Chapter 206
The uncle told Bobby and Liang Xi that the old Peter was finished, and almost all his cronies and family members were arrested.As Liang Xi said, dog eats dog. Knowing that the situation is over and one bites the other to become a tainted witness, old Peter completely withdraws from the arena.The police had euphemistically stated that Peter Sr. could be released on the condition that the eight gunmen be handed over, but Peter Sr. repeated that sentence, he did not and did not know the eight gunmen.

Due to the resolute action of the police, Old Peter, the main agent of New Flour, was destroyed, and the price of flour in London tripled overnight.Part of the reason is that agents in other sites in London maliciously hoard goods and drive up prices.Now everyone is staring at the vacancy left by Old Peter, the most important thing is to contact Old Peter's source of goods.

But the London police had identified the flour, and they couldn't get eight gunmen from Old Peter, so they began to sweep the city. Over the past few days, everyone in Lunhei was in danger.Since the mi5 reform, London has never had such a large-scale cleaning.After the fall of the local old Peter, the next target of the police is the southeast ferry agent mainly of Italian descent.

Birmingham responded to the cleanup yesterday afternoon, and the eight gunmen were still the target of police pursuit.All this proves a problem, the police did not catch the tail of the eight gunmen.All kinds of police used undercover agents and informants, but there was still no clue.It was as if the eight gunmen did not exist at all.

The uncle told Liang Xi that if no clues could be obtained, the large-scale police operation would continue for about a week.

This made Liang Xi unable to understand the interests of the eight gunmen.If it is framed by fan lords, they will compete for the market.Judging from the current situation, all the fans in London and Birmingham, the second largest city, have to be involved.Some people say that these fan owls are finished, isn't it better?The problem is that the fans are finished, but the number of people who eat fans has not changed.Fanxiao maintains the order of urban fans to a certain extent.

Fan people cannot buy flour in the market, they will try their best to get flour, and they will also use chemical substitutes that are very harmful to the body, and they may even attack the pharmaceutical industry to rob the flour used to treat diseases.The core of anti-fans is not to destroy flour, but to reduce the number of fans and cut off the channels for ordinary people to obtain flour.According to unreliable statistics, a considerable number of fans are tricked into contact with flour, and [-]% of those who trick them are acquaintances, many of whom are friends.

Just today, there have been two incidents of fans robbing pharmacies. Even when the guard pointed a gun at one of the suspects, he gave himself a shot first, and then knelt down and surrendered.Watching the video is both funny and sad.In addition, some fans attacked the boy who sold the goods they were familiar with and asked him to hand over the goods.There are also many fans who left London and the UK just to buy flour.

Is this action by the police good or bad?It has long been a point of contention in the judiciary.Radicals support a comprehensive cleanup, including fans, all fans are sent to prisons, and all fans are sent to rehabilitation centers.Moderates have many concerns and reasons.

Some European countries and some cities in the United States have legalized marijuana. On the positive side, marijuana crimes have been cut off and criminals have no room for profit, just like mobile payments have eliminated street thieves.But there are also many negative impacts. Many people start growing marijuana without going to work, and people who were not easy to access marijuana have become more exposed to marijuana.


After obtaining this information, Liang Xi's CPU stalled, and he couldn't figure out the origin of the eight gunmen.In terms of profit, no one can benefit from it.The weirdest thing is that the gunman came and went without a trace.With accurate information, they directly attacked the transaction location, regardless of life or death, they pulled away after finishing the magazine, as if they had never appeared before.

At this time, the head of the bodyguard received a call from the security company, and the security company reminded the head of the bodyguard that the law and order in London would further deteriorate in the near future, and he should go out as little as possible.The security company explained in detail that although there were fans before, the fans told some rules. In order to protect themselves, they would control their subordinates to do things.Now there is no one to restrain the low-level horsemen, plus the fans who are looking for goods everywhere, they can do anything.Pay special attention, do not go to areas with poor security, and pay attention to the dangers on the streets.

Around seven o'clock in the evening, one of Poppy's friends was attacked.His friends were throwing a party on the yacht, only to be robbed by two men with guns.One of the men was said to be the cousin of the yacht's berthing keeper, who, having heard that the yacht was in for a party, attacked the yacht, along with an old Peter's bottom-of-the-line guy.

Now the goods in London are worth thousands of gold, if you ask fans to exchange their own children for flour, they may not disagree.Some people around London who have goods in their hands are also ready to take the opportunity to make a fortune, because there is no trust between the traders, and the two sides mostly trade with arms.Judging from the current situation, the negative impact of the comprehensive sweep by the police is greater than the positive impact.

The night provides a primitive umbrella for crimes. After sending Liang Xi to the apartment, the chief bodyguard explained that it is best not to go to the detective agency for these two days.Literati like Liang Xi are not afraid of Fanny, and big bosses like Old Peter, but brainless street hooligans can threaten them.Karin also called to persuade Liang Xi not to go to places where homeless people gather, not to go to such and such district, such and such district.

Apart from the wealthy areas in a city, which place has the best law and order?Naturally, it is a Chinese area. The reason why the security of the Chinese-dominated community is good is that the proportion of Chinese crimes is very low, and the other reason is that the Chinese seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and choose to live in communities with good security.The security around Liang Xi's apartment is good. With the addition of the exclusive elevator and the security measures set by the landlord, it is very safe to stay at home.

What are you doing at home?Without even books, and without Karin to accompany him to watch TV and barbecue, Liang Xi couldn't stay the next morning.His house is not a traditional house.Liang Xi turned on the TV, and the news reported that many people in London started to take a walk, mainly to protest against the police's rough and simple law enforcement actions, and the instigators were several MPs.

Although there are some security cases, overall, London is relatively safe and orderly.This was somewhat beyond Liang Xi's expectations. It was only after communicating with Robert that all this should be attributed to Gray, the acting assistant director of the frontline headquarters.The frontline command is the main police force in London, and the patrol police, criminal police and other departments that directly deal with citizens and suspects belong to the frontline command.The quality of law and order in London depends largely on the leadership of the Assistant Director of Front Command.

Robert may be very free, or may have other purposes, not only agreed to provide Liang Xi with case information, but also paid a visit to Liang Xi, bringing lunch and some written materials.Since Karin was worried that it would be dangerous for her to go out, she didn't go out by herself, and she could analyze the case if she didn't go out.Why is analyzing cases one of Liang Xi's joys?

A school bully doesn't watch TV or play mobile phones during holidays, and feels bored after finishing his homework, so he goes online to find a comprehensive paper to do.Many people also think that the interest of Xueba is very strange, and at the same time understand that there is a reason why Xueba is Xueba.There is a reason why Liang Xi is an excellent detective.


Robert is mild-mannered, more of an academic than a counter-terrorist detective.The clothes are neat, the hair and beard are well-groomed, and there is a taste of a British gentleman from a hundred years ago in the movie.

While Liang Xi was reading information and materials, Robert sat alone in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the street, not knowing what he was thinking, but he could sit for more than an hour.

"Take a break?" Robert took the hot water and walked to the coffee table and sat down.

Liang Xi flipped through the warhead and ballistic data, and said, "Robert, if you have something to say, just say it. I just want to know about the case. Isn't it uncomfortable for you to come here without saying a word?"

Robert smiled and explained: "Blade lacks a detective with foresight, and the case perspective you provided to Bobby's uncle is very novel."

Liang Xi said: "I'm not a policeman. It's not that I look down on the police, but that when I'm a policeman, there are all kinds of rules and regulations. If you're not happy, people will complain to you, and in turn, you will be scolded by your boss. Why bother?"

Robert didn't accept this trick, and said: "You have been involved in the safe house case, and found a man named Nakata in the office of Assistant Director of Operations Malone. Nakata secretly hid the poison next to the suspect. You dug out Monica , Blade found three pieces of suspicious DNA, one of which was identified and committed suicide after fleeing for a period of time."

Liang Xi said, "I only know the last part now."

Robert did not explain, and opened a new topic: "After mi5 was restructured 18 years ago, it lost the right to investigate and arrest. This change caused dissatisfaction among many people. At that time, someone from the police union gave an anonymous warning, saying that many Mi5 agents were secretly transferred to other posts. Association. At that time, the director understood the feelings of these people, after all, he changed from the original Lao Tzu number one in the world to a stray dog ​​who lost his home, so he didn't care about it, and he didn't investigate deeply."

Robert made a point: "Since the 05 incident in 77, the UK has been suffering from terrorist attacks, and the call for reconstruction of mi5 has not been interrupted. An important indicator of whether Mi5 can be rebuilt is: whether the police can replace mi5 to fulfill the responsibility of protecting the public. Things have happened in the past year Many, starting from the attack on Maria Hospital, many members of parliament began to bring up old stories, believing that it is difficult to protect the British people by relying on the current police organization."

Robert said: "After the attack on Maria Hospital, the parliament passed the proposal of financial anti-terrorism appropriation without any opposition. The person who put forward the proposal is one of the three big figures. Slowly, not only our blade, but also the senior police department We all feel that there is a small team within the police. The director gave the order to the blade for a secret investigation, and the MP is a former mi5 supervisor. After mi5 was restructured, he joined the conservative faction. After that, his proposals and ideas were far from No two points. The first point is to strengthen police control, crack down on organized crime, take more severe punishments for crimes, and even introduce the death penalty. The second point is to rebuild mi5. The reason is that many countries, such as the United States, have domestic professional anti-terrorism and anti-espionage intelligence agency."

Liang Xi asked, "Robert, haven't you got to the point yet?"

Robert said: "The holy flag has been tossing around in London for about a year, and it basically didn't take advantage."

Liang Xi nodded: "Basically."

Robert said: "This shows that with the current authority of the London police, they are capable of maintaining order in London."

Liang Xi somewhat understood: "There is order in London, so there is no need to rebuild mi5, and there is no need to increase the authority of law enforcement agencies."

Robert said: "That's it, and then there were eight gunmen."

Liang Xi didn't understand: "What do you mean by that?"

Robert said: "In the case of Hu Ming, the suspects were two special police officers. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the blade conducted an in-depth investigation and found that the two entered the police academy for half a year of training after retiring from the army, and became a special police officer based on the final assessment results. The chief officer is Zuma, 52 years old, and a former mi5 special agent. Zuma’s students told us that Zuma’s thinking is more radical, and Zuma thinks that the British are abolishing their martial arts. For example, the former fan Xiaodong hid in Tibet, Today's fanboys can hang out in the judiciary with a swagger. Laws overprotect rights holders, leaving criminals with impunity and victims with nowhere to redress. Zuma believes that it is impossible to rely on the British police to truly protect citizens from the threat of terrorism."

Robert said: "The dead big man MP and Zuma often play tennis together, and now Zuma is our focus."

Liang Xi said, "Why did you tell me this?"

Robert said: "The first reason is that your opinion on Uncle Bobby contains doubts about the identity of the eight gunmen. We have no evidence, but we agree with your opinion. Let it be straightforward: We believe that the eight gunmen may be It's the police."

Robert said: "The second reason, let's take stock of the situation of this group. Hu Ming and their group, Hu Ming chased Tom, Tom attacked Fiona, and attracted the police to chase Kunta. Can you connect everything together? ?”

Liang Xi thought for a long time, and said: "After Kunta returned to China, someone contacted Kunta, because Kunta was the elite of mi5 at that time, and he suffered unfair treatment. But Kunta didn't seem to buy it, so they decided to destroy Kunta, That's why Tom attacked Fiona and led the police to chase Kunta. Because of several accidents, Kunta became a hero. Kunta has always refused to meet me alone, not because of John's death, but because he was afraid of hurting me. He I know someone is watching him."

Robert added: "Quinta became a hero and shut up again. Considering the risks and specific circumstances, they did not hunt down Kunta. They did not want to expose the existence of this team." In fact, there is no evidence that such a team exists.

Liang Xi said: "The two brothers of Kunta are probably processing flour from South America, causing the price of flour in London to plummet. They are not for profit, they are for trouble? The eight gunmen are the fuse, making politicians restless, Under strong pressure, the police began to clean up the London fans. According to my prediction yesterday, London will fall into a certain chaos."

Robert said: "The Acting Assistant Superintendent Gray was born as a street patrolman. He has worked in the criminal investigation department for 15 years. He is very capable. He has foreseen all kinds of problems that will be caused by the police sweeping up. He dispatched community police in advance to form a temporary patrol department to charge The car is a unit, and it is arranged in areas where incidents may occur, trying to extinguish crimes as soon as possible.”

(End of this chapter)

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