Chapter 608

"Accidentally learned that the Shanghai intelligence station of the military command intends to take action against the Japanese troops stationed around Shanghai. Now I hand over all the Japanese military deployments in my hands to the organization. If the guerrillas of our party also have the same plan, I hope to act cautiously. Another 20 Thousands of dollars are used to pay party fees."

At the Fuxing Pawn Shop on Foch Road, Lu Boda read the flamboyant handwriting on the paper, then picked up the lighter beside the table, lit it, put it in the ashtray, and even lit a cigarette with the burning paper.

He looked at the twenty-pronged American knives in the box, shook his head and sighed, working in such a luxurious place like Shanghai, there is no doubt that there is a great need for party fees, and everything costs money.However, the underground party organization in Shanghai has the most abundant funds in the past two years. It has basically never opened up like the central government, and almost all of them are contributed by Comrade Pei Min.

"Comrade Pei Min sent the situation of the Japanese army's defenses around Shanghai, as well as the ports and stations, and also sent a party fee of 20 U.S. dollars to support the work of our underground party organization in Shanghai."

Liu Qiulan put the hot water on the table, glanced at the unattainable wealth on the table, and sighed: "Comrade Pei Min is in the wrong line to be the killer of the red team. He alone is better than hundreds of us." make money."

"It's not easy for him now. Have you forgotten the phone call before? He must be in trouble, otherwise he wouldn't have changed to the current unilateral contact. He is alone, and the situation he faces must be even more severe."

"What did he tell us about the deployment of the Japanese army?"

"Comrade Pei Min didn't know where he got the news that the Shanghai intelligence station of the military command was going to attack the surrounding areas. He thought that our guerrillas might have similar missions, so he sent over the information he collected. Maybe he wanted to borrow ours. Send it to the military commander." Lu Boda said hesitantly: "Comrade Pei Min must have had contact with the military commander. If he could give it to him, he should have given it away at that time. Now that it is delivered to us, it must be I don’t want to expose my identity. So we must be cautious when sending these documents, and we would rather not send them than let Comrade Pei Min take the risk. This matter needs to be discussed in the long run..."

But according to Lu Boda, facing Wang Yan, who must be facing a more serious situation, he returned home and contacted the central government, and reported his experience and contact with the military command. bed, sleep.

The Japan Special High School has a telecommunications team that monitors the radio station. Every night, it is a hot spot for various forces to contact the rear.So if conditions permit, Wang Yan is not afraid to send a telegram at his own home, because the current technology has not yet reached the specific location of radio waves separated by dozens of miles, and can only judge a general direction.And during this hot spot, in the public concession and the French Concession, there are countless people who transmit news from secret radio stations everywhere.The machine that judges the direction of the radio wave can shake its head...

In the early morning of the next day, Wang Yan was doing Tai Chi slowly in the yard, wearing loose training clothes.

Today is a rare sunny day. The golden radiance of the early spring sun shines on the ground. On a big tree in the yard, birds are chirping and jumping on the branches, full of vitality.

It was in such an environment that a young man with dark circles and not sleeping well opened the door of the garden house and walked in with a yawn. Seeing Wang Yan punching, he lit a cigarette and sat on the bamboo chair in the yard. On the ground, his eyes were blurred without thinking.

After punching and moving his body, Wang Yan wiped his face with a towel, and looked at the silly boy with a smile: "How is it, how does it feel to be a man?"

Qi Si grinned and bared his little white teeth, but didn't speak.

"Okay, look at your appearance, I don't need you to follow me today, take a good rest at home. Don't be stubborn, I'm afraid I'll lose a coffee shop if you hit someone with your car, young people just don't know how to restrain themselves, Go to sleep now."

"Thank you, brother Yan." Qi Si yawned and stood up, not even able to stop for a while, and then slowly swayed into the room.

Wang Yan shook his head and smiled. After washing up, he drove to have breakfast, and then went to the arresting room to have a look.The inspector really doesn't have much work to do, but he still needs to understand the situation in his jurisdiction.For example, how many people died last night, how many were hacked to death, and how many were killed by collapse.

In the Shanghai Bund under the night, there are dangers of life everywhere.Many people come every day, and many people die every day.Some are for the money, some are for a bite of food, some are for the blood and faith that is hard to cool.

After understanding the situation and confirming that there was no problem, Wang Yan went to the warehouse at North Station to check the shipment situation.As long as he does these things well and lets the French make money, he can be happy.

The previous batch of goods has been shipped out during this period of time, and the money is also returning one after another.The French have begun to contact a new batch of cargo shipments, continuing the journey of making a fortune in the Far East that has lasted for many years.

In the evening, Wang Yan drove to Dafuhao at the intersection of Xiafei Road and Father Jin Road. Of course, this place is not as prosperous and famous as Paramount, but it is actually not bad.The main reason is that the main business of Dafuhao and Paramount is different.Paramount is mainly dancing and socializing, drinking and watching shows, but the rich man runs a casino, provides a place to smoke big cigarettes, and has a striptease show, and the rich man is even worse.

Opened in the French Concession, Wang Yan, the newly-appointed inspector of the Central District Huabu, naturally has more popularity.As soon as he got to the door, someone came and led him in.

"What is Detective Wang doing today?"

"I haven't eaten yet, let your chef make me some decent meals, and we'll talk about it after we finish eating."

Immediately, Wang Yan was taken to a corner on the first floor, where there was a singing and dancing performance on the first floor, gambling and opium smoking on the second floor, and a room on the third floor for guests to smoke opium and rest.This is due to the integration of Chinese and Western cultures, entertainment venues have a hotel-like nature.Without exception, there are also foreigners behind them.For example, this rich man, as far as Wang Yan knows, is a partnership of a few people from the public board of directors, run by compradors and involving the Green Gang, and finally set up such a stall.

In fact, it's nothing. In this era, the Youth Gang is very powerful, and all walks of life have the participation of the Youth Gang.The rickshaw pullers pulling carts at the bottom, and even some beggar gangs with no conscience, all have the shadow of the Green Gang.In addition, there are various trade unions, and the Youth Gang is actually playing a role.

As for compradors, to be honest, what Wang Yan did was comprador work.He helps foreigners earn Chinese money, and while it does help China, it doesn't change the essence of what he's doing.

He just sat down on the seat, Liu Yitong walked over unsteadily, and sat down opposite: "I thought your Inspector Wang just died, old man, and you have to calm down for a while. I didn't expect that the first seven days are only two days old." , come out chic?"

"Hey, how can you be unrestrained, just come over to have dinner and drink some wine. Besides, people can't be resurrected after death, and those who are alive have to live their own lives. But you, Captain Liu, are really unrestrained, eating and drinking every day Have fun, there is nothing to worry about. Unlike me, if the Japanese force me to cooperate, I will earn a lot of money for the French, which is difficult..."

"You're a full man who doesn't know evil and a hungry man. I still want to be like you, but I don't have the ability." Liu Yitong sighed and shook his head, and lit his cigarette with a melancholy expression.

Wang Yan leaned forward: "You helped me twice, you reciprocated, I also helped you once, and returned your favor, what do you think?"

Liu Yitong also moved forward, shortening the distance with Wang Yan, staring at Wang Yan tightly with his eyes, and muttering, "You don't want to help me kill Kang Haibo, do you?"

"Smart! Then Kang Haibo is a piece of trash, and you're almost emptying him out. What are you keeping him for? If you can't do it yourself, I'll help you. Push it back to the military commander, and everything will be fine."

"If I wanted to do something, I would have killed him long ago. As for staying until today?" Liu Yitong shook his head, sighed and leaned back on the chair tiredly: "Why don't you say I'm not in charge? Is it because I'm afraid of being like you? Being targeted by the Japanese? Now that he is at the front, flirting with the Japanese, I will save myself trouble. If I take the position of inspector, do you think the Japanese will let me go?"

"Some things cannot be hidden. You are different from me. I cooperate with the French to make money. When I was the captain, I was in trouble. Your words are more useful than Kang Haibo's in your three teams. You Do you think the Japanese don’t know? Don’t lie to yourself, Lao Liu, you won’t be able to escape.” Wang Yan looked at him with a smile: “And have you ever thought that now that Kang Haibo is flirting with the Japanese, when will he be serious? In order to consolidate power, he encouraged the Japanese to kill you. There is no place for you to cry. Only when you go up, the Japanese will not act rashly. After all, the captain and the detective are different in the French and Japanese .”

Liu Yitong's eyes flickered, obviously listening.In fact, not only did he listen to it, but he was also terrified when he heard it.Because as Wang Yan said, if Kang Haibo asked the Japanese to get rid of him, the Japanese would kill him without hesitation in order to control the more obedient Kang Haibo.

The reason why he didn't come to get him now was maybe because he didn't have a good talk with Kang Haibo, or maybe he didn't find a suitable opportunity.After all, he is not Wang Yan, who is rumored to be more capable of fighting in Shanghai, and he always hugs when he goes out.

After smoking a cigarette, he didn't make up his mind until the waiter began to serve Wang Yan one by one. He helped pour Wang Yan's wine and poured himself another glass. He raised his glass and said, "Then I'll leave it to you." ?”

"Of course, I guarantee that Kang Haibo won't survive three days."

What Wang Yan said was very ordinary, killing a lot of people is nothing more than a big problem.And this Kang Haibo is definitely not a member of the military command, let alone the Red Party.Because he can go undercover to the level of a detective, how could he be such a fool.To a certain extent, such special agents are elites.Even if he can't reach a high position for various reasons, he is definitely not a small role that can be dismissed casually, and there must be something special about him.

After deciding on this matter, Liu Yitong ate and drank with Wang Yan, just chatting about the French, the Japanese, and the two parties. For their sake, these are all issues that must be faced. .The Japanese warships are cruising overseas, and the garrisons are in Hongkou, Pudong, and Hongqiao. The French can't keep them, so they have to find a way to get both sides.

While the two were eating and drinking, a woman groaned artificially: "Isn't this Detective Wang? It's been a long time."

Liu Yitong looked at the flirtatious Wang Manchun, and blinked at Wang Yan: "I won't disturb your Inspector Wang's good mood, miss, sit with me and go."

Wang Manchun looked at the smiling Wang Yan, pouted and said, "Isn't Detective Wang very happy to see me?"

"My understanding of women is very simple, those who can sleep, those who cannot, those who are allowed to sleep, and those who are not allowed to sleep. Obviously, we couldn't talk about having a good time last time. You know who I am, know my reputation, and To put it up, it means that you are ready, but you still play hard to get with me. I am not interested in talking to women, because I am waving and there are women who want to go to bed with me. So if you still Play me the same way as last time, I promise, your end will be miserable. Now, I will give you a chance to think about it. If you make a decision, stay, if you don't make a decision, get out of here."

Wang Manchun tried his best to control his facial expression, and said with a charming smile: "Inspector Wang is really impatient, do you treat all women like this? Women are just playthings in your eyes?"

Wang Manchun's words were obviously moved from his true feelings, not just a joke.She just wanted to get rid of her identity as a woman, a woman who made achievements no worse than men, a decent strong woman, just went astray.

Wang Yan shook his head and smiled: "Of course not, it's just that when you approached me, you used your face and figure as a woman, and that's what I like too. A person who hides his head and shows his tail, and doesn't say where he is from, the two of us still love each other." Is there anything else to say? My intuition tells me that you are not a simple woman, you are a very dangerous woman. "

"Then you still dare to sleep with me? Are you not afraid?"

"Why not? I like your face and your figure. As the saying goes, if you die under the peony flower, you can be a ghost. I am willing to take such a beautiful poison. I wish I could get more of it, so that I can be poisoned to death sooner."

Wang Yan didn't want to talk coquettishly to Wang Manchun, a vicious beauty with a vicious heart.No matter what Wang Manchun's purpose is, this advantage must be taken.He is not afraid of any conspiracies and tricks, he only wants the painted skin of a beautiful woman...

He nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "It seems that you have already decided, very good. Have you had dinner? Let's have something together?"

"Forget it, I'll just drink." Wang Manchun asked the waiter not far away for another cup, poured it for himself, and licked his pink tongue at Wang Yan, showing annoyance: "Recently, I haven't seen you in every dance hall in Shanghai, this is not like your style."

"It's nothing, the Japanese forced my nanny to monitor me, and even installed monitoring equipment in my home. A boy found out, and I had tossed with the Japanese for two days. Later, the old man I kowtowed and worshiped was sanctioned by the military anti-rape team , his son is useless again, this is not busy with the funeral, but also dispose of those properties, and toss for several days. Besides, you should also know that I work for the French and help them make money, and those things are also If you want me to worry, how can I have time to go out and have fun? It was only today that I was free, and you showed up again, this is fate."

Wang Manchun smiled and said, "That's really a coincidence."

"What a coincidence?"

Looking at Wang Yan's smiling eyes, Wang Manchun rolled his eyes and asked instead, "I heard that your parents were workers before?"

"Yes, I was killed by a bald man. Because I had already paid homage to Lin Hongyuan at that time, and had nothing to do with those things, so I escaped. Otherwise, I would have escaped death back then."

"Then how do you feel about the Chongqing government and the Red Party? Hate?"

Wang Yan shook his head: "It's because of fear. My parents are gone. I can't accept this kind of hatred. I just want to live a life of wealth. Although I am not filial, I know that I have done a lot of evil, so I only care about enjoying myself. I don't want children. You I can’t afford to offend either of the two groups of people mentioned, and either group can easily kill me. Now the Japanese make it difficult for me to get along with these two groups. How difficult do you think it is for me to be caught? Every day Being a grandson like walking on eggshells is afraid of offending some group of people.

But it's also because I don't have a family. If one person is full and the whole family is not hungry, I will die, which saves a lot of trouble.Otherwise, you say, no matter which group of people kidnapped my family and threatened them, that is not something I can bear.I really have the foresight..."

He talked about the sad part, and he also talked about the sad part, drinking heavily to relieve his worries...

The problem of his parents is something he cannot avoid, and his identity information is also public, there is no secret at all.Tian Biao asked him before, why didn't he mention it?It's just that I'm afraid that if I say something wrong, it will make Wang Yan feel bad, and it will be terrible if I specifically make trouble with their military commander.So just skip it and pretend you don't know.

Now that Wang Manchun asked, on the one hand, there was nothing to talk about, and on the other hand, it was because of this background that people really had to remain suspicious.Of course, even if Wang Yan didn't come from such a background, he wouldn't be able to escape suspicion.

Wang Manchun stared wide-eyed, looking at Wang Yan who showed his true feelings, and tried his best to distinguish whether it was true or not.In the end, she felt that there should be more sincerity.

Wang Yan is a contradictory person. On the one hand, he has a deep relationship with the Nanjing government and the Red Party at the time, and on the other hand, he joined the Youth Gang and fought from a young hooligan.On the one hand, he likes money and sex, and on the other hand, he does not leave any heirs to inherit wealth, and only wants to be chic.Sometimes he treats the poor well, but sometimes he does very bad things, making it difficult to grasp what he is thinking.Just like what Wang Yan was proud of, she had no family, and besides money and sex, she had almost no weaknesses, so she was a difficult person to deal with. If it wasn't for this, she wouldn't have come out to seduce her.

Glancing at Wang Manchun who was in deep thought, Wang Yan continued to drink heavily, the little girl is still too tender...

Just chatting without saying a word, Wang Yan had enough food and drink, and it was still early, so he took Wang Manchun to gamble together. After winning a little, he dragged her to go upstairs.

Wang Manchun resisted: "I'm not that kind of cheap dancer, who knows what people did in the guest room here before? Let's change the place."

"where to?"

Wang Manchun leaned weakly on Wang Yan: "Go to your house, I have inquired about it, but I haven't heard of any women you brought home, I want to be the first one."

"You are a woman with ideas."

"Why, dare not? Forget it!"

Wang Manchun pretended to leave, but was dragged back by Wang Yan and held her in his arms. He reached out and stroked her face: "A duck with a full mouth can still run away? Just go to my house..."

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(End of this chapter)

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