Chapter 779 Property Problems
"It's Police Officer Wang, right? I saw so many people around the door just now, so I didn't go up, come here, Officer Wang, smoke and smoke."

The proprietress of the small supermarket at the door greeted her with a smile. The situation here is similar to that of Xincheng Aofu, but because of the high occupancy rate and the long stay time, the shops around are more complete and more crowded.And they not only have to compete with similar merchants in the community, but also have to compete with merchants facing the street across the street.

Just like a supermarket, Fontaine Bali has four gates and two small gates, and five supermarkets of different sizes have been opened.And Wang Yan and the others are at the south gate of the community, which is also the main entrance of the community. Not to mention the two supermarkets at the entrance, there is another open supermarket at the north gate of the opposite community, and a supermarket with a reddish stall outside, which is quite fierce.

Wang Yan waved his hand to decline, but the proprietress didn't force her, and asked again: "Officer Wang, I heard that you arrested the property manager and accountant just now? What happened to them?"

"We have discipline, but we don't dare to talk nonsense. If there are any residents in the community who need to know later, our office will notify you."

The proprietress looked down on her face: "It's all spread, Officer Wang, I've heard of it all. The property manager and accountant partnered to embezzle public funds, and it spread among our property owners."

"Anyway, I can't tell." Wang Yan laughed, "But the news spread so fast, you know it in just half an hour?"

"Officer Wang, don't misunderstand me, it's just a guess. There are many capable people in the community, and some of them know the property manager and finance. When they heard that these two people were arrested, the first thing they thought was embezzlement and embezzlement of public funds. I But let me tell you, Police Officer Wang, you policemen have to give us owners an explanation for this matter. The property fee in the community is two yuan a month, but those of us who run a store charge five yuan.

Look at my shop, although it is not big, it has [-] square meters, two hundred a month, and two thousand four a year.But where did my money go?Look at the sanitation at the entrance of our shops, and we find all the repairs by ourselves. They just collect money and don't do anything.It's good now, but it's been embezzled and embezzled.Police officer Wang, the whole group is upside down. People say that you are doing things for us common people. You have to take care of this matter to the end. "

Wang Yan nodded with a smile: "Listen, it means that your group has a unified opinion?"

"Basically, our family lives here too. The property was good in the first few years, but then I don't know what happened, and it got worse and worse. It's not that there were no troubles before, but in the end it was nothing. Let's talk about paying the property fee. This matter is not consistent. Some people yelled not to pay, but later he paid again. The big guys can't get together, and there will always be delays. This time they are really too much, dare to Greedy for money? Whatever you say this time, you have to drive them away."

The proprietress was filled with righteous indignation, she was so angry that her eyes were on fire, which showed that she really looked down on the property.In particular, she paid a lot of money to open the shop, but she must have paid...

Wang Yan understood, now that the owner group mentioned by the proprietress is probably discussing two things.One is some of Wang Yan's previous deeds, and the other is the condemnation of the property. He wants to push him as a policeman. A group of people in their community are always dragging their feet. Now that the police are here, they are said to be very powerful, and they really do things Son, let's see who dares to hold back.

But in fact they dared to...

Not everyone has the ability to lead. Even if you are talented, you need more experience to accumulate.It is not an exaggeration to say that it may not be easy for them to find a senior leader of a listed company and ask them to integrate more than 5000 community residents.Because there are interests, contradictions, and personal qualities in it.Even if the executive shows his brand, it's not so easy to do.

Senior executives lead the company, leading the next-level executives, so that one person leads five, six, seven or eight people, increasing downwards, forming a pyramid of human resources.Moreover, they also have a direct interest relationship, and whoever is disobedient will be deducted and fired.For the masses, without the intervention of external forces, if you want to convince the masses, win the support and follow of some people, and then expand and win the support and follow of more people, it is not as simple as heaven.

In this case, it is not easy for everyone to throw the leaders of the city government into the community and let them use their so-called political wisdom and political skills to study and understand these 5000 people.

In the case of the general public, some may be small bosses, some small leaders, some government clerks, lawyers, doctors, workers, etc. It is even more difficult for some of them to take the lead. It is even more difficult.

Some can bluff, some don't speak, and some sit on the wall watching the wind. Besides, there is also the issue of taking responsibility, not everyone has that responsibility.

This has also caused everyone in Fontaine Bali to know that the property is not good, but there is no strong figure who can come out of the more than 5000 people and fight with the will of more than 5000 people.In addition to this, the people from the property management team and the eight members of the property management committee, all kinds of divisions, made everyone full of resentment towards the property management team, but there was nothing they could do.

The proprietress said that there are capable people in the community, but they must not be very capable...

"Don't worry about this, big sister, I already said it when I was at the door." Wang Yan said with a smile, "But this matter is definitely not something that can be solved by just saying it. The parent company of our property must have an explanation. , These things take time. In this way, sister, show me your group to understand everyone's attitude, and I will send another video to appease you."

Now the proprietress hesitated: "Don't arrest people?"

"There are 500 people in a group. If I arrest them, can I arrest them all? Just send some news. I can control the world and control the people's speech?"

Wang Yan shook his head amusedly, "Don't worry, I just want to see what the big guys have to say, and then I'll make a video to appease them. I just came today, I don't know what's going on, what should I do?" , Don’t you think so, eldest sister?”

The proprietress picked up her mobile phone, flicked it a few times, opened Weixin, found the group chat, and handed it over.

Don't think about it, what the proprietress said about the unification of opinions in the group must be false.Wang Yan searched upwards for a while, and found the news about the time of the arrest. From then until the latest news, the prestige group chat with 500 people was active, only twenty or thirty people were active, and the most active ones were more than ten. indivual.

What he said was as expected, they were all from inquiries about what Wang Yan had done before, and there was also a 60-second voice from a not-so-young woman. Those who have relatives in the village, of course, speak a bit awkwardly, and even more unclear, but they generally repeat and exaggerate what he did.

After a rough look, Wang Yan handed the phone to Li Dawei, who was trying to keep his mouth shut, and asked him to help take pictures.

Wang Yan put on a straight face and was upright: "All owners and friends of Fontaine Bali, grandparents, brothers and sisters, hello, I am Wang Yan, a policeman from the Balihe Police Station. I have known about the property and visited the merchants. After that, we will visit the house to understand the actual situation and solve practical problems. Please wait patiently for a period of time, no more than a month at the latest, and there will be a clear solution to this matter. You can forward this video to others The owner, let more people know, let everyone supervise together, thank you everyone."

It's just a short video, and it only takes a few sentences, and it doesn't take 30 seconds to speak in full cadence.

After receiving the phone, Wang Yan didn't look at it again, and sent it directly to the group.When the video was posted in the group, it was visible to the naked eye that just now more than a dozen people were chatting happily with you and me, and the messages were scrolled up one by one, and the freeze frame of Wang Yan's upright video was displayed on the On the message interface, in an instant, this video became the last message...

Immediately afterwards, after a few tens of seconds, a person posted "Good job, Police Officer Wang", and then they all started to reread. The news simply passed by in a flash, and it was 99 plus...

Smiling, he returned the phone to the proprietress, and Wang Yan said, "Eldest sister, you don't have to worry about it, say a month, definitely a month. Your supermarket has been open for five years, and you must be clear about the situation in our community. Tell me Said, when I went to visit our owner's house, I knew it in my heart."

The proprietress definitely didn't want to say it at the beginning, she was afraid that Wang Yan would slip up and say something later, then she would be in trouble, after all, no matter what she said was good or bad, she was always behind others.But with Wang Yan's guarantee and guidance, the proprietress didn't hold on, she just talked about it.

Talkativeness is also a problem, and sometimes I really can't hold it back.The proprietress runs a small supermarket, and she chats with people every day, gossips in and out of the community, or complains to her when someone has something to do, she knows a lot, but it’s just people and Lou couldn't match the number, but she could tell one, two, three.Although it is not worth mentioning compared to the power of the ladies of Dongning Village, it is better than not knowing anything.

In this way, I did two things in the morning, arrested the property manager of the Fengdanbali community, and chatted with the proprietress of the small supermarket for more than two hours, still in the usual rhythm.

At noon, Wang Yan drove Li Dawei all the way to have dinner. Today, he drank mutton soup and ate gluten cakes, which were delicious.

"Brother Yan, how do you manage to eat in this hot weather?"

Seeing the sweat on Li Dawei's brow, Wang Yan said with a smile, "It's natural to be cool when you're calm. Besides, it's not blown by an electric fan."

"It's useless." Li Dawei took a sip of the soup, and then asked, "You took Zhao Jiwei, Xia Jie and the others to visit before, and that's how you listened to gossip?"

"There is a saying that there is no wave without wind, even if it is a rumor, we have to know the rumor first, and then find out where the crux lies..."

Wang Yan took the trouble to repeat what he had said twice for the third time, which was what he had taught Zhao Jiwei and Xia Jie before, explaining the truth, explaining what Li Dawei wanted to achieve, maybe the ability of information and judgment. of.

After a bunch of blah blah, he continued, "You'd better take what I told you to heart. Today I saw that I arrested the gambling property manager and judged him to embezzle public funds. Now you're not so hard-headed? Believe that I can handle more cases this time when I go to the police? Dawei, you have to dig deep into every person you come into contact with, and discover as much information as possible within the time of contact.

The simplest thing is that you went to the bar street to patrol the bar street before, and you were also sent to the police. The composition of those people is very complicated.There are hooligans, big hooligans, students, white-collar workers, liars, rich men and boys, there must be people who smoke drugs, then there are people who smoke and sell, like laughing gas, and the e-cigarette I caught before New types, or other ecstasy or something, this must be indispensable.

If you pay attention, you may have already made meritorious service.I'm not sure about the others, but you know about Ye Weiyang, right?It is said that Zhao Changyi's grandson opened it, and it is likely to be involved in drugs. "

"Then why not deal with him?"

"I don't have evidence, I just suspect. And unless you find evidence that the Zhao family is directly involved, or even if you found it in Yeweiyang, what can you do? It's a business place, and they didn't provide it on purpose. If you die, you will be fined." [-] yuan, do you think people care? Even if I want to investigate, the leader can’t agree, so I can only find drug users, provide clues, and hand it over to the anti-drug brigade. I don’t believe it’s not possible. over their heads."

Just as Wang Yan finished speaking, the phone he put on the table rang.Glancing at the caller ID, he picked up the phone and connected: "Hello, Lao Gao, what instructions?"

"Zhao Zilong still has an impression?"

"You know, from Dongning Village. I went several times but didn't see anyone, and the neighbors also said they didn't see him come back. Is he dead?"

"The Prophet." Gao Chao smiled, "The call from the Municipal Bureau just now said that the Kunming police found Zhao Zilong's body. They confirmed Zhao Zilong's identity information and found that we have inquired about his information many times, so contact On our side, the people from the city bureau asked us if we had any information."

"It's nothing, but I felt that something was wrong with that kid. I paid attention and went to Dongning Village. I went to see if he came back. There has been no movement for two months. I thought something happened. Yes. I don’t know about other situations, but on July 30th, I found out that Zhao Zilong’s Santana was driven away.

At that time, I was careful, adjusted the monitoring, and checked the driver.The man was Qiao Yi, 25 years old, from Zhongshan, Guangdong Province. After the age of 16, he had served multiple prison sentences and detention records. He was not a good person.I think this matter is mainly on our side, otherwise people would not all come to our car and drive away, it must be Zhao Zilong's house, or something hidden in the car.

I found out that the car had been driven away, and I also searched Zhao Zilong's home that day, but nothing was found. At that time, I opened the law enforcement recorder and asked them to adjust it.In addition, the surveillance video at that time is in a folder on my computer desktop that says Dongning Village. The folder with Zhao Zilong’s name in it is that surveillance video. If you need it, you can directly copy it to them. "

"Okay, I see, you can eat and hang up." The orgasm still has the same style as his name, crisp, crisp, fast...

"Gao Suo? Why do I hear that there is a murder case?" Li Dawei was curious about the baby.

"The body of the Zhao Zilong I mentioned just now was found by the Kunming police. I have inquired about Zhao Zilong's information a few times before, and asked us to find out about the situation. You don't need to react so much. The work of the criminal police team has to be done directly by the detachment. .If you die in our jurisdiction, you can ask us to help you. If you die so far away, it has nothing to do with us. Hurry up and eat late at night, don’t say I didn’t remind you.”

He knew about Zhao Zilong's matter one day.Even if he didn't, if he met Zhao Zilong, he would have to study this kid carefully, and he would definitely be able to pull out a lot of things.Just like what he thought before, those involved in gangsters and drugs must not be able to escape.

No matter how you think about it, a jobless hooligan shouldn't change so much all at once, and he can drink a spear and smoke Huazi.71 bottles of wine, [-] boxes of cigarettes, even if he has a serious job, he can't afford it...

But now he didn't get any more news, such as how he died, how long he died, etc. Wang Yan couldn't think about it, so he stopped thinking about it, and took the mobile phone of the mass worker to reply to the message. Occasionally have to make a phone call.

Li Dawei sighed, drank the mutton soup that had cooled down but still felt very hot, and watched Wang Yan busy there.

He felt that Wang Yan was really practicing the spirit of serving the people, not just talking about it.Among other things, he was disturbed listening to the 60-second voice, but Wang Yan had no expression and listened very seriously.If someone asks by voice, he will reply by voice, if someone asks by typing, he will reply by typing.

It's just that the attitude on the phone is sometimes not very good, and he is like the third grandson scolding people over the phone. He also understands, after all, some people are just hateful and don't understand the reason.But if he was asked to scold others, he didn't have the courage, he was afraid of being complained.It's not like Wang Yan, who gives someone a lesson, and the other side has to thank him after the lesson is over.

But no matter what, Wang Yan was always solving problems for others, and he even heard that the matter of Yu Province was involved, talking about some local regulations there and so on.

The most important thing is that Wang Yan has only taken one day off since he joined the police, and went out to play with Xia Jie for a day... Other than that, he never asked for leave, and got up early every day to exercise , Then I went out for visits after eight o’clock, and I didn’t return to the institute until after seven o’clock in the evening, and then I had to compare fingerprints, do image enhancement, and then reply to messages and communicate with people on the phone. , It’s okay until ten or eleven o’clock, I do this every day, and my enthusiasm is still unabated.

Wang Yan's mass worker specifically certified what the corporate WeChat of the Balihe Police Station looked like. He had seen it. After replying to this message, he couldn't see it in a blink of an eye. It was quite scary. He didn't want to do it just by looking at it... …

After lunch, Li Dawei settled the bill in a sensible manner, drank mutton soup, and ate a lamb chop. The two of them spent more than 200 yuan, which Li Dawei could afford.He didn't know anything else, but he knew that Wang Yan spent a lot of money on meals. He had seen that Zhao Jiwei kept Wang Yan's food and drink account for half a month, so he hurriedly paid for it when he could afford it.

Of course, Wang Yan didn't care about such trivial matters.It doesn't matter if they keep taking advantage, as long as they are aware of their behavior and don't take it for granted, then it doesn't matter if they pay or not.But after all, it is a serious police plot, the protagonist and supporting roles have their own shortcomings, but the character is nothing to say.

I went back to the Fengdanbali community again, and then visited the merchants to understand the actual situation, check various safety hazards, and ensure the normal operation of the monitoring inside and outside the store.

The neighborhoods in the city are basically the same, and the merchants in the neighborhood are basically the same.In this regard, there is no big difference in every city in the country. It is nothing more than that there are some local brands that are different but sell the same things. The local customs are different and there may be some special stores. Many things, almost the same.

Wang Yan treated everyone equally, and of course the one he treated was Zhao Jiwei. After visiting two merchants to make samples, he asked Li Dawei to exercise.It's different for Xia Jie, except for the first two merchants and two residents, the rest are basically visited by Xia Jie.

Just like this, I visited one by one. At six o'clock, the last shop I visited today was a two-story beauty salon and spa shop at the intersection.This place used to be the sales office. The place is very large and spacious, and the decoration itself is quite good.

There are many such shops, and they are quite profitable if they do well.According to the information Wang Yan took, this store has been in business for three years, obviously it has a stable customer base, and the income is not bad. A white G63 parked at the door speaks for itself.

Wang Yan pushed open the door and walked in. He clearly felt Li Dawei heaving a sigh of joy behind him, because the air-conditioning in the store was very strong.

"Visiting the Balihe police station, Ding Lan is your boss, right? Is she there?"

The little girl at the front desk put down her mobile phone and nodded: "Uncle policeman, please wait there for a while, I'll go upstairs and ask Sister Lan to come down."

While talking, the little girl led them to sit down on the sofa by the window, each of them served a glass of iced lemonade, and then trotted upstairs to call for someone.

After a while, one had big wavy hair, big eyes and plump lips, and big earrings on her ears. She was also well dressed. She was wearing a red floral dress and high heels. The charm of a woman in her 30s.It's just that a big flower arm on the left arm ruined the beauty, and it seems that he was once a man in the world.

He came over with a scent of fragrance, stretched out his manicured hand, followed Wang Yan to shake it lightly, and said the opening remarks that many people were talking about: "It's Police Officer Wang, I've heard about your deeds a long time ago, Today can be regarded as seeing a real person, I heard that the property manager and accountant were arrested this morning for embezzlement of public funds?"

Her voice is not bad, she deliberately twitched, and she had such a wave of vigor.

Wang Yan didn't admit it, let alone deny it: "Boss Ding is well-informed, I don't think this kind of trivial matter will reach you."

"It's the little girls in my family. They heard it from others when they went shopping. But let me tell you, it's good to catch people like this. I have 930 square meters upstairs and downstairs, and I pay 5 a year. Too many property fees, and I don’t know what they did.”

"No way, I understand Fan Shiqing. How could Boss Ding be negligent?" Wang Yan shook his head with a smile, "If it's not troublesome, Boss Ding will take us around the store, and then give us the monitoring. Let's take a look and check for potential safety hazards. But Mr. Ding, don't worry, you won't be fined if you don't pass the test today, just hurry up and make corrections. But next time I come again, if you find any problems, then you can't blame me."

"Of course, but we are all women here, some places may not be convenient..."

Wang Yan shook his head: "It depends on the convenience."

Ding Lan is quite cooperative. A person like this, don't think about it, must be a player with some connections.Seeing the malicious speculation of a beautiful woman, just lying down can create a wide road.What's more, he has some wealth himself, and he is doing projects for some relatively high-income people. It is definitely not bad, and he may not even care about a small grassroots policeman like him.

Although there are quite a few mentally handicapped people in this rank, most of them are still low-key, trying to be as trouble-free as possible.The times are different. Although mentioning people is just as easy to use, it also greatly increases the risk.

Walking with Ding Lan, chatting, and reading it in general, he understood the situation more or less.In Ding Lan's warm farewell, Wang Yan took Li Dawei away and walked towards the car parked by the side of the road.

"How is Ding Lan?"

"Beautiful!" Li Dawei replied affirmatively. Seeing Wang Yan shaking his head amusedly, he reacted and quickly continued, "This woman knows how to use her own advantages. Very delicate, very attractive. She should have fitness activities. She has a good figure and relatively full muscles, not the thinness of ordinary women. She is very talkative and can speak.

Moreover, for a person like her, the social relationship should be quite complicated, the family conditions are good, both parents are alive, and there is a younger brother who graduated from college, but I feel that she is more dependent on her to support the family.If her family was good, it would be impossible to have such a beautiful arm. When she was in school, she must have been a bully. "


"How long have we only talked in total? No..." Li Dawei was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "Does she have a problem?"

"Drugs, it's most likely ice, poison, hemp, ancient, etc."

"See it again?"

"Don't be so surprised, you can't see it as normal. Even if I tell you all the doubts, you may not find out if you observe her face to face. Otherwise, why are most of the drug addicts caught by the news? ?”


Apart from these two words, Li Dawei didn't know what to say.He felt that there was no need to leash Wang Yan, as long as Wang Yan stood guard at the security checkpoint of the train station every day, and the police dog could just retire.Of course he also thought about it, he dared not say this even if he gave him eight guts...

Wang Yan waved his hands with a smile: "Just know it, don't say it."

Talking and laughing, they drove into the car, the two of them had another sumptuous dinner, and returned to the institute after seven o'clock.

As soon as he went back, Wang Yan first went to find Wang Shouyi who hadn't finished get off work yet to smoke.Now the office is not as busy as it was in the first month of Wang Yancai's arrival, and the people in the office have resumed their previous routines, started shifts, and started leaving get off work early.But even if he is not on duty, Director Wang still insists on coming to get off work at eight o'clock every day.

Not because of anything else, just to wait for Wang Yan to come back.Director Wang is very persistent. Before he leaves work, he has to confirm that every comrade in the office has shown up before leaving, because he is afraid of encountering any unexpected situation.

Now is the latest time for Wang Yan to come back, and the old boy waits every day.

"What's the matter? There's another situation?" Wang Shouyi asked casually while smoking a cigarette. After more than two months, he had gotten used to Wang Yan's surprises from time to time.

"Today, when I visited the merchants in Fontaines Bali, I found out that Ding Lan, the owner of Lanxiang Beauty SPA, was suspected of taking drugs. The director, this Ding Lan is a rich man, and he drives a G63 car. It’s worth 300 million, and she’s very pretty, so I feel like I can pull out a big case this time.”

Rich pretty women do drugs, that's the label.What's more, the synthetic drugs of methamphetamine are still used, which is currently the largest type of drugs in my country, accounting for more than 50.00%. Has a stimulating effect.

So this also explains why a rich, beautiful, drug addicted woman is a label.Her wealth meant that her rank would not be low, and she was definitely not an ordinary person.Her beauty is destined to be richer or more powerful.So where did her goods come from, who did she play with, and who did she play with? Once these things are brought out, it will be a big case.

"It's true that rich people take drugs differently from ordinary people. I'll call the anti-drugs right now..." Wang Shouyi nodded in approval, and then took out his mobile phone to make a call.

The captain of the anti-drug brigade has a very good attitude, even if he has no relationship with Bureau Song, he is still very good.Wang Yan provided several clues related to drugs, and has already pulled out a big case. It's strange if he has a bad attitude. This time, he heard that a rich and beautiful woman was suspected of taking drugs. He had several previous experiences. They didn't have any doubts, Wang Yan said it was it.

Wang Yan didn't know that in the anti-drug brigade, Wang Yan was already on a par with the anti-drug dogs, and they would pull Wang Yan when they were joking.

This is a joke, and there is really no malice, after all, dogs are more precious than people.Wang Yan didn't know, and he wouldn't care if he knew.But if you really want to say, he is not as powerful as a dog.A dog's sense of smell is stronger, and it can detect the poison in the interlayer of the suitcase. Even though his physical ability is already very strong, it still cannot be compared with the dog.

"Oh, you brat, your observation skills, and your Chinese medicine doctor are really amazing."

"It's my master. My three-legged cat's kung fu means that I can see some abnormalities, and I need to add other observation and judgment assistance." Wang Yan waved his hand modestly, and then asked, "Is Lao Gao there?" ?”

"No, Zhijie, with the cooperation of the ex-convicts, they discovered a gambling den. They went to arrest people, and I guess I'll be back soon. You want to ask about that Zhao Zilong?"

Wang Shouyi asked himself and answered, "The Municipal Bureau took over this matter, and they jointly investigated with the comrades in Kunming. Speaking of this, I have to praise you. If you notice something wrong, you should act immediately. If it weren't for you Pay attention, the clues to that car were cut off. We adjusted the surveillance on the spot, and the car was registered not far away. The recorder video you searched in the house was called out.

With your actions, this kind of endless case has provided key clues, and your credit will be indispensable in the future.In fact, it doesn't matter whether you have credit or not, the more important thing is to protect yourself.You have to hold on to me, don't relax. "

"Aren't you worried about me? It must be fine. Hey, by the way, director, what happened to the property manager's case today? Have you found out? The owners of Fontaine Bali will blow up when they find out. This property has deep grievances, but it has never been united.

This time I went to visit, but they all greeted me.I took a small video to their group and promised to come up with a solution within a month.Let me tell you, director, you must pay attention to this matter, and you must follow up, otherwise it is easy to cause major accidents. "

Wang Shouyi frowned: "So serious?"

"Then I can scare you?"

"When Fan Shiqing and the accountant brought them back, they recruited them all. They partnered and swallowed more than 50 yuan, and more than that, the leadership of this property company also participated. There are some other businesses, and the money went into the pocket of their leader. In addition, there are eight people from the owner's committee of the community, all of whom have received different degrees of benefits."

"Then take a look, it's all like this, can it be serious? If this matter is not handled well, it will be big news, and then it will be unstoppable. Director, follow up quickly, and put the business committee's report tomorrow first." All eight people were arrested, and the leaders of any property were arrested as well.

In addition, does this situation involve multiple communities?I checked during the day, and there is another community in our jurisdiction that is owned by the same property management company, which is too far away for us to reach and manage, so this one has to be handled by it. "

Wang Shou nodded his head, agreeing with Wang Yan's words, he didn't think too deeply at first.Now that Wang Yan said this, his heart was pounding.

"Since you agreed, you must have an idea. How are you going to deal with it?"

"As long as the mood of the masses is stabilized, this matter is not difficult to handle. There are 470 people registered in Fontaine Bali, 340 households, and 140 buildings. Each building has two units, a total of [-] units. When I planned to visit, a building manager was selected for each unit. Even if there was one, they had to be re-elected, because they do not do business and cannot represent the opinions of the owners of the entire building.

140 building leaders were elected to form the owner committee, and ten committee representatives were elected from among them to perform the duties of the committee. Every link must be publicly elected. If conditions permit, a live broadcast will be held for every community owner to see.As long as ten representatives are elected, there is no guarantee in the long run, at least in the short term it can be guaranteed for the good of the community.

And this process must be followed by people from the community and the street, and there must be a way for later supervision. Anyway, there are meetings for big things and small meetings for small things. These ten people must be well supervised, and there are other financial disclosures. What.As long as a group that can represent the owners of Fontaine Bali is re-elected, it will not be a big problem whether to find the property company again or whether the owners are self-governing.

The most important thing is that the property company must understand the money, no matter who pays, the money must be returned.Even if you can't return all of them, you have to return some of them, right?In short, there must be an explanation.You have to coordinate all these. It is best to find Director Song and ask him to think of a way in the district and come up with a specific charter.

And although this is not the first of its kind, we can also explore ways to manage communities.With regard to the matter of Fontaine Bali this time, a district-wide purge can be carried out.A large-scale rectification of the property company was carried out, and the people liked it, and the leaders had achieved results, so everyone was happy. "

This was much more detailed than what he had told Li Dawei before, and it was what he was going to do in the first place.This is not a new idea. The original owner's committee should also be like this, but it is not implemented in this way.He just wants to help the people in Fontaine Bali to implement this system and solve the problem thoroughly.

This is basically once and for all. After all, the organization is small and there are not many interests involved, and even if someone goes bad, it can be done as it is.As long as the supervision is in place, as long as the enthusiasm of the masses to participate is awakened, more than 100 people still cannot supervise ten people?No big deal.

In fact, this is the reason why the majority of residential property owners' committees are not working well.People are not enthusiastic about this kind of thing, and they don't pay attention to it. Every time the election committee, people from the community come to the door with a list, asking the owners to vote for the candidates they have already prepared.Many people are actually impatient. Kaka is just a tick vote, and they handed over the power themselves.

This can also be said to be a deception by the property management, because they did not clearly explain the rights and obligations of the property management committee.

The settlement of this matter is good for Fontaine Bali, and it is also good for the owners of the community within the jurisdiction where Wang Yan can enforce the law.After all, Wang Yan's prestige is there, as is Fontaineble's successful experience, whichever property in the community is not good, just do it.

Wang Yan didn't pay attention to this issue before, because there is only Zhao Changyi in Dongning Village, and the Xincheng Aofu is a new community that has not been sold out.But what happened today brought this question into his sight.

Next, he tried to replace all the current homeowners' committees in all the communities, and replaced them with those who could represent the owners and handle affairs.

In fact, the main thing is to popularize the law, and let the people know the powers and obligations of the industry committee, instead of choosing a bunch of people who have never heard of the name without knowing anything.

In this case, as long as he makes a start and elects a building manager, dozens of hundreds of people sit together to participate in the construction of the community and fight for their own rights and interests, the strong sense of participation and the added power and obligation, Naturally, they will be enthusiastically invested in it...

 Thank you (Feifeifei is here) (Crazy 12366) (Submarine ing) (Candied haws without sugar) (Burn to ashes) (Huang Lujia Yinhe) (Ye Yu is a bit cool) (Yang Guang) (Devil Angel ) (the past days have suffered a lot) (Bogota) Eleven big brothers continue to support.

  Daily thanks to the good brothers who voted for monthly votes for their support,

  Thank you for the support of the brothers who voted and recommended,

  Thanks for the support of the big brothers who read silently.

(End of this chapter)

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