There are beauties in Shengjing

Chapter 412 His Faith Has Collapsed

Chapter 412 His Faith Has Collapsed
He had exhausted all his strength in the dozens of moves he confronted just now; he couldn't go on like this, otherwise he would run out of energy and lose.

It was another head-to-head blow, and Yao Zhengyang learned his lesson this time; on the eve of the impact, he withdrew a little bit of force, and then took advantage of Cheng Yan's resistance to take a few steps back.

Seeing this, Cheng Yan couldn't help frowning.

It was just now that it had some fun, Yao Zhengyang stopped playing, it was really boring.

After Yao Zhengyang stabilized his figure, he looked at Cheng Yan full of dissatisfaction.

"Boy, is it true that your Cheng family's ancestral training is always to be a coward?" It's just that blindly defending is nothing, if you have the ability, you can make me tougher!
Yao Zhengyang's words were intended to anger Cheng Yan, make him angry, make a move, and then show his flaws, so he can take the opportunity to win.

However, Cheng Yan hadn't responded yet, but Cheng Yuan, who was watching the show, laughed out loud.

"Son of the Yao family, you can't even break my son's defense, and now you only have a mouth that can be brave."

Being ridiculed by Cheng Yuan like this, Yao Zhengyang felt depressed, but his face was very normal.

"Cheng Yuan, a real gentleman who observes the situation and doesn't talk; if you are not really lonely, then write down the road, don't be that gossip woman by the side."

"That's up to you."

Yao Zhengyang's words were meant to have fun and scold Cheng Yuan. Who would have thought that Cheng Yuan would disregard his image as a general and really want to make gestures and gestures with him. Such a situation would be very unfavorable to him.

Yao Zhengyang knows how much he weighs; if he confronts Cheng Yuan head-on, he will definitely get no benefit.

He had to be careful, be careful, be careful.

Seeing that Cheng Yuan rolled up his sleeves and was about to end the game with Yao Zhengyang.

Su Yi, who was silent for a while, stood up and stopped Cheng Yuan's behavior.

"Crazy Wu, if you keep delaying, it will be dawn. This Yao Zhengyang is clearly delaying your time and me. You are still being led by him without realizing it. How did you become a general for so many years? "

Su Yi knew that the Yao and Cheng families had old grievances, but it was not a good time to deal with the old grievances at this juncture.

Yao Zhengyang was able to win the position of commander of the Habayashi guards in the palace, but if he didn't have some brains, he would not be able to accomplish anything; then he is making such a reckless move now, whether he was blinded by hatred, or did it on purpose.

Su Yi decisively chose the latter.

Because he was able to find an official position under Xiao Yuhai's nose, he had no brains and couldn't get things done.

After Su Yi finished speaking, he casually cast a glance at Yao Zhengyang. Although the gaze was indifferent, Yao Zhengyang's heart skipped a beat.

He had been acting very well all the time, and he never showed any signs of it. He even hypnotized himself to seriously provoke the Cheng family.

How did this Su Yi gain insight into the thoughts hidden deep in his heart?

Cheng Yuan was ready to sharpen his knife and rush at Yao Zhengyang, but when he heard Su Yi's words, he had to stop what he was doing.

He raised his eyes to look at Yao Zhengyang, who was a little shocked, and then looked back at Su Yi.

I couldn't help muttering in my heart: Damn, let him see through again.

For so many years, Cheng Yuan has always understood that there is a reason for his inability to win against Su Yi.

Although he beat Su Yi by several blocks in terms of force, Su Yi and him were completely different in terms of insight into people's hearts!

Su Yi is cloud, he Cheng Yuan is mud!

Back then, when the first emperor was alive, he had praised Su Yi more than once in front of his confidants.

Said that he was born to be an official, upright, rigorous in doing things, and always able to see blind spots that others are not easy to detect.

It's not that Cheng Yuan didn't feel angry about this, but every time the result of the facts told him; the late emperor was right, and as time passed, he was convinced.

It's just that he still habitually likes to compete with Su Yi.

After hearing Su Yi's words, Cheng Yan, who was confronting Yao Zhengyang, silently put away the long sword in his hand, turned around, walked to Su Yi's side and stood still.

When Cheng Yuan saw it, he took a breath in a subtle way, while Su Yi had an expression of not saying anything.

From the middle of last night until now, Cheng Yan was in a state of being at a loss.

He first learned from other people that there was something hidden about his grandfather's death.

Then he managed to get his mood back and went back to the General's Mansion, where his father was waiting for him in the hall.

When he saw this, he quickly digested the secret, but he couldn't help thinking in his heart, whether he should tell his father the secret of his grandfather's death.

But his father's side spoke first.

Although it was only a few sentences, Cheng Yan understood two things from it.

First, the break between the Su and Cheng families five years ago was just a cover.

From the beginning to the end, the marriage between him and Su Mo was a prelude to the breakup of Su Cheng's family.

In other words, no matter whether Princess Anping interfered or not, he and Su Mo would not have good results.

Second, his father knew the inside story of his grandfather's death early on.

But even so, his father still bears this secret, hides it from the whole family, and pretends to be loyal to the man on the dragon chair for more than ten years.

The moment he learned of all this, Cheng Yan felt that his world had collapsed.

His likes, his respect, and his beliefs were all destroyed in a few words.

Knowing so many things in an instant, Cheng Yan had not had time to digest them, so he led them out of the city overnight under the leadership of Cheng Yuan. He saw that Cheng Yuan quickly assembled the Changping Army; Following the Changping Army rushing into Shengjing City, they saw Cheng Yuan rushing to the gate of the Ministry of Rites Shangshu's Mansion non-stop.

When he rushed to hear Su Yi's arrogant words, Cheng Yan finally understood.

Whether it was his father or his uncle, they were all waiting for such a day.

In this world, Xiao Luan is not the only one who wants to rebel.

His respected father, his respected and beloved uncle, they have also planned a rebellion since long, long ago.

I don't know why, but in that gap Cheng Yan felt a bit of sarcasm deep in his heart.

Looking back on the past 20 years, he feels like a marionette; the future has been planned in advance and his life has been defined, and every step he takes now is in other calculations and plans.

At this moment, he really wanted to ask his respected father: Do you really regard me as your son?

But in the current situation, it is obviously inappropriate to ask such a question.

So when Cheng Yuan walked out from the side and walked up to Su Yi to confront Yao Zhengyang.

Cheng Yan stayed where he was, hesitating and hesitating.

Because he wasn't sure whether the step he was about to take was to follow his heart, or was he forced to do it under the gear of fate.

But this kind of hesitation did not last long; when Cheng Yan saw Habayashi Wei holding a halberd and facing the Changping Army sword, out of inner instinct, he still killed from the side.

(End of this chapter)

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