Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 816 Fleet No. 0 was attacked

Chapter 816 Attack on Fleet Zero
"Nino Alloy... Nino Alloy..." Ke Lan repeated the term that emerged from the memory fragment over and over in disbelief, and he froze in place.

He knew very well that the Nino Alloy was not manufactured by Alpha Civilization... They just cut the finished Nino Alloy from "Yagunaktor" and used it elsewhere... and this ancient battleship was considered It was built by another more advanced civilization (Ke Lan called it 'Beta Civilization').

But now, this memory is clearly telling Ke Lan that Nino alloy was invented and named by humans on a fleeing engineering ship...

The description of the appearance and nature of this "Nino Alloy" in the memory fragment is exactly the same as the "Nino Alloy" that Ke Lan and the others know, so the coincidence of the same name can basically be ruled out.

Is this memory fake?Is it specially used to confuse yourself?
no... not like...

If the Alpha civilization has obtained this memory and knows the detailed proportioning scheme of the Nino alloy, then with their technology, it is impossible to imitate this super alloy with superior performance-but the Alpha civilization obtained " After taking control of "Yagunaktor", he didn't have the idea of ​​imitating Nino alloy at all, but devoted all his manpower and material resources to the research of energy crystallization.

Why did Alpha Civilization abandon the research on Nino Alloy?
Because they know that the research and development of Nino alloy is impossible to succeed!

The key core of the Nino alloy is this new element discovered by the people on this engineering ship on this gas giant planet. Without this new element, no matter how accurate the ratio of other materials is, it is impossible to reproduce the Nino alloy. Come Noah.

Alpha people are very aware of this, so they didn't do this useless work from the beginning.

But... What is the relationship between the people on this escaped engineering ship and the "Beta Civilization" that built "Yagunaktor"?

Could it be that this engineering ship was discovered and captured by the "Beta Civilization" during the subsequent voyage, and then the "Beta Civilization" found the gas giant planet based on the coordinates and smelting formula provided by the people on board, and put the new planet on the planet A large number of elements were mined and smelted into Nino alloy, and then used Nino alloy to build a powerful fleet including "Yagunaktor"?

But when the next scene appeared in Ke Lan's mind, what he felt was not just shock.

The people on the engineering ship...began to use the newly developed "Nino Alloy" to modify the hull... This was a matter of no reproach—if you want to escape the gravity of this gas giant planet, you must use the power of the spacecraft and The physical strength of the hull has been strengthened to a very exaggerated level. The successful development of the Nino alloy is as meaningful to these people as timely assistance. However, as the renovation project continues to progress, Ke Lan feels more and more an inexplicable chill along his spine. climbed up...

The ship is getting bigger...becoming more and more like...



So, the so-called 'Beta Civilization' doesn't exist at all?
So, this old epoch geoengineering ship numbered the predecessor of 'Yagunaktor'?

This group of people who were supposed to be buried somewhere in the nameless universe, survived miraculously, and even reached Alpha Planet?
wrong! 'Yagunaktor' had arrived on Alpha Planet tens of thousands of years ago, and at that time, human beings were still in the Stone Age, and they hadn't even mastered the most elementary metal smelting technology. of a spaceship sailing in it?

Not to mention the spaceship, even the English letters and Arabic numerals on the spaceship had not been invented in that era!

The timeline doesn't match up at all!Even taking the variable of wormholes into account, this is not something that is possible—traveling through wormholes, people can only go to the future... Back to the past, that is something that only happens in science fiction works.

Time is a one-way, irreversible axis. Those who walk on this axis can choose to stop, or speed up and run forward, but they cannot go backward.

From a certain point of view, the "past" can only be observed, but cannot really go back to the past - for example, the light emitted by a star tens of thousands of light-years away from the earth takes tens of thousands of years Time can reach the earth. Therefore, what people on the earth see with their naked eyes is actually the appearance of this star tens of thousands of years ago, and in the same time and space, maybe this star has already died and collapsed into a star. The faint white dwarf, of course, may have transformed into a supernova, shining extremely brightly at the far end of the universe.

Of course, it will take tens of thousands of years for this bright light to be seen by people on the earth.

Not to mention the distance, let’s talk about the sun, the closest star to the earth. It takes about eight minutes for sunlight to reach the earth from the sun. That is to say, the sun that people can see when they look up is actually what it looked like 8 minutes ago.

Assuming that a group of interstellar terrorists blow up the sun with a bomb with an extremely large yield, which is large enough to destroy the stars, people on the earth will not be able to see that scene like the end of the world until 8 minutes later.

The past—can only be seen, not reached.If a person can really go back in time, any slight move of his will be enough to trigger a series of paradoxes like the butterfly effect. It is no exaggeration to say that even the entire universe may be destroyed because of this traveler.

This engineering ship that escaped from the solar was impossible. Going back tens of thousands of years, it became the ship soaked in the magma pool..."Yagunaktor".

Ke Lan squatted down, put his hands together into fists, and pressed his forehead tightly - he felt that his mind was in chaos: this memory contains a lot of crucial clues, but these clues are connected together, and finally It points to one paradox after another.

It's impossible, but it happened.



Alpha star N45 airspace, "Yagunaktor" berth.

Fleet Zero, the "Betelgeuse" heavy cruiser, the pilot's lounge.

Colonel Yeager was lying comfortably on the soft imitation leather sofa, and Lieutenant Colonel Hans beside him was holding a cup of steaming coffee, staring down at the tablet computer on the coffee table, browsing the internal network some information on .

"Hans, I'm just wondering why you can drink such terrible coffee?" Yegel crumpled up the napkin in his hand and threw it over. He originally wanted to throw it into Hans' coffee cup , As a result, because Hans was sitting directly facing the air outlet of the air conditioner, the strong airflow directly blew the napkin ball back upside down and landed at Yeger's feet.

Hans, who didn't notice the prank of his colleagues at all, took a sip of coffee and said to himself, "Is it bad? I don't think so."

"Ask people who've had your coffee, who doesn't say it's bad? The best comment I've ever heard is 'this stuff shouldn't be drunk, it should be flushed down the toilet'— —Speaking of which, you are also capable, even the pre-mixed instant coffee can become something that dogs don't drink when it comes to your hands." Yegel complained.

"Of course dogs don't drink coffee. Coffee is highly poisonous to dogs." Hans slid his fingers quickly on the screen of the tablet, one message after another kept scrolling, "Speaking of which, there were two more cruisers last week. They were transferred away, counting, six cruisers and four high-speed battleships have been transferred away this month..."

"It's normal. The people above just see that we are too idle and don't want to waste our precious combat power here. Besides, now that the Ark has suffered such a big change, it is normal to send more warships back. Besides, those who participated in the exploration Didn't the consortium of 'Yagunaktor' send a lot of empty ships to fill the vacancy?" Yegel said disapprovingly.

"It's a civilian airship. With that little armament, it can't be regarded as combat power at all." Hans frowned——Since this morning, his right eye has been twitching non-stop, which made him He had a very uneasy feeling. He remembered that a Chinese officer in the army seemed to say, "What does it mean to twitch the left eye, and what does it mean to twitch the right eye"... It seems that one is a disaster?One is wealth?
But Hans himself couldn't remember which eye was disaster and which eye was wealth. What's more, it was just a superstition.

Unless he can pick up a sum of money on the ground today, he will believe it.

"What kind of combat power... Do we need combat power? From the establishment of the Zero Fleet to the present, has it participated in any battles except for the mad woman from the previous research institute?" A large bag of potato chips was found in the corner, and it was torn open with a thud.

These two pilots are none other than the two transport pilots who had dealt with Ke Lan several times before. Thanks to Ke Lan, not only were they not held accountable, but they were promoted all the way. In the case of making military exploits, the superior found a bunch of inexplicable reasons and was promoted several levels in succession.

The military ranks of the two also changed from captain and lieutenant to colonel and lieutenant colonel, and became the captain and deputy captain of the air combat unit to which the "Betelgeuse" heavy cruiser belongs.

"But I always feel—"

Before Hans could finish his sentence, the air conditioner that was blowing cold wind was suddenly turned off. Immediately afterwards, the lights in the lounge also went out. Light up one by one.

"What's the situation?!" Yegel jumped up from the sofa with a carp, stretched out his hand and grabbed the regular clothes hanging on the back of the sofa, just about to put his arms into the sleeves, after thinking about it, he threw the regular clothes aside, " Hans! You go and change first, I'll go to the hangar first, I just flew over this morning, the combat uniform should still be in the cockpit!"

"Okay!" Hans drank the coffee in his cup and stuffed the tablet into his satchel.

One second before inserting the tablet computer, Hans noticed that the signal grid of the tablet computer was reset to zero, and the pictures that had not been loaded below were constantly spinning in circles.

At this moment, a pilot of the air combat unit pushed open the door of the lounge and rushed in: "Colonel Yeager! Lieutenant Colonel Hans! First-level combat readiness! It's a first-level combat readiness! Captain I want you to go to the hangar immediately!"

"What happened? Who is the enemy? Don't worry, explain clearly!" Yegel said loudly.

"I don't know yet! But the airspace where the fleet is located was suddenly attacked by high-intensity electromagnetic interference, and all communication equipment was unusable, even the radar was paralyzed." The pilot said anxiously.

"Electromagnetic interference attack?" Yegel and Hans glanced at each other. The airspace where "Yagunaktor" is parked has been carefully surveyed in advance, and there are no remains of the Alpha civilization, so the electromagnetic interference cannot come from The things in the ruins, and the native creatures on Alpha Planet, there are not many powerful beings that can completely paralyze the communication and radar of the entire fleet... Even if there are, such targets have already been destroyed by the surrounding forces before they approached. Discovered by the scouts.

The mooring point of "Yagunaktor" is not far from the ark. If even this place can be attacked by indigenous creatures, then the ark can be regarded as in a dangerous state.

"It won't be an indigenous creature." Hans shook his head, "I'm in big trouble."

"It's the rebels." Yegel insisted, "Something went wrong."

The two followed the pilot who reported the message, and rushed out of the corridor all the way. Hans turned and ran to the locker room, while Yegel, who was only wearing a close-fitting shirt, was frantically pressing his unresponsive phone while heading towards the hangar strode away.

By the time he arrived at the hangar, half of the air combat units of the "Betelgeuse" heavy cruiser had already been dispatched—with radar and drones unavailable, and unable to contact any nearby friendly units, they could only Send fighter jets to conduct dragnet patrols in the nearby airspace.

"How is the situation now?" Yeager pulled a familiar ground crew and asked straight to the point.

"It's hard to say." The ground staff shook his head with a straight face, "Aside from interference, the fleet has not been attacked yet... As for the pilots and airframes sent out, no one has returned yet... So we have no idea what happened. Not sure."

"Don't be careless, now is a special period... just think we are already in battle." Yegel patted the shoulder of the ground crew, "Can my plane take off now?"

"Yes, just completed a routine inspection at noon, and the fuel of the external thrusters has been refilled. You said that the problem of the insensitive steering of the left cannon has been solved for you, but you have to pay attention to the hydraulic lever of the right auxiliary wing. A bit of wear and tear, replacement parts are used up, new parts won't be delivered until at least next week, don't make big emergency maneuvers, or you may not be able to bear it."

"Understood, help me clear the ejection runway!" Yeager took the helmet from the ground crew and ran quickly to his fighter plane.

(End of this chapter)

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