fog city detective

Chapter 170 The Battle of Maria

Chapter 170 The Battle of Maria

When Liang Xi, Karin and the doctor were talking about Kunta's injury in the meeting room on the third floor, the Holy Banner attack began.Because it was a temporary storm, it was resisted by the security guards.However, the guards did not expect that there were many groups of people on the other side, and several guards were knocked down one after another.The gangsters did not expect that there were two plainclothes national defense agents in the emergency department, and the defense agents shot and killed one gangster, temporarily curbing the gangster's offensive.However, the national defense agents did not expect that the drunk lunatic who was controlled on the hospital bed belonged to the other party, and one person was seriously injured by the drunk lunatic who attacked with scissors.

The first floor was in chaos, and everyone fled out one after another.The gangsters tried hard to control the situation and held more than a dozen hostages to block the main entrance, leaving three people to guard the hostages and confront a policeman.The others went to the third floor.

"Stay here." Karin, who was in the family reception room on the third floor, answered the phone and told Liang Xi to open the door and leave.

At this time, the police guard guarding Kunta was fighting with the four gangsters.The guards are only equipped with an additional pistol magazine, and the firepower level is not the opponent of the gangsters at all.Even so, the gangster pushed out a nurse and ordered the guard to throw away the pistol, but the guard did not obey, and the nurse was killed.When the gangster brought another nurse, the guard had no choice but to surrender his gun.
The two guards knelt on their knees, holding their heads in their hands, and the leader of the gangster strode over with a micro punch in his hand.Walking to the four-meter position, the gangster pointed his gun at the guard. Karin reached out from the side ward and pulled the gangster into the ward.The gangsters in the back rushed to shoot, a guard fell down, and a guard entered the Kunta ward to take shelter temporarily.

The guard fell down and was shot, and another guard ventured out and grabbed his clothes and dragged him inward.After dragging for half a meter, his arm was also hit by a bullet, so he could only give up his companion who had no vital signs.

Of the nine gangsters, one was killed by the national defense police, three gangsters guarded the hostages on the first floor, and the remaining five gangsters all reached the third floor.One of them was taken into the ward by Karin.The other three gangsters attacked under the leadership of the skilled Hanmi security gangsters.They kicked open the door of Karin's ward, and found that their accomplice had had his neck broken, and Karin had disappeared.

They didn't have time to search carefully, so they immediately went to Kunta's ward and dealt with the two guards.The guard who fell down was already dead, and the leader of the gangster opened the door and saw another guard leaning on the bedside table.As soon as the gangster raised his gun, a pair of scissors pierced his throat from the side, cut outward, and cut off half of his neck.

Kunta took the pistol in one hand, and leaned his head violently to the right. The No. 2 gangster who responded urgently faced the target close at hand, and the shot missed.Kunta was not surprised. He hugged the No. 1 gangster, held the gun in his right hand and stretched out from the No. 1 gangster's armpit, and pulled the trigger with the muzzle facing upwards. The bullet penetrated the No. 2 gangster's chin from bottom to top. department.

The No. 3 gangster was outside the ward, and he didn't see clearly. When he was about to see clearly, the Kunta pistol was already aimed at his head one meter away. With the gunshot, the No. 3 gangster fell to the ground.

Kunta pulled the No. 1 gangster's body with his left hand and sent it to the door. The No. 4 gangster leaned against the wall and shot the corpse continuously.Kunta let go of the No. 1 gangster's hand, and the No. 1 gangster's body fell to the ground. The No. 4 gangster looked at the corpse on the ground. Kunta exposed his small body, and shot him.

Kunta walked out of the ward, squatted down indifferently, groped for the criminal's body, took out a pack of bloody cigarettes and a lighter from one person, lit one and took a puff, then raised his gun and walked towards the stairs.When approaching the stairs, a voice came from behind: "Don't move."

Karin pointed a gun at Kunta. She knew he was not a gangster, but he was a suspect of the National Defense Police.Kunta, still holding the gun in his right hand, saw Karin reflected in the glass at the end of the hallway.Karin was half in the ward and half outside the ward, very cautious.

During the confrontation, Liang Xi secretly opened the door and saw Karin who was diagonally opposite, then sneaked against the wall and stretched out his head to take a look in the corridor: "Ah."

Karin spotted Liang Xi and said anxiously, "Go back quickly."

"Oh." Liang Xi shrank his head obediently.

Kunta asked, "Winson is your instructor?"

Karin: "Put the gun down, now, I'm not kidding."

Kunta said: "You should hold the gun in both hands and use your waist to tilt your body. In this way, you can retract your body immediately when facing a sudden attack. Vincent didn't tell you that this close-range gunfight method Only good for pistols?" Karin was holding a microcharger used by gangsters.

Liang Xi shouted: "Kunta, I'm Liang Xi, we meet again. This is my girlfriend Karin. Karin, this is Kunta, John's former friend."

Kunta turned his head to look at Liang Xi, and Karin also looked at Liang Xi. You are introducing friends now, making us embarrassed, you know?
Liang Xi said: "I think there are gangsters on the first floor. Otherwise, you can join hands to kill them, and then Kunta, you can leave if you want. Every second you stay here, an innocent person will die. Under the muzzle of gangsters. Maybe they are setting up bombs, and dozens of lives will be yours."

Kunta said: "You stay here, I will solve it."

Kunta walked away. Karin held the gun and didn't know what to say. If she wanted to make a sound or shoot to stop it, Liang Xi was always right, she would kill the hostage.So he just watched Kunta walk around the corner and go downstairs.Liang Xi stretched out half of his head to look towards the end of the aisle, and then looked at Karin. Karin flicked his forehead with his finger and said, "Go in." Without any explanation, Karin grabbed Liang Xi's collar and dragged him for a few meters. Push Liang Xi into the reception room.

There was no accident on the first floor. Of the three gangsters, only one gangster was a member of the security company and had received training. The other two were passionate youths, college students from Algeria.Kunta was like killing chickens, killing three people in twelve seconds.

Kunta is good at deciding his own attack method according to the opponent's situation.Facing Karin's threats, he didn't dare to move, because he knew that he might not be able to escape.In front of the gangster who turned his back on him, spending an extra second would be an insult to him.The last gangster was the most ridiculous. He was holding an AK and facing him sideways, but he still wanted to compete with him for speed.

Kunta walked forward, surrounded by hostages who had escaped from the hospital.Kunta saw the fallen national defense police detective, reached out and grabbed a doctor hostage: "Save people."

The doctor looked at the police detective for a few seconds: "OK, OK." After Kunta let go of him, the doctor stepped forward to check the injury and shouted: "Hemostat, I want a hemostat."

Immediately a nurse responded: "Hemostat, immediately."

Although it was a life-and-death situation, after the crisis was temporarily lifted, the medical staff immediately formed an orderly rescue team.When Kunta came back, he saw a doctor and a nurse cooperating to rescue a gangster who was shot in the chest, so Kunta raised his hand and shot the gangster in the head, and said to the confused doctor: "He is dead."

Kunta sat down in the nearby waiting area, put the pistol on a chair beside him, and lit another cigarette.

The first to rush into the hospital was Blade's Blue River team. They were ordered to return to the hospital on the way to the bank.Captain Lan He first saw the corpses all over the floor, including patients, security guards, nurses and gangsters.In the side waiting area, Kunta sits on a chair and smokes, a pistol in his hand.Lan He approached Kunta uncertainly, and slowly reached out to take away the pistol beside Kunta on guard. Kunta looked at the smoke he exhaled in a daze as if he hadn't noticed it.

Lan He wasn't sure about Kunta's identity, and asked, "Shoot, okay?"

Kunta nodded and looked at Lan He: "I'm fine. There are still a few corpses upstairs to deal with."

"Oh." Wouldn't it be a defense agent?
Then the Defense Police arrived.They were fully armed and approached Kunta from three directions with assault rifles, even Blue River was surrounded.Two policemen stepped forward slowly, while the others were on alert.Kunta stood up, and the encircling circle immediately took a step back.Kunta looked back at them and said contemptuously: "Britain has fallen to the point where you need to defend it, it's sad." He flicked the cigarette butts and spread his arms.

Two police officers stepped forward, pinned Kunta's arms down and handcuffed him.After the body search, let Kunta sit back and wait for the order from his superiors.

Lan He looked at the national defense police, but they remained silent.Glancing at the calm and composed Kunta again, Lan He turned to greet his own people: "Group B tactically searched the second floor. Group C cleaned the dead corners on the first floor to confirm everyone's identity. Group A and I went to the third floor."

The scene was quite miserable, with blood and corpses everywhere.There was no plan or strategy in this gangster attack, and their target was the people in the third floor ward.Most of the people in the third floor ward are valuable targets.Because there was no plan, even if the gangsters were fully armed, they exchanged nine lives for eight lives, including two policemen and three hospital guards.The other three victims were a patient, a nurse and a care worker.

The gangsters are definitely at a loss. With their armed forces and numbers, as well as the technical and tactical qualities of some of their personnel, if they drive to a commercial street, pedestrian street, or supermarket, they can reap more than ten times the number of lives.Hammer and his wife Betty fought to the death, throwing all their cards, but doing little damage.

At this time, Hammy and Betty were trapped in the bank and had nowhere to go.In order to prevent them from jumping over the wall in a hurry, the Blade Red River team immediately launched a strong attack after deploying snipers.

Half an hour before the opening of the Net Red Festival, Brighton is singing and dancing, and London is full of chills.The deputy assistant director of the frontline police department asked the two fathers to draw lots, and the commander of the criminal investigation department in the southern district won. The police sent his daughter's birthday to the mailbox designated by the gangster.The gangster quickly called the deputy assistant director, saying that the birthday was wrong.Gives a second chance to enter a birthday.Enter the birthday of the operations group commander's son a second time.10 minutes later, a hospital contacted the commander of the action group. His son was found by a passerby near the hospital, with his left arm missing, unconscious, and in the operating room.There was a mobile phone inside the clothes, and after the medical staff unlocked it with his son's face, they dialed the commander's number.

The 55-year-old commander of the operation group seemed to be very calm when he answered the phone, sat down slowly, was in a daze for a while, and passed out on the spot.

Was the daughter of the commander of the Southern District Criminal Investigation Department kidnapped?Unbeknownst to him, he woke up hours later in a motel room on the outskirts of Brighton and contacted his father.The person involved said that he only remembered that he had attended a party, and then he didn't remember it. When he woke up, he was in a motel, and he didn't know whether he was held hostage or what happened during the period.

Obviously Liang Xi was right, the gangster kidnapped two people, the police guessed the girl, and the gangster cut the man's arm.The police guessed the man, and the gangster cut the woman's arm.


The Internet Celebrity Festival officially started at [-]:[-], and everyone who participated in the Internet Celebrity Festival already knew that seven heads of the Push Hands company had been kidnapped, and they all knew the conditions proposed by Flamingo.Flamingo asked the Internet celebrities who had worked with Pusher A to admit their immoral experiences in the live broadcast.After the opening, the host Johnson asked if everyone wanted to speak, but no one said anything.So the Internet celebrity festival entered the first game session, the battle for chips.

10 minutes after the start of the chip battle, a flamingo video appeared on a Mexican short video website, in which pusher A was executed.Then there was a video of Push Hand B. At the request of a middle-aged man, Push Hand B hyped an Internet celebrity and made him popular.But pusher B has no professional ethics, not to mention sleeping with internet celebrities, and blackmailing internet celebrities afterwards.However, this Internet celebrity did not participate in the Internet celebrity festival.Flamingo's request is: more than five Internet celebrities participating in the Internet celebrity festival give up the chips won in the chip battle, and he will release pusher B.Otherwise, he will execute Pusher B, and at the same time of executing Pusher B, Flamingo will announce a piece of information about the whereabouts of scientist No. 6 in the next video.

Flamingo explained in the video that since the police do not allow netizens to vote, let Internet celebrities vote.

Flamingo also explained its own rules of the game. In each game session, if the Internet celebrity meets its own conditions, it will release the corresponding hostages.Otherwise, Flamingo will execute the corresponding hostage, and at the same time announce the location or situation information of No. 6 scientist.

Flamingo requested that the Internet celebrity festival cannot be changed or interrupted, otherwise all hostages, including scientist No. 6, will be executed.How many hostages will die depends on the ability of the police.

The frontline police department is indeed capable. Before the chip battle ended, they had found and rescued two hostages. The two hostages were hidden in two places, and they were monitored by web cameras.A steel collar was placed around the hostage's neck.The collar can be activated by remote control. After activation, the collar will quickly rotate and tighten the steel bars until the human head is cut off.

During the process of the police rescuing the two hostages, the flamingo never activated the remote control device, and the hostages were rescued just like that.At this time, some netizens raised a question. The more hostages rescued by the police, the less information they will get about Scientist No. 6.

After the chip battle ended, no Internet celebrities gave up their chips, and pusher B was executed.This left Flamingo with only three hostages.After Pusher B's execution, Flamingo released the first message from Scientist 6, who was buried somewhere in a box with only 6 hours of oxygen.The location information is: Southern England, United Kingdom.

If the police continue to pursue the whereabouts of the hostages and rescue the remaining three hostages, Flamingo will no longer release the information of the scientists.Scientists are equal to death.Netizens expressed several opinions. The scientist is too pitiful. After being kidnapped for so many days, his parents, wife and children all hope that he can come back alive.Scientists have made contributions to society and humanity.The three pushing hostages are all bad guys, and death is not a pity.

However, the Frontline Police Department issued a statement: They will try their best to save all hostages that can be rescued, and will not be influenced by public opinion.

Since there is only one game session of the chip battle tonight, the outcome of the police and the flamingos will not be announced until tomorrow.

 Friendly reminder, it is best not to read the D version. As far as chapter 169 is concerned, the missing part of the genuine version is the details that do not affect the content. Only reading the D version will not reach chapter 170. The D version is 4042 characters, and the original version is 4242 characters with [-] characters deleted.There is a difference of about [-] words.

  This stage happens to be the stage of describing and introducing the situation, and it is easy to disconnect.

  As a writer, we must first protect the rights and interests of genuine users, please understand.

  Some readers reported repeated subscriptions. I have no data here, and this account cannot be repaid within the authority.To express my apologies, I am determined to complete the addition of the five alliance leaders this month.

  Finally, please understand the inconvenience caused by improper operation, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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