Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 835 Solutions to the Supply Problem

Chapter 835 Solutions to the Supply Problem

The core area of ​​the Ark, Heijing.

"Preliminary measurements show that Zeus' erosion has reached 400% of the maximum danger threshold!" Demeter looked at the screen in front of him and said quickly.

She has changed out of the luxurious long dresses she likes to wear on weekdays, and put on a battle suit armed to the teeth—to be precise, she has even changed the body of the biochemical body. The current body Except for the appearance of Demeter, which still remains on the face, the other parts of the body can be described by the description of "very few people".Various modules installed for combat make her look more like a humanoid tactical mech than a biochemical body.

"400%?! How is it possible?!" Lachesis exclaimed. Lachesis' name comes from the three goddesses of fate in Greek mythology. In the Undead Crew, she and her sister "Atropos" and her sister " "Kroto" jointly serve as the tenth seat "Wheel of Fortune", and it is also the only seat in the Undead Crew Club with plural numbers.

"This should have already broken through the critical point... Why hasn't super-eclipse phenomenon appeared on his body yet?" Crotor murmured.

"He should have applied part of the core technology in the 'Demigod Project' to himself. According to the data provided by Aphrodite, if the 'Demigod Project' can succeed, the critical value of supereclipse will be enlarged More than a hundred times." Atropos, the elder sister of the three, thought, "But the problem is that the 'semi-deification plan' has not succeeded...Those core technologies that are still in the theoretical stage not only need the help of Yagunak Thor's internal equipment can only be realized, and there are almost strict requirements for the transformed body, no matter which condition it is, it is impossible for Zeus to meet it."

"Leave it alone." Demeter interrupted the discussion of the three sisters, "Zeus is moving here. Obviously, his target is the core mastermind at the bottom of the black well. I have already arranged six blocking line, but these six blocking lines can only delay time, and it won't last long."


Yagunaktor, core power area, temporary shelter.

The so-called temporary shelter was rebuilt from the frontier supply base of the original exploration operation. The surviving uprising officers and soldiers of the No. [-] Fleet, including Yeager, were all placed here—compared to Yaguna Kotor. The garrison troops, the uprising officers and soldiers of the Zero Fleet knew the whole story, and they were more disgusted with the high-level officials of the Ark, and self-regulation was also very strict.

Major General Alexander originally suggested that the Hound should not treat them differently, and move the survivors of the Zero Fleet to the newly discovered Block [-], but the Hound thought that Block [-] had just been discovered, and the degree of exploration was very low. It was not only full of dangers but also an outpost. The various infrastructures of the base have not yet been perfected, and it is impossible to settle the tens of thousands of officers and soldiers well.

From the Hound's point of view, even if the survivors of the Zero Fleet were mixed with some ghosts, or some people regretted changing their minds, as long as the basic management structure has not collapsed, even if someone wants to make trouble, they will be brought under control immediately .

It is impossible for two consecutive mutinies in diametrically opposite directions to occur in a short period of time.

Since the hounds and the others don't have extra manpower, the management of the Zero Fleet is still held by the officers in the original fleet. As the captain of the "Betelgeuse" air combat unit, Yegel is in charge of staying in the sixth building of B. Nearly five hundred soldiers on the third and fourth floors.

"Is this the ration for the whole day today?" Yegel, who was covered in bandages, limped to the box dragged by several soldiers, looked inside, and immediately frowned.

This plastic box is very big, but it is very empty inside. There are only a hundred bags of standard-sized army field rations lying on the bottom of the box. No.

"Yeah... I heard from the hunter in charge of distributing supplies that the supply on Yagunaktor is very tight, and it may, may not last for three days." The soldier who dragged the box over said to Yegel .

"Fortunately, the water is enough to drink." Yegel glanced at the water room at the end of the corridor—a large amount of water purification equipment was installed on Yagunaktor, and the water reserve was much larger than the food. Urine can be purified and recycled, so at least in a short period of time there will be no crisis of water shortage.

If you can go hungry for a few days, you can still hold on to your stomach, but if you don't drink water for a few days, it will really kill you.

Yeager reached out and took out a pack of field rations, and flipped through it—this is a wartime quick food ration for field troops. There is no self-heating device, no dish packs, and snacks. They are basically monotonous compressed biscuits and energy bars. , not only the variety is single, the taste and texture are not much better, and there is still a big gap between the catering treatment of the masters of the Air Force Fleet.

Even the emergency rations in the survival kits carried by pilots when skydiving are much richer and more delicate than these foods.

Although these field rations have a lot of disadvantages, there is one advantage that no one can deny, that is, the calories provided are high enough.

A healthy adult needs about [-] to [-] calories a day, and this field ration is used as an emergency option when the logistics cannot supply food in time during fierce battles. Each bag can provide [-] calories. The calorie content of large calories can fully meet the needs of soldiers in high-intensity combat.

The appetite of some high-level enhanced people may be slightly larger than that of ordinary people, but two servings will definitely fill you up.

"Count how many bags of field rations there are in total," Yegel said.

Several soldiers quickly counted and said, "One hundred and five bags."

"There are exactly 520 people on our two floors. It seems that they are considered good. Five people share one bag." Yegel murmured, "Each person has [-] calories per day...Hungry is unavoidable , but as long as you don’t do any strenuous exercise, it should be fine for a few days... I just don’t know how many more days you can last. Let’s distribute the things first, brothers have nothing to eat for almost half a day.”

Yeager himself did not go to get the rations in the box, but took out a plate of chocolate specially for pilots from his jacket pocket, broke off a small piece, and stuffed it into his mouth.

This kind of chocolate is very sweet, with extremely high calorie and sugar content, and it also contains a small amount of painkillers and stimulants. Eating a small piece is almost as good as smoking a cigarette... According to rumors, this This kind of chocolate has a high degree of addiction. Since it is a rare material exclusively for fighter pilots and mech pilots, it can often be sold at a high price in second-line troops after several changes of hands.

Seeing the hungry soldiers swallowing the dry and hard compressed biscuits, Yeger couldn't help showing a wry smile—they were previously jokingly called "first-class people" by other troops. This kind of treatment is the best in the Ark troop.In the past, they didn't even want to take a look at this kind of compressed biscuits, but now, compressed biscuits seem to be the most delicious thing in the world.

"This situation... will only get worse in the future..." Yegel sighed. Although he was one of the first people in the Zero Fleet to decide to revolt, he also knew very well that after breaking with Ark , their future life will become extremely difficult.

Compressed biscuits will be eaten soon, and by then, what will these tens of thousands of people rely on to fill their stomachs?
Yegel once participated in the siege of exiles, and he has seen the things that people living in the wilderness used to satisfy their hunger... Thinking of those scenes, Yegel felt as if acid water began to rise in his stomach, If he hadn't just swallowed a piece of chocolate that was sweet enough, he would probably have to retch now.

The only thing that made him feel a little relieved was that the medical supplies on Yagunaktor were abundant, and there were a large number of idle medical cabins. The seriously wounded who were rescued basically received timely treatment. He was seriously injured and could not be rescued. The other wounded are now out of danger.

But then came another problem... During the march, especially the long-distance retreat, the wounded are a kind of "burden" that makes the commander a headache. Although this statement seems a bit cruel, it is true. ——Because of reasons such as morale and military spirit, the commander will never choose to abandon the wounded unless it is a last resort.But a wounded person often needs to be taken care of by multiple soldiers. Among other things, just carrying a stretcher, a seriously wounded person who cannot move by himself will take up the battle share of two healthy soldiers. The combat effectiveness of the troops will be greatly reduced.

In the tug-of-war of the old era, many soldiers also tended to injure the enemy and make them incapacitated instead of killing them directly—for example, a sniper hunting freely on the battlefield, after selecting a target, They often choose to shoot the non-critical parts of the target... Injuring a person can affect the overall combat power of the enemy far more than killing a person. If you are lucky, you can use this wounded person as a bait to snipe more Come to rescue his soldiers.

Of course, in addition to this, there is another tacit statement on both sides of the war: on the battlefield, no one knows when they will be shot, if everyone tends to injure rather than kill, Maybe he can save his life because of this.Unless there is some deep hatred between the two warring parties, the wounded who have lost the ability to fight will generally not be shot again.

It is a good thing to be able to survive... But the problem is that there are too many wounded on Yagunaktor.

Among the nearly 8000 people, slightly wounded accounted for one-third, and the seriously wounded who were unable to take care of themselves accounted for about 1000 people... According to military regulations, in non-combat conditions, supplies should be given priority to the wounded.But now Yaguna Ketor lacks almost everything except medicine and water.

"It would be great if we could find a place to supply... But now it is estimated that all the strongholds and bases on Planet Alpha have received the news of the 'rebellion' from Yagunaktor and the Zero Fleet. If they choose to fortify the wall and clear the field, Concentrating all the materials in those large strongholds and bases that are difficult to break through, the situation will not be optimistic." Layton walked over, patted Yegel on the shoulder, and said.

Because of Ke Lan, Layton and the others also met Yegel a few times. After hearing that Yegel was one of the initiators of the uprising, Layton took the initiative to find him.

"With Yagunaktor's combat power, even the Mukahe base can be easily breached, right?" Yegel turned his head, stared into Layton's eyes and asked, "So... are you really a traitor? Was it? Or, 'forced to mutiny'?"

"Treason? I really want to laugh." Layton sneered. "In the words of the old dog, this is 'If you want to commit a crime, there is no excuse for it'... Just before the appearance of the black fleet, we Planning the exploration operation of Block [-]... Betrayal, betrayal, big-headed bastard!"

"I think it's the same... In this case, you should not be willing to take the initiative to attack the human stronghold in the wilderness?" Yegel asked.

"I don't care." Layton shrugged, "But the old dog disagrees...he thinks that even if we are not dead...even if we are different from Ark's high-level ideas, we will not be reduced to the group of beasts of heretical sects A virtue."

"Can you tell me how many days the food on Yagunaktor will last?" Yegel lowered his voice and asked.

"You can also see." Layton pointed to the empty box that was moved to the corner of the corridor, "Everyone's food ration has been reduced to the minimum, but even so, the remaining food can only last for two days, even if Take out the glucose water in the pharmacy and drink it as a nutrient solution, and it will only take three days if it is full."

"Then how to solve the supply problem?"

"I don't know." Layton shook his head, "My idea is to raid several large military bases before the Ark reacts, and use force coercion and negotiation to get them to hand over their weapons without killing anyone." Materials...but the old dog doesn't seem to agree with this plan."

"Judging from the current situation, this should be the best solution. The only risk is that we are easily ambushed... Once the Ark has grasped our movements, they are likely to give up the pursuit and directly set the trap in the next In the base we want to 'loot'." Yegel nodded, "By the way, according to the original plan, where is this warship supposed to go? What about the supplies of the garrison troops on board? Solve it? Even without our group of people, your supplies should not be able to last for more than two weeks, right?"

"Those garrison troops, we originally planned to find a place to put them down..." Layton looked around, and after confirming that no one was paying attention to them, he continued, "As for the original destination, it was... ...the foggy forest."

[The PS bone wear report came out, the residue is still negative, everything is fine (and it can last for half a year), I just went home after the cervical spine MRI, and I can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow~]

[PPS thanks Ye.Piaoling rewarded 588 reading coins; thanks to Pippi Xing and book friend 20220410100229541 for rewarding 500 starting coins. 】

(End of this chapter)

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