Chapter 598
The torrential rain has never stopped, and there is still no sign of it becoming smaller. Bean-sized raindrops crackle on the windows, and there are lightning bolts and thunder rumbling in the distant sky from time to time.

There was another thunder, and the trembling window lattices trembled three times.In the dark study room, only a desk lamp with a dim yellow light was on. Lu Boda, Secretary of the Shanghai Underground Party Organization, put down the paper that was full of handwriting and signed 'Pei Min' in a flurry of handwriting. Then, from the small box, He took out the film and unfolded it, placed it under the lamp, and adjusted the angle.

In the film was Xia Changguo's death lying on the sofa, and a pool of blood seemed to spread out through the film.The corpses lined up in the living room proved that these Japanese spies were buried with Xia Changguo.

He let out a long sigh, shook his head helplessly, put down the film, picked up the cigarette, lit it with the kerosene lighter, and then picked up the flame written on the paper that was close to the lighter. In an instant, the flame rose and burned from bottom to bottom. superior.

He put the burning paper into the ashtray on the table, watched the paper burn out little by little, breathed in the smell of burning paper that filled his nose, took a puff of cigarettes, and his thoughts wandered.

He knows about Xia Changguo. The Shanghai underground party organization, because of April 11 [-] years ago, because of the struggles of these years, and because of the previous Songhu battle, the number of people has fluctuated, from thousands of people to Dozens of people, then hundreds of people, until now, the entire underground party organization in Shanghai has only a few hundred people.Under such circumstances, how could he not know Xia Changguo, an old party member?

This is a time-tested fighter. Over the years, he has never made a mistake on the hidden front. He is capable and meticulous.But such a soldier only survived for three hours under the torture of the Japanese invaders.As Pei Min said, if Xia Changguo survives until the second day, then this time he will definitely not lose eight comrades, and the loss of eight at the same time will bring great strategic significance to a front. This is definitely not the lives of eight comrades as simple as that.

In particular, Xia Changguo betrayed his upline, who was also Xia Changguo's introduction to the party and a good partner who had fought side by side for many years.The more information this comrade knows, the greater the disaster.He hasn't slept much in the past two days, and has been in emergency contact to redeploy.Those comrades can no longer stay in Shanghai, and work underground without the slightest risk.Otherwise, a mistake, that is a devastating blow.There is no room for carelessness in the hidden front.

They are all flesh and blood, of course it is impossible to say nothing, that is not the Red Party, that is a cult.After all, it's not that there are really too few people who can still not give in and stick to their beliefs under the cruel and inhumane torture.But what to say and when to say it is the most important thing.

If Xia Changguo can survive until the next day, then he can be transferred as quickly as possible after he cannot be contacted organizationally, instead of being beaten and surrendered like before, he went to meet with his comrades and was wiped out by the Japanese invaders .

"Old Lu, how are you doing?"

At this moment, a gentle-looking middle-aged woman came over with a water glass and put it on the table.

This is Lu Boda's daughter-in-law, Liu Qiulan. As the daughter-in-law of the secretary of the Shanghai underground party organization, she is of course also a member of the organization, a love formed during the revolutionary struggle.Her job is to assist Lu Boda, and she is also a telegraph operator who sends and receives telegrams and communicates with various places.The entire underground party organization in Shanghai knew of Pei Min's existence, and they were the only ones.

Lu Boda sighed, and raised his head towards the ashes in the ashtray: "Comrade Pei Min sent it, and Xia Changguo has been sanctioned. In addition, he brought [-] gold bars from Xia Changguo to pay for party fees. Contact the one in Hangzhou. Comrades on the side, let them find Xia Changguo's wife and children, orphans and widows are hard to live, and give them some money, it is the last care of the organization..."

"Already sanctioned?" Liu Qiulan's eyes widened in surprise, "We are Comrade Pei Min who just contacted yesterday, right?"

"He took advantage of the heavy rain and was in the center of the Japanese rule. With lax defense, he killed eight secret agents of the special high school, and finally cut the arteries in both of Xia Changguo's arms. Xia Changguo bled to death." Lu Boda shook his head. , sighed: "Comrade Pei Min is the operative with the strongest personal ability in our party. If it weren't for the bad influence, I would never contact Comrade Pei Min to take risks. Although I don't know what his identity is, but must have played a greater role than his ability to act."

Pei Min's reputation was not that great before, and not many people in the party knew about it, let alone enemy agents.Moreover, Pei Min has not missed a single mission during his mission so far, nor has he survived.Mysterious and powerful are his pronouns.Like a ghost hiding in the dark, no one knows when the next shot will be.

But with the rebellion of the section chief of the red team in [-], Pei Min surfaced.Many people are looking for him, including the Central Command, the Military Command, and the Japanese.With this search, he became famous and became the number one killer of the Red Party.

Since then, as long as it is a sanction action, whether it is against the party or the enemy, as long as someone dies, the first suspect is the red party Pei Min.But in fact, Pei Min hadn't done anything himself for two years, yet there was still news about what he did...

In the midst of flickering, Lu Boda smoked unconsciously, his mind no longer thinking about Comrade Pei Min, but instead thinking about the next deployment.

Liu Qiulan, who has lived together for more than ten years, knows very well that she cannot be disturbed at this time.At this time, it's not the husband and wife, but her leader...

Lu Boda took one last puff of his cigarette and extinguished the hot cigarette butt in the ashtray: "Notify the traffic team that Anhe Trading Company may be exposed, move it immediately, and set up another base..."

There were eight people arrested, and one middle-level leader, so there was no risk at all.The traffic line is the lifeblood of the organization, and the Shanghai station stronghold is the most important thing. The frontline soldiers were killed and killed, and they were asked to buy medicines, food, cloth, ammunition and other supplies here.The Soviet area lacks everything, some can be purchased through normal trade, and some can only go through the traffic line. On the journey of thousands of miles, relying on countless unknown fighters to break through one pass after another. This is the ideal of communism. A great line paved with blood...

Wang Yan drove to Wenlin Road, parked in front of a small garden house, got out of the car, opened the door, and drove the car into the courtyard.

This is also his safe house, the three caves of the cunning rabbit, and he has thirty caves.Scattered throughout Shanghai, whether it is the public concession, the French concession, or the territory of the Japanese, or the countryside outside the city.Some are single bungalows, some are dilapidated folk houses, and some are Western-style apartments as before.They were all rented with various identities, and the source of identities was obtained from his identity as the captain of the patrol room, all of them were real people.And this kind of information can be obtained from many people, so there is no suspicion of him.

As for those places where no one has been going for a long time, the neighbors will be suspicious, he is not afraid of such things.Because when he used the safe house, he would never use his face, so be suspicious.Safety is relative to his own ability.After all, even if he falls into a surrounded situation, as long as the space is large enough, there is room for turning around and hiding, then he is safe.And he rents several houses almost every month, which is a necessary expense, even if he doesn't use it.

He took off his make-up in the bungalow, restored his original appearance, put pomade on his hair, combed a shiny back, and put his glasses into the space. Then he sat on the sofa in the house and put those spies Take out all the things and check them one by one.

A total of eight pistols and 24 full magazines were received, all of which are southern Japanese pistols. These should be [-]-style special agents, with a magazine capacity of [-] rounds. The pistol is relatively small and convenient for concealed carrying.Because the combat environment of secret agents is different, what is needed is to form a strong firepower suppression in a short period of time. Whether it is killing or wounding, the priority is to quickly resolve the battle.

Of course, he has a gun himself, which is an American Colt M1911. This is a pistol that has been assembled by the US military for more than 70 years. It is sold well all over the world and is durable.In addition, he also has a Mosin Nagant sniper rifle, which he bought for long-range sniping.In addition, there are light and heavy machine guns, submachine guns, grenades and other weapons.After all, he is an action man.The living father is equipped with a wealth of weapons, enough for him to kill all directions.

It's just that he happened to sneak into the patrol room, and he did a good job, with greater value.If not, his destination should be Chongqing, to protect the central leadership working in the KMT's home.

In addition to guns, there are also some money issued by Japan, as well as French currency and US dollars, and there are not many spies. They are all poor ghosts, and there are no rich ones.Especially in the previous battle of Songhu, the national army suffered heavy casualties and retreated, but Japan had no brilliant results in three months of fighting, and the internal economic pressure was not small.

In addition, the identity cards of the eight people's special high school, this certificate is still very useful, you can enter and exit the checkpoint, and enter some places in the Japanese-occupied area, provided that you make up like that.Wang Yan can't do this, but he will continue to study and strive to reach that level.

After looking at the harvest of this trip, he received all of them in the space. He found a black top hat and buckled it, and walked out through the back door with an umbrella in his hand.After confirming that no one was paying attention, I got on a Ford car at the corner, went all the way to Julaida Road, drove the car into another small garden house, and then climbed over the three-meter-high wall in the middle , entered the same garden house next to him, followed the bulge on the wall, climbed lightly to the balcony on the second floor, and entered the house, which was his real home.

As for the household just now, it was an investment property he bought in someone else's name, and the owner went abroad to the United States.Today is a special situation, the rain is heavy, there is no one on the street, and there are no cars, and the sound of the thunderstorm is enough to cover the sound of the car engine, otherwise he would not have walked next door.Of course, they would not go so far today to sanction Xia Changguo, just to let people relax their vigilance due to thunderstorms.

One thing I have to say is that it is only a row of buildings away from Fuxu Road, where the Shanghai underground party organization is located, and it only takes more than ten minutes to walk...

Entering the house, closing the window, taking light steps, a few steps to the door of the bedroom, seeing that an inconspicuous adhesive strip was still on the door, Wang Yan took off his leather shoes and coat, and wiped the inside of the room with his shirt. Then he put all the soaked clothes and shoes into the space, pumped out the water, separated the water on it, and then took out the clothes again, hung them in his wardrobe, and made a box for the leather shoes Put away.

This is the inherent ability of his space, and it was also tested by him later.The clothes are a whole, but the water attached to the clothes is not, so it can be separated.Or it can be replaced with blood stains, which is equivalent to an efficient washing machine.Similarly, the fingerprints on the tools used can also be removed, which can be called a sharp weapon in the case.

He looked at the time, it was only nine o'clock, he took out his pajamas and changed into them, pulled on his slippers, looked at the mirror and messed up his hair, made a messy chicken nest, rubbed his face, yawned, and opened the door. The bedroom door went downstairs.

The lights downstairs had been turned off, and it was so dark that no one could be seen.Wang Yan fumbled to turn on the light, went to the kitchen to look through things, and after a while, with the sound of slippers being scraped, an elderly woman in her 40s came out and said with concern: "Sir, you Better?"

This woman came in last year and was responsible for cooking, washing and cleaning the house.The family is local, the man is a rickshaw driver, and the son is a student of Guanghua University.Originally, he didn't want to stay here. After all, as the head of the central police station in the French Concession and a disciple of the Youth Gang, he had countless entertainments every day.Her husband and son are also waiting to eat, so she doesn't want to stay here.It's just a lot of money and few things.

Guanghua University is the predecessor of East China Normal University and Southwestern University of Finance and Economics.Because of the war, some moved to Sichuan, and some remained in Shanghai.Her son didn't leave, otherwise, the old couple would have moved away with the school long ago, and they would have a son for the rest of their lives, and now they are making money for their son to marry a wife.She doesn't know the righteousness of many families and countries, and she only wishes her sons to have many children and a long life...

The tape he pasted on the door was for the nanny.Although the configuration of the living father has always been reliable, but now the environment is different, and his identity is also different.Doubting everything is the quality that a lone traveler should have.

Wang Yan shook his head listlessly, and put his arms around his hair: "I still don't feel well, I didn't eat at night, and I woke up hungry. Aunt Li, help me get some more food, boil some water, and take a hot bath later. Sweat in a bath."

"Why don't you take some medicine?"

"No, just eat, take a shower, and sleep later." Wang Yan waved his hand and asked, "Did anyone call me during this time?"

"Mr. He under your command called to care about your situation, and Mr. Lin Hongyuan asked you to go to Fude Restaurant for lunch tomorrow at noon, so you must attend the appointment."

"Okay, I see, you should be busy." Yawning, Wang Yan went to the living room to get the phonograph to play music, sat on the sofa and poured a glass of boiled water, picked up the newspaper and flipped through it.

Aunt Li was nimble, and in a short while she cooked a bowl of steaming egg noodles and put them on the dining table, as well as two side dishes, and then went to get Wang Yan's bath water.

The craftsmanship wasn't great, but it wasn't too bad either. Wang Yan ate a large bowl of noodles, drank a pot of hot rice wine, waited for a while, and went to the bathroom upstairs to take a bath in comfort. Then he went up to the large study room on the third floor wearing a bathrobe, and the entire third floor was a study room.

Opening the window and looking out, before I knew it, the torrential rain that had been raining for most of the day had stopped and turned into a drizzle.Taking a deep breath of fresh air and closing the window, Wang Yan turned around and walked up the steps to the attic, took out a delicate radio from the space, and contacted the organization.

Because the rainstorm affected the radio signal transmission, he thought he would send it tomorrow.But the weather is good, he finished his work, and the heavy rain stopped, so he started contacting.

He took the antenna and stood up, fumbled for a moment from a gap in the sharp corner of the attic, and pulled a mechanism. With a few drops of rain falling on his face, a piece of the ceiling was removed.

He poked the antenna out along the hole, fixed it, then turned on the radio with a click, and adjusted it for a while. Pressing the button of the report, the indicator light on the radio was flashing, and the radio signal traveled thousands of miles in an instant, and came to a courtyard in Chongqing.

"Yesterday, Jing Zhe called me. A liaison officer was arrested by the enemy agents. He surrendered and confessed within three hours. Eight comrades were arrested and suffered heavy losses. I was sent to find an opportunity to punish me as a warning. Today, the heavy rain in Shanghai continued. I thought it was a good opportunity and learned the address of the rebel. Immediate action. The sanction is successful, and another eight Japanese specials will be killed, and twenty gold bars will be awarded, and Jingzhe will be given enough party fees. Pei."

Jing Zhe, Secretary of the Shanghai Underground Party Organization, code name of Lu Boda.The Waking of Insects symbolizes the rebirth of all things. Compared with the Anti-Japanese War, there will always be a day of success, and the cause of the Red Party will always have a day of success.

The handsome man looked at the information, shook his head and smiled, took a sip of water, and looked at the assistant in front of him: "Call me back immediately, I have already learned about it, concentrate on my work, make my own decisions when things happen, report after the event, do what I can, don't be brave, and pay attention to safety. "

He has always made overall arrangements for the work on the transportation line and the hidden front. He is Pei Min's direct leader. Now that he is communicating with the two parties in Chongqing, naturally the news will be sent to him.Before that, Jing Zhe had already reported the situation in detail, and also gave Pei Min some credit.

But obviously, the handsome man has a deep understanding of Pei Min's fighting power, and kindly told Pei Min.Speaking of which, this is also an old comrade who has struggled for more than ten years. Back then, he was still a young boy with a stunned head...

Wang Yan wore earphones and listened quietly to the message that came back.I didn’t get a piece of paper to record, and then took the cipher book to translate. It’s really a pity for his brain. He memorized several cipher books, some of which are in use, spare ones, and contacts with Shanghai’s underground party organizations, and even There are also those who contact Yan'an, in order not to let him lose contact with the party organization.

So while he was listening, he flipped through the pages, and after the indicator light of the radio flickered for a while, he turned off the radio neatly, put away the antenna, and stuffed the removed ceiling block back.

The leadership instructions are simple.

Concentrating on his work, he has only two jobs, one is to provide supplies to the Soviet area, and the other is to be the captain of the patrol room.This is to tell him that supplies will continue to be sent, and the position of the patrol room is a bit low now, and the qualifications are enough, so he must find a way to get up.

Self-determination in case of problems, reporting after the event, this is decentralization.He has always been a loner, always doing things cheaply, just to emphasize again, doing things flexibly.

In the end, do what you can, don't be brave, and pay attention to safety, that's an exhortation.Although the words are few and the words are simple, the care is there.Speaking of which, the handsome man is only 11 years older than him, so it can be regarded as the care of the big brother...

After cleaning up a few drops of rainwater on the floor, I went back to the second floor and lay down in the bedroom, closing my eyes and trying to fall asleep.

After all, I haven't used a knife for decades...

The next day, there was no clear sky after the rain, it was still cloudy and cloudy.

Putting on the ugly police uniform of the patrol room, wearing a gun, having breakfast, putting on a fur coat, Wang Yan drove to the central patrol room to go to work.This is the area before the expansion of the concession, not far from the famous Xiafei Road.

Before the car reached the gate of the police station, two Chinese policemen, shivering with cold, nodded and bowed to the gate standing guard at the gate from a distance.Wang Yan did a bit of the horn, and the two became even more excited, baring their teeth and waving their hands in greeting.

He drove the car directly to the open space in front of the building and stopped. Wang Yan, who was shiny and big-backed, got out of the car, pulled out a fur coat from the car and put it on, and took out a cigarette from his pocket. With a smile, he came over to light a cigarette with trembling hands protecting the match.

Glancing at the young boy, Wang Yan stepped forward to light a cigarette, puffed out the cigarette and said with a smile, "I remember you are from my family, why are you called Wang?"

"By the way, the younger one is called Wang Yongkui. He just entered our patrol room and was assigned to the second team."

"You're not bad, work hard, don't make trouble for yourself, if you let Lao Fang's petty eyes see it, you will suffer." Slapped the remaining half pack of cigarettes on his chest, and pushed it aside , Wang Yan walked towards the building with a smile.

Lao Fang, Fang Yuantu, captain of the second team.At the same level and with the same path of ascent, it is difficult to have a good relationship.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Wang Yan raised his head to respond to those who greeted him with a smile all the way, which well demonstrated his good popularity.

Turn left on the first floor and walk to the end, open the double doors and enter into a large space, which is the office of a team of patrol room police.At this moment, everyone is already in place, some are eating raw fried rice, some are eating small wontons, and some are sleeping on the table, their state is roughly the same as the morning in the later school.

Seeing Wang Yan come in, everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and stood up in unison. Even those sleeping on the table were slapped on the back of the head and screamed.

A man in his thirties who was eating small wontons and soup came over: "Brother Yan, do you feel better? If not, you can go back and rest, I'll just keep an eye on it."

This is what Aunt Li said about Mr. He who called to care about the situation. He Shaohong is the deputy captain.Four years older than Wang Yan, 33 this year.Originally, the captain should belong to him, but he couldn't hold back someone Wang who was quick to do things and would make money, and he had a relationship with the Youth Gang. This kid has been the vice captain for seven years.

"You think I'm in trouble? It's just that I've been exposed to the wind, so I'll be fine after a night of sleep." Wang Yan pulled him aside, and waved at the sleeping one: "Xiao Zhang, come quickly."

The man who was sleeping on the table just shrank his neck, but he still bravely approached.

"Did you gamble again last night?"

"No, no, absolutely not." Xiao Zhang shook his head again and again, and hurriedly explained: "It just rained yesterday, the room was too humid, and the child caught a cold again, and he didn't fall asleep all night."

"If you let me know that you gamble again, you know the consequences. Go back and take your child to see a doctor. A minor illness will turn into a serious illness, and there is no place to cry." Wang Yan took out a stack of French coins from his pocket, counted out a few and stuffed them in. in his pocket, and then kicked the kid aside.

Instead of talking to the skinless brat, Wang Yan waved his hand: "Okay, what should we do? The team leader and Lao He came to my office for a meeting."

A team of more than 20 people, four team leaders, one vice-captain, and one captain.

The composition of these people is also very complicated. According to observations in the past week, some have family connections, some are daring to fight, and some are backed by the Youth Gang. This is superficial.Behind the scenes, there may be military commanders, Red Party members, or maybe even Japanese spies.

When the central government was in Shanghai, it infiltrated various places, some were arrested, some were transferred, and there must still be some.On the side of the military command and the central government, as old enemies who compete with each other and jointly deal with the Red Party, and they themselves have a relatively close connection with the Youth Gang, it is only normal to deploy some people.

As for the Japanese spies, before the war started, the Japanese spies had already mastered China's hydrographic and geographical information, which provided a great boost to the war.The speed of taking over Shanghai is so fast, it is absolutely impossible to say that there are no people placed or bought in the French Concession Board of Directors.

It's just because the time is too short, Wang Yan hasn't figured it out yet.Maybe, maybe not.

This is just the first detective team of the central patrol room with only more than 20 people. From the small to the big, one can imagine what Shanghai is like now.

After a wave of performance, Wang Yan turned around and went to an independent office inside. Two team leaders ran over from behind to open the door. Lao He was holding on to his fur coat behind him, and a group of people walked in.

Opened the drawer, took out a pack of cigarettes, lit one, threw it on the table, and signaled him to pick it up, Wang Yan puffed out the cigarette and asked, "Tell me, what happened yesterday."

"Brother Yan, everything is normal." After glancing at the other four people, Lao He said, "It rained heavily yesterday, and no one wanted to come out to make a fuss. Two little beggars died, four people were hacked to death, and two people were shot to death. Unknown. As usual, the post-mortem examination has been processed, and those who did not come to report the case early in the morning did not report it."

Lao He said it easily, because this was the day with the least number of deaths in their jurisdiction in the past two months.In these years, it is not used to not dying every day.

Seeing Wang Yan nodding, a group leader smiled and said, "Brother Yan, I heard that something happened to the Japanese this morning."


"I heard that they caught a Red Party, and they have already recruited them. The apartment in Hongkou is offering food and drink. As a result, he was killed last night, and several Japanese spies died..."

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(End of this chapter)

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