fog city detective

Chapter 308 Games

Chapter 308 Game (Twenty)
Perhaps because of Liang Xi's stable mood, Karin's mood is also relatively stable.Karin, who was wearing a white coat at the entrance of the hospital, hugged Liang Xi for a long time. After kissing, she patted her face. She was not so excited that she cried to death. She just told Liang Xi that she had always had full confidence in him.Karin sent Liang Xi to check.They were all routine examinations, EEG, ECG, blood pressure, blood test, urine test, etc. Karin arranged a separate ward for Liang Xi in the inpatient department through normal procedures.

When Liang Xi woke up the next day, Karin had already prepared takeaway chicken porridge and some Cantonese refreshments. After washing up, the two chatted while eating and watching the news.According to the news and Karin's knowledge, the seven robbers had abandoned their cars and fled before the Gausker building collapsed, and the police are currently hunting them down.The police are said to have the identity of at least one of the gangsters.

According to the news, there are basically no survivors in the Gausker Building, and it will take half a month or even longer to clean up the ruins.A comprehensive case investigation result cannot be obtained in a short period of time.Karin has already contacted Mary, and Mary is very happy that Liang Xi is fine. She will not return to London for the time being. This revisit to her old place made her think about a lot of past events. She wants to take Jindola to follow her footsteps and walk her life again.

Because of the note from Liang Xi, Yisha didn't have time to visit Liang Xi, so Robert and Liu Zhen went to the hospital together.Bring Liu Zhen because Yisha thinks that Liang Xi still has dry goods, but the note Liang Xi gave is too important, so Liu Zhen's anti-terrorism office is asked to take charge of the follow-up work.

The two did not come empty-handed. It was lunch time, and they brought a lot of food. Everyone used the ward as a meeting room and a restaurant.In addition to food, there is some news.

First of all, the Rose Detective Agency exploded, and countless European Internet celebrities, self-media, and media were all gathering traffic at the door of the Detective Agency.The media also contacted Wendy's parents and offered a high price to discuss business cooperation with Wendy.Because Wendy is a minor, they will get into trouble if they come to harass her, and they can only communicate through soft sex.Even so, police arrested four traffickers near Wendy's home and school.Two Internet celebrities who uploaded Wendy's photo are currently being arrested and they will face felony charges.

Liang Xi asked one thing first: "Bobby should appear."

Robert: "The Clement family has been a little strange these two days. The police detectives have contacted and even visited the house many times, and only made a transcript of the Internet celebrity festival. As for why Bobby's friends did not show up, Clement The family chose not to talk about it. You still need to deal with this matter. In addition, Chris is a little surprised. We received news that Chris seems to be someone with a background."

Liang Xi looked at Karin and smiled, "Oh, I know, Thresh, the Thresh of the Orphan Society?"


Liang Xi said: "I need the help of the two of you in this matter." Liang Xi explained the situation and his request, and asked the officials to testify against the Dark Society.

Robert is an agent of the staff and politician type. He directly told Liang Xi that the government would definitely not do this.But he knows several influential media, and he can choose one to let them release the news.Isn't the media afraid of the defendant without evidence?Some kind of darkness will come to accuse you.Either the holy flag, or illegal justice, you can sue, demand compensation and apology.

Liang Xi said: "According to my opinion, after this secret is worthless, it is tantamount to indirectly provoking a war between the Orphan Society and the Dark Society. Chris was mistaken for Thresh, and you can use Chris's identity to dig a hole. Liu Zhen , it suits you very well."

Liu Zhendao: "First of all, we need to ask Chris for permission."

Liang Xi said: "Tell him that he was already dead, and he was rescued by relying on Thresh's identity. Now he needs to take risks to deal with the aftermath, and he should not refuse. Secondly... Chris, what about you?" Come, come." The guard pushed the door open, and Chris appeared, and after a few seconds of confusion, Liang Xi pulled Chris into the game.


After listening to it with a cloudy expression, Chris said, "Let me sum it up, the Dark Society thinks I'm Thresh, the Thresh of the Orphan Society? Now we are inducing the Orphan Society to fight with the Dark Society, and I may become the target of the Dark Society. Director Liu used this to set up traps." Chris has an idea in his heart?Yes, there are too many, the real mixed flavors, I can no longer describe my mood with the language still used by the earth.

Liang Xi said: "Chris, I know there is danger, but this matter can only be resolved in this way. If it is not resolved, the flames of war may spread to the Clement family. Only when the truth is made clear, those who know the secret are safe .Besides, you are descended from the Vikings, and you are not afraid of death in the Gausker building."

Yes, I am not afraid of death, but I am very afraid of going to war. The lonely old society and the dark society will go to war and fight. You are picking snails and are responsible for collecting the corpses and cleaning the battlefield.

Seeing that Chris didn't answer right away, Robert said: "Think about it, or ask you to cooperate with the Anti-Terrorism Office. Or we will contact the witness protection team to protect you for a certain period of time. Liang Xi is right, this is the elimination of the Orphan Association. It is an excellent opportunity to fight with the Dark Society, and we will not let this opportunity pass."

Chris nodded slowly: "Give me some time to think about it, one day."

Karin poured drinks for everyone. Although she was in the hospital and had her own opinions, she did not participate in any discussions or express any opinions from the beginning to the end.

Liang Xi opened a bag of glutinous rice chicken and said while eating: "Second thing, speaking of Thresh, I think Thresh may be in the Gausker Building. Either he appears as a guest or as a staff member. I recommend screening everyone."

Chris's hands were shaking a little, and his heart was under pressure all the time.If you don't know Liang Xi, you have no idea how bad he is.On the surface, Liang Xi is a harmless nerd who doesn't care about other people's business, likes to read books, and dislikes sports.In fact, he is a sharp old villain.Chris knew that he was not suspected by Liang Xi, first of all he would like to thank Meng Haika's men for shooting him in the abdomen.Since it can be proved that the gunman who shot himself in the abdomen is a member of the Orphan Association, not only the police, but even Liang Xi has excluded him from the Orphan Association.Otherwise, as an orphan, he would dangle in front of Liang Xi and be on the suspect list in minutes.

Even if he was mentally prepared, Liang Xi's reason for suspecting that Thresh was in the Gausker Building broke Chris's heart.

Liang Xidao: "He didn't return my call. According to my understanding of his character, this email will definitely stimulate the cheap thing deep in his soul and tear open the scars on him as my defeated opponent. Even if he is being If I was buried, I would grab a phone call and scold me. But no! The only possibility is that I can’t be separated."

Chris said: "According to what you said, Thresh was in the Gausker Building. He had a mobile phone at the time, why didn't he call you back?"

Liang Xi said: "Chris is still smart, and here is the key. His mobile phone is not bound to an email address. Why? Because the mobile phone is likely to be checked, whose mobile phone is most likely to be checked in the Gausker Building? Not the staff, but Guests. So I suspect the point is the guests."

Chris: You fucking shouldn't be talking.

Liang Xi said: "The reason why I focus on it is because I didn't find any outstanding guests during the Internet celebrity festival, so I can't talk too much, it may be the staff. Or it happened that Thresh accidentally walked and fell to his death. I personally don't believe in coincidences, plus Thresh is really a sword. If he had a choice, I think he would go to the Internet celebrity festival. But there is a technical problem here. Based on my analysis of Thresh, I don't think he is Internet celebrities or celebrities, he wants to participate in the Internet celebrity festival, and the threshold is very difficult. The big suspect is the ordinary guests and employees participating in the Internet celebrity festival.”

Robert said in the notebook: "Okay, I'll write it down, and hand this matter over to the Criminal Investigation Department."

Liang Xi was dissatisfied: "Why?"

Robert smiled and said, "Liang Xi, Thresh is not registered in the Blade and Anti-Terrorism Office. He is not a hard-core violent crime."

Liang Xi said, "Arson isn't violence? He burned down my apartment."

Robert: "Aren't you insured?"

Liang Xi said: "This is not an insurance issue, this is..."

Liu Zhen explained: "He was borrowed by Thresh several times, and he was upset."

"What's the truth?" Liang Xi accused.

Robert nodded: "Okay, I transferred people from the Criminal Investigation Department to Daofeng to set up a special case team, and used the thinking of the detectives of the Criminal Investigation Department and the integration of Daofeng's resources to dig out Thresh."

Liang Xi whispered: "When the time comes to arrest someone, you can accidentally go off fire. Don't kill him, but let him suffer more."

"Haha, let's talk." Robert laughed dryly.

Liang Xi said: "There is a third matter. This matter should not have been said. It is just my unilateral conjecture, which is not convincing." Thresh's matter has no evidence, but it is convincing.

Liang Xidao: "The gangsters took death as home, and the gangsters fled. Although the ruins have not been cleared, I believe that there is no dead body of the gangsters inside. I unilaterally suspect that the gangsters are professionals, not terrorists of the Holy Banner, and may be illegal and righteous mercenaries." .That involves what happened on the first day of the Internet Red Festival. The police did not shoot the gangsters when they were provoked. I believe that most of the policemen could still maintain their sense at that time, but how could the gangsters dare to believe the policemen who provoked them? Will you stay sane?"

Robert nodded: "This issue is something we have been discussing with the blade and the top management, and there is no result."

Liang Xi said: "No result?" I don't believe it.

Robert smiled: "Well, we once suspected that Sink might be an accomplice of the gangster. He was the police detective with the highest rank and the oldest qualifications in the Gausker building at that time. After understanding, Sink entered the Gausker building voluntarily. There are some doubts in the SK building, so he entered the GOSK building as an internal detective, responsible for secretly collecting and investigating suspicious information during the Internet celebrity festival. For this reason, we passed the pressure of hostage negotiation to him. Judging from his work situation, No problem. Even so, have we stopped doubting him."

Liang Xi said: "Until he died in the line of duty."

Robert said: "Sinke's death has nothing to do with the conspiracy. At that time, the high-level officials wanted to know how the gangsters detonated the explosion. We explained the risks to Sink, and Sink readily agreed."

Liang Xi said: "The information obtained about the eight gunmen who are illegal and just is always related to the judiciary. I can't express too much opinion on this matter. I suggest that you can check Sink's details, such as which bars he likes to go to every day, likes What kind of sports, the range of social circles, etc."

Robert asked, "Suppose, I said suppose Sink was the bad guy, did he commit suicide or did he kill himself?"

Liang Xi replied: "He killed him. He should be an abandoned pawn. A policeman of this level must be abandoned for a reason that we don't know."

Robert: "We will communicate with the Ministry of Internal Affairs for follow-up investigation and understanding. Is it gone? Nothing else?"

Liang Xile asked, "Are you afraid of things?"

"No, you said three things, and all three are troublesome." Robert: "I'll deal with the first thing first, the most important thing. Chris, are you free this afternoon, let's talk together?"

Chris was about to say something, but Liang Xi said, "I'm fine, thank you Chris for visiting, if you have something to do, go and do it. I also want to enjoy the two-person world with my girlfriend."

Chris spread his hands, you have finished speaking, and by the way, you issued an order to evict the guest, what else can you say?Your own fucking shouldn't come.


There was no problem with my body, so I was discharged from the hospital in the afternoon.

Karin asked, "Did you go to Clement Manor?"

Liang Xi said: "Why? I want to have dinner with my girlfriend first." Going to investigate a man's mess is nothing like chatting with a beautiful girl, kissing, and eating together.

Liang Xizhen was not joking, and went straight back to the apartment, not planning to go to Clement Manor at all.Not knowing whether it was Liu Zhen or Dao Feng, two groups of plainclothes agents were arranged to follow and protect Liang Xi in shifts outside the perimeter.The agent told Liang Xi that it is best not to go out these few days, but to wear a mask when going out. Liang Xi is now the biggest internet celebrity.After ten days and half a month, when new incidents appear, everyone will forget the existence of Liang Xi.

In this case, and it was still early, Liang Xi proposed to have a barbecue, and Karin readily agreed.Karin marinated the steak, and Liang Xi went to the roof to tidy up the oven and light the fire.

Baker called to inquire about Liang Xi's health, and told Liang Xi not to return to the detective agency for the next few days. There are Internet celebrities who want to make hot spots everywhere near the detective agency.The surrounding area of ​​the detective agency is quickly becoming an exclusive live broadcasting place for Internet celebrities.Good news for the restaurants and cafes downstairs. There are almost no seats available in the day, and the waiters are also tipped a lot.At the beginning, the waiter told some truths, but some Internet celebrities were not satisfied, and the taste changed completely as they talked.

Liang Xi was told by the waiter that he became an illegitimate son of a wealthy family, and because he was tired of the struggles of wealthy families, he opened a detective agency by himself.This perfectly explained why Liang Xi and Bobby knew each other, and why the detective agency hadn't had business for several years and he didn't starve to death.Liang Xi also has another identity. His mother is a high-ranking official of the NATO Command, so Dao Feng is obliged to protect Liang Xi's safety.

In addition, Liang Xi was still a prodigal son, loved many women, and was sincerely moved by the waiter.The waiters don't like to lie, but they found that the more they lied and broke the news, the more tips others gave.As for the real version of Liang Xi, no one is interested: he is polite, very polite, not easy to get close to, and does not talk about personal matters.What's the point?Anyway, Liang Xi's popularity has only lasted for two weeks, and it is true to engage in traffic.The more mysterious Liang Xi's identity was, the greater the traffic on the Internet, and the more curious netizens were about who this guy was.

But unexpectedly, there was a thunderstorm at Kou Kou. Kou Kou's restaurant assistant broadcast live broadcast that Liang Xi is Kou Kou's friend, and the relationship is quite good, and there are even signs of developing into male and female friends.

(End of this chapter)

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