fog city detective

Chapter 282 Desert Pearl

Chapter 282 Desert Pearl
According to Yisha's instructions, the girl chatted with Desert Pearl on social software and told Desert Pearl: Children don't like themselves for dinner tonight.Desert Pearl still has a comforting attitude, telling the girl that love belongs to her, and you are in love with her father, not her.The two chatted for about 20 minutes. The Blue River team raided a farm in the suburbs of Reading by air. After sporadic resistance, two people who resisted with guns were killed and six people were arrested.Among the six people were three young men and women, two women, and a 12-year-old child.

The surprise inquest heard that the women's husbands and the children's father had both died fighting U.S. forces in Afghanistan.They are people from the same tribe, and they entered the UK through various channels within half a year.Those with refugee status, some directly smuggle, and some visit relatives to apply for long-term residence.

Among the six people arrested, women and children were deducted, and the other three were all diehards.Women and children belong to the diehards, but since they can be fooled to death, they can naturally be fooled into rebellion.

"It's boring." Liang Xi was watching the interrogation outside, holding breakfast oatmeal, and said to Robert: "The Holy Banner is over before it opens." The experience bar didn't move.

Robert: "Perhaps this is fate."

Liang Xidao: "If one person falls in love, all of them will be caught."

Robert: "You are more and more sarcastic. Who do you think is the Desert Pearl?" There are two young men and a woman. The chat between Desert Pearl and the girl is done through a computer, and the fingerprints of the three of them are on the computer keyboard.The women and children didn't know that there was someone named Desert Pearl between them, and they weren't sure who the leader was.They use English for daily communication, while women and children speak Pashto.If they insist on identifying the leader, a woman thinks it is that woman, a woman thinks it is man A, and a child thinks the leader is man B.

Liang Xi said: "Gather them together, and then give them a request that is not excessive. For example, as long as you are willing to sign a confession, send them back to Afghanistan. At this time, the soldier will subconsciously look at the leader and ask him or her for his opinion. .The longer the soldiers are under the rule of the leader, the less they will lack the ability to think and make decisions."

Robert: "Try and you won't get pregnant, will you?"

Liang Xi was startled: "Shameless, to steal famous quotes from famous people."

Robert: "This sentence has become the motto of the blade. Everything can be tried."


After a try, it came out. I don't know if the target woman is the desert pearl, but I can be sure that the target woman is their principal.Daofeng began to conduct targeted interrogations, and Liang Xi exchanged opinions with Yisha about the girl.Robert agreed to release the girl under continuous surveillance, and Liang Xi contacted Wendy's father to explain the situation.As for the follow-up development, Liang Xi didn't care, no matter what the result was, little Wendy would not be hurt too much.

Is Liang Xi a bad guy?Having experienced family discord and father's domestic violence since childhood, Liang Xi, who lives in the shadows, believes that the harm of an unhappy marriage to children is far greater than that of divorced parents.Liang Xi thought: It is okay for a girl to be a stepmother, and of course Wendy can live with her own mother. The most unfavorable situation for Wendy is that her biological parents do not divorce and continue to make do with life.

Liang Xi didn't feel a sense of accomplishment in catching these terrorists, at most it was a little surprise.If Shengqi still sends these cats and dogs to London to make trouble, he will completely lose interest in catching Shengqi.

Wait, why is Robert calling the shots?
"Where's Isa?" Did she get pregnant and leave the job?No way, according to my understanding of Yisha, she will work until the day of delivery, and then go to the hospital for a week before returning to work.

When Robert was asked this question, he froze for a second, then grinned.Liang Xi immediately said: "Please send me home." Liang Xi only knew that the Blade Base was near the cricket field, but he didn't know the entrance and exit passages of the base.

"No rush." ​​Robert greeted a female detective: "Please help me make tea."


Wiener's murder involved the smallest murder case in British history.Wiener was one of the murderers, along with a murderer named Thompson.In order to protect Thompson, find Thompson illegally and justice first, and the blade borrowed Thompson's information.Then Isha led a group of people to Scotland and set up secret sentries beside Thompson, on the one hand to protect Thompson, and on the other hand to capture the killers sent by illegal justice.

Thompson died two hours before the girl was arrested.The killer seemed to know the layout of the blade, cut in from the gap in the layout, shot Thompson at the dead end of the blade's monitoring, and took pictures.Thompson didn't show up for 10 minutes. The blade had a bad feeling. The secret whistle turned into a clear detective and found Thompson's body.

Half an hour ago, the news and photos of Thompson's murder were posted on Waiting for Justice, and Waiting for Justice was full of cheers. Everyone commented and left messages to congratulate, another demon disappeared in the world.

After discovering Waiting for, Fiona has infiltrated it. She came over to drink tea and Liang Xi gave a technical explanation about Waiting for and Illegal Justice.Waiting for is a European alternative website, which is unique because it is not open to the public.All members of are mailed membership numbers by, and prospective members become members only after logging in to

The website was established less than half a year ago, and there are a total of 21 members.At first, members thought it was just a website for victims’ families to vent their dissatisfaction. There were very few people logging in and almost no chatter.This situation continued until two months ago, when all members received emails on their mobile phones, and informed them that a lottery would be held in three days.

In the first step of the lottery, members put the cases they think are unfair into the lottery pool.In the second step, Justice Network extracts one of the pieces of information.In the third step, will complete the lottery within one month.

Wiener and Thompson were the second lottery to be drawn.The first lottery to be drawn was a case in France four years ago, in which an old couple's child was robbed and assassinated.In court, lawyers believed that the police obtained evidence improperly and there was serious discrimination.It probably means: when the suspect is black, the police conducted an investigation beyond the authority of the suspect, and finally obtained the evidence of the murderer.Conversely, if the suspect is white, the police will not find evidence of his crime.

In the end, multiple pieces of evidence submitted by the police were overturned, and the murderer was convicted of negligent death and sentenced to two years in prison.

More than a month ago, the lawyer drove drunk, overshot the sea wall, fell into the sea and drowned.Almost on the same day, the murderer, who had been released and returned to prison, suffered a heart attack and died after rescue efforts failed.

These two pieces of news were quietly posted on Members did not dare to say anything at the time, but just watched the screen quietly.Only the victim's parents expressed their gratitude to Justice Network by voice, and their voices made all members empathize with each other and shed tears.

After the start of the second lottery draw, the members' desire to speak increased, and everyone began to use the platform to communicate.Because of similar encounters, it is easy for them to find resonance here.Today is the day of the lottery. After receiving the email from the platform on their mobile phones, the members logged in to the website one after another, saw the news and photos of the murderer being sanctioned, and cheered.

At this time, some media noticed Justice Network, and they were trying to find a way to establish contact with members and communicate with the promoters of Justice Network.

Fiona said: "France, Germany and the judiciaries of our three countries, the UK, have taken notice of JusticeNet."

Liang Xi asked, "What's your attitude?"

Fiona said: "The Police Department has explained that we handle the case and do not link the case with the Justice Network. Otherwise, we will be in a disadvantageous position in public opinion. What is more worrying is that our police conduct free publicity for the Justice Network. . "

Liang Xi said: "At present, only France and the United Kingdom are involved in the case."

Fiona said: "That's right, France and the UK just want to investigate the case as a separate case, and don't want to involve the Justice Network. Germany is the boss of the European Union and wants to control everything, but it didn't happen on German soil." Above all, they cannot directly intervene in the case."

Fiona said that some members submitted articles this month, providing information about the families of the victims they knew to Justice Network, hoping that the families of the victims would join Justice Network and participate in the lottery, but they were all rejected.The reason for the refusal was that after review, they were not qualified for justice.That is to say, JusticeNet believes that the case of the victim's family has nothing to do with justice.

Liang hit his mind to sort out the case.The first is to attack the west, list the Sieber family as the target, and follow up, so that the police believe that the target of illegal justice is the Sieber.No, we need to sort out earlier data.

The Eight Gunmen of Illegal Justice turned out, and they always believed that they had something to do with the former mi5 employees in the UK. The matter has developed to this point, and it seems to have been out of the scope of mi5.Who are these people?Tommy is a cop, an ex-employee of mi5, and a member of Illegal Justice.and then?What is their purpose?
Liang Xi slowly looked through the cases of members provided by Fiona, and there were indeed some problems.It can be roughly divided into three categories. The first category is that the police did not follow the rules when investigating the case, and were caught by lawyers, and the evidence provided was not recognized.The second category is a felony with a light sentence. The most typical case is a traffic case in which a car hits a person and then stops, and then continues to run over the victim to death.The first-instance prosecutor won, and the suspect was convicted of intentional homicide.The defense of the second trial won, and the suspect was finally convicted of traffic accident rather than intentional homicide.The third category is insufficient evidence. The typical representative is the homicide case in Poland. They knew that the murderer was this person, and the police also knew that he was the murderer, but they couldn’t find evidence to convict him. He was sent back for re-investigation because of insufficient evidence in three court sessions. In the end, the murderer was at large.

What's interesting is that some cases were reported by the news, and some cases were not found in the news.Liang Xi couldn't help but wonder: Which country's judiciary can collect controversial cases from so many countries?The only possibility: Illegal Justice is not a British organization, but an organization jointly formed by people from various European countries.But how was it put together?What is the direct or indirect relationship between Kunta and illegal justice?Why did Kunta betray Tommy?

Liang Xi had no clue, and the location of illegal justice was unclear, so Liang Xi was unable to reason.First of all, what is the purpose of illegal justice?Is it really just the pursuit of justice?If it is, it will be in big trouble, because it means that the team has faith and cohesion.But Liang Xi didn't believe it, because the standard of justice was different.

Summarize the problematic police in London over the past year: Patrolman Kevin, Special Police Officer Hu Ming, Civilian Police Officer Nakata, and Detective Tommy of the Special Operations Department.These four types of police lack the objective conditions for in-depth involvement in criminal cases.No, they cannot be mixed together.Nakata is a member of the Bale family.Hu Ming has a certain connection with the murderer of John.Kevin and Tommy are associated with the Eight Gunners.

Dark will?Among the information held by Liang Xi, only darkness has power at present, and it is purposefully messing around in Europe.

The Ballet family company is a branch of the Koff family, Hannah is the core member of the Koff family, Hannah has a showdown with the Mayor of London from the Dark Society, Hannah is assassinated, and the mayor is silenced.Thinking about it from another angle, Barlie Company is actually controlled by the dark. After the accident of Barlie Company, Hannah went to the mayor for a showdown.The reason is that Hannah knew that the Ballet company had long been separated from the control of the Kefu family.Or because the Kefu family is too large, it will be listed as a reduction target by the Dark Society.

If this assumption is true, the Eight Gunners, the Ballet Company, and even Hu Ming can all be members of the Dark Society.To get the answer, you must have a trusting and friendly conversation with Hannah, but unfortunately I don't have the qualifications to talk to others.

Thinking of this, Liang Xi sorted out all the information again. He found that the eight gunmen attacked, Kunta betrayed Tommy, and Tommy made an illegal declaration of justice. A series of cases may be a series of cases organized by the Dark Society. Develop the mass base, get out of the darkness, and enter the room.

There are more and more clues and more and more complicated information, which seems to be a mess.But Liang Xi believes that he is slowly approaching the mystery of John's murder.However, as a small person, Liang Xi has been unable to ascertain the content of the Dark Society, which leads to infinite possibilities for his reasoning.Therefore, Liang Xi also needs information, high-level information.

One channel is Hanna, and Liang Xi is convinced that Hanna knows a lot of inside information.One channel is Blood Moon, which uses gold coins to buy information.Hannah's line is too dangerous. As a small person, she may be eliminated at any time.On the other hand, although the blood moon is not safe, the risk is much smaller than direct contact with Hannah.

It seems that we can only wait for the next blood moon invitation.Don't be in a hurry, you must not be in a hurry to deal with such a large dark society.

"Recruited." The detective walked out of the interrogation room and greeted him.

Either Liang Xi had no sense of accomplishment, Desert Pearl collapsed after two hours of high-pressure interrogation, and confessed everything he knew.Two women and children, and the girl were ready to play.They will send people to a certain place at a certain time to launch an attack according to the requirements of their superiors.As for the place, time and superior, Desert Pearl didn't know anything.The only person in charge who had single-line contact with his superior was killed in the shootout just now.Desert Pearl is only a deputy, and the information he knows is very limited.

 Yesterday I said a few words on Christmas Eve, but I felt inappropriate after typing.Because not only the Internet has strong voices against foreign festivals, but in reality there are already documents prohibiting foreign festivals.Therefore, the author's words were deleted, but not completely deleted, leaving a few words.

  Sometimes I can especially understand the so-called political correctness abroad.For things like JK Rowling, the actors kept silent and did not express their attitude.Even if they support Rowling, they dare not speak out.For example, if there are 20 people in a country, 20 people and [-]% of the nationals attack Rowling, no one dares to stand with Rowling.

  What about 80%?Most of them are silent, and I prefer to believe that they respect other people's views, which does not mean that they support or oppose Rowling.

  Some of them are ostriches.For example, Xiami, who is 40 years old, no longer dares to express any views and opinions on anyone or anything.Although he has his own opinion on most things, he won't say it out loud.

  It's not right to be wise and protect yourself, it's just old.As the saying goes, the older you get, the more stubborn you become. Even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, he can't change my inner thoughts and opinions.

  There is still a hot blood in my heart, but it is buried too deep.Just because of that sentence: where there are opinions, there are enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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