Sheng Fu

Chapter 358 The little girl has seen the general

Chapter 358 The little girl has seen the general

The bright moon hangs high, the silver light sprinkles the earth, and a man and a woman travel southward in the starry night.

Without a mount, I walked all the way. After leaving Chenya County, I came to the ferry of Hanyue River on the night of the third day. There are water ghosts, so if you don't walk by water at night, you also want peace of mind.

Zhang Benchu ​​chose a medium-sized ferryboat. The ferryman was an old man in his fifties with a medium build and a plain face.

Crossing the river during the day only needs two pieces of silver, but the boatman temporarily increased the fare for crossing the river at night, asking for five pieces of silver. Zhang Benchu ​​and Qiu Yu didn’t think too much about it. It’s not because the boatman earned hard money that he felt sympathy. The meaning is just unwilling to care about it.

I read a lot of books, and I yearn for those beautiful articles, profound principles, and mundane things, and I don't want to care too much about them.

Inside the boat, simple tables and chairs are displayed, candles are brightly lit, and the boat occasionally shakes slightly with the river current.

Zhang Benchu ​​said softly: "The girl is very knowledgeable, I think she has been reading classics and Taoism since she was a child."

Qiu Yu still covered his face with a light veil, Zhang Benchu ​​knew that there was a beautiful face behind the light veil, although he was curious, he also abided by his duty and never stared at Qiu Yu's eyes carefully.

It will take about half an hour for the boat to cross the river, and it would be a good thing to talk about some knowledge and principles during this half hour.

Qiu Yu responded gently: "What Confucianism says is to make meritorious deeds, to establish virtue, and to establish words. Taoism emphasizes governance by doing nothing, still waters run deep without fighting, fools are yang, sages are yin, these principles are difficult to integrate. It is enough to study a family of knowledge intensively, the so-called specialization in the art industry."

"Today's scholars have great aspirations. They not only want to integrate the theories of a hundred schools of thought, but also want to be at the top of the temple. Some of them want to accomplish great things and benefit the people. There are very few."

"After careful consideration, I'm just drifting with the tide, I'm not very knowledgeable, I'm a weak woman, how can I say that I am highly knowledgeable."

Knowledge and utilitarianism have always been inextricably linked, which is irrefutable.

In Zhang Benchu's heart, Qiu Yu is considered a learned person, but compared with Gao Zhi, Guo Shenghe, and Jing Hanqing, he is still weaker. Among ordinary sects, there is such a wonderful woman as Qiu Yu, which is already considered It's not easy.

When traveling, it is my luck to meet learned people.

It's better than meeting despicable and shameless villains. For ordinary youths traveling far away, the people they meet on the road will definitely affect their future fortunes.

Although this luck came a bit late for Zhang Benchu, since it came, he was willing to accept it with a smile.

Zhang Benchu ​​pondered: "Learning is a broad and profound matter, and the sages in Bailu Academy may not know all about it. Different positions have different learning."

"For example, craftsmen who survive in the market, they have never seen the prosperous world, but they must have their own knowledge in their hearts."

"Perhaps those studies are insignificant in the eyes of scholars, but there are some things in this world that must be done by someone."

Qiu Yu nodded implicitly and said, "It makes sense, but people often overlook the greatness in the ordinary."

Zhang Benchu ​​sighed and said: "People live for a lifetime, and the grass and trees fall in autumn. There is always not enough time. Everyone is fighting for the crossing. If you know everything, there is no regret, but it is also a kind of regret."

Qiu Yu said softly: "You have a heart of benevolence."

Zhang Benchu ​​calmly said: "Maybe it's my nature. I don't know what kind of person I will become in the future. However, I still look forward to the bookstore in the next state and county. Taobao in the book sea can be regarded as elegant."

Suddenly, the boat wobbled and the river surged.

The boatman at the bow was so frightened that his face was like gold paper. A water ghost raised its head from the water surface. It had a leopard head, eyes, mouth, fangs, and blue-black hair all over its body, which was extremely frightening.

Qiu Yudai frowned slightly, and Zhang Benchu ​​came to the bow of the boat in an instant, and several water ghosts broke out of the water, revealing their vigorous and true essence.

The woman who covered her face with a light veil showed a long sword as clean as jade in her hand, and shouted coquettishly: "Pretending to be a ghost, what do you want?"

The water ghosts quickly oppressed, and the leader punched Qiu Yu on the forehead.

, and the blood stained red meet, a few water ghosts behind see that the situation is not right, and want to sneak into the water to wait for the opportunity.

Zhang Benchu ​​looked as usual, walked to the eaves of the boat, and punched out, bursting out with vigor, the majestic force of the fist made the entire river explode and then boil.

Above the surface of the river, there is a bright red.

Qiu Yu withdrew his long jade-like sword, his eyes were slightly different, and he said, "This is the Southern Border Cannon Hammer, how powerful is it?"

Zhang Benchu ​​laughed softly: "It's okay, the one who came is not too strong."

Immediately, the simple young man carried the boatman into the boat to put him down, then walked out of the boat, and the true essence controlled the boat to move forward quickly.

Qiu Yu observed carefully, Zhang Benchu's true energy was extremely strange, deep and majestic, without a single trace of impurity, in terms of accumulation of true energy alone, within the territory of Huang Ting, it could be ranked among the top ten in the world.

It is worthy of being a general star!
Not long after, the boat arrived, and the boatman in the boat opened his eyes in ignorance, and when he looked up, a man and a woman had already landed.

It was late at night, and there were scattered fireflies floating on the road.

Zhang Benchu ​​stopped and said bluntly, "Let's say goodbye to you and me."

Qiu Yu was slightly taken aback, not knowing why, and asked strangely, "Why?"

Zhang Benchu ​​looked at Qiu Yu squarely, thinking that there must be a very beautiful face behind the veil, and said, "I heard that the saintess of the Lotus Sect likes to cover her face with a light veil, and her face is so beautiful, it is rumored that she can be compared to the old oiran of the imperial capital."

"I'm a rough man, and I've never had sex with a beautiful woman on my couch."

"It is true that people have desires, but if you want to go further, you must know how to control your desires."

"A lot of things may happen on this way south. The girl is a good person. She came to get close to me. She probably couldn't help herself. Let's say goodbye to you and me. When we meet again, we can be regarded as old friends."

Qiu Yumei's eyes were blurred, and she whispered: "So you know all about it?"

Zhang Benchu ​​smiled and said: "You have no intention of harming me. I can feel your kindness. In fact, you can't help yourself. If you feel that the Lotus Sect is not good, you can go to the Lonely Moon Pavilion, a subordinate power of the Hengchang Sect."

I met a like-minded woman by chance, and spent the wind and rain together on the way, all of which were too perfect.

Although Zhang Benchu ​​didn't have a deep understanding of the northern sects, he still heard some rumors about some famous sects.

Qiu Yu sighed helplessly: "You are so kind, you are kind-hearted, and you have no woman's kindness."

Zhang Benchu ​​said: "There is another good place to go. After going to the imperial capital, you can enter Xingluo. Your aptitude is more than enough."

"The Lotus Sect uses you as a bargaining chip, it's not kind at all."

"You're a good girl and don't deserve a price tag."

Qiu Yu smiled knowingly: "Actually, this time, it's just to mess with your original intention. You really think too much about seduction."

Zhang Benchu ​​looked embarrassed, and touched his head, that's right, how could a generation of saints lower their posture for him.

It seems that I really think too much...

Qiu Yu said: "You will encounter all kinds of bad things in the future, will you kill someone?"

Zhang Benchu ​​pondered: "Maybe, maybe not, all you see along the way is scenery."

Qiu Yu's heart trembled, is this the general star's demeanor?

With a slight bow, he said truthfully, "Little girl Qiu Yu, I have met the general."

Zhang Benchu ​​didn't panic, maybe he panicked in his heart, at least he didn't panic on the surface, the scene in front of him will happen many times in the future, he said softly: "When we meet again, we are also old friends."


(End of this chapter)

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