fog city detective

Chapter 291 Games

Chapter 291 Game (Part [-])
The public safety emergency meeting held in the UK is actually useless. At this time, there is no need for these strategists to brag, and now it is necessary for practical people to do things.The meeting had only one purpose: to minimize hostage casualties.This is also the purpose of not holding meetings.

Did you cut off the live signal?The director of the police department told the minister and the prime minister that he believed that once the signal was cut off, the Gausker building would collapse. Psychologists profiled Johnson as having the belief that he must die.

In the front-line police department, Downer is holding a combat meeting. The supervisors and senior detectives from the Special Operations Department and the Operations Department are participating in the meeting. The meeting focuses on several main issues: Is there a possibility of a storm?What are the chances of winning by storm? Could 120kg tn cause the Gausker Building to completely collapse?Gangster branch area, bomb burial site, hostage location...

Not just a few questions, but a whole host of questions.The technology sector continues to send in information, but it's not enough.During the break, Tang Na hesitated for a long time with his mobile phone, and finally called Liang Xi.At the first Internet celebrity festival, Tang Na followed Liang Xi's suggestion of taking a gamble and resolved the hostage crisis.But he also took the blame and resigned.

"Hello?" Liang Xi turned on the speakerphone, and sat on the carpet with Karin, leaning against the sofa cushions and watching TV.

Donald: "I'm Donald."

Liang Xi thought for a while: "Oh?"

"Oh?" Donna asked back.

Liang Xi said: "My friend is in the Gausker Building, I have a position, and I can't help you." Liang Xi may be able to provide some strong attack plans, or similar information, but the risk is extremely high.If the police attack because of the information and plan he provided, resulting in the death of the hostages and his friends, even if Liang Xi doesn't want to take the blame.As soon as Liang Xi opened his mouth, he stated that he had a position and disapproved of the police attack.

Downer asked, "Could you please share your thoughts?"

Liang Xi said: "Everything is possible. If I were you, I would never confront a terminally ill, strong-willed, crazy-minded person. But since you called, I have to say Something, or I'm sorry John. First question: Why are all the gangsters masked except Johnson? Since they are determined to die, why don't they appear on camera? Second question: Johnson said there were fourteen gangsters , and briefly introduced the discrimination they suffered one by one, don’t you think it’s redundant? On the other hand, this is a very secret thing. Johnson will spend his time reciting the information of the fourteen gangsters? And listen to their voices? I don't think it's logical."

Liang Xi said: "The third question is that blasting a building requires very professional knowledge. Either Johnson has such talents and takes risks to measure, calculate the bomb yield and burying location, or simply steal the ready-made ones. Goske The building will be demolished next year and I believe the technical calculations have been made."

Liang Xi said: "The fourth question, if a person's front yard is on fire, wouldn't those who hate him set another fire in the backyard? I contacted Clement's bodyguards and asked them to pay attention to the symbolic signs of the holy flag." Meaningful Maria Hospital. There is no situation for the time being, I think you can establish contact with them and let them be the police's eyeliner."

Liang Xi: "My suggestion is to stand still and wait for the Internet celebrity festival to end."

Downer: "Because there are your friends in it."

Liang Xi replied: "There is this reason."

Downer: "I see, keep in touch."

Liang Xi: "Goodbye."

The police will not and cannot compromise with the gangsters, and the situation is basically the same in all countries.But the Johnson case is different. First of all, Johnson explained his position. He will release many people. He also explained that some guests will die in the game.Even if all 44 guests died, compared with more than [-] staff members, the number is not very large.This is certainly not the main reason why the police gave up the storm.The main reason is that the success rate of storming is too low.

Someone asked, what is the difference between a wife and a fearful identity?Someone replied: Fear of identity can at least be discussed.This joke is not applicable in this incident, and Johnson has no intention of negotiating.

As a bystander, Liang Xi realized that Johnson was looking at this game.In the first Internet celebrity festival, Johnson has already started killing people through the hands of netizens, and netizens vote to decide life and death, so as to mock the Internet keyboard man.Obviously, the destructive power and scale of the first Internet celebrity festival cannot be compared with this time. Liang Xi believes that the main reason is that the first Internet celebrity festival Johnson does not have the courage to break the boat.

Then why did Johnson put aside life and death in the third Internet celebrity festival?There is only one reason: illness.It is difficult for ordinary people to imagine the suffering of terminally ill patients in the last stage of life.Some people say that this may be the kindness of God, because when a person suffers to a certain extent, death becomes his hope and relief, so that the dying can face death more calmly.

Comparing the first and third Internet celebrity festivals, it can be found that the first Internet celebrity festival Johnson is full of energy and vitality.The third Internet celebrity festival Johnson has shown a haggard look.

Bobby must play this game well if he wants to survive.But Liang Xi believes that this game is not easy, and it will definitely not be a race, a high jump or a speech.

In the Gausker Building, Johnson further explained the situation to the building staff while the guests were on the phone with the outside world.Before the Internet celebrity festival started, he entrusted all his assets to a company. Based on the current calculation of 32 and 500,000 staff members in the building, each person can get [-] pounds.This company only pays living people. As long as everyone cooperates, not only can they leave alive, but they can also become millionaires.Johnson also stated that he has consulted with senior lawyers. In addition to paying taxes, the staff can get their own bonuses.In the end, Johnson hoped that everyone would work together to produce the most exciting and authentic variety show of this century.

Will there be heroes?The few policemen on the first floor are heroes, they still have guns in their hands, and they are heroes if they don't shoot.Now suddenly someone grabs a gun and shoots a gangster, and plans to play Die Hard, but the building collapses with a bang.You can risk your life, but don't bet on someone else's.

After taking a break after saying this, Johnson returned to the conference room.Time is up.

After inspection, the police found that the so-called watch was not a bomb at all, but a voting device with a positioning function.Downer decided to hand the watch over to Johnson.At this time, Downer can only choose to trust Johnson and let Johnson have more control, so as to reduce the disastrous consequences of personal heroism.

During this period, the police in the hall on the first floor of Gausker called to explain the situation. All five of them stayed on the first floor, and two guards did not allow them to approach the explosion-proof door or leave the area.There are restrooms, lounges, and a lot of food in the area.There were five of them, five guns, and the gangsters didn't take them seriously at all. This sense of insult made them very irritable.They very much hope that Tang Na will order an attack, even if they die in battle, it is better than living like this.

Downer's order is not to attack them, and the duty of the five is to use the gangster's arrogance to provide as much information as possible to the police headquarters.There is so little information available to the police right now.

The situation explained by the police is similar to the situation grasped by the headquarters. The 50-story building is divided into four areas, one area is the 1st and 2nd floors.The second area is the 3rd to 6th floors. The 3rd to 5th floors are the work, life and rest places of the live broadcast technology department. The 6th floor is the guest rest area, and each guest has a room.The third area is the 49th and 50th floors, and the corridors were physically blocked by people.The remaining area belongs to the play area.

Deducting Johnson, there are at least four known assailants, two on the ground floor and two on the second floor.There are a total of six elevators in the building, only two are operational, and someone controls them.The police speculated that there were hackers in the building.

This news is bad news. If Johnson is technically prepared, no one can make a storm plan with a success rate.

Downer asked: What about the detonation method?

The police officer replied: I don't know.

Donald: Watch, don't act.

While they were talking, a gangster approached and listened for a while, then walked away slowly, making the police officers curse continuously.Downer has been reassuring the police officers, telling them not to act without authorization, and that he will contact him if necessary, and defeat them with their arrogance.


The watch was hooked up by gangsters and handed out one by one. Johnson told everyone that it was a game voting tool, and losing the tool would mean being eliminated.This watch is waterproof and dustproof, so don't worry about quality problems.

Johnson: "Now we are playing a big game. At the beginning, the rule was to eliminate one person and release two. If you want, we can release four, eight, or even ten people, and the number of eliminations will increase accordingly. If you agree, press Green button, if you disagree, press the red button, if you agree with more than 50% of the people, then we will randomly select a number within 4-20 as the number of people to be released. Voting starts, 1 minutes, thank you.”

The red and green scores appeared on the screen on Johnson's back, and everyone looked at the screen with serious expressions.The numbers on the screen kept jumping, and the red and green values ​​kept clenching.

The final score was fixed at 20:21, and Johnson's proposal was rejected.

As soon as the result came out, the No. 5 man in the suit went straight to the frying pan, jumped onto the chair and shouted: "Are you idiots? I tell you that there will be no more 1:2 ratios below, and we are the only ones who will die. Use your brains to think Come to think of it, now is the best chance to feel unwell? Falk." No. 5 didn't know what to say,
A 50-year-old man said on the 6th: "Assuming that there are ten places to be released now, and the places are voted by netizens, who will be released? Is it a star Internet celebrity with tens of millions of fans, or us ordinary people? The voting rules are not votes. Vote for the person who is going to be eliminated, but vote for the person who is released. So who will get the fewest votes? The less famous, of course the fewer votes."

Woman No. 7 asked back: "You just choose red to protect yourself? To avoid being eliminated in the first round?"

No. 6 said: "Yes, I am protecting myself, and I am also protecting ordinary people. Since we are here and participated in this damn game, we must at least show ourselves and at least need a fairer stage. The first round of elimination is just It's not fair because we're normal people."

The scene quickly divided into two factions, blaming each other. In fact, there were not many ordinary people. Some people who attacked No. 5 and No. 7 actually agreed with No. 5 and No. 7's decision.But this is a vote, and you must be a good identity, and you must perform to let netizens know that there is someone like you.

Johnson pressed the microphone to end the quarrel: "Quiet, let's start the speech on the 1st, and open the Internet vote after everyone's speech, and the voting time is 15 minutes. Remind again, if the speech takes more than 1 minute and 30 seconds, you will be directly eliminated. "After speaking, he left the main seat, sat down on the side, and gave up the main seat.

A gangster stood next to the main seat with a stopwatch in one hand and a pistol in the other. Johnson: "No. 1, the timing begins."

No. 1 is an economics blogger who teaches people how to manage money and make money. There are many criticisms and fans. No. 1 picked up the microphone and looked at the camera: "I believe that I will not be eliminated, and I also believe that I will not be released. Our current situation is similar to what Mr. No. 6 said. Ordinary people can only pray that they are not the last. This rule is unfair, but no rule is fair. Although resources have not determined the winners and losers, resources have determined the range of winners and losers."

"It is very unfortunate to encounter this kind of thing. It is the misfortune of all of us. I hope that when the eliminated is produced, everyone can secretly rejoice that it is not you who was eliminated, but please don't gloat. Don't forget that we are all on the same boat. Please help each other in this situation. Thank you, I'm done."

No. 2 came to the stage and immediately sprayed: "No. 1, don't pretend to be a saint. Do you think that the people here don't know your details? How many people have gone bankrupt because of your advice? Countless people. How many people have gone bankrupt because of your advice? As for getting rich, no, none of them. But if you can determine the way to get rich, will you tell others? Last year, you praised the concept of entity manufacturing and belittled financial concept stocks, but you bought financial concept stocks yourself and made a lot of money .Last year you received marketing fees from a large group and tricked people into raising the stock price. As a result, the group has survived the crisis, and the investors’ money is still locked in the stock market. I don’t understand. There are too many fools in this world, or you There are too many of them. I'm done."

No. 3 came to the stage: "No. 2, why didn't you look in the mirror before other people? Except spraying, spraying, everything is black. If they don't donate money, you say it's nothing. If they donate money, you say it's a drop in the bucket. You have millions Fans, it’s because there are a large number of losers in society who need to rely on your abuse to decompress, not because you are so awesome.” He pointed a middle finger at No. 2, and No. 2 stood up and returned it.

No. 4: "Several, we have to get through this difficult time together..."

The first 9 people all made speeches without any new ideas. The reason No. 1 has already been said. The people who will be eliminated have been determined, and the people who will be released have been determined.

(End of this chapter)

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