Chapter 403

Hearing that Xiao She had hurt Su Mo right now, Xiao Yuhai felt strangely happy in his heart.

He even started to think about what kind of name he should find to praise Xiao She tomorrow.

Xiao Xuan didn't get a response, so he raised his eyes and glanced at Xiao Yuhai quietly.

When he saw Xiao Yuhai's eyebrows stained with a little joy, he couldn't help but freeze.

Taking a deep breath, he prepared himself and said the words that would make Xiao Yuhai unhappy.

"Xiao Luan didn't know where he got the news of Su Mo's injury, so he led someone into the palace, rescued Su Mo and took away the eighth child at the same time."

As soon as these words came out, the originally not very warm atmosphere in Cheng'en Hall instantly dropped to freezing point.

The chess piece in Xiao Yuhai's hand accidentally fell on the chessboard, disrupting the endgame he was about to solve.

Xiao Xuan, Xiao Yu, and Xiao Shizi all held their breath, waiting for Xiao Yuhai's anger to vent.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths.

With a sound of 'crash', Xiao Yuhai directly lifted the chessboard in front of him and knocked over the chess box at hand.

The soft sound of the scattered chess pieces falling to the ground added a bit of tension to the already unpredictable atmosphere.

Xiao Shizi's heart rose to his throat, and he saw Xiao Yuhai get up abruptly, and quickly walked to Xiao Xuan, who seemed to have not heard what he said before, leaned over and asked, "Who were you talking about just now?"

Facing the oppression given by Xiao Yuhai, Xiao Xuan's heart couldn't help shaking.

But he still had to bite the bullet and say the name of "Xiao Luan".

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Yuhai waved him directly and knocked him to the ground.

Seeing this, Xiao Shizi and Xiao Yu immediately knelt down in fear.

Xiao Yuhai approached the fallen Xiao Xuan again, the anger on his face could no longer be restrained, and the violence in his eyes seemed to tear people apart at any time.

He lowered his voice and asked softly, "Xuan'er, tell me again, who broke into the palace?"

Xiao Xuan had never seen Xiao Yuhai like this before, and couldn't help shivering when he called 'Xuan'er'.

However, Xiao Yuhai was not prepared to let him go easily, and stretched out his hand to pinch Xiao Xuan's jaw so that he had no way out, and was forced to look up at his father.

Under heavy pressure, Xiao Xuan repeated the name that would make Xiao Yuhai unhappy.

"Xiao Luan broke into the palace."

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Xuan was thrown out heavily.

His forehead gnawed on the cold floor, causing him to groan.

Xiao Yuhai's roar came from next to his ears: "Trash! Where are the Imperial Guards? Where are the Habayashi Guards? There are so many patrolling soldiers in the palace, and Xiao Luan led someone to break in and take away a prince. All of them Are they all free eaters?"

"Xiao Shizi, I plan to drag out all the soldiers guarding the palace gate and patrolling tonight and cut them down! All!!!"

Xiao Yuhai's appearance of wanting to kill people scared the few people in the hall; Xiao Yu and Xiao Shizi all kowtowed to beg him to think twice; He calmed down.

If it is true as Xiao Yuhai said, all the people in the palace tonight will be beheaded for dereliction of duty.

Then the number of people involved is at least hundreds.

Beheading so many people at once.

Not to mention the history of Shuo Dynasty, there is no such case in the past and present.

Originally, Xiao Luan was about to rebel.

It is really not a wise move to arouse public resentment at this time.

Hearing Xiao Xuan begging him to appease his anger, Xiao Yuhai's eyes returned to him.

"Calm down, think again; what else can you say? What else can you do?"

"Xiao Luan has been in the Forbidden Garden, where did he come from? How did he appear? Have you found out all of this?"

"It's been so long, why did you come to report now? As the crown prince and the heir apparent of Shuo Dynasty, is this how you fulfill your obligations and responsibilities?"

Xiao Yuhai made a lot of rhetoric, making Xiao Xuan's criticism worthless; Xiao Xuan, who was still sincere and fearful, calmed down after hearing these words.

The eyes he looked at Xiao Yuhai gradually became darker, and his eyes were like a puddle of ink that could not be melted away.

I saw him straighten his body on his knees, no longer panic, cupped his hands and said, "Go back to the emperor, according to the Yulin Army report, Xiao Luan's men are all black-clothed and masked, and they are good at martial arts and good at administering medicine; Luan alone can't gather so many capable people, so I privately think that behind Xiao Luan there are other experts to help."

Xiao Xuan uttered the words clearly, deliberately biting the word 'superior'.

This made Xiao Yuhai think of Su Mo and Zhu Xie.

I felt a little regretful in my heart.

The purpose of marrying Xiao Luan and Su Mo before was to get rid of the thorn in their side.

Unexpectedly, this move unexpectedly united Xiao Luan and the Su family, and it would be hard to keep them in the end.

"Where is Xiao Luan now?"

"Uncle, my nephew is here!"

As soon as Xiao Yuhai finished speaking, the door of Cheng'en Hall was kicked open from the outside; the eunuchs who were on duty at night all disappeared.

Xiao Luan, who was dressed in a snow robe, came from outside the hall in the cold. The mottled blood stained in front of him, under the light of this dim light, added a bit of chill to his whole body, making people shudder when they saw it
Xiao Luan walked up to Xiao Yuhai and stood still, even pretending to salute Xiao Yuhai.

That savage appearance made Xiao Yuhai's complexion turn pale; he glared at Xiao Luan angrily, and said something upright if he dared to say it.

But Xiao Luan ruthlessly interrupted him, only hearing him a little puzzled, "Uncle Emperor, didn't you still say your nephew's name just now? Does this mean that your nephew is not welcome?"

With Xiao Luan's attitude, it would be a ghost to be welcomed by someone!

During the confrontation between Xiao Luan and Xiao Yuhai, several people who had been kneeling in the hall secretly got up; Xiao Xuan even stood between Xiao Yuhai and Xiao Luan directly after getting up, blocking Xiao Luan's arrogant face.

His face was gloomy like water, and he asked loudly, "What do you want to do?"

This appearance of thorns all over his body, always on guard against him, really made Xiao Luan laugh.

If Xiao Luan had a killing intent, none of these people in the hall would survive.

But Xiao Luan didn't intend to let Xiao Yuhai die too easily.

He should watch in fear that what he valued is lost bit by bit.

This is the best punishment for Xiao Yuhai.

Xiao Luan let out a chuckle, and said sincerely, "I heard that you were looking for me, and I was worried that it would be too hard for you to find me, so I came to the door in person."

After speaking, he shrugged slightly and acted very harmlessly.

But the rampant tone and playful eyes really made people couldn't help but be furious.

Xiao Xuan was stimulated by his provocation and wanted to go forward and punch him.

Fortunately, the reason was still there, so he gritted his teeth and said, "You have a big tone!"

Think this palace is his back garden where he can come and go freely?
Seeing that Xiao Xuan was about to lose his mind after being stimulated, Xiao Yu finally said his second sentence after entering Cheng'en Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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