Chapter 809 Upward Management
First kill the chicken and respect the monkey. Smart people who are as smart as monkeys often do not do unexpected things.

So not surprisingly, in the next three days, all three construction sites in Balihe District paid their bills to the workers.There was a lot of commotion, the construction company paid the money to the contractor, and this group of people gathered people to the construction site. Not only that, they also specially asked the police from Balihe to watch the money being distributed on the spot.

They're all cheap, they don't show their power, and they don't take ordinary people seriously at all.

The developers may not have much money in their accounts, and the construction company also has to hold down a lot of money, and then the construction company holds down a lot of money from suppliers, one ring after another, just dawdling and not paying.

But those things are not under Wang Yan's control, as long as the workers get their wages, everything will be fine.

In fact, this kind of behavior of not paying wages should be cut quickly. It is too troublesome and laborious to find the labor bureau, and it will take a long time.Relatively speaking, the group of migrant workers is better, because there are many people, and if there are too many people, they can cause troubles, and troubles will have impact, and if there are impacts, problems must be solved.

If the police have the power to enforce the law, as long as they don’t pay wages and find out the facts, it seems better, more powerful, and better able to protect the rights and interests of working people.

It’s just that there are still a lot of verbosity in the implementation process, but killing one to warn others, and arresting the CEOs of listed companies, the effect must be quite strong, but obviously this is almost impossible.Because this is not a system problem, but a human problem.

Just as the country adheres to the rule of law, there is absolutely no problem...

All in all, the result was very good. The workers happily received the hard-earned money they had worked so hard for a year, and Wang Yan had an explanation for them.

And after this matter was completed, when Xu Dezhou breathed a sigh of relief and had no time to relax, when Zhou Jincai and Chen Mingsheng were detained for prostitution, the economic investigators of the Guangming Branch contacted the economic investigators of the Yuhuatai Branch. During the investigation, the two parties sent out two persons to jointly investigate the economic crimes of this group, and immediately arrested Xu Dezhou.

Zhou Jincai, who was being interrogated, heard that he was a member of the Economic Investigation Brigade. He had an expression that I knew it was, and explained all the questions very cooperatively. He welcomed Xu Dezhou to be his companion.

Don't worry, if you give the money earlier, it's over, it's time, everyone, please go in and stay, this is Zhou Jincai's heartfelt wish...

And in the course of these few days, another thing happened, that is, the death of Li Dawei's biological father Li Yisheng.The disease progressed too fast. When he first came back, Li Yisheng could barely keep up his spirits. After talking a few words to others, he lost consciousness in less than two days. After a while, he became brain dead.

The institute also organized everyone to go to express their condolences. It is also the rule of the institute to accompany the ceremony. The family is 500 yuan. This is a normal figure compared to their income and friendship with colleagues. I'll take care of it, normal communication.What's more, their family of five hundred didn't eat a single bite of food.

Funeral rules, no matter where the dead died, regardless of whether they were locals or not, they would all be burned on the spot.Therefore, the wanderer in a foreign country died unfortunately, and the healthy, healthy and lively child when he left home, there was only one box left when he returned to the hometown where he was born.

Of course, people don't seem to pay much attention to these things now, and it's hard to think about the things that they don't want to face, but they will eventually face.

Li Yisheng's crematorium at the foot of the Yuanbali River turned into a few pieces of crisp bones and piles of ashes, and was taken back to his hometown by Li Dawei and his mother.When they arrived at their hometown, they had to hold another funeral, and all relatives and friends came to tell people about Li Yisheng's death.

There are dilapidated houses and a few acres of land in Li Dawei's hometown village. On the hillside of the village, there are many graves, where generations of people in the village are buried.Li Yisheng is the eldest in the family, and when he dies, he will be buried near Li Dawei's grandfather...

The days continued, and after dealing with the workers' wages, Wang Yan continued to go out and visit the masses.

Now there are very few problems in the jurisdiction. To this day, no one is more aware of how much the beloved police officer Wang is hated than the people of Balihe.

Most of the troubles in people's daily life, and most of the anger they suffer, mostly stem from people's ignorance, rogue, and shamelessness.As long as they are tidied up, life will be harmonious, so Police Officer Wang is also hated.

With countless examples in front of them, in the remaining communities that Wang Yan did not visit, those who were somewhat arrogant in the past have more or less restrained themselves.They didn't act as demons, which led to a slow decline in the number of alarm calls in the entire Balihe area.

The 110 of Balihe calls the police, the peak of holidays can reach [-] to [-], the weekend is about [-] to [-], and the working day is around [-] to [-].

But in the current situation, it is not easy to count holidays, because October [-] has passed and there is no long holiday, but the number of alarms on ordinary weekends is only forty to fifty, and the number of alarms on weekdays is almost stable at three forty.

This is because the neighborhoods Wang Yan visited basically did not call the police. Dongning Village, which he visited the first time, did not call the police for three full months, but then it stopped. However, there were still not many calls to the police. Small disputes caused by saying the wrong thing.After receiving a call to the police, the police will be dispatched, and those who pass by need not say much, just a few sentences and it will be over.

In the evening, Wang Yan will go to the past again to enlighten him, including other communities as well.The reason why they called the police now is mainly because they couldn't get through on the phone, otherwise Wang Yan would have passed by.

Now that Wang Yan visits a lot, he has a big name. In addition, he cooperates with the publicity work. He has to broadcast a live broadcast for ten and a half months. There are too many people looking for him.

There are too many controversies about him. After all, he has just graduated, and he has not been a policeman for half a year. As a result, he received two awards, two third-class merits, one second-class merit, and one first-class merit. Now that he has done one thing, the key point is that he has been found out to be very rich, and he is called a rich man seriously, as well as the papers he has submitted to various journals and articles seeking truth, as well as being exposed to deal with those scoundrels. Means, there are still many people scolding him on the Internet.Of course, there are quite a few people who like him, and those who call him don't send something greedy for him.

As for those who scolded him, he found the law firm he cooperated with and asked those interns to collect evidence for him to spread rumors and slander, and first went to the local police station to educate him. The police officer only treats trolls, moral kidnapping, real proofing for others, how to deal with online violence, and he even publicly declared that if someone is slandered, he can come to him, he can help find a lawyer, and pay the lawyer's fee in advance, and he will win the case Just give it back to him.

So although his word-of-mouth on the Internet is very divided, he can't see it.

There are also many complaints against him, but they are all outsiders who can't understand him. The supervisor will definitely not care about this situation, and the discipline inspection committee will ignore it even more. Of course, there is no response from the mayor's hotline.

As for the people of Balihe, let's put it this way, if he is fired, some people will definitely cheer, but more people will definitely block the gate of the government and complain about Police Officer Wang...

And in the neighborhoods he didn't visit, even those who are used to playing hooligans to take advantage of others, know how to restrain themselves, and how much they can call the police.

Now the main alarm event is not inside the community, but on the street.It’s just that people who do business don’t pay attention, customers don’t pay attention, or there are conflicts between customers, takeaways, online car-hailing and other service industries, most of them are disputes, and there are basically no public security cases.

Grabbing has disappeared, and stealing has basically disappeared. This is because the newly added monitoring in Balihe has been installed, and there are truly no dead ends in public places, and all kinds of business premises are monitored inside and outside. It is really lacking so stupid the thief.

What's more, as early as the past few months, the Balihe Police Station had already captured and subdued the petty thieves in the jurisdiction under the rapid and ruthless crackdown.But at this speed, that's no joke.Even some business establishments, or such things in the company, Balihe's case handling speed is very fast.

Basically, if one is caught, it will spread all over the circle, and the sum of so many circles will make those who are treacherous lose their courage.

On the other hand, minors and young people in their 20s are more likely to steal and rob. They don’t study, work in factories, or work. They want to smoke, drink, pick up girls, and even want to get a better phone Yes, they have no money, and they don't want to earn hard-earned money in a down-to-earth manner, so it's not like they are making money.

But because of the previous campus bullying incidents, Wang Yan was not joking when he said that he wanted to purge the youths in the area under his jurisdiction. He went through all the elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools. Children who don't study are the main force in the fights of student groups.As for the unscrupulous teenagers outside the school, they could also provide information to Wang Yan.

Going back to check, in fact, many people have already been visited by Wang Yan, but they didn't see the child.After a phone call, a warning and a scare, they were basically frightened.Find another group of more famous ones, arrest them and have them go through a trial. If there is no major problem, they will be detained for fifteen days. If there is a problem, the case will be handled normally, and if it is passed on to the outside world, the young man will basically be frightened.

The most intuitive point is that the ghost fire team in the jurisdiction has not been seen for a long time.Regardless of whether it is true or false, since it cannot be seen in Balihe area anyway, then Wang Yan's mission is fulfilled.As for causing trouble to other jurisdictions, that is the business of other institutes.After all, he, Mr. Wang, is just a policeman from the Balihe Police Station, not the chief of the Public Security Bureau of Ping'an City.

But to be honest, even if the position of the chief of the public security bureau involves various political struggles, to be honest, with Police Officer Xiao Xiaowang's ability today, if he is replaced, he can still manage the public security in Ping'an City. Even though China in modern society, the simple and honest Chinese people don’t like to make troubles, law and order is good, but good and better are two different things.

Even in the position of director of Ping'an City, he was still able to visit the masses in a down-to-earth manner, but the scale of 500 million was not easy.But in fact, when he got to that seat, he did not visit one-on-one, but more likely to adopt the method of mass dialogue.That is, he went directly to a community, sat on a stool, found someone to set up a stereo or something, and then called the staff of the police station, community, street, etc. he belonged to, directly asked the government, and solved the problem on the spot.

Of course, that is to say, if it is really going to be implemented, it must be very laborious.The simplest point is that he has exceeded his authority. This is not an issue of public security, but an issue of people's livelihood. Although he also holds the positions of standing committee member and deputy mayor, he is only in charge of the public security organs.This kind of invitation to buy people's hearts has to be done by the leaders of the municipal party committee...

But then again, if he really went up, he wouldn't have any big leaders of the municipal party committee in his eyes.Just kidding, let go of your hands and feet, who can beat him?Don't talk about the background, there is Mount Everest behind, and it is just a hilly hill in front of him.

To be obscene is to be bolder, to be bragging is to be louder...

Back to the original question, today's Balihe law and order is the better one. Police officer Xiao Wang has visited nearly 4 people and almost digested all the contradictions of these 4 people.Ordinary people call someone to do things, and now Wang Yan is this person.As long as it was reasonable, the problem should have been solved, but artificially prolonging the process and increasing the difficulty of handling the matter, Wang Yan didn't need to come forward for such a matter, and it could be settled with a phone call.

The two levels of government in the urban area are not bragging. Wang Yan can reach the leaders of the municipal units with a single phone call, and the problems of the people in Ping'an City are [-]% to [-]% of the district government's business.As for the district government, to say a word of modesty, Wang Tietou went flat.

Otherwise, how could he have the confidence to tell Wang that he wanted to pull out a multi-department joint law enforcement team. Although he didn't express it clearly, but note that the people he pulled out must be joint law enforcement from the urban and secondary units.

This is not a difficult problem to understand, because the district government has no strength and is not easy to manage to target the subsidiary companies of the Wanchun Group, but if the two levels of people work together, it will be easily solved.And to be able to do all of this, it all depends on the fact that he, Mr. Wang, has a great reputation and has various articles as endorsements.The relationship was established after contact, but before that, people were kidnapped first, so that they dare not act.He, Wang Tietou, is the biggest shit-stirring stick in Ping'an City. He opened his mouth and kept his mouth shut, just to report...

In fact, it is precisely because Wang Yan acted as the "person" of the nearly 13 people in Balihe that he reversed and forced all units of the district government to carry out rectification, which greatly improved the administrative speed, strength, and transparency, which also made Guangming District People elsewhere benefited.

And these must be counted on the leaders of the various units of the district government, and even more so, the leaders of the district committee, and the ones who have contributed the most are undoubtedly the leaders of the district committee.This kind of political achievement is enough for him to advance to a higher level faster, prolonging his precious political life in disguise.

Although this process is not so beautiful, after all, Wang Yan relied on his own hand to report them level by level to make corresponding changes, because Wang Yan's supervision is more ruthless than that of the masses, and the reporting is more effective. Unfortunately, I have to go to jail. It is difficult for anyone with a certain status and resources to be threatened nakedly, and it is difficult to feel good.But this result was beyond their expectations.

After all, it’s not bad if you don’t do it, but if you are forced to do it and do it right, it feels like an unexpected harvest.Of course, this is because they are actively exerting their subjective initiative to serve the people wholeheartedly and solve various difficult problems, and it has nothing to do with Wang Yan...

This side serves the people of Balihe, and adjusts various government units through some problems. After the rectification of each unit, it will benefit more than 100 million people in the wider Guangming District.As for the higher-level municipal government units, Wang Yan still has no way to recuperate.

It's good that he can pull people out by bluffing and bluffing. If he goes too far, he's challenging the municipal committee.Although he was also not afraid, it was troublesome and unnecessary. After all, he was just a small policeman from the Balihe Police Station.

He, Mr. Wang, has almost done the work of an old Chinese doctor again. This time, he pretended to be arrogant, bragging, and ruled lazy. This old Chinese doctor sounds different, and he is tall at once...

Wang Yan was walking on the road, and today was another day on duty.Ping'an City is located in the north, and it is now late autumn, the temperature is not very high, even in the morning and evening, a little white mist can be seen.However, Police Officer Wang, who is dedicated to the people, still does not stay in the station to wait for the case when he is on duty, but insists on strolling outside and randomly visits surrounding shops.

Let's put it this way, even if there are knives in the sky, he has to come out with a steel umbrella and suffer a thousand knives.Even if there are knives in the sky, the people's police must stand up and suffer thousands of knives. He goes first, he is a party member...

"Brother Liu, you have committed an old problem again. Don't use an interrogative tone. Maybe you have been working for a long time and you are used to it, but you must try your best to restrain yourself. We have to..."

This auxiliary policeman surnamed Liu followed him before, and he will lead him in the future. Now Xia Jie and the other four newcomers have been trained by him. Without any interest, he began to teach and train this auxiliary policeman.Although they are contract workers and have no law enforcement powers, they are still policemen.

At this moment, the phone in his pocket rang, glanced at the caller ID, and put it to his ear to connect: "Director, what instruction?"

"Jianjun found a suspect who is suspected of being a murderer. He has already reported it to the sub-bureau. Now he wants to search the whole city. Bring Liu Er back quickly. Hang up, hurry up."

Wang Yan thought for a while, and it was the case of Cao Jianjun's second-class meritorious service in the original drama.

Since he scolded Cao Jianjun, this kid has changed a lot. Hearing that he has given up drinking, he is afraid that someone will miss his beautiful wife.He also knew that Wang Yan wouldn't do that, but who could be sure that Wang Yan wouldn't?Who can be sure others won't do that?He was really scared, the consequences were too horrible.

And after that, the two began to communicate, and it was no longer the previous seven dissatisfaction and eight dissatisfaction. Although it was not much, it was also curative.And after Lanting Yashe caught prostitutes last time, Wang Yan said that she was a mother-in-law, and Cao Jianjun even talked to Wang Yan, and the relationship was even more relaxed.

As for the death of Cao Jianjun, the perverted murderer named Yue Wei has already been dealt with by him. After this time, it is estimated that there will be no problem.

After all, he, Mr. Wang, is here, and a second-class merit will not make Cao Jianjun lose his way. As for making a personal first-class merit in the future, Wang Yan can say with certainty that it is impossible.

First-class merit is not so easy to make, and at the Balihe Police Station, if there is a matter of first-class merit, it will never fall on Cao Jianjun's head.Because it's not dangerous, it's deadly. If you have a life to do meritorious service, you don't have to live to enjoy it. This job is basically exclusive to Wang Yan.

The simplest thing is, do Zhao Changyi and the others dare to move?Do they dare to arrest the son of the richest man?With such a big deal involved and so many second generations involved, do they dare to do it?
They are all ordinary people with a family and a family. It is rare to bravely catch thieves and murderers. How can we ask them to deal with powerful and rich people?Didn't he have to stand in the front row, Wang Tietou...

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(End of this chapter)

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