fog city detective

Chapter 236 Baker's Love

Chapter 236 Baker's Love
The chief bodyguard called: "Car No. 1, about 40 meters, a black SUV in the direction of two o'clock, check the situation and pay attention to safety."

As soon as car No. 1 moved, the SUV moved and drove forward, heading towards Liang Xi and them.On the surface, it looks normal, start slowly and accelerate slowly, not in a hurry.

The chief bodyguard asked, "Is it going to hit or not?"

Children would not want to spend that long in an enclosed space without children.Liang Xi looked down at Bobby, the god of wealth in the car, and said, "Crash the rear of the car."

The chief bodyguard conveyed the order: "Crash the rear of the car."

Car No. 1 draws an arc, travels backwards on the opposite lane, and scrapes the rear of the SUV. The SUV changes from a straight line to a diagonal line.Due to the slow speed of the vehicle, the SUV turned the steering wheel back, then suddenly pumped the fuel, and the tires of the car rubbed against each other making a screeching sound and rushed forward.The bodyguard's No. 1 car had no way to turn around immediately, and the No. 2 car hadn't started yet, so he could only watch the SUV quickly escape.The rear bumper of the SUV and some fragments of the car body were left at the scene.

What's the situation?
Bobby stuck out his head: "Why do you stare at anyone, and whoever has an accident?"

"If you're talking, I'll stare at you."

Very convenient, the police detective is inside, come out to ask, immediately contact the traffic dispatcher to track down the SUV.But even immediately, 6 minutes have passed.Because the detective wants to know the situation.Liang Xi himself didn't understand this situation, and subjectively felt that the SUV's behavior was more explosive, which did not conform to the tricks of art theft.

Why escape?If you are guilty of being a thief, what kind of thief are you?It is impossible that the oil painting is still on the SUV, right?If the art thieves come back to check out the spot, if there is no oil painting in the car, there is no need to escape at all.


Liang Xi called Baker: "I have a case here that requires an acquaintance detective."

It is necessary to call the monitoring to check the dynamics of the SUV while it is parked on the side of the road.If you are not an acquaintance, the police will not tell you, or even follow your advice, and call for surveillance as soon as possible.Although Chris intends to let the police handle the theft, Liang Xi feels that the people in the SUV don't look like art thieves.

There are many art thefts in Europe every year, and the biggest feature is non-violence.Violence can lead to an escalation of police attitudes, and it can also lead to the destruction of artworks.Furthermore, after all, most works of art have a safe environment, and the benefits of using cleverness are far greater than violence.

Liang Xi couldn't draw a conclusion, so he whispered in the ear of the chief bodyguard, "Be careful."

The bodyguard nodded.Bobby is a high-value target, and weird things happen around Bobby. As a bodyguard, you don't have to consider other possibilities, just consider the possibility of your employer being attacked.


8 million is an extraordinarily large theft case. The white-collar crime investigation department arrived in four vehicles and got down with more than a dozen people. They began to question, investigate and collect evidence.After learning the basic process of the matter, send someone to find those actors.At the same time, blame Chris for letting the people involved in the case leave the scene?Maybe there is an accomplice of the thief among the actors.

Liang Xi was not spared either. When he just returned to the detective agency, he was summoned by phone to the Baitiao Department to take notes. Since Liang Xi was the one who saw the thief from the front, he needed to draw a sketch together.

"Female, short hair, height 1.6 meters between 55 and 65, and weight between [-]-[-] kg. Wearing a mask and camouflage, can't describe the appearance."





"Okay, we'll let you know if something happens." The detective gave Liang Xi a business card: "Call me if you think of anything."

After Liang Xi went out, he saw Baker, who parked on the side of the road and waited for him.After inquiring and learning that Liang Xi was driving, Baker asked his partner to drive back by himself, and he got into Liang Xi's Beetle.

Baker said: "I don't know which of you is in trouble. That SUV is the vehicle that followed you, the license plate, and it was also a stolen vehicle. The SUV followed you from two blocks away. Through this, we chased you to another A vehicle following you three blocks. Still decked out and stolen vehicle, driver wearing mask, sunglasses, gloves."

Liang Xi said: "It sounds like there is scheduling, which is one of the typical behaviors of the gang."

Baker nodded: "Yes, several of our detectives talked about the case on the phone and think that they are likely to target Bobby. But it does not rule out the possibility that you are the target."

Liang Xi asked, "How likely is it that I am the target?"

Baker: "As a friend, I am very responsible to tell you that there is no possibility. I just want to take care of your emotions."

Liang Xi said: "Baker, you have learned badly."

Baker grinned, and said: "We don't have any evidence, and we don't have many clues. We have already notified the Clement family and Bobby's bodyguard company. You'd better make a phone call to make Bobby calm down recently. We are looking for People understand the situation and hope to get some useful information. We guess it may be a kidnapping gang."

Liang Xi said: "It may not be just kidnapping. Bobby is the head of the family and has no children. If Bobby dies, it is very likely that Bobby's father will inherit the head of the family. The difference is that after Bobby's father becomes the head of the house, the quasi-heir is Bobby's brother. Sisters. Poppy being the head of the house, his brothers and sisters have little benefit and no inheritance rights."

"The grievances of wealthy families are the most troublesome, but based on my years of police experience, people in wealthy families will not use deadly force to grab their status unless they have to." Baker said: "Be careful yourself."


Baker said: "I'm hungry after talking so much."

Liang Xi looked at Baker: "Are you... okay?"

Baker smiled a little embarrassedly: "I have a lot of friends, but none of them are suitable for talking about certain things."

Liang Xi: "Isa?"

Baker was speechless: "Why don't you just say it."

Liang Xi: "Isa hasn't answered your calls or texted you for the past two weeks."

Baker was shocked: "You... how do you know?"

Liang Xi: "Did you just say you were hungry?"

Baker clapped his hands: "I treat you."

Liang Xi didn't use his brain, and the logical information surged in his mind, and the answer appeared intuitively.For example, at the blade base last night, Liang Xi used his brains to come up with a possible answer from the comprehensive consideration of water flow, environment and other aspects.Why do you want to break the base where you know the blade?Because Liang Xi needs to verify whether his reasoning is correct.Liang Xi hopes that his reasoning is wrong, so that Liang Xi can find the loopholes in his reasoning, so that he can avoid making the same mistake a second time.

A person grows into a veteran not because he has experienced wind and snow, but because he has suffered too much.


During lunch, Baker told a story about himself and Isha.He can only tell this story to Liang Xi, it is not appropriate to tell anyone else.It probably means that during a bar celebration, Isa and Robert had something to do with the boss of the department and joined the party together.I skipped it so much during the party, and ended up sleeping together.

Isa left in a panic the next day. Baker did not give up. He contacted Isa several times by phone. Isa decided to make it clear with Baker and agreed to the invitation.After eating, taking a walk by the river, TM went to the hotel again.After that, the two dated many times and lasted for about a month. Isha suddenly had a showdown with Baker, saying that she wanted to focus on work and family.At the same time, Isa also said that she likes Baker and is very touched by Baker's love for her, but she has no plans to start a new relationship yet.

For the next month, Isha only responded to messages, occasionally answered the phone, and stopped going out to date Baker.Baker is a straight man, and he will be very satisfied when Isa returns a message.Until two weeks ago, Isha cut off all contact with him.

Liang Xi said: "First of all, Isa has been very busy these two weeks, and has almost traveled all over the coast. Secondly, you can't chase Isha like this. If you are really interested in Isa, I suggest you pay attention to Meng Haika. "Liang Xi introduced the situation of Meng Haika.

Liang Xi said: "Although the whole thing is a plan arranged by Thresh for the survival of the Orphan Society, I always think that Meng Haika has his own life in the UK. Everyone thinks this is one thing, but it is actually two things One thing is that Thresh planned Monhaika, and the goal was to obtain the information of the Orphan Association held by mi6. One thing is the fact that Menghaika has lived in the UK for a long time, this part is the background of the plan, not the strategy of the plan.”

Liang Xidao: "Secretly find out the details of Meng Haika, don't disturb others, and wait at the spot. According to the track of Thresh's plan, Meng Haika is not convenient to appear in the UK. What about the people Meng Haika cares about? Or Meng Haika The old trick was repeated, and she sneaked back to the UK to quietly start her own life in the UK. Or people from the Orphan Association will give warmth to her family."

Liang Xi said: "I discovered that Thresh's team has begun to take root in the UK, and Thresh himself is the mastermind of the Monhaika plan. If you are lucky, you may be able to dig out Thresh."

Baker: "When you explained just now, you mentioned that Monhaika's children may have gone overseas."

Liang Xidao: "It's not so easy for a child to change the environment, school, friend, or lifestyle. The greatness of mothers lies in this. They will not deprive their children of happiness for their own needs, but He will sacrifice himself for the happiness of his children. Of course, there are all kinds of possibilities, but there is a fact: Menghaika has at least lived in the UK."

Liang Xi: "Maybe Thresh is very smart, maybe Thresh is a professional planner, but Thresh is not a mother. He will never be able to explain and understand a mother logically. I don't think he even understands women." This is logical.A good planner must be absolutely rational.

Where are the differences in thinking between men and women?A pair of male and female friends quarreled, and the woman was wronged. I just wanted him to coax me, and I didn't want to listen to his reasoning.Men are also wronged: when there is a problem, it must be solved, and it cannot be muddled, otherwise the same problem will occur again.Many boys can't understand women's mentality of wanting to be coaxed after a quarrel. Boys think that after calming down, everyone should sit down and break things up rationally.

Liang Xidao: "I proposed to Daofeng to investigate the top-ranked private elementary schools in the city, because Thresh jumped out directly. This investigation is meaningless to lead pots. Daofeng should not pursue it any further. But you can investigate. You have time , take your time, don't rush."

Baker: "I think you're talking about the case, not Isa."

Liang Xidao: "Isa must be very impressed with you if you handle this case well. You tell her that it's because of her that you work so hard. She must be very moved."

"She's not a little girl." Baker said, "She doesn't have such a personality."

Liang Xi said, "Okay, then you don't have to do anything."

Baker: "You're honest: Are you uncomfortable being defeated by Thresh's plan, and have been trying to save face?"

Liang Xi: "Defeat? He didn't defeat me, I deduced his plan."

Baker: "But you can't change his plans."

Liang Xi thought for a while: "I admit it."

Baker said: "Okay, this is a big fish. I will slowly get in touch with a private elementary school through my personal and official relationship."

Liang Xi said: "In terms of compensation mentality, Meng Haika is often not in London. I think she will want to compensate her children with better material conditions. Meng Haika is an orphan herself, and she can especially understand children who do not have a complete family. Childhood. Doubling the compensation means that Monhaica’s children have the potential to go to the best primary schools.”

Baker said: "Put it on me, I will contact you if I have any news."

Liang Xi felt that Baker had changed, becoming more and more temperamental and intelligent. He had his own opinions and did not follow them blindly, and he was very confident.Baker didn't want to use his brain either, he just worked as a field agent in the Criminal Investigation Department, and he couldn't be brainless.Although he missed the action team at that time, Baker also felt that he had improved.Getting out of your comfort zone is not a bad thing sometimes.

Liang Xiting is very optimistic about Beck's future, and he calculated that if there are no major changes, as long as Beck persists, Isha will not be able to escape.She couldn't resist the persistent pursuit of such a masculine man.


Bek pulls Liang Xi to work, and is dragged by Liang Xi to work.Pull Liang Xi to pay the bill, and finally pay the bill with his own money.He was unlucky and couldn't play Liang Xi, but he had a good personality and didn't take it seriously at all.What the hell restaurant, more than [-] pounds, two men ate more than [-] pounds for lunch?

Liang Xi had enough food, said goodbye to Baker, and went back to the detective agency alone to rest.As soon as he entered the detective agency, someone rang the doorbell.Liang Xi glanced carefully into the cat's eyes.Don't worry, it's not Wendy, it's a man with a scar on his face and a fierce face.

Opening the door, the man said, "My name is Mengda." He stretched out his hand.

Liang Xi shook hands with Meng Da: "Liang Xi, please come inside."

Enter the door, close the door, give up your seat.

Liang Xi boiled the water, and Meng Da cut to the point: "I followed Mr. Liang in the morning."

"Ah?" Liang Xi didn't guess this.

"It's a well-deserved reputation." Mengda took out a portfolio from his satchel: "I'm looking for Mr. Liang today, and I want to ask Mr. Liang to help us find a spy."

Liang Xi came over with tea: "What does Mr. Mengda do?"

Meng Da said: "I respect you very much, Mr. Liang." Subtext, you know that I am not a good person, why do you ask?You have to do it or not, why let me pay for it?Isn't it good that everyone gets things done in a gentle manner?

Liang Xi smiled, the God of Plague came to the door, and he couldn't avoid it.John has encountered this kind of thing before and discussed it with Liang Xi.But there is not an efficient process flow.Good people are always like that, because they are good in all aspects, so there are traces to be called good people.Every bad guy is bad in his own way, you don't know what kind of character the bad guy you meet will be.

Liang Xi asked, "Is the spy a policeman?"

Munda asked, "And if so?"

Liang Xi said, "I won't accept it."

Munda asked, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Liang Xi replied: "Dug out the spy police, will you believe me not to call the police?"

Munda shook his head.

Liang Xi said: "Silence is the best choice for you. Since they are all dead, why should I kill a policeman for you?"

Munda said: "We are all lucky, not the police, and you will not be silenced."

(End of this chapter)

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