The poor lover provoked Luo Xiaoniang

Chapter 176 It's Not Difficult To Leave

Chapter 176 It's Not Difficult To Leave
If a person is trapped in one place for a long time, his temper will become very bad.

Ever since Jiang Yu spoiled his good deed that day, Mr. Bo Lang blamed him everywhere.

No, because Jiang Yu's right arm was not healed, he made a noise when he was packing the dishes, and was gouged out by Mr. Bo.

"Let me come!" Luo Jiaojiao helped Jiang Yu pick up the dishes.

Jiang Yu put down her work and knelt in front of Bo Langjun.Luo Jiaojiao handed the packed food box to Jiang Yu and said, "You didn't make a mistake, why are you kneeling?"

"Royal rules, house slaves must act lightly and not make any noise, otherwise they will be punished!" Jiang Yu said to Luo Jiaojiao expressionlessly.

"Didn't your hand break?" Luo Jiaojiao turned to look at Bo Langjun.

"A domestic slave who is injured and cannot serve the master, or who makes the master unhappy, should be kicked out!" Jiang Yu slowly closed his eyes when he said this.

"Lang Jun! You can't drive him away! We can't do without him!" Luo Jiaojiao walked up to Bo Langjun and knelt down.She held Bo Langjun's sleeve with her hand and begged.

"From now on, don't enter without my permission!" Bo Langjun was still blaming what happened that day.

"Yes!" Jiang Yu picked up the food box and walked out of the room.

Luo Jiaojiao also got up to slip away, but was stopped by Bo Langjun.

"You stay! Make tea!"

Luo Jiaojiao walked to the tea table and started to make tea.Her movements were much softer, which satisfied Mr. Bo Lang.He believes that a woman should be prudent, mild-tempered, and look like a lady.He wants to train Luo Jiaojiao well, but she often leads him by the nose. In the end, he doesn't know who is training whom!

"Master, didn't he think about how to leave, why did he stay for a few more days?" Luo Jiaojiao asked in front of Bo Langjun holding the brewed tea.

"You really want to know?" Bo Langjun curled his lips when he saw the teacup in front of him.

"I don't want to!" Luo Jiaojiao hurriedly shook her hand, got up and ran back to the tea table to sit down.

"Heh!" Bo Langjun picked up the tea bowl and laughed.

Luo Jiaojiao, on the other hand, lowered her head and held the tea bowl in a daze.She was afraid that Mr. Bo would say something that would embarrass her and make her unable to respond to him.

"It's time to leave!" Bo Langjun sighed softly.He has his last resort, but also his pride and reserve.

"I'm going to pack my things now!" Luo Jiaojiao hurriedly got up and ran into the inner room.

"Jiang Yu!"

"Here!" Jiang Yu entered the door, but was unable to salute because his right hand was hanging.

"Take the document and say that we are the envoys of the great Han, and we are going to meet their King Wusun!" Bo Langjun ordered.


Jiang Yu saw Luo Jiaojiao came out holding a salute, so she took out their documents and walked out.

"Let's go!" Bo Langjun walked towards the door.Luo Jiaojiao hastily followed behind him, holding their hands in salute.

Mr. Bo Lang went to the door of Liu Qian's house, saw Yuan Li guarding there, and told him to inform Liu Gan to set off.

Yuan Li bowed to Mr. Bo Lang in a daze, and then went into the house to report.

Bo Langjun and Luo Jiaojiao came to the door of the inn.The soldiers guarding the door obeyed Zhang Duwei's order and let Bo Langjun and others leave.

"Wait for me!" The guest in the khaki robe rushed downstairs and followed behind Liu Gan.

"He is..." the soldier looked at the poorly dressed man behind Liu Gan and asked suspiciously.

"I'm his friend!" The man glared at the soldier and pulled Liu Qian's sleeve out of the inn door.

Liu Gan smelled a faint herbal smell on the man.He thought to himself: "It doesn't look like he has a disease, then he must be a doctor. Most of the doctors who live in the inn hang their pots to help the world, so they can't be evil people."

Seeing that Liu Gan hadn't spoken, the soldiers assumed that the man was really Liu Gan's friend, and stopped him no longer.

"This is..." Mr. Bo Lang asked strangely when he saw the man in the yellow robe walking out of the inn with Liu Gan.

"Huang Langzhong! Thank you!" Huang Langzhong bowed to Liu Gan and Bo Langjun.

"We're going to the capital. If you drop by, I'll give you a ride so they don't suspect you!" Liu Gan likes to make friends.

"I'm a wandering doctor, and I don't have a fixed destination. Why don't you go to the capital for a while!" Huang Langzhong got into Liu Qian's carriage.

"He can't be a charlatan!" Luo Jiaojiao asked Bo Langjun in the carriage.

"Although this man is dressed in rough clothes, he behaves politely. Judging by his lightness when he got into the carriage, he may be a martial artist!" Bo Langjun recalled Huang Langzhong's appearance when he got into the carriage just now.

"He must have some purpose!" Luo Jiaojiao still felt that this person was unreliable.

"I don't know if he has any other purpose, but it is definitely not for us! He was also a guest in the inn that day, and he didn't know that the officers and soldiers would come to arrest people. Besides, he is very courageous and very smart."

Mr. Bo Lang recalled that day Mr. Huang asked Zhang Duwei if they could go back to the guest room, and he was not the first to go upstairs.Today he was able to follow them out of the inn again.From these indications, Huang Langzhong is by no means an ordinary person.

"Then why did he follow us to the capital of Wusun?"

"Maybe as he said, he is just a wandering doctor!" Bo Langjun opened the small car window and glanced out the window.Only then did he realize that it was raining.

The rain flew into the car along the window of the carriage, and Bo Langjun had to close the small window.

"Let Jiang Yu in!" Bo Langjun looked at the carriage curtain.

"Jiang Yu!" Luo Jiaojiao shouted.

Jiang Yu, who was sitting next to the coachman, got up and got into the carriage box when Luo Jiaojiao called him.

"Why are you sitting outside when it's raining?" Mr. Bo Lang looked at Jiang Yu displeased.

"Without the master's call, the subordinates dare not!" Only then did Jiang Yu realize that it was Mr. Bo Lang who asked him to come in to avoid the rain.

After listening to Jiang Yu's words, Mr. Bo Lang pursed his lips tightly.He said too much to Jiang Yu in anger that day, but he never thought that Jiang Yu would actually do it!

"Shelter from the rain!" Bo Langjun heard that the rain outside was getting heavier, so he ordered the guards driving the car to find a place to shelter from the rain.

The guard saw a shed made of straw mats in front of him, so he drove the carriage over.

The two carriages hid under the shed, and the horses shook the raindrops off their bodies.Although the guard driving the car was wearing a bamboo hat, his clothes were soaked through.Jiang Yu got out of the car and took out her change of clothes for the guard to change into.

The rain came in such a hurry that it washed the ground desperately.There was a lot of white flowers everywhere, and I couldn't see anything around.The rain curtain cut off everything.

Luo Jiaojiao opened the small car window and looked outside.Looking at the overwhelming rain, she felt extremely happy.

The rainwater gradually gathered into a river, flowing happily along the way Luo Jiaojiao and the others came, and the turbid water made a "gurgling" sound from time to time.

"I'm afraid the rain won't stop for a while!" Luo Jiaojiao turned to look at Bo Langjun.

Mr. Bo Lang got up and put down the stool, spread out the bedding, and then he lay down to rest.

Luo Jiaojiao closed the small car window, got up and got out of the carriage.There was a cool breeze outside the car, and it rained cats and dogs.

Jiang Yu and the guards dressed as coachmen stood upright beside the carriage, watching the shining rain.There was no verbal communication between them, they just performed their duties silently.

"Go back to the car! Don't catch the wind and cold!" Jiang Yu scolded Luo Jiaojiao seriously for the first time.

"Aren't you cold?" Luo Jiaojiao looked at the pale Jiang Yu with bright eyes.

"Get used to it! Come on! Be obedient!" Jiang Yu helped Luo Jiaojiao into the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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