Wang Yan understood that the Japanese searched his home to find useful information, and even daringly squatted next door to listen nearby to collect information from his life at home, who he called, who he met, what he said, etc. Wait, among the countless threads, there must be some connections.Even if Wang Yan didn't say anything, Rite could still analyze useful information from it.

Of course, it wasn't that Rite paid more attention to Wang Yan, it was simply that Rite had a lot of people, and they had many other channels to obtain information. It was only because of the possible gains that they allocated manpower to deploy and control.

In addition, it was also because Wang Yan had done business with the two parties openly and aboveboard for so many years. It was difficult to distinguish the real from the fake. They wanted to further confirm which side Wang Yan was from.After all, I have been in contact for so many years, if I really say that I have no contact, no one will believe it, it mainly depends on the extent of the contact.

The next day, Wang Yan got up as usual, kicked two sets of punches in the yard to move his body, after washing up, he was still wearing a police uniform and a coat, drove out to find a restaurant, had a lavish breakfast, and went to work in the arrest room. .

Now the work of the first team has been taken over by He Shaohong. He is only waiting for the superior to be the detective, so when he came, his subordinates had already dispersed.He arrived at his office, first poured a cup of hot water to make tea, then dialed the dial a few times to make a call, said a few words to hang up the phone, read the newspaper for more than an hour, and then left from the arresting room. Drive to North Station.

It is said to be North Station, but it has actually been renamed Shanghai Station, which was changed by the Japanese, but people are used to calling it, so it is still called North Station.After the Japanese occupation of Shanghai, other stations were closed, leaving only this one, where all the trains finally arrive at.It is to facilitate management and check the pedestrians and goods coming and going.

The turnover place of people and goods like the station is naturally a good place to build a warehouse.Especially when there is only this one station, and the goods at the wharf are also transported here by railway from Wusongkou, the warehouses are even more piled up.

Wang Yan's warehouse is also here. Naturally, he built it by himself in the early years. It occupies a large area and is next to Suzhou Creek.It is more than 500 meters away from the famous Sixing Warehouse.It was preserved after the previous war, not because of anything else, it's just that the Japanese didn't want to have conflicts with the French.

The goods brought by the French from foreign countries were unloaded at Wusongkou, loaded there and sent to the North Railway Station, where they were stored for statistics and looked for buyers. Some of them were handed over to others in Shanghai, and the buyers came to pick up the goods by themselves.Some are spread out through railway stations along the way, which is a huge sales network.

When Wang Yan drove to the warehouse, it was a busy scene, and there were men in rough cloth and bunts working everywhere.This is because the Japanese detained several batches of goods from overseas before, and they released them together this time.Although usually busy, but not to this level.

Wang Yan opened the door and got off the car. He lit a cigarette and took a few puffs when a dog-like young man in a suit and leather shoes ran over: "Brother."

This person is Shi Changxing, and he is Wang Yan's sincere subordinate. He was the one who called him last night.Here, I work with the company's serious manager, who is mainly responsible for managing those workers and guarding the warehouse at the same time.

"How about it, medicines and so on, the Japanese let them go, right?"

Shi Changxing pointed to a row of trucks: "Those are, they arrived yesterday, and they haven't had time to unload them yet. Damn, Little Japan is not a thing, it's just causing trouble for us."

"Be content, it would be nice if you can get it back. Do you know that in order to allow the Japanese to let them go, I have cooperated with the Japanese now?" It was useless for him to ask, and Wang Yan took the initiative to explain it again. Tell him about the day. "

"Brother, the Japanese are not good people, can we really do things for them?"

"Maybe, maybe not. It all depends on whether the foreign devils from the three countries of the United States, Britain and France can stand up. If they can do it, they just deal with little devils and play with fools. But if foreign devils can't, then they have to hang out with little devils. Taking over other people's jobs, they can kill us at any time, and we can't do anything if we want to. The situation is different now. You have to think about your words in the future, and don't go around yelling that the Japanese are not good people.

How many spies do you know in Shanghai now?How many are Japanese spies?Are you aware of any of your subordinates?It doesn't matter what you do, whether it's with the Kuomintang or the Red Party, it doesn't matter, I don't care about you.But you can't show distaste for the Japanese, understand?Most of the time, you represent me. If others listen to what you say, will they think that I taught you?If you want to die yourself, I won't stop you, but don't implicate me, you know? "

"I'm just saying it casually. It's really the Japanese who are too bad and have delayed us for so long. Brother, don't worry, I will definitely keep my mouth shut in the future and never talk about anything related to the Japanese."

Glancing at him, Wang Yan didn't continue the topic, and asked, "Last night, do what I told you to do quickly, to save face, and to be at ease."

"Yes, brother, then shall I go to work?"

"Are you asking me?"

Shi Changxing gave himself a small mouth, waved his hand, turned around and ran away, it was too difficult to serve.

Wang Yan found the manager, inquired about the situation of the transaction, and explained some precautions. It was already noon at this time, and after he drove to have lunch, he returned to the arresting room to drink tea and read the newspaper for a rest.

When it was nearly two o'clock in the afternoon, there was a knock on the door, which woke up Wang Yan who was taking a nap. He yawned and said, "Come in."

After the words fell, a Hua catcher under him came in with a half-year-old boy of fifteen or sixteen, and the Hua catcher said: "Captain, this kid is yelling outside that he has something important to report to you, and that it is about your business." I dare not stop him for his safety, so I can only bring him to see you."

Wang Yan rubbed his eyes, regained his energy, picked up the cup to drink some water, but found that the water in it was already cold, took a sip to quench his thirst, and pushed the cup: "Pour me some hot water. "

The little policeman responded, and staggered to the side with the water cup, and poured water from the thermos.

"Tell me, boy, what else could be related to my safety? Let me tell you first. If you can't explain why and come here to amuse me when you're bored with life, then there's still time for you to leave now."

This is a kid who is dressed in ill-fitting rags and looks clean overall.Hearing Wang Yan's question, he shook his head again and again: "Now in Shanghai, who doesn't know that you are going to be promoted to inspector soon? Even if you give me eight courages, I wouldn't dare to entertain you, old man. I really have something to tell you."

"Say it! Don't whine about it." Wang Yan took a sip of the hot water and looked at the kid in front of him.

"Today I came over on Julaida Road. When I passed by your house, I saw people sneaking in and out of the western-style building next to your house. I remember very clearly that there was no one living in that house before. I heard it was The owner of the house has gone abroad. If it is the owner of the house, you don’t have to act like a thief. I think these people may not be good people, they are either stealing things, or they want to harm you, so they rushed to report to you.”

Wang Yan frowned, took a cigarette in his mouth, and let the little policeman light it up: "Are you sure you read it right?"

"I'm sure. I checked the house number several times on purpose. People can't read it wrong. There are two of them, both wearing black clothes. It's not easy to see."

Xiaohua caught and said: "Captain, I think what this kid said is not fake. Just to be on the safe side, let's ask the brothers to go back and have a look. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case."

"Nonsense, is that our jurisdiction? Just gather the brothers over there, are we going to catch the thief, or are we going to challenge the brothers from other arresting houses? Listen to the wind and rain, and talk but brains, get out of here."

Glancing at his subordinates, Wang Yan, with a cigarette in his mouth, grabbed the phone and started dialing. After a while, the call was connected: "Hi, Lao Liu, I'm Wang Yan. Someone told me that my neighbor was burglarized, yes, It’s the owner of the house who went abroad and has been vacant for several years. It is said that they are all wearing black clothes, which is not simple at first glance, maybe they are secret agents. Brother’s wealth and life are all on you. Hurry up and call brothers to surround the house Don't let people run away, I will take people there right away."

Hanging up the phone with a snap, Wang Yan put on his hat and coat, took out his wallet, and took out a fifty-dollar bill: "It's yours."

"I don't want money, I want to do things with you."

"Then you take this money, go take a bath, get a haircut, buy some decent new clothes, and come here to find me tomorrow." After finishing speaking, Wang Yan turned around and left, telling that Xiaohua arrester: "Go, find ten brothers." , drove the car from the arrest house. Damn it, I want to see which bastard dares to fall in love with me."

Following the sound of Xiaohua's whistle, a group of people came running back in a short while, fully armed, got into the car in a hurry, and set off after Wang Yan's car.

The boy who reported the letter looked at Wang Yan leaving, curled his lips, what a fake acting.He shook his head, took out the cigarette that he had just unloaded from the desk, lit a cigarette, and left the central arresting room gracefully...

At this time, Julaida Road was not quiet. The old Liu from the arresting house on Xiafei Road gave Wang Yan face very much. The first time he received Wang Yan's call, he took dozens of people into the car and set off, very simply. They surrounded Wang Yan's house and the adjacent garden house, and expropriated the neighbor's house on the other side.Lao Liu was not afraid of anything, anyway, he was doing things for Wang Yan, and Wang Yan was in charge of him, and it was considered a performance, so of course it would be as lively as it was.

So when Wang Yan led the people to the place, a group of people with long guns and short guns surrounded them, holding an iron cylinder to amplify the sound, so that the people inside would come out on their own initiative, but they would not attack.

Wang Yan acted as though he didn't understand the situation, and ran to Captain Xia Feilu: "How is it, old Liu?"

Old Liu's full name is Liu Yitong. He is one year older than Wang Yan. He is a good man with a wife and children.He has a lot of ability. When others shoot at him, he goes to the theater; when others watch the movie, he takes credit;It's just that the inspector on his head is less than 40 years old, and unless he dies, he won't be able to take the position.It is estimated that they are studying how to let the detective die, they are all rebellious twenty-five boys.

"Brother, don't worry, everything is under control, little thief, where can he go?" Liu Yitong patted his chest, as if he was really awesome.

Wang Yan nodded: "Thank you, Lao Liu, I'll catch people first, and later I'll treat my brothers to dinner."

"Hey, what are you talking about? They are all my brothers. Hurry up and arrest people. This place is full of rich people, and there are many foreigners. We make too much noise and have a bad influence. We will be scolded when we turn around. Brother I’m here to give you a raid, and I promise that no one will escape.”

Wang Yan touched Lao Liu's shoulder, took out a pistol from his pocket, loaded it with a click, and turned his head to tell his subordinates: "Five in the back and five in the front, but if there is any resistance, shoot them to death immediately, take action."

The combat power of the patrol is time-sharing. If it is in the concession, if there is a gun battle between Rite and the military commander or the Red Party, or there are other robbers and strongmen, then they are basically useless and will only hide in the distance to watch the excitement. After they were done, they went up to collect the corpse.

But if he did things for the leaders like this, and knew that Wang Yan would not treat them badly, then his fighting power would still be sufficient.Because there is an assessment before joining the police station, and after joining, you have to go through a period of police training before you are assigned to work.

So after the sound of guns being unloaded and loaded, the ten people were divided into two teams, with Wang Yan following behind.

When it was estimated that the people behind were already in place, a tall and burly man went up and kicked open the door, and the people behind also smashed the window and rushed in.

The development of things is often dramatic. When the sword is about to launch an attack, a voice suddenly came from the western building: "Inspector Wang, this is a misunderstanding, everyone is our own."

"Then you put down your weapons and surrender, and then we will see if there is a misunderstanding."

Wang Yan waved his hand, the attack did not stop, the Hua arresters under him were still carefully searching the room, advancing little by little.

At this time, following the sound of footsteps, the two dressed in black, raised their hands with unlucky faces, and walked downstairs cautiously facing the muzzle of the gun.

When the two of them stood in the living room on the first floor, Wang Yan's subordinates went up without saying a word, kicked their legs to make them kneel down, and then tied them up with hemp rope. At the same time, they began to search the house to see if there were any left Drop something explosive.

The strangled grinning one looked at Wang Yan and said, "Inspector Wang, we were all sent by Mr. Meng Chunping."

He felt quite wronged. He was monitoring well and had nothing to do. He was quite leisurely.Unexpectedly, dozens of people suddenly came and surrounded the two of them, and neither of them even knew how they were exposed.

But the two of them are also very straightforward, because the team leader confessed when they came, and they surrendered when they were discovered. If they survived, they would suffer some flesh and blood, no big deal...

Meng Chunping is the Chinese name of Ichiro Muramoto.They can't say in public that they are spies of the Shanghai Special High School, so they can only take advantage of this.

Wang Yan squinted at them: "Whether it's Mengchun or Jiaochun, today's matter is not so easy to pass."

At this time, hurried footsteps came from upstairs: "Captain, they are monitoring you."

Wang Yan looked at the equipment held in the hands of the young boy with his head out on the stairs, and drew his big mouth on Rite's face who was speaking. He saw two teeth flying in the air, and rolled twice on the ground.

He was still angry, and kicked another Rit who didn't speak to the side, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Send the two of them back to the arresting room, and give me a good meal first. Leave the five brothers behind, search my house carefully, and find those monitoring devices for me."

Wang Yan walked out with a sullen face, and handed over to Liu Yitong, who had already heard the situation inside and gloated a little: "Thank you, Lao Liu, you take these brothers to choose a place to play at night, and pay my bills. Another day, I will be alone again." Invite your old Liu to drink."

"That brother will be disrespectful. Be careful yourself." Lao Liu leaned forward and said, "It's a lot of trouble if you get involved with the Japanese. You need help to talk at any time."

Wang Yan patted Lao Liu on the shoulder, and watched Lao Liu close the group and leave. He swept the crowd of onlookers with a gloomy face, snorted, and entered his garden house...

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