Violators Club

Chapter 765 City Shadow.

Chapter 764 City shadows.

In New York in January, the air is still full of biting chill.

There is a saying that is true, everything is corresponding, the more glorious a city is, the deeper the shadow behind the city will be.

In William's preparations for meeting Chen Changqing, there were only two rows of 12-meter-long suits for the choice of clothes, but in the same city, some veterans who had fought for this country?

At the moment they were debating whether to spend their money on a cheap steak or swap it out for broth and bread.

The same world, the same city, but two completely different lives.

The Colonel parked his car on the side of the road and walked down a gray alleyway.

In front of the line of sight is a restaurant called James.

He pushed open the door familiarly, found a seat and sat down, took off his tight shirt, and put the mobile phone in his pocket on the aged and yellowed plastic table.

The colonel looked around, the familiar atmosphere made him feel relaxed, a comfortable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if this was his safe haven in this city, he raised his hand and shouted to the one-eyed chef who was busy in the kitchen:

"Steak for three, salad, two loaves of bread and a glass of whiskey to go with it."

The sound of "zilazila" sounded,

The quality of the steak is not high, and the method is very simple.

It's just a piece of meat steak cooked on an iron plate, a spoonful of black pepper + onion + butter sauce, at most it will give you a fried egg.

As for the salad?

It's even simpler, boiled broccoli in hot water, sliced ​​tomatoes and shredded purple cabbage, add the sauce and mix it for a while.

But there is one thing. Although the dishes here are simple and the taste is average, they are plentiful and the ingredients are very healthy. I have served in the army and I am a unit above the battalion level, so I should be familiar with this taste.

As for those below the battalion level, don't even think about it.

Because of the food gap, all the small teams in the West don't have chefs.

After all, Western food has a simple structure, nothing more than bread, ham, and butter.

Soon, only seven or eight minutes.

A seven or eight-year-old boy came out of the kitchen with a tray.

There are steaks, salads, and even a small portion of French fries as a gift. Looking at the thick stack of three steaks, the little boy said with some emotion:

"Grandpa, your appetite is really good."

The Colonel is a frequent visitor here. Unless there are special circumstances, he will come here for dinner every night, and his diet is very regular, with three steaks every time. The little boy is deeply impressed by this.

The colonel was a little silent. He poured the black pepper sauce on the steak, and while cutting it, he explained seriously:

"I'm actually in my 40s."

The little boy made a face, as if you were lying, and shouted:

"I don't believe it. Grandpa Tom, who is in the back kitchen, is over 60 years old and doesn't have as many white hairs as you."

The colonel was a little helpless, he raised his hand, his face turned fierce, as if he wanted to hit the little boy, but in fact he didn't lift his butt at all:
"Little kid, uncle just looks more mature."

The little boy giggled, and he also knew that the colonel was teasing himself.

However, while running, the little boy accidentally bumped into the table, and heard a muffled bang.

The table is fine, the little boy is fine, but a serving of black pepper sauce on the table is overturned, and the dark brown sauce drips along the corner of the table, a black man in his 20s with a big gold chain, with a gloomy face cursed:
"Shet! My shoes."

The little boy was stunned, and knew that he had caused trouble, so he quickly apologized:

"I'm sorry, Uncle!"

They are all adults, whoever has nothing to do is as knowledgeable as a child.

At most, it's free of charge, and it's not impossible to clean the shoes if they are dirty, but the black man's attitude is very tough. He dragged the little boy over and yelled viciously:

"This is my limited edition Jordan, what do you say!"

Although the black man was very thin and not tall, he was an adult after all, with a height close to 1.8 meters. He raised his arms and grabbed the little boy in midair.

The little boy struggled hard, but the strength gap between the two sides was too huge:
"Put me down, put me down..."

The one-eyed chef in the kitchen frowned. He stopped the frying spatula in his hand and subconsciously looked at a shotgun in the corner. The atmosphere in the restaurant also became dignified. Everyone was tall or short, white or The black diner couldn't help but look here.

The colonel frowned, glanced at the shoes on the black man's feet, and stuffed a piece of steak into his mouth:
"Almost, I don't remember Jordan ever playing ping-pong."

Although the colonel didn't know Jordan well, he still remembered the logo of this brand of shoes.

The black man's face was ashamed, he dropped the little boy he was holding, took out a pocket knife from his waist, and pointed at the colonel viciously: "Old guy, what does this have to do with you? I advise you to Go back and eat honestly, or I'll pierce your bladder!"

The colonel was silent. He looked at the black man on the opposite side, and then at the jackknife in his hand.

The not-so-sharp knife and fork was put down, and the pensive colonel took out a pure black Sand Eagle from his pocket, and opened the safety lock without giving the other party any time to react:
"Dude, what did you just say?"

The Sand Eagle invented in the 80s, you may not have come into contact with it, but you must understand the power of this weapon.

To put it bluntly, this weapon is definitely a well-deserved NO: 1 in the category of pistols.

When the pitch-black muzzle was pointed at him, the black man felt suffocated. Even though he was wearing a thick down jacket, he still couldn't stop the cold hands and feet from spreading: "Uh..."

If the same thing happened in another country, they might think it was a toy, and the other party was joking with themselves, but in the eagle sauce of the national gun battle?

Never risk your life at a time like this, never!

The black man's face was very pale, and he was thinking about what he had to say in order to let this ruthless man who drew his gun at the slightest disagreement let him go.

Fortunately, the colonel never intended to shoot. While pointing his gun at the other party, he took out a car key from his pocket and shook it in front of the other party:

"Know what this is?

Looking at your confused eyes at the moment, I know that you definitely don't know.

I can tell you that this is the key to a Cadillac. The reason why you don't recognize it is because this car is a specially customized bulletproof model. I don't want to cause trouble, and I believe you don't want to either.

Now sit back in the chair, pick up the spoon and eat honestly, as if nothing happened, understand? "

What is the concept of driving a bulletproof Cadillac?
In layman's terms, it is equivalent to driving a bulletproof red flag.

If the car is yours, you are very important, if the car is not yours, this matter seems to be even more serious.

The black man's mind was blank. At this moment, he was frightened by the car key, and sat on the chair like a good baby:


The little boy who landed on the ground was very spiritual. After seeing the colonel solve the problem, he hurried over to thank him:

"Thank you uncle."

They used to be called grandpa, but now they are called uncle. Don't think that children don't understand, they just don't want to do it.

The colonel rubbed the little boy's head with a smile, and then smiled at the busy chef in the kitchen: "It's nothing, even without me, this little bastard wouldn't dare to make trouble."

The world is cruel, but there are also warm places.

Although Eagle Sauce advertises itself as a messenger of justice and brings peace to the world, so far, except for Carter, all the remaining presidential terms have waged wars, and wars mean casualties.

People with disabilities are always undervalued in society.

It seems that this is a restaurant, but most of the time it is a home where disabled veterans report to the regiment to keep warm. No one will make trouble in this place. These retired people, even if they are physically disabled, are better than most ordinary people. After all, they What you learn is the basic number of killing.

As for this ignorant little bastard?
One can tell at a glance that they are not locals, because local gangs will never provoke these gangs who have nothing to squeeze, but they are particularly tough.

On the other side, the little boy had sharp eyes and noticed that the mobile phone on the table lighted up, and quickly shouted:

"Uncle, your phone is on."

The colonel froze for a moment, looked at the phone number on the phone, and couldn't help but feel a little more surprised, but finally connected the phone: "Hello, Karen, what's the matter? No, I've already delivered it. Didn't you receive my phone number?" SMS? Wait, what did you say?!"

In an instant, the colonel's face became a little more solemn, and the little boy next to him was a little puzzled:

"What's the matter, Uncle?"

The colonel shook his head, he took a deep breath, and his expression changed for a while: "It's nothing, I have something to go out for a while, the money is here, and the extra money is just a tip."

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