Chapter 713 I will say the same from now on

"This picture is really good."

"Yeah, not bad for some of the movies I've seen."

"I really didn't expect it. The wedding videos are all shot."

"No, it's difficult now, all walks of life are involved. Who would have thought that someone could shoot a wedding like this?"

Xu Hongdou curiously asked the man sitting beside him: "Wang Yan, it will cost a lot of money, right?"

Wang Yan was also watching the video, and it was his first time watching the video, which was provided by the living father.He used to specialize in wedding celebrations. Although the current video is provided by the living father, the shooting ideas and techniques are still the same as when he was doing wedding celebrations in the past.If you really asked him to shoot again, it would be roughly like this, and it might even be worse.After all, the living father himself is able to achieve the same thing to the extreme, relatively speaking, he must be inferior.

Hearing Xu Hongdou's question and seeing other people's curious eyes, he shook his head with a smile: "If it's my personal salary, it's probably 1000 yuan that comes with the gift, and I've worked hard for three days with food and lodging included. I met people halfway, people from Yu province, so I just joined in the fun. Looking at the environment of their family, I can tell that they are normal people, not the kind of rich and powerful.

I directed the whole process, editing, soundtrack and so on were all made by myself, some of the shots were shot by me, and many of them were shot by people from the wedding company they found.Because there are multiple camera seats, more manpower and equipment are used.But they knew the wedding company, and they charged the cost price.Calculate all the expenses, it should be [-], right? "

Damai then asked, "What if it counts as your contribution?"

"There's no way to measure this. After all, I don't specialize in opening a shop for this wedding business." Wang Yan said with a smile, "But if I opened a shop for business, the photos will definitely be better and more delicate than this one. It should be at least It will cost 30 yuan, with food and housing included, so it’s not too bad.”

"It's also three days?"

"Then it can't be three days, it will take one month. Or I can put it another way, even if it is finished in three days, it will have to be delayed for a month before delivering the film. This is not about photography, but about doing business to make money."

Seeing Wang Yan's smile, Damai honestly showed his disgust: "Sure enough, there are no good people in business."

Ma Qiushan froze for a moment, feeling offended, he explained with a smile: "Damai, there are rules for doing business, and it's one-sided for you to think like this. What Wang Yan meant was to establish a good business model for his company." The reputation of the production must be worthy of the money spent by consumers. Think about it, you spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to find someone to take pictures with you when you got married, but in the end it was ready for you in three or four days. Can you spend the money comfortably? Yes Don't you think that what others pay is not worth so much money?
You still write novels, and later you post a short composition on the Internet, which ruins people's reputation, so can you still do this business?But Wang Yan's skills, the wages of his subordinates, and the cost of opening a store are all real.The quality of a businessman depends on whether he serves customers well, whether his employees are good, and whether he fulfills his obligations to the country. , is the capitalist who should hang the street lamp. "

Xie Zhiyao also answered: "Didn't this bring me along, I'm a good person, Damai."

Barley has never been to work, and has never been beaten in the big dye vat of society. The channel to get news is the Internet, and the way to deal with things is probably to read comments. It is normal to have a single understanding.Originally, she spoke straight, but now she drank alcohol again, she was in a daze, and she was out of her mind.

There must be some problems with speaking, but similar to this kind of unintentional mistake, Barley's appearance is beautiful, and the overall feeling is like a rabbit. Naturally, no one really cares about such innocuous small problems.

Seeing the embarrassment on Damai's red face after drinking some wine, Wang Yan waved his hands with a smile: "It's nothing, that's what I said, I won't do that kind of business in this life. Drink less There’s only one bottle in the bar, and my eyes are blurred.”

Nana looked at Damai beside her with a wry smile: "I'm sorry, don't argue with Damai, she is just like that."

"What's there to care about? What Damai said is actually right. A businessman's heart is dirty, otherwise he won't be able to do business well. But it doesn't include me. I'm not self-proclaimed. I just don't have a hearty heart. That's why I lose money. " Xie Zhiyao waved his hand. He already knew about Barley, so he didn't bother about it, and turned to Wang Yan, "Mr. Wang, after watching this wedding movie, I feel more relieved. I respect you. You alone, thank you for your help and support to our Yunmiao Village."

Huang Xinxin also raised the wine bottle: "Yes, on behalf of the Yunmiao Village Committee, I thank you for your support."

She had heard before that this Wang Yan is a rich man, and he intends to find a place to invest in retirement.No matter what they do, no matter how much money they invest, as long as they settle here, it will enrich the industry of their Yunmiao Village and help the development of Yunmiao Village.

"Here we are from Yunmiao Village, so I can't lag behind." Xie Xiaochun also raised the wine bottle and said, "This time, Wang Yan's filming is done well, and when the time comes, the video will be posted online. If there is a coincidence, it will explode." If it gets hot, everyone in our Yunmiao Village will benefit. Not to mention getting rich, at least they can make more money. People who go out to work can work at home when they see their families getting up, and they don’t have to be separated from their families.”

"I can't fall behind either." The little gourd, who had a pretty cheeky face after eating too much, also raised the juice, with a serious look, which made the people laugh.

Wang Yan said: "You don't have to praise me so highly, otherwise there will be no splash at that time, and I will have no face to stay here any longer. I can only say that I am doing my best to shoot and show what should be shown. I can't promise you whether it can attract tourists or not, and I don't have that ability either."

"The technology is there. The scenery of our Yunmiao Village is actually not bad, so it's not a big problem. Propaganda is our business. As long as you shoot it, it will be fine. People have their own judgment, as long as Yunmiao Village is allowed to enter In the eyes of more people, someone will definitely come. Mr. Wang, no matter what, we must thank you for your help. Thank you if you are successful, and thank you if you are not successful. Don’t be humble, too modest, that is Proud. Come, drink and drink."

Xie Zhiyao has been around outside, so of course there is nothing wrong with talking and doing things.

Wang Yan nodded with a smile, talked modestly, and drank wine with them.

"Come on, let's drink one too. Teacher Wang is really hiding something. Who would have thought that a wedding video can be shot like this. Today is really eye-opening."

Hu Youyu greeted everyone again, afraid of the cold.

After drinking, he said to Wang Yan, "Will you show me later?"

The person he called just now was Teacher Wang. He was surprised by Wang Yan's technique, so he bowed down.Of course, there is a need for others. After all, he wants to live broadcast and post videos. It is obviously much better for Wang Yan, a professional to help.

Wang Yan nodded: "Did you broadcast live today? Have you recorded enough material?"

"Of course, just do what you say, but the time is short, just one hour, I don't see the data very well. But it doesn't matter, it has gained more than ten followers, and some people still like it."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Nana asked curiously, "Are you really going to do it?"

"Is there still a fake?" Hu Youyu looked at Xie Zhiyao who was a little confused, so he explained, "Didn't Mr. Wang catch the thief and catch the fire? Yesterday we discussed the issue of live broadcast, and he said that my live broadcast is very good Yes. Although I have done live broadcasts before, I didn’t hold on to it. After chatting with him this time, I wanted to try again. Anyway, there is nothing to lose. It’s not a question of whether it’s popular or not, but it’s just that there are a few people who really like it I am content with listening to my singing. Hey, by the way, each of you hasten to give me a friendly follow, and help me increase the number of fans."

As he was talking, he picked up his mobile phone and asked people to scan the QR code to follow. Everyone at the table, except Xiao Hulu, including Da Mai, who was already confused, all followed him and became his fans.

After this set is over, everyone continued to watch other people's happiness happily.

Today's main activity is to let Xie Zhiyao see his level of making long videos, which can be regarded as a proof of his ability.After all, although it is basically equivalent to free help, it is always not good to help others, and it also wastes people's time. Today, I will give them peace of mind by seeing and seeing.Such a complicated and trivial wedding can be shot well, and it is still shot according to the film mode. There is no reason to make a travel promotional video.

This wedding video was very long, two and a half hours, and no one could watch it.This thing is a novelty to watch, unless it is the parties, or people who are about to enter the marriage hall, they will read it with gusto, and it is difficult for a group of single dogs to resonate.

After ten o'clock, Nana helped Barley back to the room. The little gourd who had already eaten and drank enough to fall asleep was carried back by Xie Zhiyao, and Huang Xinxin followed. They still have something to say, Xu Hongdou also went to wash up and go to bed, and there were only three men left to continue.

Looking at the lively scene that was still being screened, Ma Qiushan shook his head and sighed: "With your skills, you really should open a shop and take on more jobs to witness the happiness of more people and let more people witness happiness."

Wang Yan shook his head and smiled: "If it really becomes the main business, I won't like to do it anymore. It's not interesting."

"That's true. You are used to being comfortable, and you don't need money. It's a pity that you have such a good technology. Let me tell you, you must have a business. Skills better than yours don't look down on this, and they don't necessarily If you have this kind of story thinking, you don’t necessarily have the ability to direct. If your technique is not as good as yours, you won’t be able to shoot this kind of feeling. There are really not many people who can earn this kind of money. It’s a pity, it’s a pity..."

Seeing Ma Qiushan's appearance, Hu Youyu said: "I said, old horse, don't you want to take Mr. Wang to the wedding ceremony together?"

Without even thinking about it, Ma Qiushan shook his head again and again: "How is it possible, I just feel a little bit different from others. You said that Wang Yan is not short of money, and he is versatile. Thinking that I, Ma Qiushan, have lived for 40 years, I am still a Luthor."

"Do you think it's possible? It's because Mr. Wang is not short of money, so he has the mind to study. This is versatile?"

Ma Qiushan froze for a moment, then looked at Wang Yan.But seeing Wang Yan nod to him with a smile, he whimpered, "Drink, drink!"

Things have to be thrown away compared to goods, people have to die than people, and wine is more worrying and worrying. Ma Qiushan, who cultivates his self-cultivation, is already drunk.

Hu Youyu didn't care about him, and smiled: "It's good to be drunk. When I first came here, I knew he had something on his mind. I don't know why today. No one persuaded him to drink by himself, I guess. , maybe seeing him getting married happily, he remembered his own affairs. He is 40 years old, do you think he can not be in a hurry. "

"This is not in place. Okay, let's get you a video."

Wang Yan stood up with a smile, went to unplug the computer and came back, took Hu Youyu's mobile phone, connected it to the computer, transferred the video he had recorded earlier, and started making it.You have to do it while explaining it to him.

For an hour, more than half an hour was spent singing. There were three songs that performed better. They were all popular folk songs in the past.

Wang Yan cut out the three paragraphs and produced them separately. He adjusted the color and added subtitles. He had to check whether there was any problem with the copyright.Hu Youyu was recording with his mobile phone, and he turned around to watch slowly.

In addition, Wang Yan also made a hint at the end of the film, which was the original voice of Hu Youyu, saying "I am Hu Youyu, follow me", with a sloppy tone, and made a Q version of the avatar on the spot to add superior.

After doing this, Hu Youyu released the first official video.Of course he had works in the past, but they were all cool, or he just learned some works that were popular on the Internet for a while. This time, he either deleted or hid his main business. That one, it was a new start.

Hu Youyu must not be able to sleep well tonight, not to mention how hard he is, even if a player like Wang Yan makes a video for him, he always has some expectations, and if he has expectations, he will easily toss and turn.Just like buying a mobile phone or computer online, just check where the express delivery is if you have nothing to do...

The next day, Wang Yan came back with his breakfast as usual. Today's small courtyard was no longer as lively as it was yesterday morning. There was only a barley cooking breakfast there, still cooking noodles.

Seeing Wang Yan coming in, she blushed and said, "I'm sorry yesterday."

"There are no good people in business?" Seeing her nodding, Wang Yan smiled and said, "What's the matter? Think about it. How have you been in the past two days? Have you gotten better?"

"It's okay, writing is still difficult, but the spirit has indeed improved a lot. Thank you, Wang Yan."

"As for me, whether I don't have a backache when I stand up and talk, or you are good at absorbing suggestions and have great execution ability, this is your own credit, and it has nothing to do with me. If your writing is too difficult, I wonder if you consider Consider conceiving other books, distract your mind, maybe look back, and you can figure out what you can’t figure out. Oh, by the way, I have a book list, and I will send it to you with resources. Read more books, which will benefit your writing Yes. What I share with you is what I have read. You have read it later, and we can communicate and provide you with some new ideas.”

Wang Yan repeated the old saying, which continued to deepen Damai's impression.

Damai's self-confidence, on the one hand, comes from her success in writing, and on the other hand, it should come from her own inner hope.As long as she doesn't put so much pressure on herself, it is equivalent to a new life.No matter how hard you read, study hard, think hard, and feed back into writing, not to mention writing a hit book, but you can always make it to the next level.

"Thank you, Wang Yan."

"Here again, don't always thank you so much. As the saying goes, if you give someone a rose, your hands will have a lingering fragrance. If you become better, then I will also share your better joy. This is a good thing."

After thinking about it, Wang Yan said, "Maybe you can show me the novel you're writing now. Although I haven't written it, I've read a lot of books. I'm very good at giving suggestions. You don't have to. Sorry, as long as it doesn't convey any bad thoughts or is full of negative energy, then there's nothing wrong with it."

If others want it, barley may not give it.But with his previous psychological construction and some small 'apologies' from Damai, according to Damai's character, he will definitely not refuse.

Sure enough, after pondering for a moment, Damai nodded and took out his mobile phone: "I'll send you the platform and pseudonym and title of the book, but don't tell others. Now in our small courtyard, only you and Nana know."

"Don't worry, it will definitely not be exposed." The mobile phone in his hand was alerted by a new message, and Wang Yan picked it up to take a look.

The platform is a female channel site, with a pseudonym of 'Da Mai's Sunny Day', operating the download software, and he said: "I will finish watching it in the past two days, and I will send you my suggestions, and you can just watch and absorb them."

"Thank you then..." Seeing Wang Yan looking at her with raised eyebrows, Damai swallowed the words back and pointed to the pot behind him, "I'll cook the noodles."

"Then you can't always cook noodles, right? Is it not enough?"

Damai smiled shyly and said, "It's simple and easy to make. I don't always eat noodles, but there are also dumplings and wontons, but I can't eat them in the morning."

"Exercise is enough to whet your appetite. Have you read the complicated version of Baduanjin that I taught Ma Ye? If you have time, you can learn it and play it every morning to ensure that you will eat well."

After thinking about it, Wang Yan said, "Oh, yes, I remember Mr. Xie sent a ham yesterday, as well as some mushrooms and corned beef. I'll get you two slices of ham to add to it. Let's eat together. The mushrooms also Fry it, it’s been a night, wait until tonight and it will be even less fresh.”

"Mushrooms are poisonous, can you do it?"

"Don't worry, my craft is even problematic in running a restaurant. You'll know in a while."

Just do it, under Damai's suspicious eyes, Wang Yan found the ham, cut a few slices first, and handed the marinated beef to Damai to put in the noodles, and found a bag of various mushrooms, cleaned it After that, I washed the vegetable washing board, and it was a quick meal.

"What are you doing? Cooking?"

Looking up at Xu Hongdou who walked in, Wang Yan nodded and said, "I made the mushrooms Mr. Xie brought yesterday, so as not to be stale later."

"I heard that fungi are poisonous, can you do it?"

"Wait and it's over."

Xu Hongdou pouted, turned around and went to Damai's place, and the two chatted without saying a word.In the beginning, people of the same sex always communicate very well, especially because they both have good personalities. After a few days of contact, friendship is being established.

High-end ingredients often only require the simplest cooking method.There is no other cooking method for the mushrooms. Stir-fry over high heat, and they will be poisoned if they are not cooked.It is popular on the Internet. Whenever it is the season to eat mushrooms, the people of Yunnan Province always go to the hospital, because they will not suspect that the mushrooms are poisonous, but will always firmly believe that the mushrooms are not cooked well...

Of course, Wang Yan's cooking skills are not to be said. He has indeed reached the level of running a restaurant, and he is a player who has eaten all over China. Although his cooking skills are not top-notch masters, he can still fry a mushroom with his hands.

After a round of clinking spoons, a large plate of mushrooms with shredded beef added was brought to the table.

Seeing the delicious dishes, Xu Hongdou and Damai looked at each other, held the chopsticks hesitantly, picked up a small slice, and put it in their mouths to savor.

Damai's eyes lit up, and he gave a thumbs up in a face-saving way: "It's delicious."

Xu Hongdou also nodded: "I didn't see that, your cooking skills are really good."

Wang Yan knew that it wasn't that the cooking was so delicious, after all, it's not like they haven't eaten delicious food before.It's just surprising that he, a rich idler, can really cook, and he cooks really well.

He raised his eyebrows, showing a little complacency: "I never speak big words."

"I know, but I want to say that you don't need to be overwhelmed by the martial arts skills, so you have to know everything, right?" Xu Hongdou smiled and looked at Wang Yan with big eyes blinking.

"Congratulations, you'll be quick to answer." Wang Yan laughed, "Okay, eat quickly, eat more. Although we will take the cable car up the mountain, we will definitely have to walk a lot, so save your energy."

Damai asked, "Are you going to Cangshan Mountain?"

Xu Hongdou hummed: "Do you want to go together?"

"I still need to code, and I can't stop changing. But when I first came, I went there once, and Nana took me there. As he said before, if you don't go to Cangshan and Erhai, it feels like it's for nothing. Same. But after I went there, I didn’t feel anything.”

"In other words, I have been walking for so many years, and I don't feel anything. But after seeing the scenery, it is a shadow left in your heart. This principle is the same as reading books. People always ask what is the point of reading so many books? meaning, and I can’t remember it, but it does leave you with something.”

Damai nodded thoughtfully, and said, "I still don't feel it."

Xu Hongdou coughed, swallowed the food in his mouth, drank a big mouthful of water, and laughed: "Seeing that you have been doing one thing all day, it won't work this time, right?"

"Extensive knowledge, broad-mindedness, and understanding of nature have been brought to me in the past seven years." Wang Yan shook his head and smiled, "But if we talk about purely looking at the scenery, apart from the photos I took, if you think about it later , and really nothing special. In the final analysis, different regions, different customs, and different spirits endowed with local water and soil. But I just can’t say that there is no special feeling, otherwise what is my journey over the past seven years? That’s not Is it gone in vain?"

Damai nodded knowingly: "Understood, it's just being stubborn. Teacher Wang, I will learn from you, and when others ask me in the future, I will say the same thing as you..."

 Thank you (Feifei Feilai) (Tianshan Eagle) (Bookworm Xiaoliang) (Rain Boundary Li) (Blizzard) (Dada_God) (Mortal Stranger) (Target Dream Direction) (king) Jie Wei) (still) The ten big brothers continue to support.

  Daily thanks to the good brothers who voted for monthly votes for their support,

  Thank you for the support of the brothers who voted and recommended,

  Thanks for the support of the big brothers who read silently.

(End of this chapter)

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