Violators Club

Chapter 1108 The stubborn old man Lu Jin

Chapter 1108 The stubborn old man Lu Jin

Lu Jin is very strong, and it is not easy to deal with him, but strong does not mean invincible.Although he is one of the ten guys, Optimus Prime of the Lu family, he is Lu Jin, not Zhang Zhiwei, the old heavenly master.

So his strength is limited, not unsolvable.

Aiming at Lu Jin, this time, he has prepared a very careful plan.

First of all, there is the question of bait. Yuan Tao is an old man of the same age as Lu Jin. Originally, the two sides just looked down upon each other, but with the head of the whole sex, Wugensheng slaughtered the Trinity Sect?
Since then, the relationship between Lu Jin and Quan Xing has reached the point of endless death.

There is even more deep hatred between Yuan Tao and Lu Jin!
The bait on the company's side was Zhang Chulan, whose purpose was to lure Quan Xing's gang to take the bait, but Quan Xing did the opposite and found Yuan Tao, a bait customized for Lu Jin.

Of course, bait alone is not enough.

Compared to seducing Lu Jin, how to solve Lu Jin is the real problem.

Although the other party is more than 100 years old, it has to be said that the strength of these old guys is really strong.

How to deal with Lu Jin?

What's more important is how to make the opponent fight to the end, instead of turning around and running away when the situation is not good?

This is the Heavenly Master's Mansion in Longhushan Mountain, not a deserted no-man's land. If Lu Jin is really dragged until the old heavenly master arrives, then don't worry, Lu Jin, a big fish, will not be able to eat it, but will be directly killed by the old heavenly master. up.

This is also the reason why the whole sex four madness is used in this operation.

The first is Yuan Tao, an all-sexual old man, and Shen Chong, a bane seedling.

These two are the main force, the former has rich experience in fighting Lu Jin, and the qi in his body is very strong, and the attack is also very sharp.

Not to mention the latter, Bane Miao Shenchong's abilities are somewhat similar to online loans.

He will lend Qi to other people through a certain ratio, but when the other party returns the Qi, in addition to paying the principal, he also needs to provide additional interest.

This is a seemingly ordinary ability, but in fact it is very abnormal.

Some are similar to a particularly popular genre of novels - Investing in the Heavens and Worlds.

But this is more realistic, what is invested is Qi, and what is returned to me is Qi, unlike the novel where I invested in a book of basic skills, directly hit [-] times crit, and rewarded the ancient holy body.

And it seems that the gains from each investment are not much, but don't forget that Shen Chong's ability can guarantee 100% returns, and he won't worry about the other party's refusal.

Little things add up, even though he is not very old, Shen Chong's strength is not inferior to the masters of the older generation.

Because of his huge qi, Shen Chong's fighting style is simple and rude. He is one of the representatives who can break through ten thousand methods with one force, and is most suitable for the role of attacking difficulties.

Then there are three configurations, namely the bone-scraping knife Xia He, which is confusing and fascinating. However, because of Zhang Lingyu's appearance, Xia He has already gone to another battlefield.

Then only the dignified and virtuous old aunt Dou Mei and the kind-faced fat monk Gao Ning remained.

The former will make people lose fighting spirit, become weak, and indulge in illusory and beautiful fantasies, while the latter manipulates people's emotions through the twelve labors.

Both of them are masters at manipulating emotions, and they are very rare top supporters.

If they join forces, it will even have the effect of 1+1>2.

Quan Xing's strategy against Lu Jin this time is very simple.

First lure Lu Jin into the trap, then Shen Chong and Yuan Tao are responsible for holding Lu Jin back, and the remaining two are secretly influencing Lu Jin's emotions, thus making him lose his mind.

A calm Lu Jin is not easy to fight, but a lunatic with no brains, isn't it just a few of them?

Of course, Tong Tianlu, who possessed one of the Eight Miraculous Skills, did not die young in the open and dark arrows. Instead, he lived for more than 100 years, and even became one of the ten men, holding great power.

Mr. Lu Jin must have something special.

If you don't believe me, look at the owners and descendants of the other Eight Miraculous Skills, one by one is worse than the other. Even the best Feng family on the surface, their family's Juling general is a castrated version.

Mr. Lu Jin is very powerful. In addition to his excellent EQ, his IQ in combat is also not weak.

After realizing it was a trap set against oneself?

In an instant, old man Lu Jin understood that this was a tough battle, and he knew very well that the other party had prepared so much that it was impossible for him to escape here easily.

Combined with his current physical condition, and the rumors of all-sexual madness in the world, Mr. Lu Jin had an idea in his mind, and he wanted to come up with a way to break the boat and do the opposite.

Ordinary people will desperately resist after being hit by the fat white man Gao Ning's Twelve Labors.

Because the twelve labor-emotion arrays correspond to the twelve meridians of the human body, and each meridian corresponds to two emotions, and the positive and negative emotions can be switched repeatedly to weaken the other party.

Just like folding a wire over and over again, eventually the wire will snap.

And people will collapse, sink into a certain emotion, unable to extricate themselves, and the organs corresponding to that meridian will also be severely injured.

But Mr. Lu Jin was different, he chose another path.

The human body has twelve meridians, namely the three yin meridians of the hand, the three yang meridians of the hand, the three yin meridians of the foot, and the three yang meridians of the foot.

There will be dizziness, bitter mouth, emotional depression or irritability.

That's why Mr. Lu Jin acquiesced to Xia He taking Zhang Lingyu away.

Because only after Zhang Lingyu leaves, can he let go of his body's resistance, thereby guiding the twelve labors, shaking his emotions, and finally hurting the Liver Meridian of Foot Jueyin, breaking this point to the irritable one.

At the same time, this is also the reason why, as old man Lu Jin's close friend, the old heavenly master didn't rush over to rescue him as soon as he had arrived.

It is not a good thing to be angry, but since you are angry, you must vent it.

Don't say that the human body has the ability to automatically adjust, anyone will say sarcastic remarks.

For example, he is still a child, so don't be as knowledgeable as a child at your age. Although you want one catty, I cut you four catties, but wouldn't it be good to buy more for your girlfriend?Don't be so mean, young man.

Anger is anger, no one can empathize with you, and the anger will only accumulate. Even if you can't see the problem now, it will explode one day sooner or later.

There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine, which is called full moon.

Mr. Lu Jin has worked very hard these years. After the Trinity family was wiped out, he stood up alone and pieced together the fragmented family bit by bit.

He is very tired because he is the pillar and the umbrella for everyone.

He can't live a chic life, he has to put the overall situation first, and there are many things he wants to do but dare not do, so he can only hold back in his heart.

If things go on like this, Lu Jin's life will not last long, and problems will arise sooner or later.

As a friend of Mr. Lu Jin's, Old Tianshi naturally knew this, so he let it go and let him vent his anger and depression as much as possible.

As for whether there will be any accidents?
Just kidding, not everyone can be a top ten guy.

Either you are very strong, or you are very powerful, in short, you must have at least one of these two items, otherwise you will not be able to afford the status of the top ten.

Also one of the ten guys, the old master has nine disciples under his command. Except for the young disciple Zhang Lingyu, the earliest disciples who followed him are all grandpas.

There are countless disciples of the second, third, and fourth generations.

What kind of magic tricks, top masters are all imaginary, and the prosperity of the population is the foundation of the sect's standing for thousands of years.

On the other hand, the Lu family, needless to say in terms of power, after the Trinity Sect was wiped out, Mr. Lu Jin could only pull it off by himself, barely building up a family.

But compared to the real family?
The Lu family is too short, there are only two or three big cats and kittens. To put it bluntly, the current prestige of the Lu family has two aspects.

On the one hand, it is because of Lu Jin's reputation. As a senior, no matter what you think in your heart, at least you have to admit that Mr. Lu Jin is a man of integrity and morality.

On the other hand, it is because the strength of the opponent is indeed very strong.

Otherwise, why would Lu Jin become a friend of the old heavenly master.

Although he doesn't care how strong his friends are, they are not as good as him anyway, but at least he has to be like that, even though he is a centenarian, Lu Jin is very strong!
To put it bluntly, if it wasn't for Lu Jin, the current Lu family wouldn't be qualified to be one of the top ten!

(End of this chapter)

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