Sheng Fu

Chapter 597 I wish he had eaten

After leaving Linghe Palace, a gust of wind suddenly fell on Yuwenjun's face, a letter from Wu Mi.

Yuwenjun frowned slightly and whispered, "It's really troublesome."

Immediately, after returning to Mengdu Mansion to say goodbye briefly, he immediately crossed the void and returned to Henglong Mountain.

In the hall, Wu Mi and Jing Hanqing had been waiting for a long time.

"Things are still decent, but they need to be more decent. For some things, it's just me and Jing Hanqing who came forward, and the weight seems a little light." Wu Mi said.

Chi Yuan became Beihai's commander-in-chief, commanded Chen Xuan's army, and many Wuji powerhouses who had been transferred from the Monster Race battlefield to Beihai, which naturally caused a lot of waves in the temple.

There were also some sensitive voices, but only a few.

When the wind and waves were about to rise, they were strangled in the cradle.

Bai Xiaowei became a cruel official, suppressed many dissatisfied voices, and became a public enemy in the hearts of many old officials.

This is a good thing for Yuwen Jun.

It's a good thing for the current situation.

But there is one more thing that needs to be done to block the mouths of Youyou and stabilize people's hearts.

Therefore, the imperial capital set up a banquet, known as "Tomorrow's Banquet."

In just two days, this banquet will begin. Whether it is a banquet in person, whether it is the temple and the princes, or many celebrities from the north and south.

For such a banquet, Wu Mi and Jing Hanqing were ordered to go, and it really seemed that they were alone.

Yuwenjun just felt a little troublesome in his heart. Maybe this matter was not troublesome at first, but Yuwenjun was in a hurry to go to the devil world to find Gu Yong and his wife.

It was at this juncture that the feast of tomorrow appeared.

It cannot be said that the form of this banquet is greater than the content, it can only be said that the form and content are on a par.

But Yu Wenjun understands one thing better. Once he appears at the banquet of tomorrow, he will naturally have to face many different voices. He will be held back by some inevitable human sophistication, and he will even face the secret calculations of some old foxes. .

On weekdays, Yuwenjun is not afraid of secret fights, and even likes secret fights, but now, he is undoubtedly a blow to Yuwenjun.

What kind of tricks will be used, Yu Wenjun can't guess in his heart, but there will definitely be difficulties. Everything needs to pay a certain price. Moreover, Bai Xiaowei did not hesitate to become a cruel official to stabilize certain situations for Yuwenjun. .

Yuwenjun paused, looked at Jing Hanqing, and asked, "How is your eloquence?"

Jing Hanqing was stunned for a moment, but after thinking about it, he understood it, and replied implicitly, "I am one of the eight Gus, and my eloquence is acceptable."

Yuwenjun smiled helplessly and said, "This sounds like a compliment and sarcasm."

The eloquence of the head of the Eight Gus is not good?
Jing Hanqing smiled without saying a word, everything was silent.

Yu Wenjun's mind moved slightly and said: "You have been recharged for the past two days, and you will be expected to be the leader of the battle at tomorrow's banquet."

The entire hall seemed to freeze for a moment, and before Jing Hanqing spoke, Wu Mi said weakly, "Actually, some words can be said more forcefully from your mouth."

Jing Hanqing is one of the eight, but he is also a girl.

The girl's family is good at messing around and arguing, which is a prejudice in most people's hearts, maybe even Yuwenjun himself has such a prejudice, not to mention those old foxes.

Yu Wenjun thought about it and said, "That's it. Tomorrow's banquet is just a passing scene. Rather than bickering, I prefer to kill people with renunciation."

Wu Mi smiled helplessly and said, "The death of Wang Changsheng was counted on your head by many people."

"Maybe at some critical moments, some old accounts will be turned out. Although there is no evidence, many people know it."

Yuwenjun smiled indifferently and said: "If there is no evidence, don't talk nonsense. They do know what they have in mind, but as long as we are strong enough, what can they do?"

"In a world of great competition, there are only endless choices of life and death, and eternal conflicts of interest."

"No matter whether it is a noble or a poor family, whoever stutters is his parents, and whoever doesn't stutter is a mortal enemy."

"As long as some dimensions are properly adjusted, it will be fine. Fucheng is still young, and his life is not clear enough, but Xie Yiming is a sensible person, His Majesty the Emperor is a sensible person, and the Prime Minister is also a sensible person."

"There are more people who understand than there are confused people, so there's no need to prove anything."

"Nowadays, it is the right idea to do more domineering and less domineering."

These words are light and light, but they are as heavy as a thousand pounds.

Wu Mi and Jing Hanqing bowed their heads slightly and did just that.

Before the two of them could react, Wu Mi noticed the surge of Yuwen Jun's real energy. Looking at Yuwen Jun in front of the throne, Wu Mi smiled and said, "It seems that there is something urgent."

Jing Hanqing also noticed a strange real essence, but couldn't find any clues.

The Yuwenjun in front of him is just a clone of a dragon shadow, and the main body has already crossed the void and left.

Two sunny days, it's really enough to want to bring back some people.



Demon world, the border of gods and demons, on a certain hill, a wooden house.

In the wooden house, Bei Hanfei slept on a reclining chair woven by Gu Yong himself, next to her hand was the brewed scented tea, but the scented tea contained some medicinal herbs and had a strange taste.

Even Bei Hanfei's reclining chair is a bit weird, with poor craftsmanship and rough lines. Although it is soft and delicate to the touch, it is really uncomplimentable in terms of beauty.

The herbs in the flower tea are some that Bei Hanfei doesn't know much about. The taste is between sweet and bitter, and the taste is still very long. Bei Hanfei did not expect that Gu Yong also understands medicine.

In the kitchen, Gu Yong was cutting vegetables. The method of cutting vegetables was very rough, and shredded pork could be cut into strips. Some vegetables could be cut beautifully if the knife was very strong, but in Gu Yong's place, vegetables were vegetables. , what beauty do you want.

Men always seem to be more gifted than women when it comes to cooking.

In the early days, Gu Yong didn't understand anything, but after Bei Hanfei taught him everything for a few days, Gu Yong learned a lot.

Looking back on those days in the chaotic space, every time Bei Hanfei cooked rice, he needed Gu Yong to come over, or add firewood or water. In short, there would always be one or two things that a lazy guy like Gu Yong had to do by himself. .

Now that he cooks by himself, facing the trivialities of life, Gu Yong realizes that he can really do many things by himself, without anyone's help at all, and he doesn't understand why this bitch has to do it every time in the past. Find ways to trouble yourself.

In fact, Gu Yong didn't know that he had just learned these things, and the novelty had not yet passed, so he thought it was interesting to do some things alone.

Life is a deep knowledge, but these knowledge are always ignored by the world with one or another excuse.

Today is braised pork, plus turtle soup, white rice.

The dishes are simple, but the taste is guaranteed.

Suddenly, Gu Yong had a feeling in his heart and looked out the window.

"I hope he has already eaten. If he hasn't, he can only drink soup." Gu Yong thought to himself.

After a long time, a young man in brocade arrived.

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