Children are always so carefree. After dinner, the sky is still bright. Children from four to eight years old are wearing vests and shorts, slippers and sandals, showing their little black feet.It's not that I don't wash my feet, it's that I can't keep it after washing.Outside this alley is still a dirt road, the dust raised during the running, mixed with the sweat from the birth, and the feet are dirty.

There was a child facing the wall, with his hands folded on the wall, his head pressed against his arms, and he looked at the ground under his feet with his eyes open. From time to time, he moved his body pretending to be uncomfortable, and peeked at the situation on both sides.He was still talking loudly, counting from one to one hundred.

And the other little boys ran away in a hurry, hiding everywhere in this not very long alley, and some even climbed up to the house, making chickens fly like dogs.There is also a warning to the counting boy not to look around, or he will be called to do so.

In such a situation, one can tell at a glance that they are playing an ancient game that has been passed down for thousands of years, hide and seek.

Following the counting boy, he counted to one hundred with difficulty, and ran away, but after a while, there was a burst of laughing and laughing.There are also children who have been caught, winking at the places where other people are hiding, hoping that with this help, they will not be the first to be caught out when they make another move.They have learned how to break the rules at a very young age...

Kids have kids games and grown-ups have grown-up fun.In such a midsummer night, people are basically not bored at home, and most of them stay outside.

Under the electric pole with a street lamp not far from the door of Laoguan's house, there are still Laoguan, Uncle Guo and others, who are inextricably killed.A woman was holding a small child, fanning mosquitoes and flies with a fan in her hand, chatting with other people.Talking about how life is like, talking about how the old men are doing, talking about how the mother-in-law and father-in-law are doing, and talking about how the uncles and aunts are doing.

Su Meng stared dangerously at the hairy kid running on the roof, and stood and chatted with Cai Xiaoli. The unlucky kid who checked the numbers with him was Han Chunming's son Han Yi, and the one hiding on the roof was Wang Yan's son, Wang Yan. Bin.

Not far away, Wang Yan was sitting on the horse harness he had prepared by the wall, leaning his head against the wall, smiling and looking up at his own son who was running happily on the roof without feeling the slightest aura of danger.Running on the roof of other people's houses is not to mention annoying, but also dangerous. For such a small child, if he falls well, his bones will be broken.So no matter what, you can't get away with this high and low game.

Wang Yan is very happy to cultivate children's adventurous and brave spirit, but more importantly, let them know what danger is.The reason why I didn't make any noise now is because the child has already gone up, so I can't scare the child at this time. Apparently Su Meng thinks the same way.But if you really want to say that your fate is bad, you just fell down, that's okay.If you die, you will be buried, if you are injured, you will be healed, and if you are paralyzed, you will be raised.Although this was a premature death, he became his first child who didn't grow up.But it doesn't matter, it must be a little uncomfortable, but it is definitely not life or death.After all, he doesn't know how many grandchildren he sent away, let alone his son...

He shook his head, and turned to look at Han Chunming who was just squatting beside him: "I went to Chapiaoxiang to pack meals at noon today, and I happened to meet Xiaoma there. This kid is getting married next month, and the place is with you The tea is fragrant. Save time first, don’t be unable to find someone when the time comes. When we get married, Xiao Ma has a lot of work.”

"Don't worry, how could I be so unreasonable?"

The two of them chatted one after another, either about antiques or about business.

Or because of the change of track, Han Chunming no longer picks up junk, nor does he follow Cai Xiaoli and Taozi to use the convenience of work to contact customers and make money from the difference.Now that I am doing big business, I am running around all the time, of course I earn more and I receive more.

The child is grown up too, so she doesn't have to worry too much, so Cai Xiaoli resigned a long time ago, and what she does every day is to run a mess in the capital and take care of Han Chunming's home.

This time, Han Chunming's wealth will not be exposed so easily. To be honest, he is even richer now than when he was tinkering with cars two years later, that is, in [-].Until now, their family members don't know that Han Chunming got rich, and they don't even know the current situation very well.I always thought that Cai Xiaoli worked in a trading company, Han Chunming worked in a hardware company, and their schedules did not change much.Cai Xiaoli went to work normally, going to work in the morning and returning at night. Han Chunming had to travel from time to time when he was working in the hardware company.

If it wasn't for their relatively higher living standards, it would be impossible to see how rich they are.And even if the standard of living is relatively high, they only eat meat every three to five days, and their family eats meat every meal.Of course there is a problem with this, but it means that Han Chunming and Cai Xiaoli can't live without it. After all, the child grows up and the old lady wants to enjoy the blessings.As for Han Chunming's two elder brothers and the old lady who lived with them in the past, they will not be as good as they are now.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Han Chunming's two elder brothers are not filial. They will give Han's mother some money every month so that his mother can eat and drink.This is also what it should be. Whether you can live well or not, the attitude must be there.In addition, Han's mother didn't want to live with them. Han Chunming, who had no reputation since childhood and only had a filial piety, naturally didn't want his mother to go and suffer with the two brothers.

It won't be exposed so easily, but it doesn't mean it won't be exposed.Man is a social animal, no matter how old he is, no matter how rich he is, he will inevitably have the idea of ​​wanting to be embarrassed, wanting his achievements to be seen by others, wanting to be recognized, and wanting people to praise him. A spiritual need that needs to be met.

Success will give people confidence and make people float.Baobuqi, whenever Han Chunming had a convulsion, he wanted to yell, or he was so proud of his words that people listened to them, watched them, and then passed on to the old Han's family.What's more, there is still Meng Xiaoxing with a big mouth, who may hear some news at any time, and return to Lao Han's house to hold a meeting.

In fact, Han Chunming was also in a dilemma. At the beginning, he didn't expect to make so much money, so he kept silent. Later, he made a lot of money, so it was difficult to speak up.At this moment, his brothers and sisters have not taken over his restaurant and divided his money. In fact, he is still okay with his brothers and sisters, and he didn't deliberately hide it.In the 90s in the original drama, it was really deliberately concealed.It's normal, with what happened before, no one will say anything...

While the two were chatting, Cheng Jianjun appeared around the corner on his bicycle, looked at the neighbors in the neighborhood, as well as Han Chunming's mother and wife, and rolled his eyes.

He pedaled hard a few times on purpose, braked his feet in front of Wang Yan and Han Chunming, and said loudly: "Chunming, I have already told our team leader about the consignment you were impounded. Don't worry, I will help you." Just keep an eye on it, and I will give you news in two days."

Wang Yan smiled. He was thinking that Han Chunming would not be exposed so easily, and that even if he was exposed, it would have to be Meng Xiaoxing's big mouth. He really didn't expect that Cheng Jianjun, who had been quiet for the past few years, would make the move.

Of course, Cheng Jianjun has changed a lot. He didn't get together with Cai Xiaoli, but got married and had children a long time ago.But as for the rest, the changes are relatively limited.He still went to normal university and studied political education. Cheng's father begged his grandpa to sue his grandma for help and fell to the inspection department of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. He has been working for a year now.

As the saying goes, there is nothing difficult in the world, as long as there is a heart.Cheng Jianjun couldn't deal with Wang Yan and had nowhere to attack, so he naturally turned to Han Chunming, who he knew everything about.He knew very well that with his job in Han Chunming Hardware Company, he would never be able to afford a motorcycle or provide for the family to eat meat every day, so he must have other livelihoods.But now it has not been relaxed enough to that time, all livelihoods are gray, if you don't catch it, you don't catch it, but once you catch it, you will be sure.

As for the so-called catching thieves and stealing stolen goods, Cheng Jianjun deliberately kept an eye on Han Chunming. Under the stalking and monitoring, although it was impossible to find out the details of Han Chunming, it was not a big problem to know the general trend.It is also because there are too many people doing this job now, and these people still have some energy, and they have indeed activated the market, so the government basically turns a blind eye to observe the situation and sum up experience.So after Han Chunming became bigger, although he was still cautious, he was still not as good as before.

In such a situation, Cheng Jianjun deliberately targeted it, and it is not surprising that a batch of goods was detained.It's a good thing to have credit and handle Han Chunming...

Hearing Cheng Jianjun's words suddenly, Han Chunming was about to cry. He quickly turned his head and glanced at Cai Xiaoli. His eyes fell on Cheng Jianjun, who looked concerned and righteous, and he could only smile awkwardly: "I've bothered to build the army."

"Hey, it's okay. You said that we lived in the same hospital and grew up together. Now that you have something to do, and I happen to work in the inspection department, maybe that buddy will ignore it? Don't worry, this matter Call me." Cheng Jianjun spoke very brightly, his chest slapped loudly, and then he turned his head and greeted Wang Yan next to him: "My lord, you two are calming down, I will go back first, I am busy Chunming has not had a bite of food until now."

As a matter of course, he didn't get a response, and he didn't respond, so he went back to the courtyard with the cart.

Immediately afterwards, Mother Han came over from not far away, with a serious face: "Call your elder brother, elder sister, second elder brother, second elder sister, and let them all come back."

After all, he turned around and entered the courtyard.Cai Xiaoli shrugged helplessly at Su Meng, and quickly followed her mother-in-law.

She didn't mean anything else, she just heard that her old son was in trouble, and was impounded because of his relationship with the inspection department.

But she wasn't too worried, after all, Wang Yan was sitting next to Han Chunming, so he must be able to help...

"It's just a batch of electronic watches and game consoles. I made them together with Yang Huajian. When they were sent to Fengtai, they were detained. Yang Huajian was trying to find a way, but he didn't want to bother you. Come on, my lord, you just stay here. I have to call and get criticized. This Cheng Jianjun is really..."

Han Chunming sighed, stood up on his knees, went back to the courtyard to get the phone book, and ran to the entrance of the alley to call from house to house...

"What's the situation?" Seeing Cai Xiaoli and Han Chunming leave, Su Meng ran over to find out the truth.

"Then what else could be the situation? It's not like you didn't know that Han Chunming was doing business outside. Although it is much more relaxed now, there is no clear policy after all, and there should be risks in making money on the sidelines. It's just a batch of goods being detained, no matter how normal it is." But that's all."

"Then I heard what Cheng Jianjun said, it seems to be quite strenuous? Han Chunming and Cai Xiaoli can't be arrested, right?"

Wang Yan shook his head and smiled: "It's not that serious. Just now Chunming said that Yang Huajian is trying to find a way. Even if there is no way, even if I don't help, the most serious thing is that this batch of goods is gone, or a fine is paid, it's not a big problem. "

"It's difficult for Xiaoli now. You said that for so many years, the couple made such a fortune in silence without talking to their family members. Then Han Chunming's brothers and sisters must be blamed on Xiaoli's surname. Xiaoli kept it on her daughter-in-law. Xiaoli hid it to prevent Han Chunming from telling his family members that they would drive apart the relationship between their brothers and sisters and destroy the stability and unity of the old Han family. Xiaoli is not a good person, I guess. Wait for a while to watch."

Su Meng shook her head, feeling sympathetic for what Cai Xiaoli was about to face, but also thankful that she didn't have to face these bad things because she didn't have any parents-in-law, let alone uncles and sister-in-laws.

She clicked her tongue: "You said that Cheng Jianjun is also the same age as you and Han Chunming. He is 31. How can he do such an unreasonable thing? How can he just yell at this big crowd? Now it's all right, with him like this With a loud voice, what do you think Han Chunming and Cai Xiaoli will be like in the mouths of the neighbors in this neighborhood? I think he did it on purpose."

"You still need to look at it? Whoever speaks seriously is afraid that irrelevant people won't hear it?"

If Han Chunming went to Cheng Jianjun to ask for an explanation later, Wang Yan would know it with his feet.With Han Chunming's personality, even if he knew that Cheng Jianjun was pretending, he couldn't say anything.

This is how it is when walking in the world, don't be skinny, used to being high-sounding, always under the guise of doing things that are good for others, doing things that harm others and benefit yourself, you can always take advantage, and live with your mouth in this life.

There are many such people...

No one spoke anymore, and there were more mosquitoes, Su Meng went back to the backyard to take care of her father, while Wang Yan went to the chess stand, squatted next to Lao Guan and watched chess.

"Master Admiral, Xiao Ma will get married next month, the tea will be fragrant and the wine will be served, will you grow old?"

At the old juncture, he glanced at Wang Yan: "Then this kid doesn't care too much. If you don't come over to tell Grandpa Nine Gates in person about such a big matter, you still have to tell me, kid?"

"I just decided to get married yesterday. I originally wanted to come here at night. I met him at Cha Piao Xiang at noon, so I didn't let him go again. The rag monkey doesn't know yet, Taozi I told him , and tell him by the way when he goes to eat free food."

"Sure, you tell him, let him get a big-ass jeep to pick me up, I won't sit on your three wheels and kick me. Don't miss the drink, just explain to me in the middle of the way."

Wang Yan nodded in agreement with a smile, the old boy felt sorry for his life.In fact, judging from the original drama, if Han Chunming and his brothers and sisters hadn’t opened a restaurant, Guan Xiaoguan made a big deal, which caused the old boy to get blood clots when he was angry, he should have lived for a few more years and worked hard. It's not impossible by [-]...

But after a while, when it got dark, the sons, daughters and daughters-in-law of Lao Han's family will arrive one after another, and they are also a big family.It was also at this moment that the crazy children were also called back home.

Without their playmates, Wang Bin and Han Yi ran back with a lot of enthusiasm. Wang Yan waved to them with a smile: "Han Yi, come and watch chess with grandpa."

"Sun thief, come here, grandpa will teach you how to play chess." At the old juncture, he obviously heard what Cheng Jianjun said before, and even saw the whole family who came back, so he naturally understood the situation of his beloved apprentice. That lively is good.

Rubbing Han Yi's little head, Wang Yan walked in front of his son with a smile, picked up the collar of his neck, and raised the struggling little boy in front of his eyes. The father and son looked at each other, the amiable old father , asked kindly: "Son, have I ever told you not to do dangerous things and ensure your own safety first? Have I ever told you to try not to hinder others?"

Wang Bin gave up struggling, looked at his father pitifully, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Dad, I know I was wrong, next time I will never run on other people's roofs."

"Let's go, let's go to the stadium to practice."

Ignoring the little brat who looked like he was about to die, Wang Yan put him on the ground, gave him a kick on the buttocks, and kicked him staggeringly: "A man, if you make a mistake, you have to admit it, don't be a mother-in-law, run away quickly. "

Wang Bin let out a long sigh helplessly, resigned himself to his fate and ran away, pedaling straight to the stadium, Wang Yan, his own father, trotting behind.

After arriving at the stadium, Wang Yan found a bright spot and started fighting with his own son.Gritting his teeth, the little boy charged over and over again, attacking mindlessly and desperately, and was ruthlessly thrown to the ground by his father over and over again.

Wang Yan was very measured, the hit on his body was just painful, but it wasn't too painful. When he fell to the ground, the child's skin was tender, so it was inevitable that he would be scratched a little bit, and the scar wouldn't stay, so it wasn't a big problem. .

Now I have started to teach my son to stand up and practice martial arts. Of course, the focus is on keeping fit, but at this time, keeping fit is already lethal. The little boy is still very good at fighting among his peers, and he has already reached the goal. The achievement of kicking Dongcheng Preschool, the next step will unlock the task of kicking Dongcheng Primary School...

Children, now they are not as precious as they were later, how could anyone not be mischievous or fight.Especially not long after the implementation of family planning, it was only encouraged to have one child before, but it was not said that only one child could be born.Therefore, few people listen to encouragement. Most of the children who are as old as Wang Bin have several older brothers and sisters.

Finally, after a severe beating, the sore and exhausted little boy was honest, listless, grinning, and dejected, and walked on the spacious road where the number of people was dwindling.Wang Yan was comfortably dangling from behind, smoking a cigarette.

The street lamps glowed dimly, casting the shadows of the father and son for longer and shorter periods, constantly changing...

Back home, Su Meng felt wronged by Wang Yan's cruelty, got warm water to wash off the sweat on her son's body, and babbled on with the drowsy little boy about the truth.

Su Meng is always like this, let her hit her, but she can't do it, Wang Yan hits her, she still feels distressed and unhappy, so she keeps contradicting.

That's it, Su Meng bathed her son in the house, Wang Yan washed her son's laundry outside, and listened to the noise in the old Han's house to relieve boredom.

There was no surprise. At the beginning, everyone asked Han Chunming what kind of goods had been withheld, where did he get the money to buy the goods, who did it with, when did he start doing it, whether he made money or lost money, why didn't he tell them before, etc. .

Han Chunming is filial to his mother and respects his brothers and sisters. Basically, he didn't hide much, but he didn't say how much he earned. He was afraid of scaring them.

But Cai Xiaoli was annoyed by Han Chunming's resignation.A group of people with old traditions and old ideas will use their experience to teach Han Chunming what to do, what to do and what not to do.She kept thinking that these people cared about Han Chunming's problems, but she just felt that these people's management was a bit lenient.Han Chunming is at least in his 30s, and his son is seven years old, so why should they call them a couple as if they were scolding their third grandson?

And it's not once or twice, it's from the time she married Han Chunming until now.If there is a big or small affair, they will swarm over, and you will tell me what to do with each sentence.

In her eyes, Han Chunming is very powerful, and these people are not qualified to teach him a lesson.So Cai Xiaoli, who had been holding back for so many years, turned her face for the first time.

Of course, he didn't make a scene, because she is not that kind of person after all.She just spoke softly, expressing her dissatisfaction in her words.

Now that Wang Yan came back, he caught up with Cai Xiaoli to reason with these people.She is a daughter-in-law with a different surname, and they have been in harmony for so many years. Now that they are stabbed with soft knives, it is really difficult for these people to say anything.Just as it is difficult for Han Chunming to say the same about his sister-in-law, it is also difficult for others to say the same about Cai Xiaoli.So what is going on in the house now is Cai Xiaoli's husband, and Han Chunming's status in the family is rising.But in the future, there will be no less messy things, and it will be serious for a while...

At this moment, Cheng Jianjun came out from the moon gate in the backyard, and greeted Wang Yan with a smile: "My lord, I'm doing laundry."

Wang Yan nodded with a smile and ignored it.

It's like this every time, Cheng Jianjun is used to it, but this time he didn't leave, but approached carefully: "My lord, I've thought about something, and I think I should tell you."

Seeing Wang Yan looking at him, Cheng Jianjun carefully looked at Han Chunming's house, then looked back at Su Meng who was bathing his son in the outhouse, got closer to Wang Yan, and whispered, "My lord, let me tell you , before you were always dating Su Meng, Han Chunming had an unusual relationship with Su Meng..."

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