and Fiona quickly replied, "There is no such person."

"Okay." Liang Xi could only hang up the phone.

The police track down who kidnapped Frank, who injected Frank with ricin, and who injected Frank with cyanide.Liang Xi is more interested in Frank's identity.There must be something wrong with this person, that's why everyone attacked him in different ways.

Based on Liang Xi's knowledge, a man spends most of his time working with laptops in hotel rooms, so it can be ruled out that he is a game lover.True gaming enthusiasts either play consoles or desktops.Possibly a programmer, but Frank's identity as an electrician, assuming Frank is trying to hide his identity, should also be a programmer in the US.After ruling out several possibilities, Liang Xi suspected that Frank was a hacker.

When I contacted the hospital today and happened to meet House, Liang Xi had reason to suspect that Frank was a hacker working for CA.This explains why he often travels abroad.Most importantly, live a simple life.The personal items are simple and the room is simple.One advantage of a minimalist life is that you have nowhere to hide a bug.

"Please check, from nine o'clock last night to seven o'clock this morning, how many people checked out?" Thinking about it in reverse, Frank must have been noticed by many people. To kidnap Frank, one must know something about Frank.Frank spends most of his time in the guest room, so how do you know him?Direct monitoring should be a better means.

The desk clerk replied: "Officer, no one checks out."

"Oh? Thank you." Liang Xi took out his mobile phone and opened House's photo: "Have you seen this person?"

"No." The two staff members shook their heads together.

How can I verify that my guess is correct when I keep running into walls again and again?

 I recommend a steam game DYSMANTLE. This game looks boring and not very fun to play, but after playing for a long time, it doesn't feel bad.It is a brush game that includes farming, fighting zombies, fishing, house demolition, picking up garbage, hunting, manufacturing, etc.

  After reading some comments, it probably means the same thing. It doesn't look interesting, but it plays very well.

  Contrary to this game, I recommend Vampire Survivor together. This game is very good to play, but after playing for a long time, it is not interesting to basically figure out the game mechanism.However, tens of dollars is still very conscientious, the update is very diligent, and the content is constantly being added.

  I bought the old head ring, but the keyboard and mouse operation is disabled, and the refund will be refunded after an hour. It is better to be a cloud player.


(End of this chapter)

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