Chapter 201 Chapter 201
Wait until he sits down too.Su Yuanyuan took out the map. Although it is from a later generation, it should not be too different.

The two found the place where the boundary stone was just now. "You see, that's the way they should go."

Su Yuanyuan pointed to the map and showed it to Tan Shaoting.

"Let's go here too. This road is made by people, just follow the map, so we will be safer."

Tan Shaoting nodded, his eyes fixed on the map, and he noticed the time on the map.

But it was not said, and certainly not shown.

"Okay, I remember. Let's wait until tomorrow to go out."

If he was afraid of them, when he confronted that man just now, he realized that those ten people had weapons.

Tan Shaoting thought that he must get more weapons this time, anyway, he was not worried that there would be no place to put them.

"Okay, it's really not safe at night." Even if you have spiritual consciousness, it will be restricted.

The two are sitting here drinking milk tea.No one talked about Ruan Lingyu. In the hearts of the two of them, she was just a passerby who would not leave deep marks.

"In the past, if I didn't gain a lot, I would feel very bad."

"It's okay, there is some time."

"It's been arranged here. Let's stay away from Emperor Shangao. The most important thing is to meet those two people first."

If you don't, you will always feel uneasy.

Tan Shaoting objected this time, "Let's take about ten days to harvest what you like first, and then go there. Otherwise, there will be an emergency, and there will be no time at that time."

"Okay, I like this best." Su Yuanyuan narrowed her eyes with a smile, as if seeing countless top-quality jades waving to her.

"Yuanyuan, I have a spell that can change our faces and figures."

Su Yuanyuan looked at Tan Shaoting, knowing that if he hadn't said anything for so long, there must be side effects.

"What will happen?"

"The body will not be how? But there will be three months to not recover."

Su Yuanyuan smiled, "Okay, this is good, it doesn't matter. You teach me."

Tan Shaoting also meant the same thing, taking advantage of the time to study now, he can leave here tomorrow.

Su Yuanyuan still studied very fast. When she felt that she was very proficient, she thought in her heart that she saw the face of that person on TV before, and then made herself look like a boy.

Tall and thin, she doesn't have any feminine features now.So it is quite appropriate to transform into a boy.

Then he took out the scissors from the space, and cut his hair with a click.Surely not.

Tan Shaoting was watching her actions like this, watching her cut her hair.Frowning very disapproving.

Su Yuanyuan took out the electric razor again, "Tan Shaoting, let me teach you how to use the electric razor, you shaved my hair."

"It's already very short."

"Not enough. Come, let me teach you."

It is not a problem for Tan Shaoting to learn this at all, he will learn it in a while.

At this time, Tan Shaoting took out a large piece of cloth and spread it on the ground, asked Su Yuanyuan to sit on it, and then shaved his head.

After Su Yuanyuan finished shaving, she took out the mirror and looked at it, with a smile on her face, even if she let herself look at it suddenly, she would not recognize herself.Perfect, I didn't expect this short hair to look good too.It's just uncomfortable, it's too uncomfortable.

"Tan Shaoting, do you want to shave your head? I'll help you."

"Okay, I want a haircut like yours too."

Su Yuanyuan grinned, "I don't know if you want another hairstyle."

Wait until two similar boys appear.Both of them laughed.

Tan Shaoting put the cloth away carefully.As an ancient man and a monk, he paid special attention to the parts of his body, and he would never leave his hair outside.

Su Yuanyuan doesn't care about these things, she is busy looking for clothes now.

There are also clothes made of denim, which are just right now.

The fabric is thick, and mosquito bites are also limited.

She turned to the back of Tan Shaoting.I turned my back and took off the outer clothes and put them on, and felt that they fit well.

Last year I specially made it big, and this year it is just right for me to wear.

At this time Tan Shaoting had already cleaned up, he was very gentleman and did not turn around.

When Su Yuanyuan turned around, she handed him the denim clothes, "You should put them on too, it will definitely be hot, but at least you won't be bitten."

Tan Shaoting was not polite either, and turned around to change his clothes.

Su Yuanyuan took out two fisherman hats, gloves, and two pairs of hiking shoes from the space. Fortunately, there were men's size 44, otherwise Tan Shaoting really didn't wear them.

Tan Shaoting took the socks and put on the shoes too. These are the things for the future, right?That's great.In this way, the two of them are also fully armed.

The last person has a shoulder bag and a useless backpack, that one is too conspicuous.

Although hiking shoes are quite different, but now there are rubber shoes, so I can only cover them.

Su Yuanyuan looked at Tan Shaoting's attire and gave her a thumbs up. "Not bad, very good."

Su Yuanyuan is now less than 1.6 meters tall, and her voice can still be mixed.Both male and female.

The two packed up and went out. This place is more dangerous than the border.It's still safer there.

The two reached the edge of the boundary stone.Just rested on the side.

Su Yuanyuan took out a piece of cloth and spread it on the ground, then took out two cushions, and some fruits and snacks.

"We're having a picnic."

Tan Shaoting just smiled and watched her fiddling there, sitting on the cushion, eating a fruit that he had never seen before, and felt that the taste was really good.

"Where did you say that team went just now?"

"Who knows, they should be very familiar with the terrain."

"Hehe, even if they meet us, they won't recognize us."

"That's the best. If they have any bad intentions, don't blame me."

"Hehe, then I hope they have eyes."

Su Yuanyuan sat down enough, she took out a cushion and lay down.I didn't sleep last night, and now I feel sleepy too.

Seeing Su Yuanyuan's movements, Tan Shaoting also took out a peach quilt and covered Su Yuanyuan's body.Then he meditated and practiced on the side.

Su Yuanyuan slept for two hours before getting up in a daze, a little too much sleep.His head was a little uncomfortable, so he stretched out his hand to drink a glass of spiritual spring water, which was much better.

"Shall we pitch our tent tonight?"

Tan Shaoting shook his head, "It's better to say goodbye, so be it. It's not cold, don't make unnecessary troubles." It would be troublesome if it was really seen by others.What the two of them need most now is a low profile.

It doesn't matter to Su Yuanyuan, anything is fine.At worst, just meditate and practice at night.

(End of this chapter)

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